The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, October 20, 1915, Image 1

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    THE I
Voluiik 8
Ionb. Orbqon,' OCTOBER 20; 1915
1. y ,
Numbs 21
Jf' -
William Burger Organizes
Members Practice In The City Council Chambers
The Yeomen Lodge was duly
organized Tuesday evening at the
the Odd Fellows Hall by R, N
Moffat District Deputy. About
sixty were present Including
small delegation from the Lex
in (r ton Lodge, for the purpose of
riding the Yoemen Goat. They
were not dissaoointed in the ex-
pection of -seeing the goat buck.
the goat made its -appearance at
. 8 o'clock and in a short time visit
. ing members and candidates were
eniovinir his . camboU to their
hearts content A very fine
' musical program was enjoyed by
' all " The lone Quartette and tne
Mondolin Club were features.
One of the Lexington members
came nreoared with a canned
sech that was well received.
' The banquet was disposed Of in a
hurry for the erowu was hungry
after a severe evening riding the
Yoemen goat that had been In
training lor several weeks. "-The
goat of the evenin was George
and everyone voted - to let
"fteoKa do it." He did. 44
members joined the charter roll.
The officers elected are as fol
lows: L. "A. Doak, Foreman;
-44 re. fl. Duffington, -Led.K-
' becca; Mrs. L. A. Doak. Lady
Rowena; Miss Agnes Pennington
Correspondent; Mrs. Clifford E,
Perry, Master of Ceremonies; F.
Wallace Sears, Overseer; W. K.
' Davis, Senior Past Foreman; T.
B. Buffington, Captain of Team,
Watchman; A M. Moore, Senti
nel and Harry Johns, Guard.
' Boys Band ,
' Wm. Burger who organized
the boys band last fail is again
instructing the boys after a rest
during the school vacation. The
writer interviewed Mr. Burger
recently and the band had twelve
' members with a prospect of
several new members, . The boys
do very well while practing as a
body, but there is not the time
t and interest given by the boys
during their home prat Lice. The
writer feels that a word from
this paper which will reach the
"parents and citizens of the
community with respect to en
couraging an organization of this
' nature would not be out of
place and would say that an or
ganization of this kind is sr step
higher for our community and it
would appear enly fair to Mr.
Burger that the boys be provided
with the necessary instruments
and the parents take an interest
to the extent of requiring their.
boy er boys to devote so much
time each day to practice. It
might sound from this writing
' as though Mr. Burger were dis
' eouraged with the support given
him but such is not true as the
writer be taken this means of
arousing more, .and greater in-
ten at In oar boy's band. Let
everyone help this organization.
- Wo have the material and the
talent The following is a list of
" the present members of the band
and their instruments.
Wm. Burger, Director.
Jesse Dobyns . - . ' Cornet
Earl Blake
Dick Sparry '
Tom Griffith
Earl Crook
Wain Sparry
. Alto
Forty - four
Boy Band For The Season
Elisha Sparry -Frank
Ray S perry '
Roy Blake
Charles Chick .
Jody Lowell
- Bass
1 Drum
Don't forget' the road meeting
to be held in lone the 22nd. It
is your duty to be there. Good
roads are. to your interest as
much as a good -crop.- Without
good roads your hauling costs are
more than twice what they
should be. : "
Mose Gamble who is working
on the new power lino between
Heppner and lone went to Hepp-
ner the past week.
Brick Cochow went to Hepp
ner the past week. He is work-
ing on tne power
lone and Heppner.
line between
a . e
New Jeweler Arrives
Born to Mrs. and Mr.' Chester
Titos, a son October 16th, moth
er and child are doing nicely
and4t is needless to say that
Chet is as proud as a fond father
could- ber- The boyi have- tnTeally airoTTltfW Whwere
smoking on the new son. - .
The horse shoe game is on
again and Prof. Denton is com
peting strongly against -aiHa wetting.
comers. Prof. Hopkins expects
to take him on s Worlds series
some time in the near future.
Dick Turpin has just had a
fine new hot water heating ar
rangement placed In his shop by
Sam Esteb who worked ut the
deas of Mr. Turpin. It is handy
and complete.
Joe Mason has partitioned off
part of the Post Office room and
i made that section smaller,
hus making it warmer for the
winter. . -
Mr. Hughes passed thru lone
Thursday -morning for Portland
to make 'a short business visit
H. C. Oliver, traveling freight
and passenger agent of the 0.
W. R. ft N. Co. was here 'last
Wednesday and Thursday on
business, . He. left . Thursday
morning for down the line. , ,
' The prayer meeting at the
residence of Dr. and Mrs. C C.
Chick was well at ended by
members of the Christian ehurch
last Thursday evening. This
will be a regular feature. Theyf
wl meet next Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. Clark.
"The rain that came last Tues
day and Spark of last Wednesday
was a pleasant surprise to the
residents of lone snd vicinity.
