The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, November 03, 1915, Image 1

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Volume 3
Ionb, Oregon, NOVEMBER S, 1915
New Well At The Chick
Ranch Near lone
Monday, T. B. Bufflngton noti
fied us that he has just finished
well at the Dr. Chick , ranch
ater eight days, drilling and a
trial showed a fine quality of
water at 109 feet which constant
pumping at the rate of 12 gal
lons to the minute failed to low
er, lms well .was drilled with
the same outfit that was at the
. H. Turner ranch. Mr. Buff
ington has been ver successful
with most of his attempts to get
water for Morrow County ranch
ers. The trial was made Monday
in the presence of Dr. Chick.
E. A. Clare left Tuesday morn
ing for 'Portland' on a business
W. H. Cronk was at Cecil
Monday unloading a fine car of
lumber for McBee, Hynds and
Osborn who were well pleased
with It and said that it was the
finest lumber thy ever saw.
Of course it's Tum-A-Lumber.
Walter Cochran went to Hepp
ner Monday to take up a position
J on the Heppner-Herald for the
- Mrs. r . Wallace Sears re
turned from a visit with her
-father at Butteville the past
week. She was accompanied by
her son Wallace.
- . - -f
big fhince w planned lev tw
I9thof November at the Cecil
Hall. Cecil, Oregon. Music from
Arlington has been secured and
a fine supper is promised by , the
committee. Those on the com
mittee are L. E. McBee, Claude
Jewett, and Bill Ahalt who re.
presents the Cecil Club. Every
one is invited to attend and have
the time of their lives. Tickets
are $1.00. :.
Mrs. John Wilt returned the
past week from the Valley where
she has been visiting her daugh
ter who is attending school at
Salem. '
Walt Puyear returned this
week from a short visit to Idaho.
He looks fine after his trip.
J. b. Oronan returned riday Sunday at the the same. It is
.evening after a short business j hoped that the weather condi
trip to Portland. Ha says busi-tioni wiM be much better this
ness is getting a little better in time than last Sunday.
the Wg city;- t-
W. R. Fletcher passed
lone the past week on a .
down the line. -
Nicholas Sinnett passed thru the ranch of Vandervoort&Win.
Ione last Thursday on his re- Th wheat hoa'hi
gular tour of the District which of Ch Sperr' .
Be represents at Washington V. Mrs. J. E. Ford and -son left
C. Mr. Sinnott is one of thos this week for Hood River to take
ernest citizens whom to meet is np their residence until spring,
to like. He is aa plain as ny Her . husband will leave in a
one and you would never think , few days. -
that he was one of the chosen fcwj . . . 1
. who represent the people at; Mrs. Jordan has made a very
iai ire. This being our first mret- Dieasinff change in the refinish
ing with the gentlemen we must inr of her residence and sani
confess that we were very much tarium. The interior has been
pleased with hit looks and this newly painted and papered and
only confirmed what we , had everything made spick and span
heard. His record aa a public, to accomodate the many patients
official is one of the best in the . who find health and comfort
state and the people will have under her roof. This gives lone
lost a good man when he steps one of. the much .needed places
down and out Hia heart is in for the accomodation of patients
his work as anyone can see with who are sick and must have the
half an eye and if the people do care that Mrs. Jordan so well
not get everything ther ask for" knows bow to give. As one
it will not be because Nick Sin- patient put it V3h -gave one
nott has not tried to deliver jthe better care than my own mother
foods. To hew him talk ia to would have given me." That is
.consider him your friend. We
bops hia life tune will be spent
The Five Hundred club met at
the home of Mr. asd Mrs. T. B
Bumngton Wednesday evening.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Bender. Mr. and Mrs.
T. B. Buffington, Mr. and Mrs.
L. P. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Wilt. Mr and Mrs. J. T.
Knappenberg, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert-Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. ..Pennington and daughter.
Agnes. Misses Woolery. and
Delia Davidsson. Messrs W.
