The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, November 03, 1915, Image 3

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The Bank of lone cordially invites your account
subject to check or op 6ertificat6 of Deposit, with (
the assurance of courteous treatment
J. E. CRONAN, Preaident; - '' ,'r .
- T. J. MAHONEY, Vice President, " -
... BANIi o IONE
Main Street ' . : .. . - Ion. Onsaoir-'
I "You ve jf fyl
'It isn't a question alone of whether you 1
want a better salary it's a hard .condition 1
'It isn't a question alone of whether you
want a better salary it's a hard .condition
of life that you must face to protest your
self and those dependent upon you.
YaUften't Jia.-af still if you- don't want
to go bacwjd, you must go forward
that is, you'va got to tarn mart. ..
? Earning tr.ore means holding a better
position independence, happineM, and a
chance to provide for the future.
Thousands upon -thousands who once held low,
poorly paid positions now earn high salaries at a
result of letting the Ihtsknatiohal Correspond
ing. Schools show them how to accomplish the
change. During last year about 4.000 students vol
untarily reported in creases in salary amounting to
over two million dollars! Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily
rc7rt to us advancement in position and earnings. Why not make
start this rao::thi : " -
Mcrmini cirrtiMrtttrt lOiitt
Simply mark on the coupon
the position you wish to secure,
then tear out and mail the coupon
to the International Correspond
ence Schools. This puts you
under no obligation whatever but
allows our experts to adapt a
Course to your individual needs
and circumstances,
row 'vm got to earn mora Money.
Thm I. C. S. will halm ye.
mm yom hw mm mtmn tamayr s,& ffo
Box MS, Scrantoe, Pa.
Ink opIUa. wit bout Imitkai oUlntfoa oa "7
I, bow 1 caa qui Illy loi Ik. potllJom, Ind,
!loa baloi wblck I turn ikd X. .
AuoaaMI, Raulag
Foultry Farming
Adnluog Mn
ShowCird WritIM
Window Trimming
ComDardal Inmost,
bid iu trial Deigning
AckitKtunl Dnfn.
CbmbIii I ?P
El ectri a 1 Zaatn r
Mccbulal Draft!
Mch,alcJ EnalBaar
T.l.phoDB Eipart
Suttonarr Enalnaar
T.Itll. M lillalaaa
BMUrf na
Coocrala Coaatfacfn
PI unibini, SUM Wtttg
Mia. Fnraoua
J. N. McKinnell, Route Mgr. S
202 McKay Bldg, ( A V-'.. - Portland, Oregon
Fob Hale Medicine Route. Estab
lished 10 years. Also 80 acres of
- land in Western Washington for
sale or trade. 85 acres cleared, house
barn, water, 40 tons' of bay. C. M.
Wood, Bnohomlsb, Wash. Box &4.
- 18-23
Id Arrt Hundreds wealthy members
wluhiug to marry soon; descrip
tions free; reliable club. Kirs, wru
bel box 28, Oakland, Calif. 30-23
Vine Prosperous general store la a
thriving Eastern Oregon City for
sale or will trade for first class
wheat ranch aroud lone. This 1
a tl ret class trade and win merit
Investigation. Apply lone Jour
nal, lone. Oregon, i
Acbks of Good Wheat bandj-hae
been farmed, all fenced, will tase
residence In The Dalles, as part
payment. Balance on terms, price
14 per acre Ions Realty Co.,
Box i3, IoneOre.
For Hale or Raw Quite a number
of first class properties, see us and
find out what we can do for you.
We are agents for leading Fire and
Life Insurance companies. Try a
local arm and see1 how we get re
sults, lone Realty Co. Box iffii,
lone,' Oregon. - "' j
Special School Meeting
wanted to bear, from owner of Farm
or fruit ranch for sale. O. O. Hat
tson, Minneapolis. Minn. 90 An-
-drosBlilg. -
Makdolin roa sale at a reasonable
price, apply at Journal office, lone,
Oregon. 18-2S
Have you a trade or want to sell
?'onr property, try a classified ad
n the lone Journal. It gets the
buaf.eet One of the f I. ads sold
- a 6,000 piece of property last fall,
we may be able to do f be saoM for
you. i
Wheat Immd For Halb Heven raiW
from lone, 800 acres, good 6 room
""bouse and bam, plenty of water,
120 acres In Summerfallow, ready
to seed this fall. 400 acres In stubble
cut this year.- All stock and Imple
ments go with place, 25 per acre,
goine cash, balance tenna, C per
cent InteMMt. Will excepts borne
iwldenc IB Peolieton, as part
payment. lone Reality Co., Box
- 163, loo, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given to the, legal
voters of School District No. 85 of
Morrow Coanty, State of Oregon,
thmX a special school meeting of said
District .jvlll be beld at the school
one, on the 20th day of November
19ifc, at one o'clock In the afternoon,
w rote on the proposition of levying
special district tax.
