The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, October 20, 1915, Image 2

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A Strictly Home Paper Tor Morrow
County Residents ' ,
Published "Every Wednesday By
Entered at, the Poatoffice lone, Oregon,
a Second-class matter
One Year j
Six MontKs
Three Months
Advertising Rates Upon Application
for posterity will write,
itory in the years to come.
Say, dad, don't toll your little
girl ihe it too fussy about her
clothes. This is a fussy age, and
the fussier the elothes are the
more the little one will shine.
Every girl is fussy whose parents
can afford to 'provide the fuss
and to refuse to provide your
Kirl with bright feathers - is to
confess yourself either broke or
stingy. Lets hope you are
neither the one or the other.
A blue mark on this space. is
notice .that your subscription
will empire in three weeks.
Prompt renewals will prevent
subscribers miasing any papers .
The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance
unites other arranements are made.. If vou want the lone J
Journal let us know either in person or by letter,. Subscrip
tion price noted above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due.
. "'
of Estray Animals
It is the man and not the plan,
that brings success.
Making money is a good trait.
Saving it is a better one.
People who "'go the pace"
usually arrive and stay.
In the mind of the gossip,
spreading scandal becomes a
- - . 4.
i Many a fool deceives the pub
lie into thinking that he is a wise
Ten dimes matte
half the world is
the dime.
a dolliir, but
content with
Dead men tell no tales, but the
same can not
live ones.
be said -f some
Keep away
The only man who
attorney. .
from . lawsuits.
wins is the
The fellow
talks of self
which to tahc.
who continually
has little about
man' head. But the wonder la
that he could achieve prosperity
with such an empty shell.
Occasionally we hear of a case
where a married couple's devotion-
ui public is really s reflec
tion on their private lives. x-
The man who has health hap
piness and a clear conscience is
twice as rich as the fellow with
a million and a bum stomach. ' -
We like to see our dignified
"city fathers" work. We like
to see them hustle around town
looking for an opportunity to im
prove something, to make this
more cleaner and more liveable
town.. It's what we elect them
forr " There are plenty of oppor
tunities for improvement which
have escaped their Eagle eyes
and which are sadly in need of
attenti&ft, Qfeeurse we can not
expeet our municipal dads to do
everything at once, but we hope
they will keep right on scouting
around this burg until there is
not a thing left undone, nothing
of which anyone can complain. '
Was there something in con
nection with your self or your
, family that should have been
mentioned in the paper last
week 7 Toe fault or the over
Bight was more yours than ours.
Edi coral eyes are popularly sup
posed to see every thing,, put
they don't simply because we
are human, after all. Next time
anything of the kind occurs just
tell us about it at once and you
will. And us thankful to get it
Our business is to tell other peo
ple what takes place in this com
munity and we want you to help
us every time you have an op
portunity. Tell us about it the
uext time. :
The farmer of today ts a man
of brains, and the greatest evi
dence of this is the fact that he
is not always blowing about it
- When you- meet up with com-
petion in your business, set the
pace for the other fellow and
success will meet you half
way. "
Make up your mind that no
work is so well done but that it
can be done better. 1 Therein Ha
the first element of future great
The fellow who kicks the cat
makes the biggest noise when' he
himself is kicked.
A Bu HiK1' luiigue lives iuiik
and goes far. A crooked one
'falls by the way side.
A stuck pigs squealo. a hit dog
yelps and the guilty man is al
ways seeing a Durauer.
The boss who is ignorant of
the things he hires others 'to do
will not long remain a boss. '
Size up the little things of life
and In time you will be able to
take advantage ot the big 'ones.
.i... ...i ,...-,. t .
. . The law excuses no man
through ignorance". But it often
lets a guilty cuss slip throuRli
who knows better.
The employe who makes it n
practice of earning a small sal
ary will soon be earning a bigger
- We are really so disgusted witr
Carranxa we can not find any
thing mean enough to say about
the cuss. "
. f
Never mind how the term
"horse, sense" came Into use
Just practice it and you will need
no other kind. - 7
A lire man never ft art a dead
one. And thelerchant who ad
vertises need never worry ovet
the one who does not
Prosperity has turned many s
The fellow who publicly' in
sists that he is a gentlemen often
has mucn to learn from the one
who never imagines that he is
When you hear a man brag
ging of his birth it's a safe bet
that is the only thing he has to
brag about and even that is not
his fault.
