The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, January 26, 1916, Image 3

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Some people do not believe I can quote prices on
large orders or small but use your curiosity and
. , , ; : ......
The Egg City Cash Store
Joe Mason,' Prop.
You vc
To Earn
it isnl a question alone of whether yoa
want a better salary it'i a hard condition
of life that you must face to protect your
self and those dependent upon you.
You can't tand still if you dont want
to go backward, you must 'go forward
that is, you've got to torn mart. ' - . ' .
Earning more means holding a better -position
independence1, happiness, and a
chance to provide for the future.
Thousands upon thousands who onos held low,
poorly paid positions now earn high salaries as a
result of letting the Ihtbrnatiomai. Cokkksfond-
bmcb Schools show them how to accomplish the
change.. During last year about 4,000 students vol
untarily reported increases in salary amounting to
over two million dollars! Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily
s report to us advancement in position and earnings. Why not make
TOUR start this month
Simply mark on the coupon
the position you wish to secure,'
then tear out and mail the coupon
to the International Correspond
ence Schools. This puss you
under no obligation whatever but
allows our experts to adapt, a
Course tovyour individual needs
and circumstances. .'-.. -
f st'te far sewe swwisssyw-
Tift. C.S. waVAeesyew.
WW ymm tmkm ate tmdmyf
H. A. Meek,
202 McKay Bldg.
. Cbojcb lot or pbunb tbbbs t to- 6'
.and 9 to 8 feat, 1 year old, full line of
nnrsery stock'- at reduced prices
- Catalogue and price list op re
quest. Wirt Nursery; Boots "1.
Portland, Or. 7-8
Ddroo bargains Weened pigs, re
gistered 97.60 boar and two sow
pigs, $18; bred gilts, $16 US S20.
Defender, Crimson Wonder Strains.
Sbadeland Farms, Amity, Or. S7-M
Fowl MLsvHy seven year old per
eheon mar Henri tta, State Fair
vhamploa and dans of flvs Stats
' prise winners. Also- my six year
; old black stallion, "Dandy," State
fair prise winner and sire of prise
winners. Fred W-. Spines, IX miles
. west of Lebanon, Ore 1 3D-3B
Mabbv -we iiavw a ktrt number
wealthy nverabrre. Tbls clabks one
- of the oldest and most earaeeaint:
etrtctly confidential, partkalars
free. The Reliable Clnb, Mrs Wra
ck. Box , Oakland, CtX ' U-X
ral Bonte and TelepboBe ltoe, Fer
tUrrtver bottom land. Center of
amgarbeet growing district. Fnct
ory seeured. WIU k BBbdlvhls
Oeo. A. Bardeo, OranU Pass,
Ore. - '
Pon BALBwEetAblbibed seed and 1m-
pteiaeot Store in Eugene, Cregoa.
About three thousand dollars
-will take bow. Good reason for
setllnsT. Address owner Box m
- Kugeoe, Cegoeto.
Start factory making- candles, cbew
" lug gnaas. ilai orMrndf,
elder eta. Sella last. Nearly All
prodt. l eotiree. lt etrcniar
free. Bob MB Lebaaoo. Ore.
ClaMiQed Bdvertisinff in the lone
Journal always bringi reBulta.
If you bT aomethinc thai the
people want gdrertin it 'and
- joawiU fwt maltB.
lone, Oregon
ssfcrmafltwl CirttiswHtitt ftststt
J ' Box MS, Scrsptoe Pa.
Maaaa apUl, wlifcoat f arthat obi I
that BbllgaMas Har.
ka pel! Fob, m, aw a
i ataik.d X. Z
a put, an I cu qudiij loi ti
J pHfaa.lea, balota which I kan
EUclrlcal Wlranaa
Macfcialcal Kaiitaa
TvLapaoM Cpart
SMaaar IniJnaar
Taitlla - r - ll
Wtntom TriaralB-
CoaiMraii inuitna.
lad u atrial Daalnlas
AilSIIi lb : I Dr. fax
utii ufiarar
MtlldlBI I
ConcraM CbbbOTH's
Flu nMai, Staaai BT s
Mlna ru
MHaa Say S .
tuiuaa J .ar
In Ha
.aw.. ... .
Route Mgr.
Portland Oregon
. e Qsnial.
