The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, January 26, 1916, Image 1

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IVtrri ed Team Wins
t Hcpjincr Loses a
; -In whJi might be called the
"test basket ball game of . the
aeaaoti was played last Saturday
evenhipr in the rink. It was a
. rip roaring preliminary in which
the married men and singlemen
' took part Th tingle men go
. ing down to defeat 13 11. The
- game was some; comedy for the
spectators aad neither side being
more than wo points ahead of
: the others a time. ; All rules
' Were disregarded- m this game.
. -Re'eree Blake cairmg. a foul on
. each sid to even - things. 12
- minute halvei were played in this
game; Frank Hopkins was the
; originator of he single men's
team while Prof; Doak roundedj
up the married inen, Thelinenpj
is as .follows: Married men:'
3ertMasoD. Clarence Reynolds,
. Robert Sperry, Lyte Brownr and (
. Oifford Perrv Single men;
t rank HopkiK Gust Cason,
Arch. Cochxan, Everett Zinp,
and Ed Paddoa. ,t is vumpred
- that game between the fat men
of lone and the alto fe)lar here
ia to gulled off soon; xl -
ball team , met their anefenr!
nemy tne neppner mgn acawi
basket balSteak on the local
" , oor fiere last Saturday evening
mod gave tbem the worst drubb-
time. When time was fin ails,
called in the last half it was
-found that lone had- 49 punts'
while Heppnert total was 19.
lone secured the first basket and
were never headed by the Hepp
ner b6. having the. ball the
most of the time. ; The score
would have been much larger if
the lone boys were more efficient
in throwing baskets time after
time they missed easy chances,
but we suppose they thought t
wasn't necessary to secure these
that they missed. The Heppner
boys threw a better percentage
f baskets forth chances they
had than did lone. With the ex
ception of one little disagrement
between an Ions and Heppner
, man the vame was a good clean
one, the kind spectators iike to
' see. Lee Howell of lone did
- little staring for lone throwing
7 baskets, Earl Blake and Chas.
Pennington were next Earl Blake
throwing 7 beak eta and Chas.
Pennington secured 8. A fair
sited crowd witnessed' the game
and from the rooting' that they
. . doM showed that much.. Interest
was taken in this game, the
, Heppner team came down in riga
and returned the same evening.
It is not yet understood where
the next gam between these
two rivals will be played. This
makes a game spiees and It Is
9 a safe bet that the next game
S wiH be a geter." The lone
- lade will journey to tioro and
Ones Valley next JVWay and
Saturday to v play a sauna with
each on of these teams And it
is hoped" the Oh aria .bring
back two more scalps to their
credit Ito far thia year our boy
hav mad a good shewing, whv
hing tost of 4 osunea- ptaywx.
Those who played is tb g
her last Saturday and the sxxnte
aeored far each are: loo Mori
Blafc4. Lao Bowott 14. Chaa.
Pennington 12, Earl Blake 13
and Elmer Cochran 9. Heppner:
Huge 2, Peterson, Wright,
Smith 9, Hayes 4 and En gram 4,
The new pool and billard tables
arrived Monday for Hal an Mc-
Curdy's new pool hall on Main
Street, Repairs are well under
way. Larry Londergan is work
ing on the job together with Mr.
Swanson. . .- . .
Anyone wishing to purchase
N. P. R. R. land will find appli
cation blanks on hand at Judge
Robinson's office. This land
ranges faom $L50 an acre up to
$10. . . . -
.I, . ,
Rev. E, T. Starkey and wife
came in on -the train Monday
.evening from Grass Valley after
a period of waiting. They wefe
delayed on account of snow ,an J
could not get here. Saturday
evening. A Telegram to S, E.
Moore announced their predica
ment. . .
' Nettie and Mable Mason were
tn Tuesday en a Jktle- shopping
trip.-1" ' v
ere wuT
dance at Petersons
mile on Friday
February ith
Everyone invited to attend. : ...
- Bert Swift and wife of Haro
man were visiting at the. home
of Tury Petersen Of EightmU
the past week.
