The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, September 22, 1915, Image 1

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    ; --' . i 1 , " 1 ' 1 . ... " 1 llfl " . i i
" . '-V ' r . . ww "$ jV- 7 ' : --r-. ., NDMIU 17 1
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Morrow County Fair M0RgANITCMs ;l Pootball Season Ooens
A .. . oouAtiet thruout th state. It I WhuMmk m - r r.v . rT.-r t
) Gtand Success
Straw Stack Burns At Eightmilc
Th third Annual Morrow
County Fair has come and gone
and another successful event has
pasjed into history The fruit
exhibits were first class and
everyone was well satisfied wjth
everything shown. The arain
exhibit were of a very high or
der and showed careful prepara
: tion on the part of the designer.
Anyone to look at this exhibit as
a whole would never 'think that
every thing came fromr-Morrow
County.. Many of the residents
who had lived here for years
were surprised . and - had to be
-doubly assured that everything
j was real. The Irrigon district
' had one of the best displays to
be seen in the whole pavilion.
Grapes were their feature crop,
and with these earn pi en of al
monds and many other verities
tfKU8 v ere shocrn. It is said
that.fch almond ..ree .makes ' a
very good yield on the dry Jand
around lone. The Oscar Minor
exhibit was ih best Single exhib
it that was shown and he deser
ves great credit for the original
manner in which he played up
the nroducts in bis Jbooth. He
showed very near everything
that could, be grows in , this
County and many things that we
' liave never seen
before. There
sulks of Mammoth Russian Sun
flower that must have associated
with the fabled Bean Stalk that
was mentioned in the fairy tale.
The butt of the stalk was nearly
three inches thick, and stood
about 16 feet high with .a heau
nearly 18 Inches : acrossTThere
were a number of the same size
at the booth. Rhubarb of mam-
- moth size was there m-afaon-dance
and last but not least -was
a beautiful pen of game fowM
- The children's exhibit's was in
charge of Mrs. C C. Patterson
who was assisted iy S. . Not
son and County Judge Patterson.
The children certainly did their
best for all of the exhibits were
excellent samples of what a child
can do when they are interested'.
The chief place of interest was
the exhibition shed and no could
-doubt that- The fakirs were at
the fair in abundance and had.
hosts of schemes to get the mon
ey. Some were a Httle question;
able but never-the-less the crowd
took everything in good, part
The poultry exhibit waft, very
good what there was of H. One
of the features of the abed was
a litter of chickens of a big breed
-'mothered. by a small bantam
hen belonging to Josephine Wool
ery of lone. This little Miss
also had her Shetland ponies
thereand they received more at
tention than any other feature of'
the animal exhibit The stock
show was not as good this year
. as it wss last year yet quite a
number of animals were there.
The dances at the pavillion was
fair and could have been better
if better music had been secured.
The erowd however was apparen
tly satisfied and let it go at that.
There is however a determined
stand on the part of the many
residents of Heppner topromote
a local Morrow County Band that
will be given every .chance pos
sible to make their debot at the
fair to bo held 'next year. Tak
en as a. whole the fair was a
There was a host of
work snd yery few hands to do
it Secretary Smead wss nearly
a wreck merjtaly when the fair
was .finally under way. He had
been on the jump all the time
and had to be in a dosen places
atone time. The train service
wss excellent and the train boys
are to be congratulated upon the
service. . ine iyio lair has
passed snd now let us get busy on Sundays, while in other local i
for another one next year as good ties such necessity does not exist ,
if not better. . v, r I This office stands for strict f
' Tinrlel Rnhinan nf P.itrhtmiu
came very near having serious
a . . .
" wnen a amoumer-
ing tire left by the threshers was the lsw is being violated, a care
tanned into being by the wind nil investigation will be made to
and caught a largo stack of determine whether it is neces-
About 40 sacks of wheat were that do necessity exists there
damaged and the wheat spilled . for, we shall prosecute all viola
upon the ground, of this amount tors of the law.". 1 .
about 25 sacks were totally des
troyed by fire. Chas. Huston
who was nearby put out several
fires on his own place and then
started to put out the fire on the,
Robinson place. . -
Dick Turpin had a severe Spell
of tonsilitis last Saturday even-
ing and Sunday. He "was oWig-
ed to close up the shop at 6 p. m.
Some of the boys
. who needed a shave Hnailv et
u; n m
mm iiu invi.t)u UfcJUU rroi.
L..A. Doak to act as barber.- He
got away with it and gave the
boys a fine shave.
, W. H Cronk was a visitor st
Eightmile- on Monday of this
,week to be present at the onen-
g of the bids for the -school
house at that place.
I Rev.-Tonkins one the form-l
er pastors of the local Baptist
church passed away at his home
near Grass Valley recently. He
left a wife and XI children. His
many friends will be sorry to
hear of his death. He had . for
merly been engaged in the hotel
business at Condon.
