THE IONE JOURNAL ,A Strictly Horn Paper For Morrow " . County Residents . . Published Every Wednesday By r. "WALLACE SEAM ? - " " ' .,.....- , , Entered at tKe Postofftce lone, Oregon, - as Second-class matter ' , . .Subscription Rates , :r One Year $1,30 - Shi Months $l.QO ! Three Months 1 . 50o " Advertising Bates Upon Application . y A blue mark on this space is notice that Your subscription will expire in three weeks. Prompt renewals will prevent subscribers missing any papers The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance wtUas other amm emeriti are made. ' If vou want the lone Journal 1st us know either in person or "by letter. Subscrip tion price noted above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due. Patriotism and Prepared ; . ness. ' We read much In the papers on the subject of national prepared ness and for our country's sake U la well that it is so. No important- country ever stood in Tester nssd-of it than we stand today. - - i' But while taking up the sufc ject of building warships .and raising army reserves, let us not overlook the matter of patriotism . In local communities, for it Is upon these people the nation must Jean to a great extent in lieity and the imminence of our being plunged into war la doing much to convert the adult mind to the necessity of an adequate preparation for defense against invasion, but we should go farth r than the adult mind. 1 We should begin today to in Jaet a feeling of patriotism into the hsarta of the youth of our local communities, a reverence - of and devotion to the flag of our country and a determination Co uphold the dignity and pre serve the integrity of the nation at all times and under all condi tlona, - Since the days of '61 and '66 the patriotism of the American people has been declining day by day, until 1915 finds ua a nation of adults with but alight concep tion of , what the flag ahould mean1 to us. and with ""lest thought aa to the future security of our country. Patriotism has been left to shift for itself and has gone down in the waters ol . commercialism. It is time for a change and tht change should bevin today. In very school and in every horn of the country little childrer ahould be taught to lovo and res pact the stars and stripes, to took upon them aa the symbol of lib erty and the champion of right and of the weak and of the op- . Bieessd. Tney should be Uught that toraof country ' ranks next to then love of God. even to the giving of life Itself in it defense. ' If the same policy had btei. pursued is our homes and in our nkmll m.A Aku nnklla ). m mm mm an. w fnawaw fisn v during the post fifty years the -nation would not be in its pre sent preoarious condition. , pat riotism alone would have de manded and aseorsd action by the go eminent and the congress would have sees la a state ol cWmaa sufficient to guarantee it against aggressive action by any forign country, - It is useless now to weep over the errors of the past, but we can at least take action to pre vent our children from facing the same condition of affairs af ter we have passed away. If you want a forceful illustration of the lack of patriotism in this oountry and of the .ignorance of the symbolism of the flag, just watch the" little children at the close of some parade. You will most likely see them sitting on curbstones wiping the dust from Uheir shoes with mi nature flags of their country. , And when you have seen this, oe -sv patriot yourself and, go home and begin the imparting of patriotic impulses to your own offspring, and insist that the teachers In our schools do their duty to their country as well as to the community, by living the! school fleg during the school hours on all school buildings in Morrow County. . r-sr; Protect the adults of tomor row from the fats that menaces those of today. Putting It Up To You who are building up the great centers of population by strangl ing the rural business Interests all over the country. They are the people who produce hard times in the country towns and farm sections of every state, be cause they are millions in num ber. ;; v ; Let ns bring it right home to you. Suppose every person in this town and the farming sec tion around here should buy all their goods from business houses located in other sections of the country or state. How long would our stores keep their doors open and how long would you be able to buy even a pin or s hail in this town? ; ' i-. w . , And if everybody kept on send ing their money, all out of town and the community, how long would it be before - we had no money to .send and when we found the community pauperiz ed where would ws turn for re lief? v v. - The profits of local industries both town and farm represent the money that la kept in circu lation at home. If thess profits Notice to Creditors In the Couaty Court of tbe State ol Oregon, lor Morrow Count. Is tt matter jf the estate of, Edward T. Perkins, deceased. -JTbe-Mnderalffoed baring been ap pointed by the County Court of the Stats of Oregon, for Morrow Couo ty,-sOmlBlstrstrtx of the estate o Edward T- Perkins, deceased, notice Is hereby gireu to the creditors of, and all - persons baring .claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said administratrix at the office of her at torneys, Knapprnnerg Johnson In lone, Morrow County, Oregon. - - Dalles Perkins ' 'm - Administratrix of the estate, of Edward 1 Perkiiisrdeceased. Bated Not. loth 1MB. First publication Not. IT 1915. 