' - r Quartett Owning The California Jubilee Quartett is scheduled to appear next Moo day evening at the Walker Kink with one of the beat colored or- and to hear theft is to enjoy every minute of the program, Prices 25c and 50c, They give a free concert at the school . house Monday as Boon, as the train arrives, ' . The Halloween Frolic at the Christian Church was well at tended last ' Friday evening. Everyone had a fine time. N A well was finished at the Claude Huston place at Eight- ( mile Tuesday by Nichoson and Buffi ngton at 381 ft and secured .ji fine flow of water. They will move to Milt Morgan's place next' "Two hundred country weekly editors are closer to the people of the state than three big city editors can ever hope to get" it r t ' i :. r , ?i. That is right brother Chapman f-and your many years of ex per V ience ' in the advertising game really has taught you some thi rift after all. When you first decided to quit a $7500 job to run a small newspaper we envied you your former job, butnow we know you were simply yearning to get close to the people, by -publishing a small weekly. Let us hope you succeed. ' i- i A band of negroes represent ing the Buckner Southern jubi lee Singers gave a performance at the Baptist church Tuesday evening to quite an audience. They were not up to the usual class of Buckner's people. Ilia own personal troup are artists of abilty and draw s crowd when ever it is known that they are going to appear. They were here last year at. the rink under the auspices of joe Waters. CI ir Ap I have something of interest for OUVJAIA an, am doing a Mail Order Busi ness equal to Rice & Phelan or Jones Cash Store. Bring your order or write it. I have the goods. 1 Give Cash or Trade for. Chickens The Egg City Joe Mason, Prop. : E. E. Miller " , A I'irrioN kick Public or private aalu. (live im a list of auy old thing yoo want to ell and I will advert few It." U yim want twttl', horses, farm Imple ment, household tfootlrnr JiifiK-t, unytliliiK, see me. Main Street -THIRD- HOG AND DAIRY SHOW 7ilermlstonrNovember 5 and 6 $500.00 IN PREMIUMS Best Show Ever Held In Eastern Oregon STUDENTS' JUDGING CONTEST Friday, November 5, 10:00 ft. m. Opon to teams from nil Hlirh Schools In Euttn Oregon West Umatilla County School Fair Friday and Saturday Nov. 5 and 6 V $250.00 IN PREMIUMS : ... Write County Super In 'etuli-iit Vomuc. IVndkion. or Superintendent Pars, - liariulatou. lor full Information, entry blauks and premium I lata COMPETITIVE SCHOOL PARADE , Saturday November 6, 11:00 a. mi pe to aeboola up to aud including the i-hta trade AUCTION SALE OF Registered Hogs ThgraiMttpporiuidtrTr offered la Easter Orejroa for boTtng; rrg lsMtancJwiw7mndtniitudrub;ioae a'tjuar owe flgnro. Oct tart aow n Rood hug. RPFflAl RFntrin D rorprMlJWt-,tiTf Mnop'othr loin-mMl.m writ H U. Straw. Secretare Hue aud Dairy Show AaaoclaUoa, Uvrmlatoa, Orefoa. David N. Rooerg. State Regis ter was in the past week and visited Dr. Chick. He commis sioned Dr. Chick as the Local Register of Vital Statistics of District No; 134. County of Mor row, comprising the precinct of North and South lone; Goose berry Cecil. Alphine,- . Castle Rock and Irrigon. All' deaths and births must be reported so-cording-to the State Law to the State Board of Iealth.- W. H. Cronk and wife, and Bert Johnson were passengers to Heppner on business this week. Chas. Sperry and wife accom panied by Mrs. John Cochran were visitors at Olex -last Thurs day to attend the Sperry family re-union held at the W. W. Weatherford home. Five sisters and three brothers were present and they represented all of that braneh of the family. It . has been 23 years since they held the last re-union. 'Those present were J. Bt" Sperry, Penrose, Wyo., Geo. W. Sperry, Heppner, Oregon, I. YW Sperry, Center ville' Wash., Mrs. Phoebe Col lins, Oakland, Calif., Mrs. M. C. Cochran, Condon, Oregon, Mrs. Mary Hale, lone, Oregon, Mrs. Eddy Woods, r Arling ton, Oregon, Alice Weather ford, Olex, Oregon, Chas. Sperry and wife, and Mrs. John Coch ran of lone, Oregon." . James M. Lawler bf Cecil was in town today on business. ' ' r from Walt Smith returned business trip Tuesday. 