The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, December 01, 1915, Image 1

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V - -3 TT
. J4UMW 87
Volumi 8
Ions, Ouqom, DECEMBER 1, 1916
.'.-." r. t .4.. ( m --, ... - ,-
' Social Card Party
" The Five Hundred club met' at
the "home of Mr, and Mrt. J. T.
Knappenbenr the-t past week.
Those present were: Mr.' and
Mrs. F. 3. Bender, Mr. and Mrs.
T.' B. Buffington. "Mft and Mra.
L.P.Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.
J-.H. Wilt, Mr. and Mra. J. T.
Knappenberg, Mr,, and Mr?.
Bert Mason, Mr, and Mrs. C.
J. Pennington and daughter.
Agnes, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puyear
and wife, Misses Schmidt, David
son. Messrs Beesley, and F. h.
Christenson. and- Mra. W.
K. Davis and Harry Johns were
also guests that evening.
" In a short prelude to his r
TOon Sunday night Mr.-Reynolds
. spoke as follows concerning the
question of military ' prepared
ness: "At time, when men's
blood is pulsing thru their veins
at war heat, it is welt for, ua -to
think only and seriously concern
ing the great national questions
thit are presented to-m and par
ticularly of the one question that
is agitating this country just at
present 1 refer to military pre
paredness. In this " question
there are two extremes the one
extreme being that we shall have
an army like Gernvny and a
navy like Great Britain's and
the other being that we shall
, have no array or navy other than
just enough to keep ourselves
straight With the man who
Bays that our army and navy
should be the largest in the world
we have no sympathy, for are
we not now viewing with, horror
tho hnrm-fil ont come such a
noliev of nreDaredness in blood
bespattered, tear-stained Europe,
"With the man who says dis
armament we can agree when
such a disarmament includes al
the nations. But until sin shall
' ease to have such a hold upon
the people and sin is really at
the foundation-of all demands
for armament-just so long will
nations distrust one another's
motives and : remain armed.
--Our worthy president offers a
program of preparedness where
by he nope to conciliate the two
extremes" and the same time
. -walk on safe ground. President
Wilson would work for an army
( adequate only for legitimate
peaceful uses, but supplemented
by such a large body of citizens
trained to arms as would be pro
Tided for by the Garrison Con-
tinental Army plan. .' As for the
navy he believes that alt that
will be necessary will be to
''hasten the pace in the policy
" we have long been pursuing''
Af Ur Wilson's olan is a
welling chorus of approval from
the newspapers ot the land. AwkZi
few say it is too mild and others poiaoned f rom the takttat to
that ir tends to militarism.
These plana could undoubtedly
. be carried out without their in
tention being misconstrued by
nr mtinn. But for no' other
nation would such a program be
possible without arousing the
suspicions of the nations. ll:e
United States however, has set
a precedent in the Mexican situa
tion that has given to the world
a guarantee that such an, arma
ment will be used only for peace
purposes. Most people can agree
with President Wilson's plan.
But after all. is said this ques
tion still remains unanswered.
"Whv ahmild we Drenare for
war?" It isn't that we should
hone to outdo any other nation.
They have the sam privilege, of
increase that we have. Is it be
cause we fear England, our own
bkiod relative? Yet the mi
of England bars always been
Iriendlr altho we have had to
rulers. Do we fear Germany?
That cannot be so for it is, not
yet made manifest what Ger
many will be able to do whether
she is defeated- r victorious in
the present conflict Father
more Germany is not showing
any antagonism toward us, and
we wonder what she would have
tQ gain by conquering ua when
her people can come here without
shedding one drop of blood. Is
it that bugbear Japan, which
the military men have used an
nually to frighten Congress into
donating more money for their
purposes.-' Japan, who has look
to us for fatherly counsel, with
whose development we' have
had such a ; share. We are
spending for military prepared
ness ..about 250 million dollars,
much of which goes Bto the
"pork barrel, "in order to buy
men to perform their patriotic
duty. Were the men who handle
this vast sum for Uncle Sam
possessed of a small spark of the
patriotism about which they
howl there would be no need for
a hastening of our past military
program. This sum would suffice
to give adequate defense- to the
couqjry, which, after all is just
what President Wilson is work
ing for. . . u . : ..