The National wealth of the
United States Is estimated at the
colossal sum of 188.000.000,000.-
00. And yet we would jolly like
to see the color of a few more of
those subscription dollars that
onttht to be in our pocket
' .11 1 1
we passed a little, kiddle on
the street this week and it look
ed up into our face with such a
wistful and expectant look that
it reminded us of the time when
we were young and hurt to the
quick because "grownups" did
not give us a cheery greeting.
Ever have the same thing hap
pen to you.T H-t
how many timet nave . you
noticed the bloom on the cheek
of the maid from the farm? -It
is not artificial no? Indeed. It
is the result of a dear mind, of
right living of, the red blood that
flows in s healthy body made
stronger and better by assods
tions with the geeen fields and
fresh air of the country. When
you see the bright eye and the
tinted eheek of (he country maid
just thank your atari thai we
have web girls In thk country.
Id the Justices Court o the third
district of borrow County, Oregon
In tbe Matter of the Taking up
Estray Animals bj B. F. Morgan,
or Ions, Oregon. , -, : NOTICE Is
hereby glTen, " that by rlrtue
of an Order granted by Hon E. T.
Perkins, Juatloe of tbe Pesos of tbe
Third District of Morrow Codntyr
Oregon, On tbe 18th day of October.
116. I will sell at public sale, to- the
highest bidder, lor cash in. hand, , at
the ranch now occupied by B ' F.
UorgaaHhe Tafer-ep 4nr 4he above
entitled matter, and know a as the
C W. barker ranch, situated about
Are miles North west of lone, Oregon
on the third day of November. 1019,
at tbe hour of ten o'clock In the
forenoon of said day, estray animals
to wit; .
One sorrel mare, three years old.
branded MO connected on right trl-
ne. ' '
One bine gelding, three years old.
branded circle M on right stride and
two Inverted figure -fives on right
One brown gelding, twelve years
old, brandad inverted V, with cre
sent above and bar below on, right
stride" '
Said animals having been taken tip
as Estrays by B. F. Morgan, of lone
Oregon on tbe 1st day of October,
Provided, however, that the owner
of said estray animals may re-take
the same at any time prior to said
sale by paying to the taker-up all
costs, expenses and damages to date.
. W. C. Canon, Constable.
Some times when you walk' in
to a store the clerk will . jump
to be the, first to wait .upon you.
He is there to sell the goods and
work never bothers him. He is
willing to take down half the
goods in the store in his efforts
to please you. He makes sales
and will rise in life. But there
is another class of clerks. . They
let you hunt them ud when the
boss is . not around, show you
as few goods as possible and are
not at all bothered if you walk
away without finding what you
want They get their salaries
just the same, it is only the boss
who loses. Thewill always be
clerks, just clerks.
iou are reading this papa-
graph now because you have
learned to look for something of
value in these colums. Here's
something that is worth much to
yon. What stores have the best
goods and at the most reasonable
prices In this town? ' How can
you know which stores they are?
Watch the ads in this paper, tor
they tell the story. : The mer
chant who spends money in ad
vertising bis goods almost in
variably has goods that are
worth advertising, and his prieet
must of necessity be right or he
could not afford to call especial
attention to them through the
public print Just glue your
eyes to the ads and you will save
time trouble and money. Espe
cially money. ,
- 1 11 .. .. 4
If you have a boy who is afraid
to toll his hands, lead him out
into the garden and start him to
digging. Stand over him and
see that ha keeps on digging.
And when he gets through dig
ging, just hand him an axe and
show him the wood pile let him
exercise his muscles there for a
few days. Possibly the barn
needs a good dean In out That
win please htm and add Mittle
mora musclar developoient It
may soil his bands,, but a little
soap and water will do wonders
whea property applied. - He may
sot be ardently in lore with his
jobs, but they will serve to beat
a little herse sense into his feed
sad ia time he may
Notice for Publication .
Department of the Interior, U. B.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
October 4, 1015.
