The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, May 26, 1915, Image 3

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The Bank of Ion cordially invites your aeeountr
subject to check or on Certificate of Deposit with
- the assurance of courteous treatment.
J. E. CRONAN, President.
;. " ' ; ' E. A. CLARE, Cashier, - -.v . -
, ; 'y. ; . T- J- MAHONEY, Vice President
Main Street , t lone, Oregon
M. JL Haines, Proe. West lfain Street
Finely Equipped io Handle mil Repire. Ageett Far Ltmdlng
. ? Amtomabik Acceeeotiee ., .-
The lone Garage
: " ' h'B. BRYSON, Proprietor'
Withered GmsoHb Stmtrom
Umin Street, lone, Ormgom
5000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Wall Paper in
stock for our customers Jo select from. This Is
the Largest Shipment of Wall Paper ever recei
ved in lone by a Furniture Store. Gall at once.
Main Street
lone, Oregon
international Bible League Coupon
- ' . , '
r A Magnificent Bible
Paid op subscribers to the lone Journal bring this coupon to the
office with WJ cents which covers cost of pact! iig, trtumportatlon '
from factory, checking;, clerk hire D1 other fxpenae Items, and .
'. this Bible will be delivered to you. If the btbto to to be, mailed, -
send 15 cents extra, fur pjetav. k
- " ' vr " . '. ' ' -.
Name and address .... ...x .... .
Subscriber tn arrearacau ct tills Bible by eeiidln $1.50 In ad
dition to above. It's worth the money, both for (2.48
"All finds' of Fresh, and Cured Meats
. Fat Stock .Wanted-fit all times r. ;
Hofgate & Slater
Main St.
lone, Oregon
' f : . "
V ; iTum-avLum Silo at the O-W. R. & N. Corn Show
Tum-a-Tum Silos are reco mended above all patented
V ttave sflos for this climate by Washington State Col
" Jefce, Oregon Agricultural College, and U. 8. Dept. of
Tum-a-Lum Silos cost about half of high priced pat
: ; ented stave silos, because there is no patent, they're
t made of stock lumber. Tum-a-Lum Silos are built
according to our Free Complete Plans. Tum-a-Lum
Silos are furnished with all lumber, shingles, cement,
: hardware, nails, nd paint,
I : Tuwi-Lum jutvbet Co
; - ..See Crookr or Rood shoot it their offices st
lone and Lexinffton, Oregon.
Seventh-day - Adventlst
Denomination -
Durbar the meetings recently
held in lone by the Adveotiata.
coneiderabie intereat was aroused
relative to the work' of the de
nomination, and in view of this
I Rive s brief report for the read
ers of the Journal. . .
The Seventh-day AdventisfJ
ehnrch dates from 1844. whesW
s few people began keeping the
Sabbath through the -study
the nroDhecies. Along with
other troths they began proclaim
ing the Prophecies of Daniel and
the Revelation, and Matt: 24
Year by year others were adds
to this number and the cause
grew. Churches and local con
ferences were organized in diff
erent parts of the United Stat
and in 1863 the denomination
was organised Into s general con
ference imbracing the world. At
that time there were 8500 mem
bers, 126 churches. 6 local eon
ferences, 80 ministers, 1 publish
ing house, 2 papers, one monthly
and one weekly, and . the entire
amount raised that year for
Gospel work was $8,000. The
membership, laborers and funds
have doubled every ten years for
60 years the gain was ejiual to
that of the previous history of
the denomination. . ' 'v
At the close of 1913 the mem
bersbip was 122,386, ministers
and gospel - workers, 6,248;
churches. 8,689; local conferences
J26; union conferencess, 26; mis
sions, 100; Tithe paid during the
year 1918, 1,771,889.60; offer
ings,; 82,866,727.40, making i
total for tiie year for gospel
work, R638, 717.00; publishing
houses, 87: periodicals, 128:
bound books, 360; pamphlets,
326; tracts, 1200 in 80 languages.
There are 2,100 persons in the
field distributing this reading
matter and the output of 1918
was $1,869, X14. 40; schools in
operation, 786; teachers; 1,611;
enrollment, 27,379; young people
societies, 964; membership, 24,
680; sanatariums, 84; physicians.