Mrs. Delia Armitage who has
been visiting here with her sis
ters Mrs. John Cochran and Mra.
Walter Cason left for North
Yakima Tuesday morning.
Harry Johns has resigned his
position with the lone Hotel to
take up a position as aeeond
clerk at the Palace Hotel of
Ulappnex.Hit Jriends, ilL, be
sorry to see him go, - ,
W. R. Matthews passed thru
Tuesday representing the Paci-
flc Paper Co.
' Xl
The Brakemiur who fell from
the top of the box cat last week
at Heppner was taken to Port
land to undergo an operation.
A few of the local batter mak
ers perhaps are not aware that
the new dairy law provides sev
ere penalties for violation of its
rules governing butter making.
Alt butter that is sent to the
market for publie sale or use
must be plainly marked with the
name of the owner the place of
maniifftrtnra and the amount in
ounces or pounds of theeontents.
Such wrappers should be printed
with Special Butter Wrapper Ink
that is proof against the acids ef
the butter and can be furnished
by all reputable printers at a
reasonable - figure. ' A Robber
stamp is dangerous and if used
may W the users open to a ease
used on the stamp. Ordinal y
nrintinorinkfl and dves ro thru
the naoer and impress their
poisonous qualities on the butter
within the wrapper Butter
Wrapper Ink does not do this and
is recommended by all Dairy
Commissions in the United
States. ' .
held last Saturdarat 1p.m. was'
very poorly anenaeo. u 0.
Sw- minated
twm-Iv attended. C B.
ed as School Clerk to fill the vn -
hexpired term of E. T- Perkins,
The City Council met last Fri
day evening and accepted the
official budget as published or
the ensuing year of 1916. The
next meeting will be held on
Tuesday December 7th.
Mrs. Frank Holmes has been
installing a new range hi her
lone Defeats Echo 7-0
Union Services
The lone High School football
team won their second game
from the Echo High School foot
ball team last Friday morning
when they defeated Echo 7-0.
This game was to have been
played Thanksgiving day, but
was postponed until Friday be
cause the Echo team did not ar
rive in tinsa-Thursday to play.
It was a bard fight from the
very start and not until the
fourth quarter did lone succeed
in scoring. In the first quarter
Echo started the game by kick
ing off to lone and carried the
bail within a yard of their goal
in yery short order, but lone
braced up and held them to a
scoreless game. On several oc
casions the Echo lads fumbled
the ball and once in the " first
quarter Ray Sparry of lone se
cured the ball. In the second
quarter the linemen were -called
out in the field twice to settle
disputes to see if Echo had made
their yardage. No points were
made in the first second or third
quarters, but in the middle of
the fourth after Roy Blake put
on the helmeet in place of Rusty
Cochran who was nearly swk,
lone made their touchdown.
Earl Blake carried the ball over
tbearat rime but in doing so
stepped ont of the tines and was
called back. A center rush by
lone with Roy Blake carrying
the ball. resulted in a touchdown
and Made Blake kicked goal for
the seventh score.' Pete Arthurs
relieved Chaa. Pennington in the
third quarter. This is the last
game that lone plays with Echo
this year. Not a very large
crowd attended the game owing
tn the fact that it was played in
morning; and the weathr was
disagreable. ; ;Z fL.
The local High School football
team journeyed to Heppner last
Saturday and played the High
Sebool team of that city a tie. the
score being 6-6. This makes the
aumnd tte with HeDDner this
vmt. one beinar nlaved on the
lone field by the same score.
Ions out across the first touch
down early In the second quarter
on a series of fake plays and Una
plunges, Blake failed to kick goal.
Hiattf Heppner'a High School
star of former years was put in
by Heppner in the tost half and in
tha MpA sinmtMl- MiflAMldad In
potting eross a touchdown for his
Hayes failed to,
, kick goal thus
tvin the score.
The ball see sawed in the middle
of the fld In the tost quarter,
nciww ruh wu
Crawford refered and Leo Gist;
umpired the game. The lone
Vw. h havinffi
to play Echo the day before in
the hardest game of the season.
A match between lone and Hepp-
1 imp irhriatmav dav would I00K
nerunnsunay oay wuaia
A fine shipment of local grown
Belgian Hares were shipped to
day to the Portland mark eta
They were eome of the best we
have seen and were raised by
John Bryaon.
