9 Tf. B. Buffi nffton returned Monday from a visit at Mabton, Washington where his people live. , - The Heppner Milling Co. to 'about to start and they will then be able to supply all de mands for mill feed, brdh, Bhorta and every thing in that line. E. D. Rood of Portland pass el thru this City on Suuday's train bound for home. T4r. Ucod was formerly a resident of tht Uightmile section wher6 he was engaged in the sheep .business. - Geo. - Parwan .f Freewater Oregon ?ama in oil Tuesday train. Mr. Parwan h s a fine wheat ranch in the. Gooseberry section which is being farmed by Newt King. . . Frank: Lindsay was in town Monday getting a few things for the ranch. Robert and John Graham of Gooseberry were in town on busi ness Tuesday. wamtkii to lit-nr frumowiterof Kurui or fimrf ram-h for suit1. O. O. Mat teon, Mluneupolls. Minn. MO An dnm Hlitfr. 20-211 Mauuy, If you are lonely. Mirny wealthy eligible, hotli hvxm, wImImw surly marrltiife. Niiccmtful, Conn dentlal andatrlrtiy HelluMe.. lkn- . crlptlon. frve "Our SihwhhIhI Cor respondence Club," Mm. 1'urdle, Box T60. Oakland, Calif. , 20-22 Everybody Spots A Tailor Made Suit Are you wearing one? If not, service- ' . . " - ' ability and appear ance alone should prompt you to see us for your winter suit, : . ; Our suits arc destinct ive hi any crowd. ' IONE TAILORS Main St. lone. Ore Francis Griffin was in the Egg City Monday from ; Fairyiew " 1 i Mrs. Morris and children were in irom joraan f ont Saturday doing a little shopping. Mrs. Frank Young Snd child- red of Dry Fork visited with Mr. A. Young of this City Saturday. ' Glen Farrens of DfyTork 'was in getting his horses shod Friday. Chas Reed paid lone a Saturday. visit Dick Howard and Frank Akers prosperous ranchers ox willow creek were in town Saturday. Dick and Wiilard Davis of Dry Fork were trading with lone merchants Friday. Dick McEligott was in from his Fairview ranch Saturday. The well drill of Nichoson & Buffing ton is hauled up at the John Wflt Blacksmith shop un der oing a complete overhauling for first time in thiee years. Quite a number of local machi nes went on a rabbit drive near the Beniion place above town today. Nichoson and Buffing-ton just finished up a 60 foot well for Mat Halverson on his creek land near town. Paul Troedson was in the city Friday on business. Steve Barlow and wife .were in from Liberty SaturJay. Phil Dougherty was among Friday's visitors to the Egg City. Lax McMurry was in Saturday and he must be expecting cold weather as he took out a lot of bedding and mattresses, , Jason Biddle was in from the ranch Saturday purchasing a few necessities. There' will be another drive next Sunday at the Emil Swan san place. Machines should be there at 1 p. m. The drive held Wednesday was well attended by about 100 people at the Peter Benson place. Over 300 rabbits were killed. Those present vot ed it the most fun they ever had. Francis Cronan has taicen a position at the Bank of lone as bookeepec and will assist Mr. Crawford in the bank. Elmer Slocum, Freight Agent of Heppner was transfertd to Lexington Tuesday. Stiff and Ser. "Where mm you day baton yestee- iluy?" "I wb helping my wlfa to nov." "And yesterday F -Had tbe doctor helping bn te." Boa too Transcript E. E. Miller At'tHONRKH ' ' 1 Public or private sale, (live me n Hut of any olj thing you want ioK sll null 1 wilt advertlm-lt. If ytm want cattle, horses, farm lniple- meuts, household kimuIm nr In tart, anything, m roe. Main Street- lone, Oregon SCHOOL by: NOTES 3. E. NOTSON, Supt The writer has visited four schools since making former re port In District No. 20. Miss Frances Dotrty has just open ed the term. Eu?ht pupils were present This school Is quite well equipped now. The new single desks, new teachers desk, new black board, dock and dos ed jar for water all add comfort and convenience to the room. ' SUMMONS In District No. 17, Mrs. Svlva Missildine is again in charge of the work. 17 pupils are enrolled and this school lacked a very few points of reaching the stand ard. ' The pupils and teacher are determined'to reach th stand ard this year. I noted that the flag, was flying. The new trans lucent window shades make it porsibb to regulate the light An excellent jacket surrounds the stove. Two fine framed pictures, the new book case, and new clock add much to the ap pearance of the room. Mrs. Edna Gould White Is tea ching school again in District No 60. This school is much smaller than usual on. account of the number of pupils who have en tered high school this year. Two families have moved to town to give their high