The dance held at Petersons
halt last Friday evening was
succere. The crowd was fairly
large considering the; weather
and roada.
- Harlan 'Swift and Margaret
Sperry took in the dance at the
Peterson place last Friday even
ing and visited with her sister
Mrs. Clyde Swift.
Leonard Carlson was down
from the ranch last Tuesday and
staved over night at the lone
Hotel. -- -
The Yoemea Masquerade Ball
given by the lone Homestead st
Walkers Rink last Friday even
ing was a grand success from all
standpoint. Quite number at
tended from out side and the
costumes were varied and show
ed eareful thought on the part
of those participating. Dick
Sperry and Dells Davidson drew
the prize for the best sustained
characters. They represented
Indians and their perta were
welt acted and carried out The
music was very good and the. re
freshments forniahed by the
member wa disposed of nd
everyone had ft grand old ttsas.
Frank Cronso was down to
Ceri) Sunday doing a little bunt
ing of the elusive rabbit ' He
found very few there after the
expert weeding out that ha been
given the bennies neat three
Piof. L. A. Doak was working
at DlckTurpins barbershop last
SeAurday helping Dick oat V
MraadMra. Glen BaB w
Tiissdsj' from th ranch
doingaBtUeshnfsaea '
Week End Meeting At thJ
Rantlat Churcn
We failed to arrive for out!
regular services last Sunday .on
account of the train on the . Cos
lombia Southern Branch being
snowbound. We will make up,
lost time in a week end meeting
beginning with a workers meet
ing instead of a union prayer
meeting Wednesday night Sub
ject "Fishers of Men." Thurst
day evening the subject wilt b4
"What the Bible Says About
Sin" Don't draw on your irof
mation for s definition of sro
hear what the Bible says abouj
it We expect Rev. G. T. Bail
ley who is so well and favorably
known here in lone to be with mi
Friday to assist in the meeting
over Sunday. Rev. C. H. Mo
Kee of McMinnville, specialist
in boys and girls work is her
and will conduct meetings for
them immediately after school
beginning Wednesday afternoon
at the Church. The meetings wiljl
be short so as not to keep there.
late. Remember
nirht BT.1 niht until Snn
day morning and evening, Mrap
Starkey is. here and will assist i
the music. Ton sre Invited.
E. T. Starkey
W. F, Burger who ha been
at Pendleton arrived home Sat
day afternoon with his mothei
Billy is looking very well aft
his trvinar snell in the boepit
Pete Linn, Elmer Griffin
Mr. Gray the station agent Wei
out hunting Sunday near Shut!
'. ttnhaHf HnnkiruL-: Joe Konnert
ann Paul poberay were ons htruM
ing but Friday. ..Tafetiief event
of the dar a-aettte dinner cooked
by -the boj."l The main , diet
being a bunaie which was cook
ed on the end of sticks. They
all report a good time.
Mrs. Ethel Porter and to
children of Portland are visitidg
at the bom of 6. E. Franks f
Ione.-.'r - - -. ,3-
A. B. otrait wa in Honoay ,
from the ranch. H was accoa .
panied by hi brother who ar-'
rived Sunday from the Valley, t.' .
Last Saturday ye editor
a short trip out in the country
the ranch of A. H. Nelson Fto
shoot rabbit with Mr. Morgan
and party. The trip was made
by team thro the snow drifts and
over 100 rabbits were shot fbe
trip was enjoyed by all. j.
Nearly all of the married (sen
who played in the basket hall
gams Saturday evening exe
limping around these days. ,; It
Doe 'em good to get loosened
up. . .
Harlan McCurdv was down to
Portland the past- week looking
up supplies for his pool room
which he . expects to open up
on. Ho reports that busies
condition in Portland are very
much the same as here. It -was
mining ift Portland when he-was
thsra, " ! ' :
Joe Mason notifies us that no
bmU wiU be received at the lone
PestoAce after 9:26 and mailing
letters at the train is lso dis
continued. -
Charlie Sowot
Wednesday tveniog
from )
' frank Engtemso was a Hepp
ner varitor last Wednesday even
ing, returning homo Tuesday
norningv . . :'i3
The Well Entertainors
The . Well Entertainors arey
masters In their profession says
Prof. Doak. : Lets take him at
his word and go Friday night
at the Congregational Church
and sea. . -
Do you know Mr. farmer that
the year of 1916 is going to bring
you more of a golden harvest of
grain than you have seen for
years. Your pockets will be lin
ed with gold... Your profits 'Will
be immense. How do I know?