We hope then win ber-more of
this soon. '
T. M. Benedict was In town
last Thursday morning from the
Diamond T. ranch with some of
his stock. ;
Are you taking the gone Jour
nal? Now is your chance to get
the loos Journal snd the Weekly
Oregon iaa both for one year
$2.26. If you are paid op to the
Journal your subscriptioa eaa be!
Paul Reitman was In this weel
on business, . Mr. Reitman is one
of the successful termers around
lone and firmly believes that If
a man will work he well get
along in this country. He is s
hard worker himself and knows.
W? wish there wen mors hero
like him. ' , . -
Pilot Rock May Soon Hare
Electric Li&ht Plant
Heppner Han Wants' Franchise;
Mass Meeting Held to
' Consider Plan :
t . :
Mr. J. B. Sparks of Heppner
was here over Sunday on busi
nee. Mr. Sparks will probably
install an electric light plant in
Pilot Rock sometime soon.' A
mass meeting was held in the
Commercial club rooms to see
what could be done in the way
of a franchise for the plant It
is now in the councils hands. -
The put week saw severs!
new ads, one was from the Hepp
ner Milling Co. of Heppner,
Oregon and E. E. Miller, Auc
tioneer of lone. These people
recognise the value of the lone
journal as an advertising me
dium. Why not try an ad?
Peter Nelson was in
Saturday getting a few
for the home. '
Johann Troedson came in Tues
day and took a few things home
with him for the household. :
Frank Wilson came In Satur
day and transacted a little busi
ness.' . '.T '
at the rabbit drive t Wednes-.
day 'are running around with
severe colds. The rain" that
afternoon gave nearly everyone
The trees are beginning to
show the effects of the chilly
weather, and the leaves are fall
ing fast. ' j
Tom Gray bill passed thru town
town last Saturday with a
seeder. ,
Born to Mrs. snd Mr. Wste
Crawford of Morgan, Oregon, a
son, mother and enua are doing
nicely. Dr. Chick was the at
tending physician. J',,'
The services at the Christian
Church last Sunday were well
attended and everyone was very
much interested in Mr. Reynolds
One of the State Buildintfs at the Great
v - Exposition
im ' . m K
- 'I Y- jt
. .. i i
n . . , . ..i I
SmS at t
Pk( IstarMtteMl
wmimtmttj enwMt
tonrttot a Mica u
ttttw York dtr abw as MItumI
E. H. Turner was in the past
week for a few groceries and
supplies. It 1b reported that S. L.
Beck has secured a flow of water
in the new well he has been
drilling since last August. If
this proves true it will put Mr.
Turner on the list of successful
Phil S. Bates Coming
. Road Meeting
Portland Chamber of Commerce
, . to be Represented .
In lone.
Portland, Ore-2.14 p. M. 20.
clone - Journal ' :
feme, Oregon ''. ,
Philip a Bates will be Portland
ntative at big road meeting to
held in lone October 22. Mr.
Bates will arrive with Heppner
delegation Friday.
Portland Chamber
r. - 1 of Commerce.- '
Brownsville Couple Weds
On last Monday evening Miss
Greta A. Wolfe and J. A. Haek
Were united in- marriage at the
home of the brides parents, Mr.
end Mr J W. Wolfe. The
oride is s school teacher and the.
i ' i t j i .l o..i.i
rrnnm i cm mciveii nv lubouuuii
era Pacific Railroad Company.
p?hey will spend their honeymoon
St Portland and -at forest Grove,
she latter place being the home
of Mr. Hack's parents.
Paul Doherty who is working
Htior Glen Ball near lone was in
jtown the first of the week. ,
Mrs. John Cochran returned
from North Yakima this week
where she has been visiting at
the home of her daughter's Opal
Holeman and Frankie Reese.
Mr. Reynolds will speak ' on
Is Prayer Worth While?" next
Sunday morning1 at the Christian
Church. He will also sing "Just
for Today." The sermon in the
evening, a sequel to the one
preached a few weeks ago on
"What's the Matter With lone?"
will be "How Shall We Save
lone?" There will be special
music for the evening service.
" J. E. Cronan, president of the
Bank of lone is in Portland for a
few days.
Chas. Ritchie and family are
moving into the Egg City snd
they have rented the bouse where
Chas. O'Neil lived.
a h fft T State ImUdlnf at tie
pirtthf. an rturim TMa si s
f Owmi Unmm Into a Is S
okr kmm mt Uw aulMt ptlr
sstSb at Uw gnrtti . Tto kueu
Rabbit Drive, Success
300 PeopJeTAttend
Sudan- Grass Shows Up
A. B. Stalt Heading, Expects To Thresh At Once.
The rabbit drive last Sunday
at the Emil SwaiTSon ranch was
well attended by people all over
the county, about three 'hundred
were present The rabbits were
very numerous and various esti
mates were made as to fchVnum-
- "5 p'a 11 " woaih
and. About nve hundred were
killed and more would have been
disposed of if the correl had
been built on a larger plan. The
rabbits were everywhere, and
those 'present voted it the best
j time they have had . for years.'
