The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, January 19, 1916, Image 1

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Volume 8
Ionb. Orbqon, JANUARY 11916
NtlMBBft 84
Leap Year Party Well Attended
The City Counil met In ad- The Iap Year party givn
Joumed etsswn Tuesday evening bv Un Christian Endeavorera
"d?!!,f?onbi!!,,t0the;.mOU,on last Friday eveninif, was
mm hrttffht .m rad nd naued
and hereafter Fool and Billiard j brought the pies -and sand
tables will be licensed as follows: wiches that had bwm made by
$25 per year for the first table,
oc .. Auk
- and $10 per year for each addi
tional table. The question
then came up as to the right to
allow pool rooms to be opened on
Sunday and it was found that
. this was governed by. a State
Law that prohibits a pool room
opening up oo ounaav, inua
briny inn: this line of business
directly under the eye of Dis
trict Attorney Wells at Heppner
who can compel every pool hall
to dose on Sunday if he wishes.
The Card Table Ordinance was
then introduced and after cor
rection in test by Councilman
Knappenberg was passed to pro
hibit the playing of cards in pool
and billard balls or stmiliar
places. The vote on this ordi
nance stood as follows. Against
Balsiger, Mason, Baffington and
Haines. For Padberg and Knap
penberg. The first real business
session of the new Council shows
one of the best set of officers that
lone ever had." Every move that
was made was duly considered
and trie uur mwiw i
guarded. In all of our exper
ience we never saw more even
ly balanced set of officials, than
the nresent set of . City officers
: and the lone voters should Uke
special interest and help them to
make this little City one of the
best in the state. You can do
this by helping them in every
way you can. Be present at the
meetings and if you see any
W1H IHV) nam VTSiivwm -
them about it They appreciate
your interest The list of aonr
mitteeras appointed by Mayor
Chick are as follows.
Finance Mason, Balsiger and
Haines.., '
Water and Light Balsiger,
Pad berg and Buffington. ,
. . .i .i i
Health and Pouce Chick,
Mason, Buffington and Knap
penberg. . "
' Mason, Pad berg Knappenberg,
I tt .. - - .t-...
' The Yeomen lodge met Tues
day evening and held one of the
best social sessions of the season.
The program was as follows: Be-
ctation by Mrs. Grace Sears,
Solo, by Lillie Pennington, Piano
Duett by Muriel and Marie Ca-.
son Solo by Mr. Coohran. After
this a light luncheon was served
by the members. . '
Jos. T. Knappenberg left for
Portland Wednesday morning to
rejoin his wife who has been on
a visit for several weeks.
: L. J. AUea of the O.AC, was
In Ions Tuesday and left Wed
nesday morning for other points
to resume his work. . -.
John Wil'iams was in lone Wed
nesday doing a little shopping.
Wednesday morning the coils
bursted in Dick Turpin's barber
shop, after a hot fire bad bees
built Chas. AlUnger was called
to repair them.
- Mrs. W. E. Leach of Lexing
ton wss a visitor at tha home of
Rev. J. L Jonas the past week.
No 89 Pro-
i weU tnGed. -; The . boys
1 i mi. : i . i.
tl it nwelve.
i-ue prig gei cneir
partners for supper by bidding
so many beans for each shad
ow. The bids ran from one. to
50. There were about forty
present. - The meeting was held
in ' the "Buffington building.
There has been no reports of
anyone being sickj so the boys
arc sure that their aooking
must have been O. K. '"h
Wool blankets will be sold at
greatly reduced prices for
cash. Get them, and keep
warm. Bert Mason.
uiarence w. KeynoMis wss
out hunting Tuesday afternoon
and while out went out to where
the Ford car belonging to Dr.
Chrick had been stalled several
days ago and worked with that
awhile. He finatly got it to ran
ning "d brought it into town.
The prises offered at the. Yeo
men MiMmieraf will ia nt.4h
6rTan thsprh-of"attnrts
sion. ' Friday
evening at the
- Another two inches of snow,
fell Friday evening making a
grand total of 15 inches up to
Saturday morning. Some snow,
eat : - ,:-
Mr. Helliker returned from
Parkers Mill ihia-week and
found things pretty well friz
up in the neck of the woods. '
Pont forget the Yeoman
masquerade ball Friday night,
Geo. 0. Whitcombe was in
lone last Saturday doing ,
little shopping and-attending
to a little matter of business.