Garrrott - Akers was one of
those this year who had a very
fine crop of wheat and came out
better than he expected,
For a limited time this office
wilt give every . subscriber who
pays, up his or her subscription
in arrears an - advance copy" ofci-
the War Atlas of Europe contain-
ing aeiau maps 01 eacn country.
There are only a few of these
and while they last they will be
given out free of cost to our
subscribers - on the conditions
stated above. Get busy and get
one. The msps are printed in
colors and are just what you
have been looking for.
rrana tiopRine nas given up
his position with the Fair etore
at Heppner and ia now at home,
. v
Chas. Calkins-was in
week on business.
the past
Mrs. Ed. Briatow and children
who bare -been visiting with
folks at Walla Walla returned
Monday evening after a fine
visit. -
Have yon received one of the
War Atlas of Europe that , the
lone Journal is giving away with
each paid in advance subeerip-
uen. i ney are tree to paid up
a advance subscribers.
The citypapers have been busy
pro and con with the various opi
nions of officials of the different
counties thruout the state. It
remained for us to secure the
ooinion of our own County Pro-
secuter who is considered to be
one of the best in Oregon, and
his statement on the Sunday
closing question is well .handled
and shows bis sentiments. ,Gleo
Wells has some-enemies but none
of them can help but express
admiration for the determined
stand he has taken in the matter.
Under the Sunday, closing
statute, all circumstances of ne
cessity and mercv may be plead
ed in defense. By reason of
ties in Morrow County It Is no-
cessary that aome places of rjusi-
..... l . I it
ness keep open for business, at
i . - A tk. jbh
for a part of the day
law eniorcement and therefore!
we believe that the Sunday elos
law to be ignored,
however, in all cases where eom-
p)aint is made to this office that'
Glen X. Wells.
Ralph Akers was one of the
very successful farmers this year
who got more grain than he ex-
jpeeted. . He placed the crop at
12000 sacks and got 2749 sacks.
( We are glad that he got the hv
crease; . .. v
: . M ' '
C. i. Anderson was . in town
Mast Thursday on business.
Marvelous Aeroscope at the Panama-Pacific later
' aatiooal Exposition, San Francisco, Raises r'
Amazed Visitors 264 Feet :
OK Om Mthw t unit
fNirtrgl ertiHt wl. aw
IstarwUtoMl Kxplkw. Saa
Mto m ate cru a
captt7 T 100 mm RmAh ma w twmtr man. TW ar m mmrucuj w
tmi aaS pwfart aafaty aaS a fcwlaw fftJa 1 taa alMM art aaaanS M saa
mm waa aaiay thai tHp f SM Stat arte taa vlaaSa. Tfcta la torn IMt
aaiaar taaa taa Tmrrlm mhrnL Twt bmm eoatral taa awrt aaS Saaraat la
i jaartlaa wttS taa u rttlun af lata Saga tar. aad wtwa a taacaai ttt
nli i aataM tt katkw a awtaf atawty ataaad aa taa awtaa af wMa at Ma
bsae, sivtas aaajeaaw a flaw t m
Ceo. Whitcomb left Friday
morning for a three weeks trip
n edict Jr; and wife are now
inthe store. , ,
he Aschenbrenner family left
thfa week for their new home at
La Center, Wash. .
K. Thomas has disposed bfhfs
place here to a Mr. Ford.
Mr. Wetzer and P. Springer
are here from Salem with, a
1 " :
0 furniture to take possession
k.i Mk w;u k
he,r"ch thff
n own mwrx.
tep naving moved to the rarker
ce. . "' :
-1: ''. V
Mr. Yedd left Saturday for
Pejidleton where he will .attend
th4 Hound-Up !;
R. D. Jackson is
working St
Ceibl during the haying. v
7 i i
School opened September 18.
Miss Elva Troedson is the teach
er,' ' '. 1 " r'-v -'
T ' " 'i -
: Mat Halverson left- -Sunday
morning with a bunch of stock
fori the Portland Market He
ilj return as soon as his busi
ness permits. V --
Mrs. Ritchie left Sunday for
Pendleton to take in the Round
Up. She will stop with her
daughter while there, ,-f -,it
Jps Beasley and Ray Beasley
Sttanded the dance Monday eyeo-
Is epertaatty awtr la DM snai
mtwmm the Zoo. PauM-Parte
rmaetoc TW ) bUI IS
mm4 latrlcaw 1 in, wUS a mUos
With StrorigTcam
School AVork Is
The 1915 foot ball season was
ushered In when the new school
year began a week ago Monday.
amou a uvsuoj m icn wio wj o
were but kicking the moleskin
around the tot, Wednesday ados-
of the-young atheietes met esidiWsiierfthr pop! Is -nt
elected "Fat" Blake, captain and
C. EvPerry, the new assistant
professor, business manager otltent teachers.
the football squad of 1916. Mr.