Everyone had a club and the
many little incidents that hap-i
pened during the drive, if writ
ten were enough to fill good
sised . book. There will be
another drive s little later.
Neari everyuto in lone was
i out to the drive and manvi
made several trips loaded full.
Last Thursday Mr. snd Mrs.
Jos. Knappenberg, accompanied
by Rev. J. L. Jones and the
Journal editor made a pleasant
auto trip to the St Clair- ranob
B.Strtt Itrirfs experlmeiits-lfi
ffrowing Sudan Grass on dry
land. . A careful examination of
the ground showed exactly the
ame condition there as on hun
dreds of other dry farms in Mor
row County, worse if anything.
The seed was planted on June
21st in what could be called dry
dust, last Thursday the plants
its viewed by the party measured
ever five feet tall and were a
bright green with shoots coming
up all over the field. The grow
th was wonderful and when It
i known how little care this field
I'eoefved during the growing
period it will not be surprising if
there is not thousands of acres
planted to this wonderful grain.
Mr. Strait was assisted by his
brother who is helping him har
vest the seed. The field was
somewhat damaged Ly Jhe rab
bits and the grasshopers, but
what was left surely shows that
Sudan Grass is one ot the most
wonderful dry land crops
found, Every person present
could see that the ground was
nearly in the same condition
as the day it was first planted
to the seed. The patch was
about 12 acres in extent snd is
about ready for harvesting. Be
sides this he has 4 seres ofsor
gaum In fine shape and 4 seres
of Fettireta and also s large
patch of Egyptian corn all of
these crops have done well snd
show that this dry land farming
can be improved by addition of
these products to the regular
croos. ' If you want to be con
vinced eall at the St Clair ranch
and see for yourself. The 'grass
is a wonder and should receive
the attention of every farmer in
this ' district' Samples of the
product are on exhibition at thel
office ot Jos. Knappenberg' on
Main Street Sudan seed can be
hsd from A. B. Strait
Dick Sperry, , Frank Hopkins
and Jess Dobyns attended the
football game at Heppner last
Saturday between Heppner and
Lexington. The game was a
tie S-3 the teams- were well
Fine On Dry Hillside Land
matched and played a good
game. The Heppner boys are
scheduled to play Ion next
Saturday here on the' local
grounds. - ,
W. K. Davis has trimmed his
show windows in true Autumn
style sni the beautiful .leaves
bring out the fine effects of bis
new fall suitings and their won
derful bargain qualities. .
At" the Baptist church- next,
Sunday: Sunday School at 10 a, ,
m. At the -morning service 1
there wilfperhaps be jrtven a '
report on "Some Impressions .
Received st the State Conven
tion." Christian Endeavor meet
ing 6:80, p. m. The Subject of
the evening sermon. "No Room
for Jesus." Prof. Davis will
have charge of the musie at the
morning service you are all
invited, t - -
- Dr. Chick ' accompanied by
Mrs. Walker and Mr. and Mrs.
Reynolds took an auto trip Tues
day afternoon.
hi. cattle and is now fancy free
ftmI Mm Mm Amm u
r ranks rum the power plant st
night snd his cattle have been
quite s chore for iiim snd kept
him up earlv in the morning,
when he should have been In bed
getting his needed sleep,
Rev, j. L. Jones held services
at the Conarreffational Church
laut Sunday and gave the people
one of the best sermons hs has
preached this year. "
Don't forget that Rev. Starkey
will be hers next Sunday to
preach. at the Baptist Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Jos Knappen
berg, Walt Cason and Mr. 8wsn
on were passengers to Heppner
Monday In the oil Cols ear.
Walt Puyear left Monday
morning on a duck hunting trip
and wil be gone for s few days.
If there are any dueks in sight
to befthatis where you will find Walt
Frank L. Christen son left
Monday morning to attend s
Frat meeting. Sumptions prepara
tions have been made to. enter
tain outside members at a grand
banquet In one of the leading
hotels. Mr. Christenson will re
turn in s few days. Frank used
to be -one of the leading members
of ths body " snd only gave up
his sctive interest when he earns
to lone. His many friends In
the big city will hail him with
shouts of joy- ,
Frank . Christenson' ' returned
home today after Doing in attan
cance at a Frat meeting In Port
land the last few days.
Harold Dobyns and John Hell
wick returned this week sfter a
round trip to the Utah State Fair
snd lb the San Francisco Fair.
tee Land who has been out
with Mr. Carty's sheep for the
last six months, left Monday
morning for Ju borne near Air
lie, Oregon,
Jake Bortxer cams In Monday
and took heme S few groceries.
I , ...