The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, October 06, 1915, Image 1

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    '" .. v..- Voi-umb 1-4 J U -J. 1 - : v . ' IQNB, X)RBGQN, .OCTOBER 6, 1915 t V- -f : '. " :J ,; NUMBBa 19 j " - j
" ' f 5 ' ?' i Mi nH Mrs R M. Moffat t Lou Davidson cam a in Friday I 1 . ' . : , .... " ' ''- "... i
Clyde Brock A Suicide
Friends Shocked
Ends Life Soon After Promotion From Heppner Bank
Worry Is Believed To Have Been The Cause.
f , Clyde Brock, cashier of the
Bank of lone, committed suicide
at about 12:35 Sunday afternoon.
A 41-caliber revolver was used,
the bullet enterwn the. head
above the right ear and coming
out on the left side near the top
of the scull. No motive- is assi
gned except worry over the
change of assistant cashier of
the First National Bank of Hepp
ner to cashier of the Bank of
lone. He succeeded E. A.
Claire, acting cashier
-J. E. Cronan, the president,
;m with Mr. Brock about noon
and prevailed on him to go to
lunch and receiving & refuBual,
left for his lunch. Upon his re
turn 25 minute Ister he found
Mr. Brock brehing his last in
the rear room of the bank.
' That there was absolutely no
possibility ojMr. Brock's suicide
being due to financial irregulari
ties was the -statement made by
Mr. Cronan.
"Hiave known Mr. Brock for
along time," said Mr. Cronan.
"I bad implicit confidence in him
ah4 rknvr-tbrcoule have
been nothing wrong. He was a
nan of spotless character - and
his record in busiriess and in pri-J
vate life was ideal He came
here only -recently to take the
cashiership df the bank OeU 1.
It was, a promotion from his
former position as assistant cash
ier at the Heppner bank. '
"On leaving the bank afc.Hepp
jier and winding tid the affiairs
there, his accounts underwent a
thorough accounting and were
found to be absolutely accurate.
That seta asiae all possibility
of there having been any possi
bility of there having been any
-financial irregularities as he had
only been with eur bank for a
fewdaya." - "
"There seems to be no doubt,
howver,. as to what caused his
suicide. , On coming to lone, al
though the change was a promo
tion,, he heard from, many per
sons that he had made a mistake
in leaving Heppner, the larger
town, for work in ft smaller
town. He aeemed , to brood
about this. I had noticed for
7th last two or three days that
beseemed disconsolate and did
everything 1 could to cheer him
and make him realize that there
h a future at lone, as well as
Heppner. He wouldn't be cheer
ed, though. Sunday I Legged
him to go to luncheon with me,
iMt he insisted that he eouldn't
eat a morsel and caid he was
feeling too . blue. Twenty-five
minutes later I returned and
found his dying.
Mr. Brock had left Heppner
Sunday morning on the early
train for lone to do a little check
ing on the books of the hank be
fore opening hours Monday. . He
' jofmnd to worry over displacing
the former cashier and was to
ban .taken over the entire
. charge of too bank, relieving
Mr. Cronan of aaany of the heavy
Katies of tho institution, ' so he
coald attend to PorUaod buai-
' A Coroner's jury found a ver
dict of suicide. The inquest was
held by Dr. C. C, Chick, Coro
ner. Some papers and tl8.64
were found on the body.
Mr. Brock leaves a wife and
two children at Heppner and
mother at Salem. He was with
the Capital National Bank of
Salem, Or., for 4 and half years
and for 14 years was with the
First National bank of Heppner.
He was assistant cashier eight
years of this time.
; GOOD i
Former Business Associate
1 Thinks Brock's Mind
AVas Unhinged.. v
T. J. Mahoney, cashier of the
First National Bank of Heppner
where Clyde Brock was assistant
cashier for eight' years priof to
his suicide at lone, declared that
Mr. Brock's financial affairs
were in good shape. "The only
way I can account for his suicide
is on a theory of temporary in
sanity," said Mr. Mahoney, "He
resigned here voluhtaHty Sept
ember 2 to take the position of
cashier at lone, and sold his res
idence property at Heppner. Mr.
Brock left Sunday morning for
lone and . seemed depressed.
Many of his former associates
had told him that he -was mak
ing a mistake in leaving Hen-
pner for a smaller town, and he
seemed worried with the idea,
. SALEM -r
Clyde Brock Well Thought
of In Long Residence
at Capital.
Clyde Brock, well known in
Salem, where he attenden school
nd later, for six years was head
bookkeeper for the Capita Na
tional Bankv He was 86 years
old and a native of Kansas. Aft
invalid mother, Mrs. Nancy
Brock, resides in Balero, while ft
brother, Arthur Brock, Is ft lino
type .operator on the Evening
Telegram. Pertland His father
Cassiua Brock, died in Salem
three years ago. He is survived
by a widow and two daughters.
Mr. Brock left Salem 14 years
ftgo for Heppner, where he was
assistant cashier in the First
National Bank until recently;
when he resigned to acoeot the
caahiership of the Bank of Idhe.