Don't forget the free dance at
the Dry Fork Hall on Friday Tisit with W. E. Lason ana iam
iwU iota. ; A wood Ur. He Is a brother of Mrs.
e Thanksgiving service held
at the Christian Church , last
Thursday evening was well at
tended by members of the dif
ferent churches and others unit-
ingmo carry out the President's
profamation. The service was
opeied by Rev. J. L. Jones with
appropriate Scriptional selections
andlprayer. . Mr Clarence Rey
nolds delivered the sermon, in
whiah he spoke of many reasons
f or T hankgivtnff along social
ecodkonieand religious lines...
what .Toaiia tana-tit mtiMrninir
"Go the Father. Himself, The
Hoi Spirit. The Immortalitr of
the Soul, The Ressurectionof the
Bod and the Life Everlasting"
will fee preached noon by itev. J.
L. J nes during the coming Sun
day) at the Congregational
Chu cti. These topics will be
ferea ed in their relation to. mod-
Lern thought and life and the
present needs of everyone, child
ren is well as those grown up.
The topic for next Sunday morn
ing 1 will be: "What Jesus
Taught About God theFather"
Sunday evening he will talk on:
"A Dread Disease and A Divine
Doctor." -,.-
Jaktesi McCallum ot Eugene
was in lone Saturday and Sunday
visiting.; He sang Sunday morn
ing at the Christian Church.
Mr. McCallum was the leader- of
the song services in the , evange
listic meetings held in the Chris
tian Church last Christmas;'
10K virts and 97 bdvs total 202
-represents the school census of
District No. 85, lone Morrow
County taken by C. B. 8 perry
RehaoL Clerk. This aoak
increase of 20 over last year.
Don't forget that Paul G. Bat
siger to the local dealer for the
Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines.
Cheaper than ever before. "See
him, before buying. He will
solve your power difficulties.
Prof. Davis is practicing three
times a week with members of
the various ehurches for the com
ing Cantata on December 10th
at the Baptist
if, F, Burger who has been
w to Walla Walla was token
sick at Pendleton and will be de
layed from returning for several
. v i
Reynolds preached
t christian Church
Sunday. A very good au-
dience sttendeo notn mceunav. .
Hot Point Electric Irons for the
bm M dava at S3. 50. Guar-
anteefor 10 years,
tab, londl Oregon.
Sam Es-
THe School Board Paul Reit-
.twi Pad-
( , Bert Mason and Lee r
hnr nwot at the office of the
Secretory a B. 8pery and held
a saeeting. AM bills were paid.
' Ira Morgan and-wife of Laurel
Washington are here visiting at
the home of M. B.- Morgan his
father.'. : .r.-'
P. a Hale of North Yakima
left tost Thursday after a weeks
- Si E. NOTSON, Supt
In District NP, 42, Miss Ina
Johnson -to the teacher. . Seven
pupils are enrolled, and it would
be difficult to find 'seven more
enthusiastic pupils. They are
anxious to make as many points
toward standardization' . as they
possibly can. , . ' r - :
The library books, with the ex
ception' of a few copies, are
here. Anyone whe can , take
the books out for any district is
invited to call for them. '
The .school in District No. S is
v. -rv small, the enrollment being
only three. A new flag pole was
on the ground, but had not been
erected. The heating and venti
lation of the building to excep
tionally good. A can of water Is
kept on the: stove. This is a
matter of more importance than
many think. Y -
Miss Gladys Musgrave teaches
the school in District No, 19.
This school haa so many- new
thinga that I am not sure I noted
all of them. A new flag pole
was flying from the front of the
building, the teacher had a new
chair provided for her comfort
and convenience, the pupils were
enjoying new desks, a new black
board had taken the place of the
ad taken tne piace 01 tne , m tpnroprtation should
and a new d.cUonary had,. mmedUtely to k
Ided to the equipment, A R rUw ftiiu n. ...
old one
been added
BLanusra picture oh yveu iiwwm i
I J A. t L. I J
upon the wall. I
- ' . , , . ' ' confined to his home with touch, 4i,n Miss topzcKm'r-
ces Wilbur and twelve pupils
were making good yse of thej
time. A number of improve-
ments are contemplated in the
line of equipment Among these
r "
1 understend that a jacket for
ventilation will be first
t . . ... V
The addresses at the Institute
which seemed to appeeal to
teachers very strongly were I
those inven by , Dr.T Herbsman, .
v. - - , ry iv.B.j. .