I can't tell you, but I feel that
what t have said is true and you
in your heart will agree with.
rot, lone and Morrow uountr-
will see more wealth this coming
year than they have seen for
years. New buildings will be
built and our merchants will baf
able to dose their year without
carrying any of their patrons
for another year. This is going
Jto be the banner year, over three
times the amount of ground will
be bearinsr this vear than last
Th mniittiirA nrahlem U junrad :
for the coming year and the
price of wheat
your labors satisfying to you.
There is onlv two thin w for vou
to do and that is work like you
were trvine to save vour life and
keep up your
courage and you
will win. .
Phoebe Ann Dean passed away , members and the meetings end
at the family residence at Wn son. Cooperation
t th rine M of 7 vt..' has been established between the
Ifl month mnd IK diva. ni
severe stomach ,
j pw .
Was the wif of Hazel Bean- one
of Ione's . prominent citizens.
Besides her husband she leaves a
family of seven . children to
mourn her lose. Funeral aer
vices were held at the Baptist
Church fjgd interment was at the
fam metery st the ranch.
Shfc been in poor health for
.1 "'S'A
some time. Her history is as
folf4; Born in Sheridan Co.
Misaouri, March 8th 1842. Was
msVrisd to Wallace Butner.
Three, children were born to
them one of whom is still living.
ner nusnana aiea Augusi nui
1866 during the Civil War. Shf
wa4ater married to Hazel Dean
at 8heridan Missouri. Seven
childrenn were the result of this
onion. Six of whom now are
inecnuaren are: aira.
Alice B. Sanders, . Pittsburg,
Kansas, Mr. 8ousi Van Orsdsll
Pendleton, Ore... Mr.-. Nancv
Matthews, Pendleton Ore., Thos.
J. Dean, Morgan, Ore., Mrs.
Belle Engleman, lone, Ore., Mrs.
Florence Mackey, Olympia,
Wash., and David Dean of Cas
tle Wood. South Dakota. Mrs.
Dean crossed the plains with her
husband and children and settled
on a homestead in Gilliam Coun
ty Ore., fn 1882. This was their
horn until Ave years ago when
they moved to lone to reside in study will soon be taken up un
town. Grandma Dean a she 1 der the auspice of Prof. Perry.
wa called by all who knew her,
wss converted at the age of 18
and joined the Baptist Church
and lived a Christian life. She
wss a faithful wife and loving
mother and leave her husband
and children and a host of friends '
to mourn her taking away. The,
Journal extends the
hand of sympathy to the bereav
ed members of the family.
Clarence Reynold, Prof W.
K. Davfa, Margaret one '"and
Maria Caaon gang the funeral
election accompanied by Mearl
Cason at the organ, -j.. a
Notice Hay lor ad ip this sou.
He soliets your
business to, hi
Go To
Leonard Carlson sold his 1915
crop of wheat Tuesday to Chas.
Sperry for $1.04. This is one of ,
th MMvmt nriiM ai f ha mmmi . I
tl. -1 L. I, I a
chickens for F. S, Bender & Ca
Prof. L. J. Allen, assistant
state leader in industrial club
work of the extension depart
ment of 0. A. C. spent one day
in lone last week placing his
work before the students of the
lone School He is especially in
terested in Dig dub and is or
ganising them in conjunction
with the corn clubs. The Indus-
tnai Uepartment S Object IS 10
interest the pupils in industrial
will be ' highiwolic Dv meanaoi ciuos.- wmie
tT u thenrime motive Is industrial
lwork Btock
' Judging clubs for the boys, and
Itanning, baking and sewing
Cuba 'or thfl ffirls. The school
ings literary and social. Debates
(essays and ta'ks are given by the
A. C. and the U. S. Depart-"
ment ot Agriculture aiso totc
n u-pun -tit Ammai- riusoanp"
era parents and student are aei
ed to help in this work. - - .
h. .