Notice is hereby given that Curtln
C Rhea, of Heppner Oregon, who,
on October 18, 1S11, made Home
stead Entry, No 0589. for 8. E. H
N. E. U B- . B. xV Bee. 35, T.-2, 8.,
ft 2, E.. Lot 4, See. 8, Lot- 1, J, s,
N. E. 8. W. Jf. Section 81. Town
whip 3, S., Range 25, E., Willamette
Merldan, has Sled notice ot in
tention to make - final . three
year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above 'described be
fore C. C. Patterson, United States
Commissioner, at-Heppner, Oregon,
on 29th day of November 191ft,
Claimant names as witnesses: John
H. Olden, of Heppner. Oregon, Ar
thur C. Keeue, of Lexington, Oregon
Ora E. Adklnt, oUieppuer. Oregon.
Ralph L: llengeff Lexington, Ore
gen.. ti
' ; H. Prank Woodcock .
' ' Register
' Notice for Publication
.4-1 - - - .
Department of toe Interior, D. 8.
Land Ortloe at JTbe Dalles Oregon,
Octobers, 1915.
Notice to hereby given that Michael
Ssapanek. of Echo, Oregon, who, on
May 381911, made Homestead Entry,
No. 08704. for W. N. W.. W 4 8.
W. , 8. E. 8. YT., Section 1?,
Township 1 N.. Range St, K., Wil
lamette Merldan, has Sled notice of
Intention to soaks final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before C C.
Patterson, United States- Commis
sioner at Heppner, Oregon, on the
Uth dsy of November IMS. Clai
mant names as witnesses: William
B. Flnley, of Lexington Oregon, Carl
E. Mattson, of Echo, Oregon, Henry
J. TaM, of Echo Oregon, William H.
Murphy, of Echo, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock.
SO-SS ' Register
Notice for Publication
Department of tbe Interior, - U. 8.
Land OtBee at The Dalles Oregon,
October s, ISIS. - '
Notka si hereby given taat Carl K.
Mattsos. of Echo. Oreooa. who. oa
April i7, Iwh. made Homestead En
try, No OtttxTI. for N. E. , Section X
Township a. N., Range K, E.. WU
Issnstts Meridaa. ha Sled notice of
inteatk t male final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the lend
above described, before C a Patter
so. United Htatss Oommt Inner, at
Heppner Oregon, On the leth day
of November tela. Claimant names
as witnesses: WUHam B. Flnley, of
Lexington Orarosu Will lam H. Map..
pay. of Echo, Oregon, Henry J. TaM
of Echo, Oregon. Michael ssapanek
of Echo, Oregon. , .
. U. Freak WooJeotk
JMB ' - Register.
fairir good eilisen, - The high
pssitkMis in the commercial world
are not filled by men who were
afraid to soil their bands in their
yooth. A dirty face ts to be
censured, but dirty hands are
mors often aa ovidenos of manly
I have the agency for the
well known HOWARD
and have them in several
popular sizes, also other
styles of heaters and am
prepared to fill your
wants in the heating line
See my lines before the
winter comes and bepre
pared to keep warm.
. All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats
Fat Stock Wanted at all times .
S. H. Holgate
Main St. - ;,'" lone, Oregon
to Loan on Approved . Real Estate Sec
urity, by The Bank of IoneY-Iorte, Oregon
Start tHat girl or boy to school right by
giving them one of those fine fountain
- pens from $1.00, up, at
Dealer In Myers Pumps, Stover Engines, Star
and Wonder Windmills, Parry Buggies, Winona
Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion Harvest
ing Machinery.-
Hafley, IA Unabl to tpttk
4 tell bow "the accident hap
pened, lliaa Lucille Guita. 17
yeara old. ia recovering -from an
operation required for the re
mora) of a fork which the swal
lowed. It ia believed she was
examining her throat with tha
fork when it Hipped from her
hand, :
The Balkins are doe for anoth
er blowup. r.
Sux Fall, & D -Deliah Wy
ant, 16, ia dead here because ahe
laughed. She began to laugh
while pjatinsr nAs mnA
lodged hi her bronchial tube.
choking her to death.
Mrs, N. Wilaon has now on sale
aa op to-data line of HiUinery
in the store room nex t to the
Heat. -Market .Styles are
right and prices veaaooabley I