The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, May 26, 1915, Image 1

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IoNS, OUBOO. MAY 26, 1915
Volume 2
NlWBU 68
W 7
Farm Hand
County NewToDate, ffifth School Play A Success,
Al ttorwD shot and tilled hlm
elf today ( tns JobauM TrowJaon
Hanchat Ella about ten mile from
lone. Ha was a ranch hand working
for 8wo Troedton aboat itx mllM
(rom th Dlaea ot thr traxedy; Ue
owd a is calibre wrOlTer. tbe ballet
entered the head oa be rtht aide
abow tbe ear eomlnc out on the left
tde near tbe top oi the "knit. He wae
aeen at "the place aarij this morninc
by Carl and Swts Troedeoa and at
that time he appeared to be agitated
and eald be wouldnever leave the
, bars alive; deputy aherta Walter
Caeon wae notified aad went lnuner
lately aceompanted by Frank Bobl
'. naon, npon their arrival tbey went
to the barn and ealled Peteret-a and
an Inetant later a abut rang out and
Petereon waa found, with a mortal
wound, he died about an hour Uter.
,fcThe remaioa were brpaght to lone
'to the undertaking' parlor of 8. E.
Moore pendlnft orders for interment.
b Dr. Cblck the Coroner wae notifled
, and upon arrival Impanelled the eor-
onee)uryae foUowe: Ed. Urlstow,
Otto Uudetrom Ed. ' HolmQUhit.
Hwry B tender. Frank Robinson. Al.
Troedeon. tbelr verdict stated that
: deeeaaed cams to nut death lrom
sunshot wound elf lnfllcted. Ills ef-
fccts contained receipts for lodge-dn-es
frpm the Scappoae Lodge of Ked
- Men. He was about 26 yeara old and
7 :vxaad no iuowalotlvea in thU couu-
' try. A mother and lather were repor-
tedta. the old country. Peterton ck-
me-Miv4aajtrane ana uas uwh
rtcins; around loOa ever since.
repuB.oii was good and very lttth
aass cau be found for tbe rash act.
- ""' fc '
- Memorial flsrvlees will be held, at
; n Invited to attest . . y. s , .
Lon Davidson Is giving his resid
ence a thoro overhauling-, a new barf
ement Is going- In under the direction
of Lawrence Londerga- A dutch
a Itches, will also be hw tailed.
The first Morrow County Inter-
eholastic track meet ever heldand daughter, Elsie, were visit-
hAtwean the .schools Oi tbis
county was held last Saturday at
lone. Heppner and lone were the
only schools that entered teams
and .the former won by the score
pfri to 4a
::: NOTICE, w.
The fadles of tbe Cbrlslac Church
wlU hold a sals el fancy artfefcs on
Jane 8th ltl. In the Bafflagtoo bldg
tee cream and cahe will be eerrrd.
John Mllson Is starting a new aoa
a far Chas. Psvlns.'
Tom Downing Is planning a new
residence. 'tr-' .- - ,
. The Mid-Columbia Association
; of Congregational churches will
be held at the Congregational
churches Wed. and Thura. of
next week. AU are invited to at
tend. There will be good speak
ers present from Seattle, Port
land, The Dalles, Hood River and
Condon, besides local speakers.
Rev. Frank Gorman, of Portland,
who is acknowledged to be .one
of the best singers in Northwest,
11 speak and sing.- There willi
e two meeting- Wedndayi
snainv.,, ,r, ,
Jos Masoa arrived Soaay fross a
tHp U,.lVrlTZkZ
New shipment of Ice just recei
ved for retail trade. - Anyone
wanting ice in any quantity for
home use give orders to my
' drayman or myself personally.
Peter Unn. Ioeev Oregon. M
Do yon want - first slass OA
Stove to nee this summer. We
have two of them at Journal
Office left for sale and can be
had at a reasonable figure.
Owner will swap for chickens,
. The dance at Dry, Fork half
Saturday evening frivea by Miaa
Lansdoa at tha close of her
school was sura a dandy from
start to finish. ' A larsre erawd
attended and the music was fur
nished by Johnnie Frailer and
Jim Flett - Oren Brians and Ed
pahsell acted as floor managers.
The supper and ice : cream
social given by Miss Houser at
the close of her school Friday
evening In the Williams and Ball
district was a perfect success. A
nice crowd attended ana tne
good ladies qf that community
surely know, how to prepare a
basket supper and Miss Houser
certainly knows Tww to make fee
cream. She took the train for
her borne- In Echo-' Saturday
morning. This community re
grets seeinj? her go but -hope to
fave her smiling jEace - among ns
again this coming fall. " " ' .
Jean Lougrea is the happy
poaaessorf a new Reo auto pur
chased from EL JlrirtindeH. The
car was delivered ey Mr. Lundell
to his home op hail ridge a week
ago Sunday f .
