The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, February 16, 1916, Image 1

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    r , - -
Vul6btb 8
- - tow, Qrbgon, FEBRUARY 16. 1916
Numbm 88
" J"
H .V..
Man Drowned Friday
In Willow Creek
High Water Causes Damage To
Willow Creek Ranches.
Peter Brady Drown'a in
J W illow Creek f
Last Friday, morning about 7:30
m. Peter Brady waa coming
across a small bridge across Wil
low creek on the W. A. Wilcox
ranch leading two horses and rid
; ing one when the. structure save
'.- away throwing two of the horses
and the rider into the water. One
'of the hones broke loose before
; the crash came and refused to go
further. Mr. Wilcox was wait
, ing his turn to go over but when
the accident occurred he at once
"madevery ' effort possible To
fc&ve the doomed man. He fell
. with the horse he was riding
and was seen to fasten his hands
r" into the horse's mane in an effort
to save himself. Only for a mo
. ment did he cling and he was
brushed away by the struggling
- animal. The last seen of him
alive was when he rase on the
crest of the swollen stream about
: 200 yards away. Word was sent
. to lone at once and an auto load
of men left the John Bryson gar
j age in charge of TJf B. Sperry,
' acting coroner. An extensive
search was made but no trace of
" the, roan could be found. The
search party returned to wait un
til the creek lowered, Saturday
morning about 9 o'clock John
Cochran, and Tom Grabil were
up on the Frank Aker's place;
andin the creek, just above the
house, Grabil saw the body of
drowned man. Acting . coroner
S perry was called at once and a
coroners jury empaneled aa fol-
Iowa; Bert Mason, W. A. Hayes,
" J. H. Bryson, Chas. Ritchie, Tom
. . Grabil, F. H. Robinson. These
men met and after due consider
ation gave a verdict of death by
accidental drowning in Willow
creek. The body was brought
to lone and kster in the day taken
a H..nnn tn knptal hV John
Bradv hmther of deceased. TheHlit"c 6T the water.
young man had barely passed his
majority and leaves a f ather and
-Wes. McNabb came up from
his ranch below town and repor
ted quite a bit of damage from
the high water.
Ben Judy came In Tuesday for
a few hours. He has been busy
since the high water. He said
that the creek was raising again
. Prof W. K. Davis while down
at Morgan Friday evening play
ing for the Bert Palmateer dance
at Whitcomb Hall, saw the dam
aged bridge and he sayi ft was
mnmm hole. The damage was
auite extensive bat was complet
ed for train service, Monday
morning. .
. Dick Turpi o was quite A busy
man the past week, his cellar
filled with water causing him to
do quite a bit ol pumping to keep
h low enooarh to enable hint to
keep ate. in his furnace.
' Now is the time to begin aell-
ing your eggs for hatching. An
ad In the Ion Journal will bring
yon result. Try it
, Last Wednesday evening W.
H. Cronk who- was assisting T.
B. Buffington to get his stock
out from the flooded ranch, rode
into a large stream of flood water
that downed his horse throwing
Bill into the icy water. They
Anally got thru with the stock
and brought them to lone. Bill
was an active worker both Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Linn and Griffith's dray wagon
was used to haul sacks to- the
dike Thursday evening when the
extreme high water came down.
Thru the efforts-of a large num
ber of the townsmen the water
was finally kept into the regular
creek channel thus saving lone
from a mass of filth and dirt
that would have been deposited
by the muddy waters.
Ed Bristow the ever resource
ful was around bright and early
Thursday morning after an all
night vigil of the high water sit
uation.. He seems to be the one
man that Is called upon to do
things when anything goes
wrongT " ' ' . ''"'
A casual examination shows
many pieces of ground that will
be somewhat shy of gopher! and
squirrels this spring. The heavy
snows and water having drown
ded out (heir nests.
Ye official Photographer "Little
Frank" was out this week gett
ing a few. views ol tne mgn
water, they wilt be on sale in a
few .days. s
The water from The Reitman
canyon came down thru lone and
for a time it looked like a real
live stream. The water cams
by the power house and onto
Main at cutting quite a twath
thro the street A large light
pole was brought down a abort
John Bryson waa one of the
first to get thru to the Wilcox
place with his auto. He took a
load of passengers Including
C B. Sperry acting coroner up
drowning of the sheep man who
was drowned Friday morning.
. Owing to the washing out of a
bridge pier bekw Morgan and
one bridge this side of Lexington
and one on the other side of
Lexington- the-train has been
stalled at Heppner, and lone and
way points have had no mail or
day. - '
service for several
Last week Mdhday the high
water washed away the foot
bridge and two flumes belonging
to J. H. Fcanklin also a bridge
on the Jack Hyad's place near
Cecil. , '
Wedneeday evening the creek
waa swollen to many times its
usual sixe with heavy murky
water. Quite a lot of damage
waa done' to adjacent property
near lone, following la a bat of
those who suffered from
damage Wilcox ranch, extensive
cutting from overflow., T. H.
Buffinaton ranch, extensive dam-
am from overflow water cutting
out fences and washing- out ex
tensive fill made about two
months ago at heavy expense.