1 Life lc made Bp not of greet sacrl
floes or duties, bnt Of little things In
wblcb smiles and kindnesses and small
obligations, civea babltuaUy, are what
win and preserve the heart and secure
comfortwSJr Humphry Davy.
i ' ' Upset telemen.
Case and Comment says thst a Oeor-'
sis magtstrste was perplexed by the
ennaletlug claims o two negro wom
en for s baby, eacb contending that she
was tbs motber of It. The Judge re
membered Sotoutoo, and.- barlnt s
oonrt attendaot psonuw s bowls knife.
1 declared that he would give half to
eacn. The women were shocked, but
bad no dootrt ef tbs antssrtty and
purpose of the Judgs to make the pro
posed compromise. "Don't do that
boost tbey botb scree med la mlnosO
-Yob can keep It yourself
One Answer Tee Msajk, .
A coal dealer saked some lew stu
dents tf tbey coo Id guess what legal
authority was the fsrortte of bis trade.
One answered -Coke" "Right Z said
the coal dealer. Another suggested
uBmtrBtoam.m Goed- tear enld tbe
qnesUoner. Then another said "Llrtle
t ob" and the cost dealer was annoyed,
A Mather's tlaw.
I'rM. aald Cbsrles IMckeae, S eoe
f tbe seven desdlr sins, tmt It eannet
be tbe pride of SMtber la ber cflU
drea. for that Is a euBinotind of twe
rardlnal rtnees-relib and bops.
There Is bo better bulls for keeping
the mind steady on Kb keel end as ring
K from all rwk ef cranksiess thaa
- glisskstb IJry.
BHasbeth Fry's great work foriweaoB
reform was all done after ber marriage.
It was la IblS that she paid ber Bret
and BMSaoraMe visit to Newgate Brtaoa
sad la 181T fermed tbe Aseorisrloa
ret tbe iBHWurssstat ef Feasale Pris
oners m Newgate. wbJHi attracted eaei
widespread Inters. Her efforts were
not evnaeed to OresT Britain, ssaay
ber mbemLendoa Hsu.
sBsWivJsaVssV wrWwf C's'ws
Of deeieaclr sal ass Is sbevprosse tret
at ross tebtters. Mtwep bsve lived fer
weeks swrted M saew. Wbes Mm great
'blbaard ef Harrk, tWl. swept leves
fair sheep were owg est elive fresi
get issi is iibs drifts tweBty-fvwr days
kiter. Oos ead tegs take lasastUvs
L Notice for Publication
Department of tbe Interior, O. B.
JUna Ofles at Tbe Dalles, OregonJ
December 7th 1911. .
Notice Is hereby given that Halllck
Stanga, of lone, Oregon, whu on
December 8th 1W1. made Homestead
Entry. No. 09737, for W N W E
Section 7, Township 1-Sonth, Range
SO East, Willamette Meridan, has
filed notice-of Intention to make
Final three year Proof,, to establleb
claim to the land above described,
before C a Patterson, V. B. Com
mlssloHer, at Heppner Oregon, on tbe
21th dajr 6Janunrr H. Claimant
names as witnesses: Bamael Dennis,
Henry Deunls, John-' Johnson and
D. H. Gabrtl, all of lotte, Orvaroa.
H. Frank Woodcock,
iJU -- Kegtster
A Case Where the Otstuto sf Uaarta
. tieno Wss Net Ce-MWered.
A welt linos it Kansas banker
some years ago told a story a boat
the statute o'f limitations. There is
a simile in it, plus some good phi
losophy. . , . .
On day a old southerner walk
ed into this banker's office. Tbe
southerner was a typical gentleman
of tbe old school, suave, courteous
to the point of punctiliousness and
honorable to A degree of martyr
dom. "What can I do for joaT asked
the bunker.
"Well," replied the southerner,
"about thirty-Ate years ago 1 loan
ed g man dbwn tooth some money
uot a very big sum. J told him
that whenever I should need it 1
would let him know and he could
pay me the money. 1 need some
money now, so I shall let him know,
and 1 would like to have yon trans
act the business for me.--
"My good friend." replied the'
banker, "yon hate no claim on that
money. Von can't bold that man
to that loan. You say It has been
thirty-five years since yon loaned it
to bimf The statute) of limitations
has run against that loan jean and
years sgo."