Are you feeding the birds
this cold weather T Try it Put
out a little wheat and see if
they don't appreciate it -
' The pie social held in th
Buffington building last Friday
evening waa well attended and
everyone had a dandy time. . ;
' The government free seeds
are here and ready for distri
bution; Call at the Journal of
fice and leave your name and
address. These are for grown
people only and cannot be de
livered to children. -
Several rabbits have seen fit
to make a race course of the
Main street in lone last Friday
and Saturday. It was only- a
minute before every basinets
man on the street joined in the
chase. Dogs, men and boys
managed to haw quite a bit of
sport for a few minutes before
the bunnies got away.
(. .... . -
-Are yon going to the mas
querade ball Friday evening f
Masquerade Ball
A masked ball' will be - given
on January 21st 1916 under the
auspices of Yoemen Homestead
Na 5289.' The committee hk
promised excellent prises for the
best sustained characters -" Re
freshments will be served on Vim
floor. The public are - cordially
invited to attend. Come and
have the time of the year. Gorf
music. Ball to be given at tae
Walker Rmk. lone, Oregon
E. H. Turner is making reji
alar trips from the ranch thi
week. ' '
T. M. Benedict, the mayor
Morgan, was down from
ranch last Saturday greetin
his friends and doing a little
shopping. - ;--.
Ben Judy is a regular visiil
on the streets these days.
. - - ; s
a ; l.ij '"iiQ
mrvicen were neia ui wp
Christian church last Sunday
morning and evening. i
It was reported that the teni
perature in lone waa down to
degrees below xero, and at Cecil
the same morning it was 17 bc
ow. This is som cold for-
warm phmate.
Will O'Ronrke'jJf Heppnefj
attended the Leap X ear dancf
. - - V .1 J
at lone last Thumlav ntira:
Manv BurnriaM nro nrnmi
tfftuku plnw at Uj iiwuai
ball Friday evening at the rink.
' Robert Hopkins, Frank Hop
kins and Arch Cochran spent a
pleasant day at the Paul Riet-
mann ranch last Monday, go
ing and returning in a sleigh.
The most fan enjoyed on the
trip was the bountiful dinner
served by Mm Riv
Ray Rogers of Heppner at-1
tended the Leap Year dance in
lone last Thursday. He roports
a cold ride from Heppner.
Paul Doherty returned from
Portland tha paat week, where
he has been visiting friends
and relatives. ' . r
Harry Johns wss down from
Heppner Tuesday and visited
all of his old time friends. Har
ry likes Heppner, but Oht you
pr. J. G. Turner left Thurs
day after a short stay at the
lone hotel. He will be back in
March. . " '
Ye editor knows of a person
who has a 12-guage shot gun
for sale; also a 22 calibre Win
chester rifle. Call at the Jour
nal office. '-"
by- ii"
& E. NOTSON, Sunt
A new plan will be used in
the eighth grade examination
in May and June in the sub
jects of U.S. History and Civil
Government The pupils will
be allowed to use their text
books during the examination.
The questions will be so framed
us to test the ability of the pa
pil -io express himself clearly
and tally upon a topic He may
nee some point which he has,
for the moment forgotten. He
oau look it up. " He will not
have time' to do much looking
up, "but he Vill not be thrown
aita a nervous state trying to
remember some trifling matter
which- has eluded him at the
time.' . The writer has advocat
ed such a plan for several
years. He has greatly amused:
teachers and some of the conn
ty .superintendents by suggest
ing snob a plan. Iast summer
be -took a great deal of satis
faction in pointing out to Som
of the Jsunerintehdents thai
uch a plan had been tried at
Reed College, and it had prov-,!
en very aatisfactorVi As State
Superintendent Churchill sayti
"Tha exsniination usually de
teriorates into a memory test.1
Probabljr eighty to ninety pei
cent of the examination ques
tions have oalled for a teat ol
memory , only.. The power to
diseriminatej to reason, to de
cide has rarely been called into
action, in the examination. - It
instead! of answering Weral
o pupu iq rv4iureu w write, in
a. limited timet a . history of
slavery in the United States,
liscuss the position of the dif
ferent political parties on the
complete discussion of "the
Monroe Doctrine, his produc
tion will show whether he has
studied history to a purpose,
und he can do very little with
the subject unless he knows
something about it, even if he
lias a dozen text-books at band.
J'his it not alU StteSuper-
intendent Churchill points put
another feature which is of the
greatest importance. He says,
"The eighth" grade examina
tions, to a very large extent,
set the standard for teaching,
and I am confident that this
Lew plan will sterngthen
work in the eighth grade and
give the pupil much more pow
er and confidence than he gains
from the memory'tests. If his
class standing has been high
during the year and his Eng
lish work what it should be, he
will pass a good examination.