The purposes for which the money
to be raised by this levy shall be ex
pended, are sjioifa by
itemised budget which to hereby
made a part of this notice:
Teachers' salaries.. ... $ 5,180.00
Furniture ... ...
Apparatus, such as maps
ehalk, erasers, stoves or
curtain t ...
Library book ...
Flag ... ,..
Repairs of school, houses,
outbuildings or fences
Play ground ap para toe
Traneporatatfon of pupils
fnearance .. .. ..
Janitor supplies - ..
Fuel 1 . a --';
p Light and water .. M
Clerk's salary ...
Postage and stationery
Dr. Davis will be in lone the
first week in every month.
All work drat class and guar
anteed. lf18-tf.
Fob Salb 192 acres fine farm
land, all fenced, cropped this
season, 17.00 an acre. Small
- bouse on property. $700 cash,
. balance in 1917. 7 miles from
lone. See lone. Realty Co.,
looe, Oregon, Box 162. .
Total ... ... .., 7,68.00
Dated this 19th day of October
191. '. . 'J. ;
, t, T. PerilBS
f, ' District Clerk.
E . I. Pad berg
Chairman Board of Directors.
Hsnaasdle Ca r
yoar InrosM? Bert-fes. kwt tTs like
rsMlsg is sa sppsr bsMsBzclssAsm,
The Wsy. "
' Uttle Ssster Os, busb! Ossrgle
Ws )eet mmmt the tss tssssr tooksB
ssy svlly sb sll yow siee dlabea. Ut
Om BestBsr (badly CrlfhlSBsdl Tss.
Mains, sa lef s be sorry, bet seat
tafs be BMW-ilAfpert Msassftse.
Do Dreams Gome True?
" The editor of this paper had a
Wonderful dream the other night
and now he Is wondering if it
will come true; He hopes it will.
In his dream be was reading
over bis correspondence" of the
day, and uppermost "on the pile
of letters was one reading like
this: ,
"Dear Mr. Editor: I can not
let this Christmas go by without
sending you that money I owe
you on subscription to your paper
and not only that, but I am en
closing another dollar and a half
for a year in advance. I am
making several little presents- to
friends this Chrismas, but none
of them ftives me so much pleas
ure as does the sending of this
subscription money to you. I
hope every other ' person who
owes you a penny will do the
same and if they do we will all
be joining in the making , of this
a merry Christmay for you and
Thinking that his family would
be assured of at least a chicken
for their Christmas dinner, the
editor thankfully pocketed the
three dollars and went on his
weary way. ' But his spirits soon
rose as there were many, other
letters and many bUlv and ex
pressions of Christmas cheer
from his subscribers. And then
the-office door opened and Farm
er Jones came in with a bright
smile on his face and a new dol
lar bill in his hand, and it,' too,
found its way to the editor's
pocket The idea of a chicken
was discarded and visions of a
real turkey loomed large in the
editors! mind. . And still the
letters came, and the good peo
ple streamed into the office and
each one meant more subscrip
tion money for the editor end
Christmas cheer for his family.
It was a long and a pleasant
dream and lasted clear up to the
day before Christmas, and wheli
the last caller left the books
showed that every subscriber
had- paid "what he owed and
many of them had paid for a
Vear 6r two in advance and each
one had given some, word of ap
preciation and cheer to the editor
and his family. It was only a
dream, after all; but .now the
editor is wondering jf pleasant
dreams ever do come true!
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. tt
Land Office at The Dalies, Oregon
October 1ft, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given thai Albert
H. UcQee, of Lexington, Oregon,
who, on Harcb 9, 1022 made home
stead entry No. 010040, and on Nov.
tao, 1013, made additional homestead
entry No 01087b, for & E , 8. K.
