The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, September 22, 1915, Image 2

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A Strictly Horn Paper For Morrow
. County Residents
Published Every Wednesday By
Entered at the Poatoffice loner OrwffonT
Second-class matter -
Subscription Kate ,
One Year " $1.30
Six Month
Three Month
$LOO .
30c V;
Advertising Kates Upon Application.
A blue mark on Jthii space Jt
notice that your subscription
will expire in three weeks.
" Prompt, renewals will prevent
'-subscribers miasm any papers
The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance
Bless other srranementt are made, j If von want the lone
Journal let us know either in person or by letter, Subscrip
ttoa price noted above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due."
Whom Do Wo Support?
What. If w should so to one of
our local storekeepers and say:
- "Hers is a ten-dollar bill; I want
you to buy for me such-and-such
an article, made so-and-so, this
color, that sis and deliver it to
ms at your convenience say 80
days. Along comes another
tewasman sad another, still an
other, until 60 of us, all living
here in our community shall have
placed fas the hands of the store
keeper s sum amounting to a
thousand dollars with Umittar uv
We would have then- treated
our local storekeeper with the
same liberality as we, who hsve
been buying of mail order houses.
have treated these monopolistic
concerns. We would of then
supplied hire with eash capital
sufficient to buy what he ordered
ana give mm a iair prom on nia
Yea. ws would thus enable him
to take a trip to the city, buy
from the manufactures the arti
cles desired, ship them to us,
J- spend s day or two enjoying him
self if ha so pleated and leave
him s Mr percentage of profit
over sad above the cost of the
articles and his expenses.
Do we do this? Yes, ws do
not .
But. this to exactly what we do
with the mail order man in the
big city. We send him the mon
ey ia advance, He has the use
of our sash for the purchase of
his merchandise. Ha sends us
whatever he chooses and if we
do not Hke it we can whistle for
our money.
Few of us realise that we. the
people outside the big cities, fur
atsh the capital for the conduct
of the mail order houses. We
do not stop to think that it Is our
money which Is building those
great structures which are the
. pride of Chicago and some other
cities. Wedosotstop toconsid
er that we are the capitalists who
are supplying the sinews of war
against our owa local business
Just think of it-dividends ot
flftsea muttons of dollars paid a
the Mg men the matt order
teaaecss ss a profit each year on
ourewa ssoaay. Ws sand the
eaehiasdysaests them. Thev
fesairs areatirally do hi vestment
sxospt for the printing of their
satamgi and ether stationery.
. They are doing ansiaeao on the
aaaaaf which we deluded eountry
dwellers send Is them wbea we
onsalysBttiageer swa throat
and helping to diminish thepres
tage and strength of our local
What would be the result if we
should hand our dollars. In ad
vance to our local storekeepers
and give them the same chance
to make profit without invest
ment? What would be the effect
on our community? It would
mean prosperity for us all It
would mean more taxes to be paid
bv our business men, improve
ments of s municipal character,
better school facilities, better
street. lighting, better pawn.
etc -....." -:.
But we should do this we
should give all our business to
those men who have their invest
ments in our town, whoTart try
ing to build up the community,
who are paying the taxes and
who are helping us to increase
the value of our real estate hold
ings; We all know that the value
of our houses snd lots here in
town will be increased as the
community advances in prosperi
ty snd the only way for the com
munity w aavancs is lor our
business men to do an Increased
business. :
When we buy from the matt
order house we are helping mo
nopoly to put our storekeepers
out of business. When we send
a dollar to the big city instead of
spending it at home we are'e-
priving our children of some of
the opportunities for education
which they are entitled to.
Let us spend our dollars st
home with, the merchants who
srs trying to keep up the schools
and other advantages which we
cannot have for our children un
tew we nave a prosperous com
munity. Let us not forget that
the mail order man does net pay
any of our taxes in this town.
I hs taxes are paid by the local
business men, the greater propor
tion, and the mors business we
do with them the mors taxes
they must pay.
Let us wake up to s considera
tion of our best interests.
Final, 1?14, 12.740,000 bushels,
- Barley, September 1 forecast,
310,000 bushels.
Final, 1914, 8.660,000 bushels.
Potatoes, September 1, for
cast 6,690,000 bushels.
Final, 1914, 4,768,000 bushels.
. Hay, all tame. Preliminary
estimate, 1,850,000 tons. - .
Final, 1914, 1,716.000 tons.
Apples, September 1. forecast.
8,400,000 bushels. .
Final, 1914, 8,600,000 bushels.