U0 -eiapiu j as in ssnstarhuns;
1,727; number baptized during
the year 1913, 12.794; missionar
ies sent out during the year, 167;
from the schools 828. students
entered the same Una of work.
These schools, publishing
houses, and sanatariums are
located in all parts of the world.
and the denomination is carry
ing on missionary work in pract
ically every country. Over 1800
years ago there was revealed to
John on the isle of Palinas the
message recorded in Rev. 14:6-12
same time to be proclaimed to
every nation, V '
kindred, and tongue ana
people. With this was to be
the restoration of th true blue
Sabbath see v. 12. The master
declared in Matt 24:14, that
when this should be done the
end would come. The time has
come and the work ie being done.
W. B. Tharston
Salem, Or., May 19 If every
one in the state does not know
that after Hay 22 number plates
cannot be transferred from one
motor vehicle to another motor
vehicle the purchaser must notify
the secretary of state and pay
the statutory filing fee of $1
for noting such transfer upon the
records, and the furter fact that
no sale or transfer of a motor
vehicle is valid unless the re
quired transfer notice is given
by the - purchaser and the fee
paid by him, it will not be fault
of Secretary of State Olcott The
latter has addressed notices to
newspapers, dealers in automo
biles, county clerks, sheriffs,
justices of the peace, constables,
city auditors and recorders, chief
of police and banks throughout
the state calling attention- to the
changes in the law.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sparks
of Heppnef,; spent last Friday
and Saturday visiting in lone.
Clive Huston, of Eightmile,
was an lone visitor last week.
Wm. McMillan was an lone
visitor from Lexington last Fri
day. -
Lum Mobley, hide buyer, . was
In lone this week.
essssrsslMt Yew Msj Trias II mri
Ths asM-way t est rtd f as eo
stlMts eew that plants hsteeU serosa
th and WIS men psrarit an
aatosBoMla to ess Is t essp sad aritb
Om saw, sceordts fet Carton Bsrtoa
at OfeBMlaaa. OUa, waa fe vWIM his
sitaar. mm Sane saw Caart Jeatte Bor
is, at Itaaea,M. V.
Toaac Bortaa was a
ssasaMblla party
HawSsM wftsa (Si
asar that liBa sy a sms Jsrssy mem
wfaseh Sad aprawtol aensa HM Jsad.
Tat fOff fVsfsaSStl to atoVsl ItfcsTsT aMffV V
asrtr stopped
est tea Jane? sat at
Bortaa snfMad.
Am affarta to
ass way BkBaS aartS
ssrtse "Bsrs aossy, Sara asasr ," toak
ssT aa aaaaass bat aaS pfBenSiS to
sua Urn saw. Whaa aa bad Sim I
Oss e nitos Oss sew aawsabto walbat
saT the tsad aad ba party sraasaasS
la Ska satodte at tbs tsartaaatb ess
tary to Parts aaw ardhssaca amtoto
Ism taw alsaaalasj af tea atrssto sS taa
abatttoa- ep mt awtoa was emrsfsJIy
mt a tonwa
acatortod, as aaasl. i
atsawa wss taa inmin n TW s
mttr mt tlrlsi. caitod aasa nr a
iliiiSj' bp ttw bsss, seat to bwsrai
atoj ensr mm ' at tbs
ptasas was tbs assasl f a a mill eaa
toaettoa af tba pssaato bUss aad Jea.
f'Mf Cggl i
UsrVa a Swiss names' Bn who
liras la New York petition In to hart
bis iuubs changed." .
"tort sf an scr sbafca, ebl What's
tbs traaMsr - - .
"He and his fsrab bar four ehll
dren, and his fa mil; bj conatantly rs
(erred to as tha half doaea Eska.' He
claims his yolk la too-hear to be
boras.- ...
Why dossnt ba lay for bto toriDeo-
It appears that ba did once and ml
beaten, whipped to a froth, poor Eas
coo Id barely scramble hums." Boston
- pew ana r a ma.