95-28 PROTECT THE DAIRY' COWS FROM BLOAT sadden distension In the left flank. We would not weary our Nad ve by being too Insistent upon any one tub ject, but the welfare of our community ahould be up- aermoatfn the minds of every loyal citiien- and that .welfare calls for s few -very pertinent remarka at thia time of year. Between now and the 25th of December many thouaanda of dollar! will be spent by the peo ple in the purchase of holiday articles. The manufacturing coat of then srticiee must of necessity go tA the factories scattered broadcast over the country. That can not be help- en. But there to another east which should be ssrioualy eon sidered by every person who has any regard whatever for the future welfare of thia town and community. That coat la the retailer, e profits on the sales. To make thia community pros perous and keep it so it ie necee- eary that those profits be kept at home, and that can only be dons by patron rtinjr merchants who live hers and conduct their own business here and spend their own money here.. - .J No cttiien hat the right to feel that it ie all right for him to send hie money away from thia eotn- munitr because "he la only sue person and hia money will sot be aliased." It la just such neonls I With the advent of. ths season when eatti are changed bum dry feed to , pasture, to arold ssrloos loss It Is nso- essary for the fanner to watch care fully for bloat, -according to the reter I Inary deoaruuent of the College of Aarlcultnra of ths DnlTendtr of Wis am sent away we can not expect cousin. lonir to have anv manev in ' Bloat Is s form of Indigestion doe to i iiA-. toe sxcesslre formation and aecumu . . u xuw wnw Utk(n Tarioug fgllKm m u,. p,unch people in Other places will baveV rumen. The attack -to espedalfj it; and we will be getting podrer to occar wbw ' ddeniy nrf rwtfo .11 -KA . ( changed from a hay dlst to green t " """' our clorer or alfalfa. It Is most Often seen wmuiunivy win De getung Oead- during warm, wet weather or when er and deader all the time, until beary dew w ram moiatens the foliage. (n ...... u - J The chief srmotom of bloating Is . ... vwu w rrai maOA tollvshere. ' ' --4 Certainly;ho sane person wouldT mint iniik auJ:i1. M nr . ' Sf to exist here. But what ia the remedy, you aay? It is both eane! and simple. . 1 Quit doing your shopping out of town and buv sronHa mm home dealers. That ie. buy everything you can here, Don't be carried away with the falsa, idea that -you can .buy cheaper somewhere else, for you can not If you want shoddy and worthless goods you can find plenty of city stores and;firms who thrive on selling country people just such rotten stuff at a few centa less than you' would pay your home dealer for a good at tide that he is willing to guar antee. But you can not buy a reliable article elsewere. any cheaper than yon can buy the same article right here at home. We are pushing ths "buy it at noma" slogan in thia community and we want you to Join us. We are not doing thia In order to en rich ths local merchants, but we are doing thia to protect the fu ture of thia town and our farm ing community and ths people among whom ws live. Ws want to "'keep prosperity at home4 and ws want you to help ua in our Work by doing your share and you can do that by buying at horns and keeping ' we pronca as nome, u )a a erioue problem that confronts ua In ths near future and ws ahould grappls with it as be oomes men of brains and deter mination. Shall ws trade at home and teep prosperity in thia townr Or shall ws continue to make city millionaires who wouldn't a five cent piece if ws were hungry for bread? Remember, brother and sister. wis applies not only to your neighbors, but to you aa well, if you happen to be one who has been shopping in other places. Will you join us, "for ths fu ture of our townT'V , The HoIaUln oMr for dairy pur- . poaae la my choioa every time, Mya an Idaho datrynum is to Am arioso AsrlouiturUt. This trd to quirt and Mnalbl and requires only ordi nary art and treatment It la Urge and roomy end handles coarse feed to better advantage than email dairy breeda. Holateln ealvea are aa acceptable foe Teal aa any bread : and will welch aa much or mora, while the males of smaller breeds are practice) I y waste. At present prices of beef pays fairly well to raise Holateln steera to two or three years old. 1 have found that thia type gives S M per cent more milk than other dairy breeda and more butter fat, although the per cent of butter fat may run amaller. Thaeow Illustrated to atypical pure bred Hetotelav . which swells no and appears sa tight as a drenthead when thumped" with. toe Anger. Ucllef must be Immediate. If luffocatton is to be avoided, sod eooslats la prortdlng an artificial out let for the gas by "tapptns" the ani mal. Tula ts best aeeompusbed by In serting a trocar and eanula Into the