The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, November 03, 1915, Image 2

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A Strictly Home Paper Tor Morrow
County Residents
- Published Every Wednesday By
Entered at the FoMoffice Ione Oregon, '
as Second-class matter
Subscription Kates
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
Advertising Rates Upon Application
A blue mark on this space Is
notice that your subscription
will expire in three, weeks..
Prompt renewals will, prevent
"subscribers missing any papers '
The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance '
unless other arranements are made. ; If you want the lone
Journal let us know either in person or by letter. Subeerip- t
tion price noted above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due.
a . r i. n ' T
t9 me ui(.ui occs 11
ed good to us.
When ignorance is bliss all
fools are wise.
Trade 'where you live, or five
where you trade.
It is advertised in the paper
this week. Look for it
To admit your faults is one of
the greatest virtues of all.
' . -
Buy It at home this. Christmas.
Keep prosperity in this town.
Make your visit short and you
will be welcome the next time.
Let's make it America first,
last, all the time, and then some.
Get into the "buy t at home"
crowd All mihty good people.
Another week 'nearer Christ
mas. Read the sds. Buy it at
Anybody wha doesn't wish the
president and his bride-to-be all
kinds of happiness is just a
jealous old codger who would
like to stand in" his shoes.
Th? Rev. Cyrus Townsend
Brady says that "woman's Suff
rage is a insult to God and man"
Possibly but not to Brady, as he
appears to be neither God or
man. . .
We would like to know which
business house you think has the
most attractive, appearing and
competing advertisement in this
issue of the paper. Why not tell
us? - -
Uncl&' Sam and the Central
and South .American republics
are recognizing Carranza and
his government, but hanged if
we would want to recognize the
cuss or any of his horde in s dark
The "buy it at home' fever is
spreading. Have you caught it
We think a town that is worth
living in is worth trading in.
What do you think? 1
Buy it at! home this Christmas.
Keep prosperity in this town.
It's good for sll of us.
When a man's head begins to
swell what few brains he has
just- slide down into his , heels.
Cheer up, old top. It keepB
other people 'busy looking sfter
the droop of their own spirits.
Live merchants will be 'tell in v
you about it in the paper from
now on until Christmas. Use
your eyes snd shvs the pennies.
; They say beauty is only skin
deep. But It has a practical va
lue to lt possessor when angliwz
for an American millionaire.
This "favorite son" idea with
regard to the presidential nomi
nation la springing up sll over
the country. We decline in .ad
When "recognition" of Car
iiim fails tn rpRtnnr atirt
order In Mextc6Tasof course it
will). hst will be the next
move?, '
Just glue your eyes to the d
In this paper and you will not
even want to think of going any
where else to do your Christmas
hopping. -
You feed your horse well be
cause you know it is of no vslue
to you when it is desd. Why
don't you do ss much for your
home town by trading here?
Without either' you would be in
a bad way.
If you hear a fellow cussing
this town remonstrate with biro
If he don't stop, choke him. If
he keepait up, punch him hr the
jsw. And if he does it again,
take him out and bury hint. The
town will not miss him. ,
A bullet fired at a fleeing rob
ber went wide its mark, flatten
ed itself against a steel rib of a
corset worn by Mrs. Charles
Chsdwick in Chicago and fell
harmlessly at the lady's feet
Will it be corsets for the army
next ,
Are you going to have any kind
of a public celebration this
Christmas? And if so, what?
December 25 will be ambling
along now within a few weeks
and it is time for some one to do
the necessary thinking and plan
ning. We'll do the pushing. -
Every day we sea or hear
something mighty good and
praiseworthy sbout some one in
this town, snd it just clinches us
In the opinion that, this is a
"good place to live". And we
hear and see good deeds and
traits of the farmers out in the
county and that, too, gives us a
mighty fine feeling. A person
might travel a long way and see
msny worse places to live than
this town and among these good
town and country people. Jt
suits us.
' Four hundred and fifty million
Chinese tremble at the menace
of seventy million Japanese a
giant helpless at the feet of a
pigmy. Japan has a magnificent
army of seasoned and diciplined
veteran troops and a complete
equipment of modern guns and
munitions of war, while China
is without the means of defense,
just like Uncle Sana.