F. Burger. Joe Mason, and
F.J L. Chnstensofi. V The next
meeting will be announced later.
The club meets every two weens
during the winter, the mem be
of the club taking turns alphe-
beticly in entertaining.. Punch
and cake were , served and
every one was welj pleased "with
.the-eyening. .
" Dick Turpin came- down Mon
day morning after a short visit
over Sunday at Lexington, -
I E. H. Turner was fn Monday
foe a few supplies. Mrs. Turner
and daughter arrived Sunday
after a short vacation.-
Mrs. Helliker was taken aud
denly ill at the lone Hotel last
Monday ami maTttiM Wlfte
home of John Bryson where she
she was attended by Dr. Chick.
Mrs. fi. C Helliker was taken
to Heppner Tuesday afternoon to
the Heppner hospital. She' was
accompanied by her husband.
The rabbit drive held last Sun
day was very, successful consid
ering the weather conditions
that prevailed. Quite a number
I Were present from Heppner and
Lexington. lone was represent
ed by Frank Christensen. He
shot quite a number with bis
camera. Over 1000 rabbits were
killed. About 200 people were
present and every one bai a fine
time. The drive was finished in
time for the afternoon train.
There will be another drive next
! Earl Morgan is busy running
a bunch of wheat thru the fun
ning mill at the ware house. He
is about to, start seeding the
the secret of Mrs. Jordan's
serving the people for he is
right man in the right place.
Social Card Party -
The past week Mrs. W.
Brasher received ar check for
$2,600 fronrthe Idaho State Life;
Ins. Co.. in payment of thedeath
claim on the life of her husband
who was buried the past
It was thought that the claim?
had become delinquent but thru
the efforts of Prof. W.
and the committee -from lone
Lodge No. 136. I. O. O. F. the
company acknowledged the claim
and sent their representative
here at once with' a check for
the full amount W. K. Davis
wrote the policy in June 1914 and
felt an interest in seeing that the
claim was paid If it were possi
ble to get it done. The whole
community should unite In giv
ing Prof. Davis and the Lodge
Committee a vote of . thanka for
their efforts. .
Chester Titus the jeweler is
packing up . and will leave for
Idaho where he has been tender
ed the position of official time
keeper for the O. W. R. &-N.
KA. we-are sorry to see mm go
for Chet has made many friends
since he came here, but his new
position gives him many -oppor
tunities ta-better his condition.
His family will leave with him.
E. T. Perkins was taken sud
denly ill last Monday morning
and had to he. taken home in John
Brysnn's automobile. He ia ex
pected to b: up and around in a
few days.' Marie Cason is filling
his place at the Poatoffice during
his illness.
Vawter Crawford was
up to
Heppner over Sunday toyisithis I ?r Davidson and wife, "JV-T. with thUi larger association. The
famUyy ,rtWiiyjfcBja nta:t'.-Ww.ulw iwfr 'iti&" WAWAArAhirrviv "a Tart 'WtmrnrfKE
The S perry auto took a severe
attack of non-go-itis near Morgan
last Sunday and the passengers
Mrs. C. B. Sperry and daughter
Ethel and Jftose Gamble came
back on the train. The machine
was towed in later by John Bry
son. Dick Sperry came back with
the machine.
The first meeting of the Mor
row County Sunday School con
vention will be held Thursday
evening at 7:30 in the Congrega
tional Church, Rev. C. A. Phil
lips of Portland will speak. All
are invited. . - r . ... ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe knappenberg
were passengers on tne train
Tuesday evening for Heppner.