. There will services it Sth
Swedish Church Wedaeaday md
Thurday of thiawftK by C
land mihisr. , ; Pttesv wflTr
m. in tha evening. . , ... ,
Henrjr Stewart, Will Wise and
Jean Lovgren made a trip to
lone Sunday in the letter's new
iwo. meyau say ma i a
dandy. '
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Peterson
family Sunday " Oscar Keithley and family
-1 i ifime into Heppner from Eight-
Miss Ellen Bergstrora was vis- Friday back
iting with Amanda Carlson 8uir KfterQ00Q Oscar
day. . w . (repoitoaextra heavy nun In the
The heavy rains of the last(T; h. William's neighborhood
week have sure soaked the Friday afternoon. No great
ground up and started things damage was done except to wash
growing in good shape. Uny Httl garden truck that
0. E. Carlson has, been gred-,
ing the road between' Ions and
Gooseberry this wefek. .
RalphYeager, of Heppner,
was visiting with Miss Lydia
Griffin Sunday; also' taking in the
ball game at Jone.
C J- Anderson, the road super- Gooseberry, oa eur streeU Sat
viaor, is-quite busy working tha grday afternoon, r
rsads now days, bating the) erowd from here
nw places on th. McElUgott to see Ion. wallop
, wa wlMwm w"
mucn wiaer. -
ljeonard Anderson says he has
graded from the Dry Fork School
this winter so he thinks he will
take out hie diploma in the near
future), .
Miss Bowmy as beevie4tifig
Jake YoQDrraneN
Robert Buschke of WieaCwk
aeen driving around on halt
ndge Saturday evening evidently
finely found a bunch at Dry Fork.
Jean Lovgren says if w!orv" this fall. . ,
pretty girls would kke ride In
that new ar just call him up
and he will be "Johnnie on the
Spot",' -'; r .. '-ir
Oeors WelHtr wortidg or
Hetgato A Slater to tha City
Meat Market. This is good
move as Gwge is liked well by)
everyone who' has had dealings
i with Urn.
1 r
The Journal reporter was ever
on the Condon branctr Monday
and noticed several . fields of
wheat thai -looked fine. Plow
ing is practically done and paat
uree look fine. The people ef
that section have no kick coming
in the way they have been treat;
ed in respect to good - crop
weather. -,v '-v
' A few fields belonging to Pert-
land Investors are sot being
farmed this year and are grow
ing up with weeds to the detri-
Lment f adjoining farms. Why
shouldn't these Investors be
compelled to have those weeds
destroyed? "
Ontheridgesouthof Mlkkalo
Is considerable eorn planted and
the prospects look very premis
ing for-a good crop. v ,
dry fork:
M. E. Cotter ia now down ' 108
feet in Frank Young's well. Be
reports very hard rock but no
water yet - -
: ' The rain Sunday night stopped
plowing for a few hours Monday,
Quito a chunk of Water fell in a
very short time but we have no
reports of any damages. . ..
B. W. Smith, a Boundup
broncho twister met hie matrfe g
few ovs agoin a oyuse .at
Frtnk Young ranch, .lie lao
biy wwilhayeyott-hardTuurthey will all be damaged. - ;
but the-greyed half fvt Quite a Dumber went from here
ao b gnlf side of toaito see the ball game at Hernri-
mtn Sunday, where SUnfield
f A-,CTElKYour.g man K.earf
- the printing txgde; right b
tan get surea.on a (md
Emmerson Keithley who until
Eirfitmile naaaed throurh this
leitw Ratnrdav afternoon on his
'way to Pendleton to visit with
his uncle, Mr. CvHogue.
happened to be oa steep ground.
We notice that haying has
been started on the- Mountain
Valley Farm near Heppner.
Bam Esteb came up Saturday
I We noticed Emfl Carlson, of
.Umatilla en the lone diamond.
: B, W. Sigsbee was passen
ir oa Sunday's train to Portland.
Hew. Starkey preached' last
Sunday morning; at the Baptist!
jVi nw4t mtA WmA rv swmwI aA
attended theezerdsei
" the Caristian Church ia the
evetungfr - .
Rain has been eommg very
heavy tha past week and the
farmers are all smiling these days
prospects, of good
rvUND The place where you
-can get a 10 Ice Cream Cone
for fie. . Try osw8undaev oaly
IOC. lone Phafmaey.
E.H. Turner was In town Sat
urday aad Monday on
U aVHarlaa passsd thru lone
tost week on bis way to Arting-
; The wtcultivated land here is
veritabJe flower garden, being
mass of blooms of cactus, prim
roses and many other pretty
flowers that your correspondent
"annot name. , '. But let me re-
1 mark that if yea have never had
ftny experience- in gathering
cactus blooms you had better
wait and let someone that knows
show you how It is done. A
porcupine Is only about half as
uncomfortable to handle. . ;
r Th machine ealled the
fat,' Invented by Mr.