Things That Build Soil
Among the more important
factors that science has contrib
uted to agriculture for maintain
ing the fertility of new soils snd
restoring fertility to depleted
soils, the following are mention
ed by the O. A. C. Press Bulletin:
growing nitrogen gathering leg
umes and plowing under humus
forming green crops; systematic
cron rotation that provides for
the more nearly equal use of the
various plant nutrients of the
soil, lessen soils diseases, favors
good physical condition snd pro
vides time for release of unavail
able plant foods; use of live stock
for returning organic matter to
to the farm,- thus selling farm
products in concentrated form
and removing but a minimum of
fertility matter; cultivated crops
for Bummer fallow, serving the
double purpose ofjjrotectinj the
soil and producing a source of in
come; use of Hme and commerc
ial fertilizers to produce desir
able soil conditions and supply
needed fertility elements; and
relentless warfare upon noxious
weeds that waste the energy of
the soil snd crowd out valuable
farm plants. - - .
Last week the Journal got out
a special issue of six pages and
it meant of lot of work to get
the thing outr It also meant a
certain amount of cooperation on,
the part of our readers to send
us news. Now if you Mr. Sub
scriber have s bit of news that
you would like to see in. print,
send it in. It you have s cat
that has a litter of 17 kittens or
if you have a peach that weighs
5 pounds, teH us about it and we
will nrint - it - for - you. - Fair
enough is'nt it?
Don't Judge a man by his
clothes. God made one and the
tailor made the other, , Don
judge a man by his family, for
Cain belonged to a good family
Don't judge a man by hW failure
in life, for many a man fails be
cause he is too honest to succeed
Don't judge a man by the house
he lives in, for the lizard snd the
rat often inhabit the grander
structure. When a man dies
they who survive him ask what
property has he left behind; the
angel who bends over the dying
man asks what good deeda he
has sent before him.
Notice for Publication
Department ot the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at 'X'he lalk. Oregon,
Auttiiatao. luift.
Notice Is hereby given that Edga
J. Ball, of lone Oregon, wlHMtn Mar.
28 1011, made'tlomeKtead Entry No.
0842a and on November 23 1V14 made
additional Homestead Eutry, No.
01414. for B. N. E. , E. S. E. K,
sec. aa-w. dw.i s. n. w. g,
Section 24, Towiwhip 2-Moutb, Bailee
23-Kaat, Willamette Meridian, -htm
A led notice of Intention to make
Flnul three year Proof, to eHtablleb
claim to the land abore dfM-rlberi,
hfiiMi: C. fftttptunn II. 8. Corauilu-
loner. at Hepooer Oregon, on the !
1 1th day of October Ittlfi. Claimant
naniee as witnesses: Charles J. An
derson, Raymond H. Hum, Henry W
Smoime, Ambrose G. Ford all of loue
U. Frank Woodoock
14-18 - i. Register.
Notice for Publication
Department ot the Interior, U- S.J
Uuta Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Augusta, 18i5
Notice la hereby given that William
H. Hague, 'Of lone, Oregon, who. on
January 5th 1911', made Homestead
Entry No. 07917- and on May 16th
1913 made, additional Homestead
Entry No. 011418, tor W. , N. W. ,
N. W. , 8. W. , Bee. H, 8. E.
Jf , S. W. Jf, 8. E. , and 8. E. . 8. W.
Jf, Section 14, Township 1 North,
Itange 24-East. Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before U C. Patterson, U. 8. Com
missioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on
the 9th day of October 1U15, liilni
aae mmmru iu hHiiwspi. Jutnflir
Calkins, Mildred P. Calkins! Fred
Srbeel, George ft!. Calkins all of lone
, H.'Frfcnfc Woodcock,
iS-IT ' ReglMter.
Notice for Publication
Crop Report of Oregon
A It . A '
Aoooraing so roe uregon crop
report of September & 191a.
Oregon produced the following
amount of grain:
Winter Wheat. Preliminary
Ornate, HOea.OOO bushels.
Pinal 1914,-18.684.000 buaheM.
Spring Wheat, September L
forecast, 8.690, 000 bushels. : .."
Final, 1914, 8,920,000 bushels.
Osts, September L forecast
14.800.000 bashsls.
Although a dairy cow ration
may quite often be well balanced
with 1 or 2 feeds it la generally
better to have a larger number.
according to Prof. R. R. Graves
of the 0. A. C Dairy depart
ment The ration of the high
producing dairy euw should con
tain at least two kinds of rough
age snd several kinda of grain.