1 .... SHUTTLER : : Mrs. Richard Kinsley and son Roy, are home after spending the summer at Newport, Wash. What came near being a ser ious fire occured at the Shuttlers sheep camp last week by fire falling from an old stove. Cash Store lone, Oregon lone, Oregon' ANNUAL HIGH GRADE 4TITC nw n . u d m Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruther ford were over on Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster left last Thursday for McMinne- rille where they expect to spend the, winter. ' - Mrs. Piper had a weasel visit her hen house Tuesday night and kill seven chickens. " Mr. and Mrs. Aivin Jones gave a Halloween party last Saturday evening. - OLEX , W. Wildrick is in Olex this week. Chas. Plumber was s visitor in The Dalles Monday, . L Chas. Brown of Gwendolyn, was in town Monday. ' " -. - -- A. B. Robertson passed thru Olex this week Edgar Irby spent a part of last week at the Mobley home. ii Ci F. Wade and W. Wildrick motored to Condon on Tuesday. Babe Montague Monday. was in Olex Cf. B. Robertson passed thru Olex last week. . I). E. Gradey and family have moved to the" Joe Budd ranch. Fred Weatherprd has a new Dodge car. -"" Pearl Schott returned from The Dalles last week. v , - ' Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mobley motored to Condon 'Jast Friday. ' Mrs. T. G. " Johnson left for her home in Condon last Friday Mrs. Edgar Schott is spending the week at the Mobley home. Mrs. Martin has had very good news from her son, Ray. He Is rapidly improving. ' Mrs. Chas. Martin and Mrs Bell Wade spent a few days of last week in The Dalles. Douglas Hurt was s guest at his brother's horns here last week. Robert McKinuey and family spent last Sunday at the Hurt home. They came in their new Ford. Mr. and Mrs W. W. -Weather- ford returned last Saturday, rtr spendi mr a week with re latives at ay ton. - (Continued from last week)"" Fifth. They wanted to secure the Columbia Highway by hav ing the Willow Creek road pre pared. .It's impossible to show how the farmers would benefit by this. And the farmers here are not willing to pay for bene fits to tourists. . Sixth. It was urged that the farmers might work the roads initead of paying Ihe money. Do you think fanners work for pleasure and that the farmer's time is of no ralueT Should .the farmerjieglect his farm to work a road that will not benefit him proportionately T A business man may pleasantly suggest that the farmer work the roads, but not one business man would neg lect his business to work on the roads. If time is money, then time given is money given. Where is the difference? Seventh. According to the admissions of one of the boosters they were working for their own interests. Evidently then the booster's interests are the reason for the demand for a Willow Creek road. That they brought man all the way from Portland to talk for them proves It '- - Eighth. , Not oven all the reads within the district went to be improved. Only the "trunk" road as they called- it - The "spurs" would be improved lat- Tbey wanted their slice of the pie first, the farmers were to come later. ' He who eomes List tm 111 I J . . T sb ilk vi uov tv nsjow M UlUf J Tenth. A simple raise to prices brings back to the busi ness man the money he pays out for'such an enterprise. - But the farmers can not fix his own prices. Therefore he pays his own road taxes and those of the business roan also, for the latter are shifted to him. Add to these the fact that the business men of Heppner pay nothing even ap parently and you have the farm er handing his money over be cause some one else says so. The business men will not be' levied on for this special tax, am informed. . Farmers what do , you think of that 7 Should npt town property pav part of tljis tax, when it gets almost all f the benefit? . - . i iours respectfully - Jj' Glenn Burroughs. T NOVELTIES IN THE SHOPS. &i With Wld Array to CKoom Prim Olfl SalMtfon la Kaay. la 'noraltlM ttaviw utt WbAtnts In Jade, quarts, mslachlt and lapis. Tboosb to b bid In Um real atonas at great coat, tfaeaa manafaetarad semi pradoua atooea call for an xperfs aUU to be distinguished from the real. Other prattf noveWea are tbe rhlna too drops won on ecceedlngly thla gold chains; likewise tbe delicate flow era. such ss psnslaa. Ttoleta, et&, deU. cately enameled on silver. Some of these are made so the csn be worn either as brooches or pendants. OarneSi and Jets are among tbe old fashioned atones one again popular. Garnets make pretty color pins wnen est In tbe long thin bars. In brooches the are set ss foor leaf clover and rosea. The jet pins are also worn with the large pieces fat oval and oblong; or est In dowers and many geometrical d eigne, such as stars, crosses, etc. - Stockings were never so exquisite before. Pro in tbe display shops It would seem as though spiders lnteed"W becvy- looms bad woven some of the delicate and beautiful ho siery. Tbe' must fashlooable colors are the loodoo sawke. Copenhagen and oth er Muse and areena. Tbe mere mentioning of dettcati stockings MOKireats dainty slipper bock lea. And. though some of these back lea are beautiful and .wonderfully artistic decidedly pretty rblneatone bncklaa and att-rllng ellVMC sbos buck les are dlsplsysd as low as fl. Beth Dell end Penwiper. A penwiper Is made by taking any Itttle doll with a pretty race and d log K m black. Hake tbe skirt long rind of heavy black material, so heavy that the doll will