school pupils the advantages of the high school and have also taken some of the grade pupils. The school build ing presents a more pleasin K ap pearance since it has recei ved a coat of paint . In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for tti County of Morrow. Bert Mason. Plain tiff, . ... V8. P. U. Morris, defendant To P. H. Uorru defendant. ' ' In the name of the State of Ore gon, you arc hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against yon In- the shore en titled suit on or before Wednesday the 24th day November, 191ft wild day being; after' the expiration of six week from the date of the flnt publication of this summons, and II you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded, therein, to wlt: , ,. JToi a Judgement In the sum of $828.8 with legal Interest thereon from October 3, 1915, until paid, and the father sum of 41.40 with leva) interest thereon from September 1, 1015, until paid, and the. further sum of .76 with legal Interest thereon from July 16th, 1115, until paid and the futber sum of 4I02.&0 with legal Interest thereon from October 2, 1015 until said, and for the costs and disbursements In this 'action. . , Service of this summons Is made upon jou bj publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable CVC. Patterson, Judge, at the Counts Court of Morrow County, Oregon mads on the 11th day of October 1015 directing sunn publication In the lone Journal once a week, for six consecutive weeks, the .first pub lication thereof being on the lain day of October 1016. - ' Knappenberg and Johnson , Attorneys for Plaintiff POTATOES lone, Oregon. 20-3ti Notice for Publication SIRES AND' SONS. Henry Lewis, twwlve years o'ld, of Baltlmors, Md, weighs 180 ponnt Is. George Bsa recently rowed 300 ntUss from Keokuk, la to St Louis. John WjTumaker , the notoS msc efasnt; celebrated his ssvent)Msx4 blrtbday on Joly 11. WUllsm Kaas, sevrnty years olo. bss retired oa a pension sftar ssr-dog ftfty years as a porter la Grand OntraJ station, New Tors- - ' Dr. James Rlcberd Lacss, arctfesahop of sf ackenste rtrar since 1908, I urn tbs tsrgest diocese fat tbs world, and his neld Includes the north pole. Vermont now Ins three form tr gov ornors who b passad the si rbtieth milestone John W. Stewart of . Ulddle bury, sigbty-etght: Bsmoet B. lflngree of Hartford, eighty-two; H. J. Orma bee of Brandon, eighty. Beth Low. the new bead C Mew York's chamber of eommerca,, fills a poslUon to which his father w as elect ed fifty years ago. Hs was recently given the honorary flngrss of Hector oty laws by Columbia college, fro-n wMcb be graduated In 187a Hs was tke eleventh president of CoJoDsMa anil served as a tcustee for tbigty-thrs LISTEN! "7 . Mrs. and Miss Good-Dresser We have received a supplement of the season's latest Ideal Tailored Suits and Coats. Exquisite styles in fur trlmmlnfts. Nothing newer, nothing more stylish. The last word In fashions. We are goini to make this week the "DRESS-UP WEEK" for the Ladles of this town Come In and let us shew what Is what. Strict ly Tailored Suits $16.00 and up. . Strictly Tail ored Coats (15.50 and up. I IONE TAILORS, IONE, OR I NOTICE OF SALE of Estray Animals ' la to Justices Court of the third dlstrtet of Morrow County. Oregon la the Matter of the Taking up Betray Antmals by B. T. Morgan, of lone, Oregon. . ' NOTICE Is hereby siren, that by virtue of an order granted br Han. E. T. Perkins, Jostle of tbs Peace of tlx Third Dlstrtet of Morrow County, Oregon, on the 19th dar of October. IMS, I will wi t public sals, to the highest hWier, for cask la -band, at tbs ranch now occupied by B. T. Morgan, the TaAer-ap hs Us above "titled matter, and taowfe as the 0W. Phrker ranch, situated about ST mike North weet of lone, Oregon on th hlrd day of November. ltiB, the hour of tea o'clock la the lbrnoc of said day, estray animals to wlta - Ona sorralsMiw, tares years old. braaoed MO eonneekro on right strt. Oh bin gvldlnsr, three years old. bnnsd tlrcls M on right strtfle and two rnverted figwi fives oa right skioaMer. - On brown geidlag, twelve yean oM, branded krverted -wttk erv- sat above and bar Mow oa right strtfl Just received Car of those Fancy Netted Gerns Potatoes, Price7$1.25 per 100 pounds. ' . . mmmm i . Bring Us Your EGGS. We Pay 30 Cents Per Dozen BrindTljem In WhUe They Are FRESH; Have you looked over our fine line of Pry Goods, if noti Come in and spend a few minutes looking around - Come and look over our stock ' next time, you are. -in town . It will pay you. , . F. S. Bender & Co. - Main St. - lone. Or. California