Audrey Woollery left Monday
morning for Portland for short
visit - i ' i
The Fountain of
f UB harrtr 9am
' J - V- I it f I ;:jL- . 1 -
fmtim. ftu rnidM, riwwi hMt ottlN wetanlav ttnmm
ba ttiar ftl Iwttaa mt mteM. Tbto Cvwttala to mmm mt tto inmmI
alsMa taUMt hi ftMta OvdM mt Om Ezparitloa uS tem the
mmtm mtnaam m tfca gwd. H mmm mm allcevffnU aUtmlatmmmK mm tt fm
Mm lb NM that acaamf tfc Puuw cumI, la awU tm tmm gmat
latarnnaal ipalifcia. Ba asat at vadt tmm gnat Riaaattlaa,
D.jl Spooks Hold Hifth Carnival
Ghostly indeed appeared the
friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Johnson when they attended the
Halloween party given at the
Johnson home just below lone
on Thursday night hut Array-
K. Davisted spooks, in white sheets and
masks, some forty odd con
genial spirits assembled before
the bouse at eight o'clock where
they were; met by the "Mov
ing Spirit" of the super-natural
world who instructed them in the
ways of the household. After
much parlance with the Demon
doorkeeper the party was direct
ed 1 1 the Witch's cave, to be
marked and numbered and
Ithenc 1 to the stati.n of the Re
cording Angel to be catalogued
for future reference by Sears
Rand Roebuck. The entire assem
blage seemed possessed of the
ppirit of rejuvi nation and enter
ed into the games, tricks and
pongs with a will that surprised
van themselves. The- apples
were good. The cider was great
nd the cake, sandwiches and
ffee were simply immense and
fleeted great credit on Mrs.-
nhnson'S- - cooking. Shortlyr
fter lunch the moon came out
bright that the spirits became
earful of detection and departed
'or their several homes tired out
ut filled with joy and good will
result of the evening of fun.
Those present were: F. S. Ben
der and wife, Dr. a C. Chick
4nd wife. W. K. Davis and wifej
ii n t . i v .a i t
t. B. Buffiington and wife.W.
H. Cronk and wife. J. H. Wilt
'land wife, Bert Mason and wife.
toippWrtwry and if
Marie Cason, Muriel Cason,
Emma Gist Schmidt Hotchkiss
and Mrs. Nellie Wilson. Messrs
Harry Johns, Wm. Burger, Fred
McMurray, Clarence H easel tine,
Fnuik Christensen, -Frank Cro
nan, Joe Mason and Ed Padden.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Meyers
of The Dalles, Oregon are spend-
ing a few weeks at the home of .
uieir aaugnier, jars, oaaie Rey
nolds. There will be no prayer meet
ing services at the Christian
Church this week because of the
County Sunday School Conven
tion. Mrs. Delia Armitage of White
Swan, Wash., is here visiting
with her mother Mrs. Mary Hale
and her sisters Mrs. Walter
Cason and Mrs. John Cochran.
Enertfy at Nitfht
PkMi latOTMdoMl
lone Wins Once More
' From Echo Team
The lone High School football
team motored over to Echo last
Saturday to play the first of the
scheduled games with that team.
The Echo team was light only
averaging about a hundred and
thirty five pounds to the man.
The srame ended with a score of
56-6 n Ione's favor. A total of
nine touchdowns were made by
the lone boys, Mearl Blake and
Roy Blake makinr three apiece
while the other three were made
by Dick Sperry, Elmer Cochran
and Ray Sperry. Echo-, scored
one touchdown on a fumble punt
Toe cho boys will play lone on
the local grounds hereon Thanlta
piving.. cho will have a touch
stronger team when they come
here, - , , .
Another-Organization which
has . appeared in the High
School is the Student Body As
sociation., All members of the
High School are voting members
of this association. The officers
are chosen at large by the entire
body. - It is the object of this
organization to regulate - and
control all school affairs. In ac-
J il:. . : &t
cordance with this pi inciple. the
work of the athletic association
will be carried o in connection
Rally of October 22, appointed a
yell leader and a committees to
work up suitable songs and yells
and voted to publish its news in
the lone Journal instead of issu
ing a paper, but to edit an .an
nual later in the yeah The offi
cers of the organization are:
Jesse Dobyns, Pres., Catherine
Jones. V.
Pres., Goldie Stoops,
Sec.jkEarl Blake, Treas.