If his class work has been be
low par, the open book .will be
of no help to him during the
short hoar of the examina
tion." Now, no doubt, many will be
greatly disturbed over this
plan. It will appear to some as
absurd. There is only one way
to determine its merits, and
that is to give it a fair trial. If
it proves its worth, it can be
extended to most of the other
subjects. If it proves1 unsat
isfactory, it can be abandoned.
The plan ws bars been using
has been far from satisfactory,
hence ws should be willing to
make an effort to find some
thing better. -
Phil Doherty waa in Friday
from tha ranch.
lone Gun Club Makes
; Big Killing K
New Pastime About Completed
i lone Gun Club Visits Cecil
Last Sunday morning thf
one Gun Club met at the de
pot and took passage for Cecil
and way points to hunt the evei
plentiful bunny that is pester
ing the ranchers to such an ex
tent that they are fencing theii
'iay stacks to keep the rabbit
ut. Snow to the depth of f
nches was found upon arrival
it Ewing Siding but this did
lot hamper those who had
tome to do pr die. The party
livided, one section going of
he track toward Cecil and the
itber section gomga down- th
;rack toward the Junction
btabbits were to be seen every
where in bands; A poor marks
nan could win-a record in i
rery few minutes, if a bullet
nisBed the one aimed at an
ther would seem to get in tfa
way and very few were Wasted
Bert Mason, president of thi
liib, held the record as far a
wuld be ascertained! he vat
ed a close second by Little Do
tfhd was feelirig in good shoot
e shots that showed
nany fine
lis skill with a .22. - He hardl
iver seemed to miss what ht
timed at.
Larry Londergftff&irigtow has. seen treating
ves also one who made an aw
:'ul hole in the ranks of the bun
lies. He made many fine shot
ind some Were amusing fron-
he standpoint of a hunter. Mr
ind Mrs. Albert Bowker were
lot very slow when it came t
jetting their share of the rab
jits. Ye editor came lastvand
jras the only poor shot In the
much.- His presence was de-
nanded merely to chronicle the
arions details of the -shoot.
uite a number of ducks were
loticed. Over 4500 rounds of
tmmnnition were disposed of
nring the few hours shooting
ind a rough estimate of the
lumber of rabbits killed was
inmnd 2500. Another met
nay be held next Sunday at the
;am6 place. -
J. E. Cfonan left on Friday
mppnng's train xor ronisna.
He was up to attend a direct
ors' meeting at the Bank of
" Have you got your costume
ready for the masquerade ball
Friday night ,
The sold weather has made
the butcher business somewhat
stow but even at that Mr. Hot
gate finds a market for hit fine
pork sausage and liverwurst.
He has some fine Wienerwursts
the best yon ever tasted try
him for kippered salmon. Ev
erything is clean and neat
1 Glen Ball was down from the
Ball ranch Saturday afteraooQ.
" The work on the McCurdy
pool hall is going forward rap
idly and wilt soon be finished.
- Sleighing seems to be all the
rage these days since the snow
is on,
French;, Burroughs 'arrived -V
Saturday evening from Port- ' I",,
land after a-short business trip.
- , ,
Mii Vanoiel arrived Satur4 - 4
day evening from John Day .
and Vill visit at Heppner and y
then return to lone on his way Lv
baok. . .. y .-' -1 ;" "
A. B. Strait was in Saturday
from the ranch. i ' '
Frank Ehgelman has opened
np his old place.aa.a pool and
billiard haU This now gives
the brtys another place to spend
the time. - . '. -
John Kiehn was in from the
ranch this week in an-old time '
Pete Linn has fitted runners
to his. bid delivery wairon and
J. , k ' - . , .. . -r. - V,t
I -''": ".' T "" - " J
vv B?rider''has fitted run
ners t his delivery' wagon and
himself to a sleigh ride every
day. . 1
Prof .XrDoakJa helping
out at Dick. Turpin'i barber
shop on Saturdays.
The dance given by Ben Bus
chke last Friday evening was
well attended and everyone had
a fine time. It was intended as .
a country dance for those who '
lived out of . town bnt not very ;
many eould gel in on. account
of the snow. ...
Monday morning ye editor
heard an awful jioise In the
lone Pharmacy and upon inves
tigation found that it was little
Doe laughing over the awful.
havoc wrought by Jack Frost
who had visited his place in the
evening. Bottle of -every de
scription were - to ; be found
frozen and bursted and their
contents spreading all over the
Mr. Stoops was Jn from the
ranch last Saturday.
Sam Esteb Was in from
Gooseberry lasi Monday.
The freezing Weather has put
a large number of the auto out
of commission. '. Only one or
two are to be seen making the
rounds. i '"',-. . "
Elaborate preparations are
being made by the committee
fin charge of the Yeoman mas '
querade ball. Be sure. jmd go.
January 21st
i. r
.. -v- --