"Sir, replied- the southerner,
the man to whom I loaned that
money if a gentleman.' The statute
of limitations never runs against a
So the banker sent for the
money, and within nasonable
time thereafter the money came.
There was a courtly gentleman a!
the other end of the transaction
also. Kan ssi City Journal.
' Origin af NuiawMSV
It lp not generally known that
the word "humbug," long so much
in rogue, Is of Scottish origin. There
was in omen urns a race canea
Bogiio or Boeg of that ilk in Ber
wickshire. A daughter of the family
married A sop of Hume. In proces-
of time, by default -of male issue,
the Bogue euate devolved on one
Oeordie Home of the- Borne, at
rather "Hum o' the Bug." ' He wo
ipcliood to the marvelous and had
a vast inclination to exalt himself,
his wife, family, brother and all hi
ancestors on botb sides. His tales,
however, did not pass current, and
at last, when any one made an ex
traordinary statement in I he Near
as, the bearer would shrng np his
shoulders and style it just a hum
o the bug." . This was shortened
into humbug, and the word soon
spread over the whole kingdom.-
Philadelphia foquiror;
A Kattlesrialia tuBScstatea.
Tbs black inhabitants of Veaexn-
ela are. like all other dsrk races,
very superstitious. And as regards
the rattlesnake they bare a curious
belief. They affirm that if a rattle
snake 1a captured and tbe bones in
its tail which form the rattle are re
moved tbe snake will never rest un
til it has sought out the man that
eommitted the theft and exacted
vengeance for the robbery. Tlier
cite instances of men who bsve tak
en the rattles and gone far journey
only to be followed by the infuriat
ed snake and killed. Whether there
is any truth in this is a matter of
conjecture. If half the tales that
are told have any truth in them it
would seem snperflneaa to gainsay
the superstition.
It was a New York schoolteacher
who received this message from a
BMther who was advised to punish
her wayward son, "Yon lick him,
teacher- I ain't mad at him."
it was pteveland teacher who
wrote to the mother of a mieebief-
Bsaking the boy behava. This, was
the aosBfor she received: -
If vow ain't able to seat rot yoar
school without aatistsnra, yon bet
ter git sBOther job. P. & ami
bis mother--!' hi stspsMther."
CWvelsn Ptaia Desler.
Tkrtae t Its own vaeaed, fer wbh
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Have you aver met a man who
has preferred to mak hit living
by questionable methods? Does
he ever fail to impress upon his
listeners that the world is his oy
ster and he is the one that is go
ing to nave it regardless of the
rights of others. Watch such a
man and in nearly every case he
will be seen taking advantage of
everybody he comes in contact
with. He goes along this way
for years until It really becomes
the main idea with him that his
questionable methods and disre
gard of the laws of the land are
special privileges that belong to
him and his. His neighbors and
others may criticise him In secret
for years and yet meet him with
a emile and a hearty handclasp
for well they know the trouble
they would be caused if they in
one unguarded moment dared to
way a word in protest against the
unlawful acts of this business
paragoni -Some day his fellow
citizens get together and organ
ize to compel their conceited .and
'divine right' brother to obey the
law or make room for some one
else who will not take advantage
of every crook and turn to make
a farce of the laws' that are laid-J
down for the guidance of hon
est people.. Then what a how
goes .up to high heaven, from
this Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.
The people find out for the first
time what a 'lilly white' member
of society this, erring brother is.
Is grief stricken tones he tells of
all the good things he has done,
fer his town. He recites in lott
of detail about the various sum
he has given to the church, and
to wind the doleful chorous h
always rings in his family, if he
has one, and tells how these d
reformers are preventing him
from making a living for them.
It is always ridiculous to listen to
such a man who perhaps should
be pitied. But on the other hand
why should he be favored? Is he
any better than the rest of man
kind. Are laws to be obeyed bj
$ but him and his kind? These
men can be found in many townr
rand their presence causes lots of
trouble for the- real honest man
who wants to do right ,
His Idea ef the Beet Seas.