oat prominent portion of the swell. Ing. To prevent farther gas forma tkm administer a drench of two ounces of turpentine ta a plot of raw Hnseed eel or a quart of new milk. Am a preventive avoid tarsi ng lbs cattle oat until the dew or rain has dried off. la addition, alTta a fall feed of dry roughage socb as the aaa sMls are accustomed to Jest before fuming thorn out will be found help-' hu la preventing this trouble. WHEN ANIMALS GORGE. "Pa. wee yes aay you're laytas fee a eereea tt lemaej yeej have a griaass agateet Mam, Soasa't nr "Oeissrally, say ess.' "Weil, ass the bea a arodm Mtasft ttas.rarsBer. par -Boston Tiaeeertpl ayee ever 'Naturally the Hagatape arthJl btM em caurges. "Waat aa Maasea, asUtoseis tmeiksu, f ' Career of 0 A ' lam valrert aaaee ef eeaaea a aeaee eftea esaa aenr taaa be Bast yemmv Tba good read wttb aweS erainege earn S estfarsj to a )ey is tears saaaea. atewtaea fatssp and fure)Bthrss se rwe t" none Some eue left the oat Ua deor opes, the aorsaa were loose, and we an knew the rest The thing to4e U the sect- dent to detected aa hour er so after the grain has been eaten la to gets vetsr Inarlea as seoa aa possible and pump aa much oat of the stomeca by the aid of a sssBMch tube as poemble. Then administer a purgative and anttter menta. It eowaartaies aappens that ex pert help ts not available, and If sue to tba ease then the awtared boras abouM receive frosa one and ana half to two quarts of raw Unseed oil and two ounces of turpentine, afaay aea tojet a bone that has wvereatan until the symptoms of eolle appear, and than ceil a veterinarian, who may bare difficulty ta sarins the bone. The aanso preeaattoa abouM be tab eat when a sow has accidentally eaten part ef a sack of oats, wheat er corn, from one t three pounds of epaeai eaibi gtten Is a cow Immediate ly aftsr eaeb a large feed may save the ooWa are and aleo prrveat bar be ing foundered. The thing te reeaimbev to ts o sunatthlaf lor the cow hav BMdlatoly after the accident baa bees dhcovored.-C. U fhimaa, Ootarede Am zteottanl CWIege. HENS CAN'T LAY AND MOULT AT THE SAME TIME asWsUssSesWswswsmsauaswswssmsm , ( .. ' ; ' i : "v-y . ' r- Quicken " the feather shedding periods ; Dr. Hees Poultry pan-a-ce-a shortens the - moulting. period.; MAKES HENS LAY. ; This is the season when-your hens . shouitf be encouraged to get' into laying condition : anil Dr. Hess Pan-a-ce-a is the remedy to condition them, 1 I have sold Dr. Hess Remedies for majuy years and once a ser you will always bera user,! V : Why pay the peddler $3.50 for. a pail of stock food, when I sell a strictly guaranteed! article for $2.25, Every package guaranteed and your money will be refunded for any package that you are not satisfied with. -; - ' ; ' " - BERT MASON THE IONE BARBER SHOP JA. FIRST CLASS PLACE - . - THE BARBER THAT ' . TREATS EVERY ; BODY RIGHT. DICK TURPlr, rUOPHIETOR CITY MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh"and Cured Meats Fat Stock Wanted at all times - Main St. S. H. Holgate lone, Oregon PAUL G, BALSIGER Dealer in Myers Pumps, Stover Engines, Star j and Wonder Windmills, Parry Buggies, Winona Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion Harvest ing Machinery. ''t FLOUR The Finest of Htich Patent Plour oa tba Market at the 8 perry Ware hntuw inM- - Every Sack Is Guaranteed or Money Refunded; rr.ri1-50; e,H Per five barrel at $5.50, Per ten barrel at $5.40 , - - HEPPNER MILLING COMPANY C B. Sperry, Agent r - lone, Oregon Tere aa ass tatting, H ImimamV bst te saH that theatrical sMoeerr. Impoerndbte, my bey. Netblag to tkbi erorM to impossible "Tea," there to. me waste mo to wrlbe a tnardy wttb a bappy eaeHag- ustrest rroe rreaa. O. A. C. FARMERS' AND HOME-M AKEBy WEEK ami RURAL LIFE CONFFB PNT.PH Jaanary j to 8, i9id Mm leJarwatioa, Wectfcat nnp tat tke T in Cewfattosa ef OrvtMs Orrstcel ladaetrtea Cealersstoea so Orqae'e Mom VHal rraaleesa UerruaRaDVMoifsrRArioitft- BJUiiaiTioNa-EMTKaTAijfsisjrrs ltaiemelpfseSeatttaSeaiaai year, nki - ares' ptsrc te n.kt ftwuds-ilK gee laosghu, toil wetteia. mMt awl werk: aXfH-sJ Cesm. la in IpylW Kc ts actus I Week me Pana aad - ilill . soils, stock aaisiNo Drwow SMS10- "tAa-tOLO iomi ' JJ J S M aNCINKKBHioTngiiiE oaoMUATiONs, ataaMTiiio. Ian I'liiliM Osersss TsMam Notice to Creditors - ta the County Court of the State, of Oregon, for Uofxow Coanty. f the matter ef the aetata of Euiil britsbefirs, deoraaed. , Tbe audentg;ned baring bevn ap pointed by the Connt Court of tbe State of Orewoo, for Morrow Coun ty, adnifctotrator of the estate of Buntoe Braabeara. deeeneed. notice to hereby girvm to the creditors of. and all. persune hAvls dalnra against said deceaat-d, to nweant them TertflPd na reqalred by law. wltwa six mcatha siter the A ret publication of tfala notion to aaM admlal-trator at the office o! his A wrreat short coursb " t Peawnary 4. taid aewmcei crk4tsnl Casus, as a ansLsssi Uimn lt m. - - -wpinsuni mJ ess M laa alorruw Oonnty, Orrgot, John A. Williams Admhvletrator of the estate Kaalee Braabaare. deceased. , Dated Nor. 1Mb IMS. FlretpobllratlonNoT.MlSld; JS SesMs (sUreeS tatea. ot Yearly subscriptions for tfaa Joiirnal ara $1.5a How about It!