stnnd stone, and across her shoulders pin a tiny white nandkercblet Next pot a little white apron on her, and then pnste a Utile white cap on her bead and yon will nave it neat Utile nurse. If yoo have sleeves In tbe doll drees K Is e good idea to sew a Red Cross badge on. Make-tbe skirts salts bis for the pen wiper. ' THE INNER LIFE. TWknei sfetkstki lived-the life of BandM thoeght, purpose. -aapntioB and prsycf dominates Mid deterasnes the outer life and creates it And when one feels helplessly drifting at the mercy of events his ooJy safety lies in a more positive and aboundbf aoergy, in deeper, purpose and a firmer grasp on his MteHediial We, a bignei and drrtner freod as ha tkoughoi and a clout dinging to the drvuw prom iaes. Msonce Mscttrsnck. " " EUCTIOWS IN FRANCE. Thet Ae Held esi Sunday and Haesly Finish sdila One Day. n franc electlena are betd on Sun day. Universal manhood suffrage Is tne role. Every Praacbman off twea-tj-ene years of age. on proof of aU moBths rsaWanco. Is a legal voter at the alscttona to tne chamber, saving only soldiers on active service and ota era dteqnaUOed for bankruptcy and criminal reasons. Because of tbe num ber ef candidates tbe flret day's poll ing bj many dtetrtcts 'is ant SnaJL Whore no candidate-receives an abso tato majority, a second election Is held. It often L.jrm that from one- tblrd to one-rourtb of th electloos for depoUen sre not Snally decided antll th eeoood poU. wben not tafnonontly or mors caodldatae hi a district av withdrawn. The poUlag begins nt S ht th Bsora- tac and lasts an til S la th ovenlns lastaod of regularly appointed clerk and alsctlsa esMaak thro votanteers ink charge of the -mm" la which the ballots are deposit and conduct the prsroedlngs. One of th penalties of betas Srst to appear Si too IlkeOhooi ef -belac Impreaead Into service an one of Us aaaeaaora, ad whom two. hoc todapeodsnt voters, most asrvt with the -president ef the eeltoc" tb eoootlng of tbe beltota Is ales doao by freei la tbe at i ants of the part ajstsss ft Is dlAcott strictly as etaoelfv tbe candMataa, la a gisiral waj they rango tbsatsslvea hi creops aroaod Mow lack WMoV THey Said "Ybu ; Cant Raise Corn"- in the Northwest. But corn is grown here good corn, small cobs, deep Lrernals, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre. . - ' ,lL.- ' Every farmer--every live- stock owner-r " every dairymat ;knows what corn means Whether or not you know that , corn is a successful crop in this country, go and see the'rults of a campaign for more pork and better porfc, more cattle, more dairies nd silos, and better times at OREGON WASIIINGTON"RaHroad & Navigation Co. i , Union Pacific System ' 7 GorriSKow WALLA WALLA Information and Premium lJi Free upon application to G. J. Pennington, Agent, lone Low Fares For The Round Trip "KILL LICE" HOG ROLLER Designed by i -V TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY " .. .k - Engineering Department " - I l - vnr:. t , , l seen is tbwt r I ,u.9LUn '' I " Here we show a large aohd wood roller reTolvlns; In a trough filled with crude dll. The ttonst ruction of th s Is sound and heavy, thu roller pins be ing carried in pipe sockets and the whole thing Is very sutmtaDctal. This Is recommended by scores of authorities as the most practical way of keep tng the hogs free from life. It is much better than a dipping vat or a rub bing post, and U on duty all tbe tUne. The pigs rub against the roller continual!; and the oil sills tbe lice. Price complete, ready for oil $&55l Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co See Cronk or Rood about it at their offices at lone and Lexington, Oregon.: '!, I have been to the Expositions and I want to tell you -that every man. woman and child who can, by any means, SHOULD GO. Children of today may again enjoy such an opportunity, but you and I . in the prime of life never. -Ask any Exposition visitor. World conditions are such as will prohibit simi lar gatherings during our generation. That is - "why I say to you-GOT " The San Francisco Ex- . ' position closes December 4th. There is plenty of time yet to see it, but not more than enough. Now is the best time of the year in California, and of the Exposition season. Therefore-Go Now! We'H take rare of jour travel needs. That la our business. Ask C J. Pennington, Agent IONE . Oregon -Washington Railroad & .Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Prtm A HVIt-Mw too Cttfori K EawMWuss sssltrQH am FLOUR Every Sack la Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Per sack $1.54, Per barrel $5.60, Per five barrel at $5.5w, Per ten barrel at $5.4t j HEPPNER MILLING COMPANY -C B. Sperry, Agent V i ' lone, Oregon the - DECEMBER 2-3-4 M Si sesMgs. The finest of High Patent Flour oa the Market at the Sperry Ware boose at lone. " 4 1 - rT- '