'The Flemish peasant, -writes s ror
respondent, has no more aversion b
Water than tbe EnitHsb peasant I
happen to know s good Seal about butli
of them. There Is. naturally, a klnabl
between tbe Flemish and Dutch aol
Dutch are universally retarded a
among the moat cleaqly of peoples, si
any fate wbere domestic affairs an'
ooncerned. .Tbe amount of serabbtnn
and noose washing that goes no la ibt
villages of Flanders and tbe rent ot
Belgium woe Id be regarded as silly b
Kncllsb villagers, and, from im
health point of view, those who literal
)y earn tbetr brand by tbs sweat el
their brows don't seed so much of
tba batbtob as, tuoss who cons Ids
tbsskselves more respectable, as s
Dorset laborer once remarked to me.
T bast soap, sseaster, be swsatr-
Loadoa Spectator.
' When the KIM Was SJsrrat).
At one rime the kilt was forbidden
It Interesting to recall the words ef
tbs ofltb that was edarialsersd st Fen
William and eawwhare Is tbe High
lends m 1747-b: f, , do swear, a
shall answer to Ood st tbs groat day
f JedgBMnt. that I bsve But. Bor abal:
bare, la aiy possisslusj any gas, sword
Dtetol r say arm whatsoever, a do
that I never ua lartsa, plaid or so
ps rt of the Highland garb, and If I do
ss star I be cursed la mr ondertsk
his, fsmtlr sad Brcniertr-Biar I aev
er see mr wife a ad ebiurea. miner.
other er rsfaHoBs-nsaj I be killed is
battle ae a reward and He wuboat
Christian burial ka a at range lend, fsi
frees tbs graves of mf forefathers sad
kindred; ss aH this eoate seroaa ear
l( I break wtf osth, "-London cbron
tele. . . . : r-.
. - vtwts ea Carving.
Tbs expert carver should i-buoso a
chafer ertuch brings the arms Just s few
laches above tbe meat to be carved
sad Baths tbe Btoteoients ess sad
BBtBral. tbs platter sbuold bs lent
enough to bold tbe retire Mrd er
joint, pieced Bear eogb to tbe carver
t bring tbe ertrier ef tbe knife btadt
ever tbe fowl when the carver's arum
are an ended and stbfbtl bent st the
elbows. Tbe carving SOlfS sboBW Saw
a BBtferm edge ssoaeratelf sharp Bad
sngbtly .roagb er ragged- The raw
edge Is better for catling most tbaa a
sBseota edaw.-WashinctoB Bur.
A SiBBlaa pilars ' "
AtwttUdse. has been si rated at a Paris
ptet Why asM-shl be see s
.? War Bot bwri bio aaaae at
sad let It exptoasT
In Wool Shirts;' Sweaters, Ladies and
Mens underwear, Children underwear,
Heating Stoves and many other lines of
seasonable goods which 1 do not want
left on , the - shelves. Call and look
over these goods and you will find them
priced at CLEAR-UP prices.
Piatfy Equipped to Bmndh
, ' AutomoMi
THe lone Garage
. , ABrY, BRYSON, Proprktor :
Filtbmmi OmmoHm Stmttoa
5l. Vf
It. B. Haines. Prop.
All kinds of llgbt and beavj hauling done at very reasonaoH) arisss
Independent Dray Line
' "r -. . , Griffith & Linn. Proprietors
Ton are at the forks of tba road. The gnldepost names
one "Economy" and tbe otlvr "Extravagance." Which road
are von going to taker Beoaomv leads to auccsss. Extravsv
gaoos leada to (allnre.
Are von going to take the road to Success aad rraspsrltyt
The first milestone Is a bank acconnt It acts as a check against
extravagance. Tbe safe, sane way tor a nan to live Is to work
hard sod and alwaya save a pnrt of what he earns, and bank
that part. Nothing ean stop that sort of a man oa bat road to
Socceea. Are job that kind? !oa't pnt OB starting corns In
today aad open an account. We will help job over tbe rough
All Kinds ofFresh and Cured Mets
Fat; Stock Wanted at all times
S. H.
Main St.
. B. arta Fro.
High Clj? Uorieg Hcimn0
TU Wmtkt Jtia
Yearly subscriptions for the
Journal are ft 60. How about
H Rtpmir Agtata For Ltmdiag
Acee9soran - -
Umim Street, foae, Ormgom
v "Weal Main Street
lone, Oregon
ieew. On,
Do 70TJ want prompt attention
paid to your printing wants T
Come to ths Journal.
br snisl and tbtrB
- -