Why b1 la abscondlns bank caaUat
ttks aa sir gnnf Bscs use ba teas at
waded aad stakes no reporb
What to that which yoo cannot bob
ton minutes, although ft to Ucbt 'as
featbsrt Toor breath.
When to tbs wont weather for rata
and micsT When it rains cats and
Wh te I ha tmfclaa a lu ns.Ut
Beeajiss tt la the eentersf bliss.
Why doss an onion resemble a rlas
bos bsllr Bscanss peel follows psel ht
an onion and peal follows peal la
rloclas bslL
, ,: - A Queer -Animal.
There Is a queer animal la Central
and Sooth. America which hi aa dto
gnbwd that when hasainc from tbs
branch of a tree It looks for all the
world tike a part of the tree. It b
aailed tba sloth. Its fset an earrad
and armed with Ions, powerful, book
Ska etowa with which tt hangs to the
bnncbae of trees, generally back down
ward. It has a anee growth upon h
bask which makes It closely resemble
the foliate of the tries. It feeds anon
the lesfes and fruits aad seldom eomaa
djewn to the froaod.
Those who will not be rated by th
rwldsr most be vied by tbs rock.
Cornish proverb. ..
Many years ago tt was qotts
tbs fa ah km to as to a part of the
bride's bouquet, press tbe Sow.
en and amnio than -earaf ally,
frame and haug tbeat oa tbe
wall. Later, when was SoWen
mere latrodueed. the eudre bou
qnet' was aometlmes reurydttced
tai was and wlaved undr a stoss
Tbe was Sowers were enow
what more aatunl tooktog- thaa
lbs dried ones, aa they did nut
fade or toss bstr ester, but tt
wee necessary to use extnoie
ran to ewrbiji either tbe fraaw
of drtodlsewen ar the ease of
was ease, as tbey won anally
The tweattoth eeatory baa hv
trodaaod a costeas Meb bmm
loreiy tbsa tbeee of the psst U
the bride' bouqaet to of roses
take several and plant tbem If
S eat roses an used for deeora-
tteas at the weddtag or reeeptloB
tbe petsw might b asrsd to
take a rose ptltow for tbs bride.
One method of slipping rosea
to: Ptaeo tbe atom to water for
day ar two; then ptaat to ma
ss oaady soli. Ptora a gtosa tor
ear tbe Mttto slip aad preas tt
dawn to the solL a that tt WIS
beenrtoSrm. Thto ton
to tars bauovaa for the-slto.
If the weather to to eoM
phut tbs stlp sat of doon atoat
It la a est aad beep It
etto oall the ptoat grwws too
taras tor H, 1
$9 I
. t
Best on the Market
- t ' i ' ' '
. On Special Sale At "
Regular 1 lb, 45c, Now ; i5c
Regular 2 1-2 lb. $1 Now 90c
Redular 5 lb. $2 Now $1.50
Screen Doors, Wire Screen, Poult-
: Netting and Seasonable Goods -
' Of All .Kindj! At,
f . S. Bender & Go.
Main St.
tone. Ore.
Get Your Aterm Clocks Of
....,. , i . .
Me. Who? Ilea use I have the beet alarms
on the market.
Because I guarantee all my clocks and am
able to make my guarantee good'
There is no other al.irm just as gooJ, fori,
iave the excliiHive agfiicy for tle world Fam
ous BIG BEN. ; '
- . , - . .
Dealer In Myers Pumps, Stover fenftlnes. Star
and Wonder Wlndmllla, Parry Buggies, Winona'
Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion Harrest-
ln. Machinery.- " ,
All kinds of Uffht and beary bnnllns done at Tory naaonaDl prices
.'Independent Dray Line
P. J. Linn, Proprietor ,
Rr E. Forbes, Prop. -lone,
Now is the time to
vet your skeins anrl boxes, sod hnrk atabs. ITorss shoeln
to on of my specialties, B I iu k smithing and genoral repair
work baa been my hobby ami every ob to gmx strict mU
tsatloa. Tlr astUns and aetotooblto repair work dose
John H. Wilt,
lone, Ore.
Butter Wrappers Printed While
You Wait at the Journal Office.
" 11
' i
1 V