Department of the Interior, U. 8. lnd Office at-Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 6, 1915, Notice Is hereby given that Heurj J. Tafel, of Echo' Oregon, who, on May 4, 1910, made Homestead entry. No. 06974, for N. E. . E. N. W. . S. E. 8. W. K. NW. S. E.)f. See tlon T2, Township 3, N-. Range 20. E., Willamette Ueridan. has flleil notice of Intention to muse final flvi- year Proofr-to establtsh claim to th land above described, before U. U. Patterson, United States CoinmU sloner, at Heppner, Oregon, on tb 10th day of November 1915,Clalniani names as witnesses: lbarles H. Sk'h mldt, of BtanfltM, Oregon Carl E. Mattson, of Echo, Oregon, William H. Murphy, of EchOT-0regon, WU I lam aFlnhfy. of Lexington, Ore goo.' II, Frank Woodcock - 90-20 ' Hejrtater, Notice fof Publication Department of the Interior, ""TrTK Land OtHes at Tbe Dalles Oregon. October &, HI 15. Notice Is hereby given that Carl K. Hattson, of Echo, Oregon, who, on April 27, 1011, made Homestead En try, No. 08601, for N. E. , Section 24. Township 1 N.. Range 20, E., Wil lamette lierldap, ba filed notice of Intention to tnaie final three yeai Proof, to establish claim to the lanri above describ d. before C C Patter son, United States Commissioner, ai J Heppner Oregon, "On tbe 10th day of November 1015. Claimant nanwi- sts witnesses: William B. Plnley, uf Lexington Oregon. William H. Uut phy, of Echo. Orrgon, Henry J. Tafel of Echo, Oregon, lllchael Biapanek of Kctto, Oregon. -. ' H, Frank WooAcouk SOtS ' Register Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, C. P- Laad Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon. October 5. 1015. Notice Is hereby given that Mlcharl Ssapanek, of Er-bo, Oregon, who, on May OR 1013. made Homestead Entry. No, 0704. for W. N. W.X, W. H W.M.. B. '. W.X. Seetlon 11. prownatalp 1 N., Range tft, E.. Wil lamette Merldan, has filed notice of Intention to siak. final three year PnW sa establish claim to tin- land abav. described, before C C. Patterana. United States Cotnmto aloner a Heppner, Oregon, on tb l&th day of November 1010. Clal snant nsmrr a witnesses: William B. Flo ley. of Lsslngtoo Oregon. Carl K. Mattson. of Echo. Oregon, Henry J. TaM. of Echo Oregon. William H. Murphy, of Echo, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock. - ; Register SaJdsahnalsheyrtngsM taken nt E rtrays by R. F. Morgan, vf lone Ovetron, on tan la ay of October, liUk . . . i PRrvtosO. Iswvw, that tbe owns nfnaM estra arms si ssarv re-take thesanw at aar ttawnrlot to saM ate by aaytng as tbs tak sp all todntt. a Omos, Ons srtabla. Notice for Publication : Departsaent of th Interior. U. 8. Land Oflea at Tbs DallsB, Oreson, October a. 1010. NottaB la hereby given Chat Curtis 0- Rhan, of Heppoer Oregon, who, on October W, iOll. mads Hoaw stsad Entry, No OMsX for B. B. H . E. H. & R, , ec RV T, t K.M.K..Vot4,8e.X lrtm I.I,. N. E. ft W. Section . Town Mpl.&.ltange , E.. Willamette Kerldan, has tied notlssof Direct Route " Through The Columbia River '.Gorge to 1 PORTLAND - OoEArT Liner or Shasta Route Rail Service to SAN FRANCISCO Steamship Coastline - or Orange Groves . Rail Trip to SAN DIEGO Liberal Stopover " PRIVUiEGES Diverse Routes Both Ways If Desired This Year has held more of interest, of wonder, -r i:--.... r -i. than ever before, pos - sibly 'ever again. - - The world-famous . Expositions r are no at their best. The opportunity to vis it them is nearing its . end. Go now. FARES , m -i .. . . . . m San Francisco $32.95 Jwaxe au aiTangemenis witn Both Expositions $54.96 Q Pennington, -Agent Or'eg'on- V- -Washington Railroad (EL Navigation Company yNION PACIFIC SYSTEM, LOUR The Finest of High' Patent Flour on the " Market at the 8 perry Wre- bouse at loue. Every Sack Is Guaranteed 'or Money Refunded. Per sack 91.50, Per barrel $5.60, Per five barrel at $5.50, Per ten barr.il at $5.40 HEPPNER MILLING COMPANY ' G- B. S perry. Agent i' . lone, Oregon CI IIAD I hv omethin4 of Interest for OUVjAI ail, am doing a Mail Order Busi ness equal to Rice A Phelan or Jones Gash Store. Bring your order or write it. I have . the goods. I Give Cash or Trade for Chickens The Egg City Cash Store . Joe Mason, Prop. . lone, Oregon In tent ton to r sake ftna) thrss year Proof, to eata Mtoh rlalai to tns land nbova deseaiberi bman C C Fmttemoa. United ftuntin Cosinitwlonee. kt Hppnir On on. on Utn day of Rvaniber 1U, Clalssaat aassss an ! Jos nVOMen, of 'Heppner. Oregon, Ar UmrG. Keeae. of Leitnfftoa, Orecon. Ora K. Adkbss, of Heppner: Oreonv Rslp U Benin, of Lextaffton, Ore gom. . B. Prank Woodcock - - ' aiafcrtsr