Do you want to know how to
get a tip top dinner? Just buy
the necessary ingredients and
take them horns to your wife.
She will be more than willing to
cook them.' The best cook on
earth can not make a tempt
ing dessert out of a hunk of
saltporky ' .
Every little while some fellow
lets out an excruciating yawp
about the country being hard up
and going to the dogs. It would
if they could have their way, but
fortunately they can't This old
U. S. A. is a long way from be
ing busted and everybody knows
it but the yawpera.
It makes a country, editor feel
bully to have John Smith or Tom
Jones meet him on the street
and hand him a dollar and a half
with the remark, -"I don't know
when my subscription expires,
but just give me credit for this
anyway." But don't be all to
timid in case your name doesn't
happen to be Smith or - Jones.
We'll grab it "
Your Best Gift j
In looking around for. some
thing appropriate to send to your
friend or relative at a. distance
for a Christmas present, just re
member that your friend is al
ways interested in the doings of
the folks at home, and that the
one thing of all others that he or
she would appreciate Is a years
subscription to this paper. It is
sbout the cheapest present you
could make and by far the most
to be appreciated,
of Estray Animals
Id the Justice Court of tbe third
district of Morrow County.. Oregon
Io the .Matter of the Taking up
Estray Animals by B, P. Morgan,
of lone, Oregon. NOTICE to
hereby - given. - that ' by Tlrtue
of an order granted bj Hon E. T.
Perkins, Justice oT the Peace of the
Third District of Morrow County,
Oregon, on the 18th day of October.
1916. I will eel) at public sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash In- hand, at
the ranch now occupied by B. F.
Morgan, the Taier-up In the above
entitled matter, and inown as the
C W. Farker ranch, situated about
five miles North west of lone, Oregon
on the third day of November. 101ft',
at the hour of ten o'clock In the
forenoon of aald day, estray animals
to wit;
One sorrel mare, three years old,
branded MO connected on right tri
fle. One blue gelding, three years old,
branded circle M on right stride and
'two Inverted figure fives on right
shoulder. ' '
One brown gelding, twelve years
old, branded Inverted V, with c re
sent above and bnr below on right
stride. - -
Said animals having been taken up
as Estraya by B. F. Morgan, of lone
Oregon on the 1st day of October,
1915. ; -
Provided, however; that the owner
of said eatraj animals 'may re-take
the same at any time prior to said
sale by paying to the taker-up tilt
costs, expenws and da muges to date.
V-ta W. O. Cason, Constable.
Notice for Publication
Don't Want to
This Town
-r- Department of the Interior, Vr 8.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 4. 1915. 7
Notice Is hereby given that (Turtle
LC. Rhea, of Heppner Oregon, who..
oa October 18. JOU. made Home
stead Entry!, No 99589. for 8. E.
N. E. M. E- - E. . Sec. 25. T. S, 8.,
H. 24, E Lot 4, See. 80, Lots 1,2,8,
N. E. 8. W. . Section 81, Town
ship 3, 8., Range 35. E., Willamette
Merldan, has filed notice of In
tention to make fliinl threw
year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described be
fore O. O. Patterson, United State
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon. J
on 29th day fof November 1915. '
Claimant names as witnesses: John
R. Olden, of Heppner, Oregon, Ar
thur C. Keeoe, of Lexington, Oregon
Ora E. Ad k Inn, of Heppner. Orvgon,
Ralph L. Benge, of Lexington, Ore-,
20-25 H, Prank Woodcock
If want to kill the prosperity
of this town. If you want to
make it financially hard up, IF
YOU WANT TO BUST IT, just keep
mrht on sending your money to
outside firms and especially to
the mail order man. : "
If you want to make Christmas
a mockery in this town, if yon
wsnt to eon tribute your share
toward pauperisinff the business
interests of this community, just
keep right on sending your
money to other places and tou
wHl succeed.