New books to the amount of
$300 have recently been 'order
ed for the High School Library.'
A nine volume set of "Rid paths'
History of the World" has been
received and a 24 volume set of
"The New International Ency
lopedia" has been ordered. Mi
volumes of which have been re
ceived the rest of the volumes
are not off the press. Aside
from these. 170 reference books
have Knd two mr(fe
j- ;n
. mm
WWII UT vk ut mwniiiu vu
mor of such steps are made
ward its improvement .
Public speaking has been taken
up in the school and 10 of the
students are enrolled in the class
so far. It fs hoped that the elasB
will turn out some excellent
speakers who shall In the near
future bring great honor to our
school. '
Th Animal Husbandry books
have been received and the
The das of '17 are seldom
heard of but they are still alive
and alert Facta non verbs et
finis eoronat opia.
. '
flttod "
cumpieiinK , inv wwi
sisnos in in center oi ue wo-
les. While some hv started
in working on piece of furniture
land other work, , :
A nam bet of pupils were kept
out of school by the cold weather
th past week.
V fm SMUv JafMiarv 9tttk "Tha
Weils Entertainerr" will be at
the Congregational Church. This
Vf-T; r:,
is th last number of the Lyceum
Course and with it
last chance to help
come your v-r?
U school, w-- .1
AB IS almariv Imnvn thT.Muw V".
nnunn k.a 1 1
auspices of tne High School,
all money over expense is being '
used for the purpose of standard
izing our High School. : As I
know every one wishes to help ,
us in this work soon January 28 i
we give you an opportunity and '-J
hope you will avail yourself pi it.. : - -
The grammar school bovs of
lone defeated the Heppner gram
mar school boys Friday night at
Heppner in one of the cleanest
games of the season. Score, 11-4.
The lone team was composed of
R. Sperry, E. Sperry, Cochran,
Fletcher, Howell, and W. Sperry
sunt The boys were sccompai
ied by their coach. . Clarence
Reynolds. V r 'sy t f
, i r-r;
-.Theuestion, vTutt-ShalJ t' ; -Do
to Be Saved", will b an- ' .
swereid next Sunday night t thj,-; '
Christian church, bf Clarence'- v v f; .
Reynolds;' Using book hot " '.
tht Bible he answers Shrquastion ;
k ;piear and aertpBri msanar.
WhaMesClMt will nJar an- t
Aufniwo, nagner ana ssegei
U..U ir 1- " r
.a a short prehideto the sei ikss.
Then will bo ether special music
lt the morning. Mr. Reynold
will speak on Rev. 2:18-29. "The
Morning Star' ,
Clarence- Reynolds conducted
th funeral services over th re
main! of the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Reaney, of Lexing
ton, last Tuesday. .
A close examination of a large
amount of territory surrounding
Ion shows that th snow in
melting has been absorbed into
the ground and ha not run
away to waste. The moisture is
needed and the present indica
tions point to a bumper crop tn .
this section this year. In every
place viiited by a Journal re
porter the snow had molted
slowly and wa being absorbed
by the soil as fast as It melted
away. Th farmers as a class
have received this with smile.
Miss Hotchklss was the bearer
of many school note this week
and it is refreshing to note that
some one thinks of getting up a
few Items to boost the school
Mrs. Chick was up bright and
early at the Christian Church to
day getting a fine new rag car-'
pet laid In the aid room. This
make a much needed improve-.
ment - -j .
Several pigs were found
from eating alfalfa the past week
at Cecil -
Mrs. Allyn wa down from the
ranch today doing a little shoppy
Eggs are scarce, so ts warm
weather. .
ifary Oemger cam down
from Heppner Wednesday after
a' short visit there.
Jake Bortxer wss in
on business.,
r... - 1
. . .