N. E. X, Section ft. Township S, N.,
Range 20, E., Willamette Merldan,
has Sled notice of Intention to make
final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before 0. 0. Patterson, United State
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon
on the 4th day of December 1DJ6.
Claimant names, as witnesses:- Ar
thur A. Flnley, Ewlug P. Berry,
Charles A. Morey, Smith J. Towne
all of Lexington Oregon,
H. Frank woodcock
21-36 Register.
Notice for Publication:
Department of the Interior, V. 8.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
October 16, 1916.
Notice Is hereby given that Ewlug
P. Berry, of Lexington1; Oregon, who
on June 8, 1011, made homestead en
try, No. 08761, for N. S N. E. , N.
N. W. X. Section 6, Township 2, N..
Kange 26, E., Willamette Merldan,
has filed notice of intention to- make
final three year proof, to' establish
claim teethe land above described.
before C. V. Patterson, United Htates
Commissioner, at Heppner, -Oregon,
on the 4th day of December 1916.
Claimant names'a witnesses: Wil
liam B. Flnley, Arthur A. Flnley,
Charles A- Morey, Joseph W. Sibley
all of Lexington' Oregon.
, J Hr-Frauk Woodcock
21-29 - . ' ., Keglnter.
Notice of Final Account-
1 in ; "
Notice ti hereby given that the un
dersigned; admlnstratrix of the Es
tate of J. A. Woolery has filed with
the County Court of Morrow County
Oregon bet final report and account
as snob Administratrix, d that
said Court has fixed Monday the 6th
day of December, 1916 at the boor of
10 o'clock A. M. a the tune and the
County Court room la the Court
House la the ulty of Heppner, Mor
row County, Oregon as the place for
bearing said report and account and
the lollowlnKlaju objections thereto, and iorjfche
settlement of said Estate
Dated this 27 th day of October,
Helen V. Knap pen berg,
Administratrix of the E
tats of J. A. Woolery, '
22- - Deceased.
f ueslvptwfc '
la a period of tea yearn tfts SBceiyp-
ros tna witt grow twMre iBcnee n
diameter and natetx- rest ! befglll,
wMle it BUI take wtalte esfc end blcfe
ory 90 to 100 rears to artala the ssme
gruwta, sad ether aard snsds, wtea
as sralBirt, wUl Uka Sfty to atatf
rsara to attain the same staa This la
Itself le S tr eadoue adrsnUg. ami
together with the fact that It reprw
daces ttoslf 'run tee same
BMkes It of perial iummswHI valaa.
-PMladelphIa LedfBT.
There to a dfffereace between
soBBHty" aad "cfcaiactsi. rvnmellty
to the torgsr tafng aad toctodes ebara
tsr. By psfBsaaltty Is BMaat the mf
torleeB eatlty going to malw Bp BBS's
betec r aatare. It to eqnlvslBBt to
str luunrlnsniTi. r IsdttiaaaJtaee
being. CBaracBW, ea tea otawr haad.
trleflr Asenee. mans ttw attrtbvtesaf
the iBeJldMl. as tBe -vnaraetsv" for
iBtUgeBCB. yadfltBeat. smtbI iwrtttBda,
ad as forth, la a we, patssaaHry to
mm BWtophyBleal. raapsrter eat et
iraiMew ferk Amiriiaa.
AtriefO'lS art eeleBwIBbJffri-BV
MarejBstto DvlrersMr Athlstto sbbV
rtattoa expects
hers by
Notice for Publication :
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Octobers, 1916,-. -
Notice Is hereby given that Henry
J, Tafel, of Echo Ortafon, wh'o .on
May. 4. 1910, made Homestead entry.
No. 06874, for Nv E. M. E. Ji N. W. It,
N. E. S. W. . N. W. H B. E., Sec
tion 12, Township 2, N., Range 26,
E., Willamette Merldan. baa filed
notice of Intention to make final five
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before C. 0.
Patterson, United States Commis
sioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
19th day of November 1916, Claimant
names as witnesses: Charles Hs Sob
midt, of Btanfleld, Oregon, Carl E.
Mattaon, of Echo, Oregon, William
H. Murphy, of Echo, Oregon, Wil
liam B. Flnley, of Lexington, Ore
goo. IT, Frank Woodcock
26-26 Register.