Vrof. Kl.mme, and . BuH
The addresses by Dr. Herbsman
. , , , , ,
on Thursday and Friday were
unusually strong. I wish that
every parent w this county could
Tl , r Vftt n'ertingorof bis most help-
During the past 81 years, it has . BMmWiAn.
been the privilege of the writer
to attend numerous state teach
ers' associations and of those
more than half did not have a
program the -equivalent of the
program at our institute. Only
three teachers of this county
failed to attend and they each
had an excellent excuse. How
ever, their places were taken by
s teacher who is ndt teaching
just now
and two prospective
This shows that the
professional spirit of the Morrow
County teachers to most excel
lent -
' The new brick school house at
Lexington will be completed by
the firs of the year and will be
one of the finest in the County.
: Mr. Bscton, assistant principsl
at the Lexington schools' has
been on the sick list but was
able to resume his duties on
Monday4 ' ..;
The Ladies Aid of the Congre
gational Church at Lexington
wiU hold a Parcel Post sale at
Leach's Hall Saturday evening,
December 4. Crater supper will
be served. - - i
- - i
Robt Zlnter of Gooseberry
was In lone Tuesday purchasing;
a few of the nscesaitiss of life.
Morrow County Accepts
State Aid -
. Statute Makes Provision for
- Appropriation- to Eight
, ,, Jack rabbi a
.. Morrow County la the only
Oregon county so far to take ad-
vantage of "the law offering state'
aid for cooperative control of
jack rabbits in counties east of.
the Cascades. The statute la
found in chapter 267, session
laws of 1915 and provides that
any county appropriating the
$250 for the control of jack-,
rabbit pests will be allowed an
additional 1250 by the state, the"
entire sum to be expended under
the direction of the director of
the agricultural college experi
ment station prior to January 1
1916. It .is ..recommended by
Professor Sykes the college soo
logist that poisions be purchas
ed and poisoned baits prepared, 1
applications of . which are to be
made at least once a month dur
ing the entire winter, when the
natural food supply b at its low
est. The bait to- to be spread
within livestock proof enclosures
into which the rabbits may
go for food. ' White fencing
fa said by P feasor ykes to ha
the main relianes of the future
for jackrabbit control,, the pro
cess is slower and more expen
sive than poisoning, which should
do much to reduce the ravages
of rabbits, if properly prepared
and applied. . County eourts
W. E. Leach of Lexington' to
. j - '
jtfP. ,nd Mrs. W. G. Seott of
Uxington went to Tekoa, Wash,
m Mt auto on Sunday, Mra.
Scott win remain a few days
vejng relatives.
The services at the Baptist
Church last Sunday were well
. , , . ' .
. wl- we,
. .
. ..
manxiui, oaiinw? iipwii
thankwffering of our
-7 ti.-
, . . . . -
. ..wm u.n
. . . .
the good influence he to aapable
ful service. These are questions
we ought to consider. - -
The Union Ladles aid will hold
their annual baxaar and dinner
December 18th. Meals will be
served at noon and evening at
popular prices. Your patronage
to solicited.
The sick folks the past week
are all aettina- better thanks to
th industrious work of Dr.
Thick who to abtv suooorted In
the good work by Frank Chris-'
tensen the druggist They have
held, themselves subject to call at
sll hours of the day and night
and every patient appreciates it
J. E. Cronan toft Friday morn
ing for hto home In Portland after
spending Thanksgiving with bto
son at lone. '
Mrs. & a Sparry left 8unday
morning for Pendleton to visit
with her sister Mrs. W. R. Coch
ran. -. , ' ;.
. Jesse Dobyns who haa been ilL
to at the bom of Mrs Jordan,-
and to getting along fine. ' Hto
mother to with him.-" r - "t -
W. F. Honey of Uresham Ore
gon, President of the Oregon,
Dakota Land Co. was in lone
Tuesday oa businees.
tisae ptueaiaed to all.
twice with their