There should si ways be some lax
ative feeds among these, snd
otherwise they may be selected
to afford carbohydrates snd fat
st the lowest cost possible when
combined with digestible protein
In the most economical form.
Oregon Field Crop1
Mors the 40 per cent of Oreg
on s agncujturai products are
field crops, according to recent
estimates. These consist chiefly
of graina, hay, hope, root crops.
and green forage. They are im
portant not alone for the income
they prsducebut because of their
relation toother sources of tn-
coms-Uvestockt dairy and poul
try products, aggregating sixty
millions of dollars. The import
ance of the field crop Industries
of the ststo justifies the policy
department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at The ialles, Oregon,
August 20, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that Mildred
P. CalAlns, of lone, Oregon, who, on
October 14, "1911, made Home tea!
Enlry, No. 09677, for R,NW J(, N
E8WJ, mid R W , 8 E , Sec
tion 14, Township 1-North. Range
24-East. Willamette. Meridian, ham
filed notice of Intention to make Fin
al three year 1'roof.toeetHblhm claim
to the land fiboTe described, before
O. O. Patterson. U. 8. Commission
er, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th
dvy of October, .1914, Claimant
names as witnesses: John L. Calkins
William H. Hague,. Fred 8cheel
rjeorge M Calkins, all of lone, Oreg
oo. :...
U. Frank Woodcock
18-17 . RP(riBter.
Notice for Publication
-. Departmeot ot th tntertor. V
Land ontee at The Dalies, Oregon
August 18, 1915.
Notice Is hereby giren that Thom
as J, Anehotf, of Cecil, Oregon, whd
oa April St, J91S, made Homestead
Bntry. No. 019t87, for Lot . N G
aw, and N , SEX, Section
Township" 1-North, Range SB-East
Willaraetts Meridian, has flktd notice
ot Intention to make Pinal tbne
year Proof, to establish dalm to the
land above described, before U. a.
Lead Omee, at The ialke, Oregon
on toe Tth day of October' 1915
Claimant names ae witnesses: Prank
L. Pierce, James U. Lewler, Henry
Strteter, Boyd Logaa all of uscll
Oregon, t
H. Frank Woodcock,
14-W . Reslster.
Notice for Publication
Department ot the Interior, XJ. 8.
Lane Offltoe at The Dalles, Oregon
angnet 18, 1918.-
Notice hi hereby gtren that James
a. Lawter, of Cecil, Oregon, who, on
March IS, 1911, made Homestead
Entry. No. 010089, for 8 W Section
, Township 1-North, Range 88-Bast.
Willamette Meridian, has Sled notice
of Intent! oa to mace Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
abore described, before D. 8. Land
Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
Tth day of October 1915. Claimant
names ae witnesses: Frank L. pierce.
Thomae 9V Assent. Walter Pod.
Boyd Logan all. ot Cecil, Oregon.
II. Praak Woodcock,
14-W Revtster.
of the U. a Department of Aff-
ricultnrs snd the Extentkm di
vision of the Affricutural College
In plating a farm management
specialist ia charge of farm asr-
vey wort to learn now to make
farming operation mors efficient
and aatiafactory.
Get the stores in order for the
first cold snap, when you really
feel the sold snors than in cold
ither. -
I have a stock of the wearing parts for Super
ior Drills and can fill most calls for repairs
but there are often some parts broken about
your drill which are not in stock and you
should look ovex your drills and have such
parts ordered at once as every day you delay
doing so means dollars and worry to you
when seeding time comes. If ou need anew
drill let ine figure with you. '
Bert Mason
with a
All Kinds of Fresh and Qured Meats
Fat Stock Wanted af all times"
l"L Holgate -
Main St. - - lone, Oregon
toLoan on Approved, Real Estate Sec
urity, by The Bank of lone, lone, Oregon -
Start that girl or boy to school right by
giving them one of those fine fountain
pens from $1.00, up at;.
Dealer in Myers Pumps, Stover Engines, Star
and Wonder Windmills, Parry Buggies, Winona
Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion Hairest
, Ing Machinery.
. Hsny a good man U in soch
hssts to let the world know
where he stand, on the tariff.
peciprociij, and the direct elec
tion of Senators, that his patient
wife can not And oat where, he
standi oa the important domes
tic questions of water in the
boose and a new carpet for the
parlor. Save the country breth
ren; that's ng-ht; bat don't for
ret to save the wife, for after
all what is the coon try to 70a
when too, havs last a help mats.