During the first week of school
the class of 1916 reorganised for
its Senior year. The following
officers were elected: Mearl
Blake, Pres., Goldie Stoops, V.
Pres., Jesse Dobyns, Sec, David
Reitman, Trees., Delia Davidson,
Color-Bearer, George Zink, Serjeant-at-Arms.
The cIhss colors
are brown and gold and the class
flower is a pansy, "Our Aifn
Success, Our Hope-To Win-" is
the class motto. During the
same time th Junior class of
1917 also reorganized for its third
year. The following officers
were elected in that class:
Catherine Jones, Pres., Frank
Stoops, Sec., Iita- Hart well,
Treaa. The motto of this ctass
is "Facte non verba." It's
colors are red and green and the
flower a red rose.
The high school end . eighth
fgrade girls have startefl basket
ball practice. Not having a hall
in which to practice at the pre
sent time they ere using the ten
nil court This is hardly suit
able for the .work which is to be
done, but it can be used for the
present The girls are hoping
that they can have the rink soon.
Fifteen girls have started the
practice and it is hoped that a
"go-getem" team can be picked
from this number. - Miss Hotch
kiss fat coaching and she is carry
ing out hvr duties admirably.
Monday and Thursday evenings
after school have been set aside
for practice as a beginning but
later on when the girls-get- more
need to the strenuous exercise
more time will be spent In get
ting the team In shape. .
' School spirit in the lone High
School is very evident - It waa
shown by the rally which took
place Friday evening, October 22
when .nearly all of the High
School students and many of the
town People were present They
met on the school grounds behind
the school house where a large
bonfire had been built by . the
Freshmen. Unfortunately some
unruly spirit set fire to the care
fully gathered fuel before the
hour of celebration, but material
was soon collected for another.
School songs snd ytlls were '
practiced Then all formed in
line and marched up Main St
and back down Second St yelling
like Indians. The yells and songs
were practiced again after the
parade returned to the bonfire.
The urpose-of the rally was
to get up enthusiasm for the fol
lowing Saturday for the football
game with Heppner.
On Wednesday Oct tt, we had "
the first fire alarm for the fire .
drills. About three-thirty in the
afternoon when all waa peaceful
the scholars were startled by the
Are gong ringing loudly and "
rapidly. The doors of the high
school rooms opened and the pu- ,
pits filed out of the building.
Still the-door of the 7th snd 8th' r
Doak went to find out the reason
why. The teacher came to the '
door and Innocently asked If the
gong waa ringing to let the
eighth graders ont early. My! -
My! What if it had bees
fire 7
Services st the Christian
Church next Sunday will be aa
follows: Bible School at 10:00 a.
m., preaching at 11:00, sermon
topic, "The Great Transforma
tion." In the evening the topic
will be "Wanted-A Skyline." :
The City Council met last
Tuesdsy evening and passed on
a few bills and adjourned until
next Tuesday evening. The
Committee on Light' and Water
were given power to order
material and proceed with the
work of rewiring the city,
. Miss .Dalles- Perkins of Port-
land arrived Tuesday evening
by auto from Arlington to be at
the bed side of her father E. T.
Perkins who waa taken suddenly
ill the first of the week.
Clay Wood one of the. former
residents of lone returned this
week from Cottonwood Idaho to
visit with his brother-in-law
John Bryson.
Born to Mrs. and Mr. Otto F.
Porter of Eightmile Canyon,
Oregon, a daughter, October 28
1916. Dr. a C. Chick was the
attending physician.
Born to Mrs. and Mr, Robert
S. Wilson of Cecil, Oregon, a
daughter, October 26 1915. Dr.
Chick was the attending physi
cian. ' -rr..
. Have afew -sacks left of ac
climated seed rye, that waa
grown on the J. C. Dcvins place.
See W. H. Cronk of the Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Clyde Sperry left, for Arlington
Monday morning. . -
i mm
Rev. J. L. Jones will preach
at lone next Sunday.
y -
i i
4 X