S. H. Holgate lost a large portion
of. his roadway and. hie lane
fences were taken away. Frank
Akera Buffered quite extensively
the water running clear over the
upper end of his field cutting out
a large ditch, about 20 feet wide
by several hundred feet long
his bridge ner the residence was
damaged by wsshed out piers,
Ike Howards place was cut Into
qutte severely by the water and
some damage was done to the
concrete dam. Matt Halverson
came next with quite a loss from
caving banks, his foot bridge
waa taken away. The Frank Lun-
dells nleee waa damased some,
also the irrigation dam and ditch ftimes like the present strong,
of A. , E. Johnson and M. R. nhonest, kind, firm, courageous,
Morgan waa damaged by thebober, unselfish, clear-sighted,
water. 8ome work - was done 'brainy men, brought up among
filling sacks which were placed the common people in sympathy
on eitner wing ox en is aaro.
Frank Calkins was deluged with
water that overrun his place.
The Johnson bridge waa damaged
to some extent ' ''
L. K, Harlan was down from
Heppner Friday evening In his
Ford Car. He came aa far aa the
Wilcox, place and walked in with
several occupants of the car who
came with him. - .
J. P. Wagner representing the
Oregon ian was in lone, Friday,
He walked from Lexington on
account of no train service, he
left five travelers there, stalled.
He is a first class subscription
getter and has been with the
Oregon ian W year as airvtRiIdtf
man.' . ,
! " , 1 by- i
8. E. NOTSON, Supt
It is reported that some of the
eighth grade pupils over the state
think that they do not need to
give such ekwe study to history
and civil government since the
plan of the examination has been
changed. If they think it will be
easier to make the proper show
ing and neglect to do the work
properly, they will undoubedly
be disappointed in the results.
The really good student is thef
one who will obtain the best
standings. - , -,
The fair board will aeon out
line a plan for judging teams
from the different high schools
of the country. Esch high school
may have a team in stock jodg-'
ing, one in judging grains and
, r , .. 1 j
ing the work In domestic art and
domestic science. 8o boys and
girls of the high schools, begin
to get ready to Join a judging
team from your school. The
prizes will be awarded to the
team, not to individual members
of the team. They will be some
thing which will be Of benefit to
the school.
The editor of this paper knowi
where you can save three
hundred dollars (1300.00) on
the price of a handsome Player
Piano, slightly used.' r:
This glorious sunshine makes the
old etotfaea look dinay.-Better
have Davis touch them up and
put new Unas fas them.
Six newmembera were added
to the CongregatkmaJ Church by
letter last Sunday, and the service
both aaornhtg and eve-nine; were
! weii attended. Rev. Jones filled
the pulpit for the two drarebes m
MrvpStarkey's absence both
: pastors being unable to fill their
regular appointments, rn the
morning the' pastor spoke on
"What constitutes a true church"
basing his sermon on 2 Tim. 2:19
The foundation of God stands
firm having this seal; The Lord
Knoweth them that are his, and
let them that name the name of
the Lord depart from iniquity.
The true church is the church
where mind and hearts are ruled
and guided by the Spirit of Christ
land so made fit for the Master's
use. These are the ones tnac
(God can depend on to do His
work: since they do not try to do
'the imposaable 1, e, serve God,
rand go the way of the world at
fithe same, time. At the evening
toervice, Rev. Jones, spoke on the
.reed of men' like Lincoln for
ywitn ine greet. iueai uim win
make our nation great Lincoln
tvas a true patriot in that while
he hated wafhe became a great
the defence of the
union formed by
Washington and his compatriots.
He waa a true prophet in that he
foresaw a reunited country, and
forked not only for the freedom
of the black race but also for the
freedom of the
whole country
from liouor traffic He aaid "in I
1842 I predictwt-that under the
Influence of God's Spirit the time
would come when there would be
neither a slave nor a drunkard
in the land. I have lived to see.
thank God, one of these propheci-
unfulfilled. I hope to see the
1$lhsfmHid' He iiaov"Un-1
bounded faith in the people, in
u t
all the people, And also included
in an ideal democracy woman's
voice and vote. If ho lived to
day be would be for an army and
a navy to help meet the real
needs, but not for the piling np
of armaments for the profit of
the few and miseey of millions
aa Europe has been doing
many years, and is now
the terrible reward. '
. " '
Next Sunday the pastor will w" well received by the auoien
(111 his regular appointment at ce. The morning sermon was a
the Congregational Church both 'Pdafr mortem examination of a
morning and evening. . j"Deed Christ" to find out the
. causa of the church's death.
The Yoemen Lodge met in the Next Sunday aervicea will be
Walker hall oyer Bender's store held as usual. The topic of the
and about 80 were present at the
huainaa. aaMian. Refreshments
war served to those present by
the refreshment committee, The
plans of the Minstrel Show com'
mitts were discussed and the
date of the ahow set for Friday
evening, February 26th. The
lehow will be held in the Walker
Hall where, the stage facilitiea
are better.