Potatoes v
Just received Car of those Fancy
. Netted Gems Potatoes, Price $1.25
per 100 pounds. .
r Bring Us Your EGGS. We
Pay 30 Cents Per Dozen
Bring Them In While They Are FRESH
; Have you looked over our fine line
of Dry Goodsif not, Come in and
spend a few minutes looking around
Gome and look pver our stock
- next time .you are in town
.. Itwill pay you. ,
Fb S, Bender & Co.
Main St.
Ion. Or..
Pinttj -Equipped to HandJt all Kepain. Agent Far Ltadiag
Automobile Acssasoriss
THe lone Garage
I. B. BRYSON, Proprietor
FZUmtW Qaaolim Station
Maia Stmt, lam, Ormgom
M. B. Haines, Prop. West Main Street
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Morrow J
Bert Mason, Plaintiff,
P. M. Morris, defendant. '
TO P. Mt Morrl., defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint
filed against yon In the abore en
titled suit on or before Wednesday the
44th day Norember, 1916 said day
being after the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, and
If yon fall to appear and answer
said complaint, lor want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded therein, to
wlt: For a Judgement la the sum of
(828.81 with legal Interest thereon
from October 2, 1215, until paid, and
the father sum of 41.40 with legal
Interest thereon from September 1,
1215, nntil paid, and the further sum
of 8.75 with legal Interest thereon
from July 16th, 1VU, until paid and
the father sum of 102.60 with legal
Interest thereon from Octobei 3, 1915
nntil paid, and for the costs , and
disbursements In this action.
Berries of this summons is mad.
bpob yos by publication pursuant
to an order of the Honorable C. C.
Patterson, .fudge of tbe Coanty
Court of Morrow County, Oregon
made oa the 11th day of October
1211 directing ewa publication In
the Ion Journal one. a week for
six eonae&Btlre weeks, the first pub
lication thereof, being oa tbe 18tb
day of October 121A. . - -
Kaappenberg and Johnson'
, Attorneys for Plaintiff
lone, Oregon. 20-2A
All kinds of light and beary hauling done at rery nasonaol pries.
Independent Dray Line
Griffith & Linn, Proprietor!
Yearly aubacriptiont for the
Journal are $1.60, How about it?
Mini in fan. '
Mattres of Egypt drink tbe Brflk ef
(he cbbm! as well -as teat mt the sow.
the oat. sad the Kile buffale.
i the fret gM yoa ever kissedr
"Te. hb I swear fLF-r
-1 aaBspt yaar apology."
i Aft Mima,
-Mto-Lletca. Dolly; can yea keep a
it Doliy-No more fbsa ye. ess
lllr"UB?W Wffc HbbV
Oil Stoves. Sewing Machines
Main Street
lone, Oregon
Knappembwrg Ck Johnson
l Attorney, and Counsellors
at Law
Maim St.
Room it, lone Hotel, lone, Oregon
Dr. C. C Chich
Phystciaa and Surgeon
Duvm Sroaa
Iohb, Obmo
Dr. A. Hennig
. OaiBOf BACTW Pbtskuii ,
HoTBf. IoB ioaa, Obboob
bmb always good teb
- Ne'Ri
"Are hotel
more aa as a etas, tbaa ecker
Mi Why da yo. safcr
"BeesBss I wsat to know why fbey
Btn them Bona -race'
C. B. Sprry
Fir. losurancs aad Notary Pvbtts
Main St, lone. Ore, '
Ion. Lodrfw No 135 IOOr
Meets every Saturday niorhi In '
their hall, lone, Ore., Walter
Reitman, N. E. L. Padberf.
V.G.. S. T. Perkins, secretary.
Visiting brothers- oreiaJly
F. H. rVobltuoa
Attorney at Law
Practise fa all Stat. Court. ,
and V, S, federal Departmenta.
Mam aaaaIoits, tf aawoff .
Barrwd Plymouth Sooh
effKi for Hatchinir. Pedfgread
Belgian rares and PigBona.
send for our pricea and dis
eriptiona, Oregon Carnesu 0a
Box 279. Portland, Oregon.
H. 4. Hamlet, Manager.
Journal subscriptions are $1.60
per year. How about it J