If yob want to decrease the
value of your town property or
of your farm, if you want to
make local conditions such that
noons would risk buying your
property, just keep right on
patronising mail order men and
other foreign concerns and you
will wipe out your own accumu
lations of years, -
A fellow started to read us the
riot act the other day because
we suppressed a certain unsavory
piece of news.- But. when we
mentioned t certain Indiscretion
of his which hs thought was un
known he immediately saw the
wisdom of our forbearance. Bat
it's Just human - nature, you
know. Such fellows war and
always will be. . . r
But If you don't want to do
these things if you are in reality
what you profess to be. a good
citisen buy t at bomb this
CRaiHTMAA, and kbbp prospbb
A Hard twms Caaalwa. "
Bar Dad Does that yew aaa
7"ve Seaa bassta ftps ay wtth fcv
tead to est BMrrtaS r to iiuls sto
StoT .
Delator l sktak art a the
. Notice for Publication
I . SWWB -
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October S, IMA,
Notice la hereby given that Michael
Saapanek. of Echo, Oregon, who, on
May 381911. made Homestead Entry,
No. 08704, tor W. N. W.fc, W. H
W. . E. X 8. W.X, Section 12,
Township 2. N., Range 26, E., Wil
lamette Ueridan, has filed notice of
Intention to waits final three year
Proof, to establish claim to toe
land above Jcaerlbed, before C. C.
Patterson, United States Commto
atoasrat Heppner, Oregon, on the
18th day of November 1815. Clai
mant names as witnesses: Will lam
B. Fteley. of Leelngton Oregon, -Cart
K. llattsoo, of Echo, Oregon, Henry
J. TafeL of Echo Oregon, William H.
Murphy, of Echo, Oregon.
. . H. Prank Woodcock.
S0-2S Register
- Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. TJ. ' 8.
Land Office at The Dalles Oregon,
Octobers, 1915.
Notice hereby given that Cart 8
IfattsoD, of Echo, Oregon, who, on
April 17, 1911. made Homestead En
try, No. 088O1, tor N. E. , Section M,
Township 1 N., Range K, K.. Wil
lamette Merldaa, has filed notice of
Intention to male final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the. land
above described, before C a Patter
oa, United States Commissioner, at
Heppner Oregon. On the lSta day
of November IMS. Claimant aarmes
as witnesses: William B. Plnley, of
LextngtonJOmroo, William H. slur-
phy. of Echo. Oregon. Henry J. Tafvl
of Echo, Oregon. Michael Saapanek
of Echo, Oregon.
( H. Fmak Wooftcock
10-16 Regleter.
Jndgs Way an ten safe fnr S S
Ts Mere Men-Mr wttn has
sn arttottc tempsranwnl snd I have an
apnstltn-PWIs aisjii la
The cSisMsa
to be tots sensed m be bar Mnsjr
Be tow."
What dtogietscet three- M se 4r
"MsrrtoS snethnr gwL -LisMiUto
We have just received over
500 pairs of ladies, mens and
childrens sample shoes and
are offering them at whole
sale prices, here is a chance
for you to save from 50c. to
$2.00 per pair on shoes and
every pair is of - this years
style and the quality is just as
good as can be found any
where, COME EARLY and
make your selections while
the stock is fresh and clean.
1. .. ...
All, Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats
Fat Stock Wanted at all times
S. H. Holgate
Main St.
Jone, Oregon
to Loan on Approved Real Estate Sec-
urity, by The Bank of lone, lone, Oregon"
Start that girl or boy to school right by
"giving them" one of those fine fountain
pens from $1.00r up, at
Dealer in Myers Pumps, Stover Engines, Star
and Wonder Windmills, Parry Buft&les, Winona
Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion harvest
ing Machinery.
S. Spark, JVop,
Hit Clmm Morn Pietta .
Ts Wmlktr Kimk
- On Mm tows.
Tfcat weaissi wmt tska attfcsr sUr
ts aortal dtspata Mtfl sh ts n
MMbtr bks wok mm to gotac ts
wta, Sbsaatr
-AX taaa taat Seconal far at fe
lone Homestead No.
Brotherhood of American Toe-.
men, ntceta. the first snd third
Tiwoday of every month.
Visitors eordiallj invited.