During his residence here Mr. I
Brock was known as a man of i
the strictest integrity and thai
news that he bad ended his life"
came as ft shock.
W. N. Peddicord the Fendleton
horse buver was in Monday and
bought a carload of horses and
shipped them opt Tuesday morn-;
ing. 1 . 1 ' : ' ' '
There will be ear load of Bock
Springs coal at Cecil and those
who wish coal can leave their
orders at the Cecil Fostoffios
or with T. H. Lowe.
John Johnson made a short
Visit to lone this week.
i went to Heppner Monday night evening from the Frisco Fair and ff ' lifilAC t4An I
to attend the meeting of the reporters fin time. He renew- VJUIItSI L QWJj ";J II.TtII ' i 'i
American Yeomen and assist in ed old friixdshiRith hto many , .v ' . , : " . . v . S
the initiation of the new
bers. .
We have just received a". copy
of one of the newspapers printed
in Morrow County that had ea-
fer to the Budget printed-at Mra- Jos. Knappenoerg was a
Heppner by Robert Notson an PPr visitor this week ; re
Jasper Crawford We are gladjj' 1,:
to chronicle the fact J - Frank H. Robinson made a
Jake Bertzer came in Mondiyl""le trip to the itfig City Friday
and had his horses shod at throorn,nlf returning Saturday,. ;;:
John Wilt blacksmith shop.
J. W. Stringer brought in som
things for the store and did 1
little shopping. ;
Wenotice that J. E. Whiton' ' : '
the-job printer of Newber has;jv JY. W. Crittenden, Sr. hailing
merged his interests with that from Seattle the Sound City paid
of the Newberg Enterprise on j lone a visit the past week: ;
of the newsy weeklies publwhef ;
i- -i WhiLl
f niiv nH hoKuvfl he wi&
he has in the past while conducts
ing his own business.
1 . - v
niii-iaf -Tftftot nomAvin thin weak
from Morgan to spend few
hours at the horse sale.
Glenn Ball was one of the visi
tors from the country thia week
and while here took in the sights;
Ture Peterson sold some horses
at the horse sale held here last!
Monday. ' , '
The Oregon Optimist comes to
our exchange table this Week fpr
ha flrat time and while it Js
understood that it ie a contiwuVf
tionof the Id SUnfield paper
vtwara a ad to welcome it.
and hope that its years of
fulness may be long.
Jake Bortzer and J. W. String-
er made a shopping trip to lone
the past week.
Novel Malhufcturintf Exhibit at Mar
, ; velous Exposition , . i .
4 t
LLFSTRATIOH tbow mm 0w
Hpnarairtarti fb pMiiu-PaelOc International BipoaKlon. Sap Krao
cmka. Tbto tTPlnaa tna rmm tbat dominate lb wbola aahlbltir '"pa
of ha mat EiDoalttos. Tna barveatar and Kode4 noraea ara twuiloM
fct ararr eataJL 0 iait t kat lu
, -The Octoerr Naoiber Printed Thta WJ.
If toil irlah a eopy mt rnqr aabacrtptloo, Qaly ennaaji cople
will ba prlntad to aupply antiacrlbara.
Dr. J. Perry Conder, Heppner, Orgrai. r- --, t .
Knrloaml pVaJW fln1 60e tor DM year! anbacriptlon to MOItltOW
mem-Mriends In the Fair City. ' - I J C " ' " j
Marie Cason -arrived from
North Yakima, Washington Fri
day evening after a months visit
with friends and relatives there.
j Clyde Brock and VawterCraw-
were passengers on the train
Saturday evening. They left to
spend Sunday with their, fami-
ties. ' "'""- ;, "
1 , i i ,
Those who were registered
- the Hotel lone the past
W. Lundel
and . wife,
I' Bfen"eTr ?IB1teruf E'
irrazier, in. mcumocK,
Hoffue. RJC Drake, and t." K.
AkerB. -w y- ' i v
. : MrsTfl .' W." Sears' 'ieffBaUir
day morning for Butteville, Ore
gon to make a short visit" with
her father. She will visit w ith
her sister at Amboy, Washing'oR
before she returns.
Ed. Bookmatrwas in Saturday.
He is working on the Benedict
house at the Diamond T. ranch
aad he expects to finish up atout
."Tuesday of this week! ; .
1 ' " - '
-D'iJavis arrived Friday y ji
, inK to stay for a few days to look
"nor numofLu w twwuv,
. C Ji'' Anderson of Fairview
came In Saturday to spend S-tn
Svtth his family who are stavind
jn town this winter so the child-
'ren may attend, school. - '. ;'
v A N
... xy;
InttTMttaK MhlblU in tbt Palv
rraaclac UUa attmmar.
Morrow County Peeple Flock To See Rice Well Whicll
Promises Raise In
(Special.) Morrow County farm
land jumped $100 an acre today
when 300 farmers, their wives
and children, traveled- across
country for" a radius of from 40
to 60 miles to help -celebrate the
dedication of an artesian erater
gusher on ttie farm of'R. B. Uice
ten miles from Lexington, Or.