Perry is from the University of
Washington where he played In
the class games. Previous to
that he played with the Ridge
field High school team of Ridge
field. Washington., i . Mr. Psrry
will coach, the team this vyear
and he aays that with the pre
sent oatlook he will have 4eem
that rwiU make a formidable
showing against any team - of a
like weight that Morrow county
can produce. ,Xbe seam will aver
age close on to 160 pounds, to the
"Fat" Blake said, f'Wa are
out to get the championship -of
Morrow -oouDty agaia and are
going) so ocalp Lexington and
Heppner to a finish." Thoso-that
are assured of positiona Mn the!
team are "Fat" Blake, '"Silk"
Blake, Earl Blake, Roy Blake,
Dick Sperry, Lee Howe, "Rusty",
LCtjf haA wUm Jfejfflfeii J
matority of the boys have been.
out in the harvest field this
summer and are in good shape
to withstand the hard bumps and
falls that they will receive in the
coming season.. Jesse Dobyns,
Harold Dobyns, Dave Reitman
andJRay Sperry will .probably
give each other a hard fight for
places on the team.
tCaptafti' 'Stake H poking .for
ward for the return of Everett
Zink, and Isaac Williams to
whool. Both these men are
itrong and fast and will strong -
then the team considerably1107 '-' . T ' J
Barlow one of the out of town
boys is expected to show up at
school soon and turn out with
the squad.
According to all rumors a town
team will be organized that will
show the school team a good
time in scrimmage. . - j...
Doris Wilt who left last week
for Willamette University at
Salem to study music has been
elected as a member of . the
school orchestra and has been re
quested to become one of the
choir leaden in the church ser
vices. This is the way it always
happens when any of our young
people go on the outside to school
they alwavs forge to the front
without any apparent effort
Velia Eubanks and . Lethia
Woods left Monday morning
after a long , visit with their
mother Mrs. Mat Halverson. -
Mrs. M. Johnson the mother
of A. E. Johnson who, came up
last week for a short visit left
Sunday morning for her home In
Portland. . 1
Dr. Davis will be In " lone the
first week in every month.
All work first class and guar-
anteed. 16-18-tf.
Prank Lindsay was in town
Sunday from his ranch.
Wm. Pad berg of Lexington
was down Saturday on busi
Now, Organized
Prof. U A. Doak now has his
classes arranged and his teachers
plsced and the work will bs given
mi U1C pupiffl M ISST SB W6J CSH
take it which makes it much
better than it was last winter
were obliged to pass up studios
on account oMhe task of- compe
tent teachers. -We feel euro that
the tax;payerf wul see -i the
difference, at the" end T the
school year Plenty of toaehers
Is one of the cheapest things
that goea Wraake up schooL
Waon the pupils are lathe school
is the tima et jsultaand not
when thy are grown up. and
ready for the battle of life.
Mr, Biggs one of. too ceniai
clerks at the Bender store Is on
the sick list this week.
Rev. B. T. Starkeyv will aold
M-viees st 'th Baptist ehureo ;
naxt Sunday morning and evonvi
ing, ' ,r--wr.. i"-,
Claua Jooasonrof Dofsjosrai
Gulch earns doom from Happaecit,
on Saturday 'avanmg's specass
train samaininc to the Citgi
nightrttd left o Siaad merB-i j
ing'sflrawi tor ,Tl Ceilessa,,
attend to. soma apaineas inMsaja.
in the City Monday replenishing
the ranch larder. -V
John Mclntyre, sheepman of "
North lone was in for supplies..
Monday. . . .-. ' .ujn.- ;.-4
Lon Jaquea of
Eightmlle a
in loni Tueadsy
extras for bis
getting a few
new, pumping
plant- r.
August Anderson is very imsr
hwHnsTui his wheat but on a
Pinch " take the time to say
Newt King, one of Goose-
berry's young farmers was doing,
a little shopping in the Egg City..
Saturday, ?
Ture Peterson a prosperous
farmer of the Gooseberry section'1
wss trading with local mershants
last Friday.
Aaron Peterson' of Elghtmfto-
was doing a little shopping ift
the Egg City Friday. .- 1
Peter Linn received four blue
ribbons from the Morrow County
Fair board showing that ho had
won 4 out of exhibits that ha
sent to the Fair.
Milt Morgan received seven
blue ribbons from the Fair Board
who awarded him these for his
fine display of fruit TlTZ!
. A. Claire returned this week
from a business trip to -Portland
where be spent a few days. K
Otheo Crawford left on the
train Tuesdsy evening to take
up his old position with the Ga
setto Times at Heppner J?1
Dr. Turner of Lowo A
was in this week and
fine business day - to our City
He left for Pendleton and way
points. Jy; 1
The Round-Up will bo ana af
the features at Pendleton this,
week and will be witnessed by ,
many of our local people, f rf
. !
i t
; f