Clarence Reynolds preached to
a crowded house at the Williams
schoolhouse . last Sunday after
noon, and at lone in the evening,
. JohnHarbke of Portland ar
rived Tuesday evening on a bus!
Mr. and Mrs. French Burrou
ghs were in from the ranch Tues-
t day doing a little ahopping.
Mrs. Allyn who Uvea a little
way above town was down Tues
day getting a few things
Frank Engelman left Wednes
day morning on too train for a
short business trip. -
Last Friday evening the young
people of the Christian Endeavor
met and held a valentine eoeiaJ
la the Buffington building. Quite
a number were piesent and all
bad a jolly exwd ttma.
New Well On Morgan
Hill Ranch
Many Country People Come In
For Ranch Supplies
Last Saturday Main "Moore in
charge of one of the Nichoson
& Buffington Well drills working
on the M. R. Morgan wheat ran
ch, struck a good Aow of water
at a depth of 356 feet Constant
pumping for an hour failed to
diminish the supply and aa it
fooks now Mr. Morgan will have
a dandy well. . This is but one of
the many successful jobs that
has been finished by this com
pany. Their machines are tn the
nands of capable men who as a
rule own an interest in the work
This Is one of the best plans
poasable for the successful drill
ing of deep water wells. .
Mrs. Johnson of Twin Falls,
Id aha is expected here In a few
Idaye to visit with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, John Land.
Frank Wilson was in this week
from the ranch to transact bus
iness with the local merchanta.
He says the snow is going away
slowly but is doing the -ranchers
lots of good. He has in over 1000
aciesiiid may plant more; for fee
til.' i u- ill -,...- t 1
thinks this will prove to be
exceptional good year.
A large audience, enjoyed hear
imrthe -children chorus sing
at the Christian Church last Sun
day night, especially the number
"ChildrensHosanna," accompan
ied by Mrs. Mason on her violin.
The pastor's sermon On "Jesus
the Christ" a presentation of
the diety and humanity of Christ
, morning sermon wm oe . i ne
I Open Door. Another great ser-
vice will be held in the evening,
the sermon topic being "What Is
Man!". You can't afford to miss
these sermons
nesof the Christian Religion.
Coyote . Cause Of Much
Excitement Near lone
Ike Howard shot a coyote this
week that acted very peculiar,
he shipped the head to Portland
to the proper authorities for ex
amination for rabies. He said
the animal was all wet where It
had crossed the creek. Tha ani
mal waa first seen on the Hol
gate place near the slaughter
house. Some man aaw the ani
mal coming for him and he ran
aa fast aa he could and finally
reached a nearby wagon and at
once Jclfmbed in. The coyote
crossed the stream near Ike How
ard'i place and waa seen at once
by Mr Howard who ran Into the
house and got bis gun. Coming
out hurriedly he ran to a nearby
woodpile looking for the coyote.
He saw him just going around
the pile and in his haste to get
a good sight rushed forward and
stain bled over an obstruction and
fell sending a trusty bullet Into
the er-r woodpile. Rising im-
' mediately he kept right on and
was more successful with bis
next shot This is the first eaae
this year. i
Dan Doherty waa in this week '
from the Howard Place,
Lax McMurray came in Mon
day from the ranch to do a little
shopping, . '
H. 0. Dennis came in this week
to do a little shopping.
"Jos. Knappenberg left Monday
afternoon on the train for Heppner.-'
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Craw
ford left Monday evening -on the
train for Heppner. . , -
Jack Hynds passed thru lone
Monday evening on his way to
Heppner on business.
Turry Peterson. Leonard Carl
son, and Emel Lundel left on the
train Tuesday evening for Hsp
ner to attend the K. of P. lodge
f ? 'Tvt-t-J .T xiZ
Qbwi iisiauu vi wuinwii
in Saturday
doing a little
S. E. Notson was an lone visi-
tor today.
John Calkina waa in lone Wed
nesday from the ranch.
Hale A Hale have taken over
the Star Theatre In the Walker
Rink and will give good film
shows there every few days.
They gave a ahow Tuesday even
ing and a dance afterwarda.
John Olden came In on the
train Tuesday morning.
E. H. Turner was down from
the ranch this week, he says the
anow is still going slowly out his
Tha Sun la again with us and
It begina to look like print
weather. - The weather propheU
; oreaicc mors mow miu vm
weather however for once wa
hope ha Is mistaken. ,
Dr. Chick has been" troubled
with a severs cold since his ret
urn from Portland. " -
The dance given by Brick
Cochow and Roy Cochran last
Fridsy evening waa wall attended
by quite a number of the young
people. .
Dr. and Mrs. Chick were Hep-
ner visitors today.
Prof L. A. Doak was out Satur
day morning cleaning out hia
cnicken houses and barn. He la
planning to have quite a lot of
young chickens this year.
We aaw Dr. Chick's ear out
again after its sojourn in the
garage for the peat few weeks.
.The Mioses Mableand Rattle,
Mason were in from the Maaon
ranee last Saturday. .
Mr and Mrs French Buiroughe
were m from the ranch Saturday ,
on a ahopping tour.
.... . .. . 'j
1 t