Ten years ag&R. B. Rice, aged
28, came to Morrow Couniy from
Missouri, took up a quarter sec
tion of homestead land.- - Four
years later he purchased an ad
joining section from the Govern
ment at $1,25 an acre, and-since
then has purchased 854 acres at
$10 an acre. Two weeks ago he
was offered $15 an" acre for his
property, but today he wouldn't
sell his 1174 acres for $11 B an
acre, because, water was struck
at a depth of 600 feet September
24. - , ... .
All of Morrow County -is re
joicing with Mr. Kice now, as
water for Rice means water for
Morrow County. ' ; .?
William McMurry, general
passenger agent for the Q.-W.
R. AN., opened the dedication
exercises, .introducing Farmer C.
Itjmith. of the same road, who
spoke of the great benefit the
gusher, which flows 270 gallons
a minute, means to this section.
He Was followed by H. E. Lou til
bury, general freight agent of
the road.
W. D.Newlon designated sage
brush water- king of
County, because he found the
water, madVthe-eteslng ftdoresa,
thanking pie Morrowikjunty
residents for the faith they plac
ed in hinvfor the past two ytars.
James Miller, traveling paen-
ger agent of the O.-W. R. &.N.,
was also' a prominent participant
in the celebration.
Many residents of lone were
present with their sutos. They,
were all satisfied that, this well
would be one of the best ads
that WoTrow County has had; for
years. Say, people, didn't we
tell you something like this was
coming. There is more to follow.
Schedule High School
Football Made.
Last Saturday the Morrow
County Irtterscholastic High
School 'Athletic Lengue met at
Lexington arid arranged the
athletic schedules for the com
ing school year. The represent
atives from the three" towns
were: Mr. Mottley, coach of the
Heppner football huskies, Carl
Miller, Lexington and "Fat"
Blake from lone. The football
schedule is as follows: . ? .
Oct 9 lone St Lexington'. '
Oct 16 Lexington at Heppner.
Oct 23 Heppner at lone.
Oct 80 Heppner at Lexington.
Nov. 6 Lexington at lone. -
War. 18"Jone at Heppner;
It was decided that Heppner
must stop playing men on their
team, whose ages exceed 21 or
the other two- teams will not
plsy them.
The tennis tournament will be
held st Lexington, but as yet no
data Miss been decide open
Lexington High School is to
County Land Values 1
arrange the schedule in tennis,
while lone- arranges basketball
and Heppner, the. basketball
schedule, The annual track
meet will be held at Heppner St
a date to be fixed by them.
Medals are are to be given ts
the winner of each event ' j -
Town Team Drubs High
hool Boys
Sunday afternoon the town foot
I ball team drubbed the high achosl -
atheleteal4 to 3.- The gams
was fairly fast considering '""that
it was the flrat game of tos
year and that many of the boys
had not handled the moleskin t
this year. The town team otnVv
weighed the high school team
perhaps 10 pounds to the maa .
but in spite of the handicap th
smaller boys put up a good fight.
The town team scored their
touchdowns In the first and .
second quarters, respectively.
Walter Cochran carried the ball
over for the first touohdown,
while Warner Reitman scooped
the ball and ran half the length
of the field for. the aecond.
Neither team scored until -thft
last quarter when Captain Ulaks
of the high school boys kicked
from about the 6 yard line and
secured their three soints. Those
who played were; Town team;
Warner Reitman Dutch Reitman
Viae Reitman, Frank Hopkins,
Guy Cason, Joe Williams, Leo
Ray Blake, Arch Cochran.
Bob Sperry and Walter Cochran, ..
School team. Rusty Oochran, Lea
Howell, Isaac Williamson, Ray '
Sperry, George Zink, Tern Grif
fith, Earl Blake. Harley Sperry.
"Fat" Blake, Roy Blake and
"Silk" Blake.: The high school
boys are to play Lexington hifrh
school team at Lexington next
Saturday. -
Fred Esteb of Gooseber
brouaht in the laat load at KM
1916 wheat crop Monday,
Frank Everson was doing I
little shopping In the City Moat
Leonard Carlson of Goose
berry took out some lumber for
a garage the other day.
. i
W. A. McClintock of Goose
berry was in town Saturday for
fruit for canning purposes.
Guess he had fair luck from thft
appearances of bis back when hft
left town.
Sylvan Smith who has beta
employed on -the R. McEHgott
ranch the past summer left Tuss
day morning for Yakimft. y.
Hub Shiftly who has besa
working on the Fred Grifflt
ranch near Fsiryiew left ttus
day for Portland.
Sample Shoe
to arrive early next week. Hero
is a chance rto buy ladle's,
mens and child rena shoes s$
wholesale prises. Remember
the bargains you got last ysaff.
and watch for tho arrival of
this lot Bert Mason. .
R. M. Akers was (n
on'busiess Monday.