U proving to be a success.
Dayis The
fast week they put iw 10-20 feet
4f finished ditch with a saving of
38 men over the old way, where
the beet that was ever finished
m one day was 960 feet
'? Mrs. C L. Road ruck returned
Saturday evening from Newport
jvhere she was a delegate to the
Sebekah Grand Lodge. She
brought the little daughter , of
Mrs. Wrighthome with her as
her doctor advised a change of
fcltmate for her. She is just re
covering from scarlet fever.,.-
'Haying is In progress but dw-
sng to the showers no great
quantity has been stacked yet
iPete SusbaueT was rather lucky
yand got his hay' all in Saturday
Cherries are ripe and a good
'crop but unless the rain ceases
Was defeated 3 to 2 hi an -eleven
ihninr game. - ' w.v
Prof. McCann Is visiting
He expects torexurn'V his
io the East shortly...; '
Art Crawford, of the Gazette-
Times, was. down Saturday to
boost for the Heppner boys at
the track meet. .He left in the
afternoon for home. ''
Joseph Barber was In this
week on a short business trip
and left later for hie home t
Salem.' .-.",
M. E. Kood, who played In the
game Sunday with the the lone
boys, is sure getting there with
bells. He acta as if he had play
ed before. . .. -
Dalles Perkins arrived from
Portland this, week for a short
atay with her father, E, T.
Perkins .
J. E.' Swanson was in town
Monday transacting business. ;
The wood for the City light
plant arrived on time and is be
ing unloaded and stacked in the
yard, :
. - .- . Tlr ,1
Lee Padberg sad wife arrived
home this week after a "short
stay at Newport, where they at
tended the Convention of the
Rebkahssnd Oddfellows. -They
enjoyed a fins trip. :
Frank Wright, the DeLavsl
business getter, was in Ions this
week and looked fins after his
trip to Seattle. . ,
X E. Cronan, who has been in
Portland on a business trip, has
returned and reports things fine
n the big city, but quiet
Nicboeon ft Buffington have
nsnrhased the well drilling rig of
Mr. Stoops' and will move it to
the White mnch to drill a new
Well. This makes the fourth rig
they have working. -
T. M. Benedict attended the
High School Entertainment last
Saturday evening. . '
umatiua ueTeated By
lone In
lone Plays Fossil Saturday
Opposing teams are finding
the lone ball team's 'Winning
streak hard to break-, at tha
Umatilla ball team which came
over here last Saturday: oonti-
dent of taking at least one of the
two games tha' were scheduled,
found to their sorrow; that H
couldn't be done, going back
home with two defeats charged!
to them due the better playing,
of the lone boys.
The game on Saturday was not
started until after four o'clock
on account of -the train being
late, Tbe game w'afl featured by
a home run with two men on
bases by Caeon i the first inn
ing. M. Blake, who took part m
most of the events in the, track
meet of 'Heppner and lone High
Schools that afternoon, pitched
great ball and allowed the out
teamthree hits and one score in
six Innings, bein relieved by
Sperry for the remainder f be
game, who allowed only two bits
and no tuna. lone scored their
Lfourth and laflt run in the sixth,
making the score hoard read 4 to
1. The fielding of both teams,
while ragged hi spots, was good
in the pinches, -especially the lone
boys,. .They pulled off two
double play a when scores were in
danger of being chased across by
The second game was a pitch-
et's uatUs fisui aOaiU ttf nissL-
While both were wild and ap
peared unable to put all stuff on
the ball that they were capable
of doing, but were able, to put
enough on baH to get out of sev
eral bad holes as each team had
several men left on bases.
This frame is said to be the bel
that was ever plaved in lone and
the writer has no reason to doubt
it as there were several peoph
who witnessed the game were
ready for the bed after it was
over. Time alter ume it seemed
as if each team would chase in
a flock of rune, only to have men
die on bases from some unusual
play that would be pulled oft ,at
the right time. .
lone scored in the first, Coshow
struck out, W. Rietman got on
by a hit through second, O. Riet
man walked advancing W. Riet
man who later earns home on
Sperry 's single to left; Cason out
on a hit to second and O. Riet
man being out between home
and third on his attempt to score.
No more scoring was done until
the seventh inning when lone
scored again. Blake leading off
struck out, Cochran following hit
for two bases scoring on Hop
kins' single to left
Umatilla scored their only runs
in the seventh. A. Spinning hit
for three bases and scored on a
hard chance to first, Davis being
safe, Blakely hit safe past third,
scoring Davis who had stolen
second. B. Spinning wss hit by
pitched bally' and Blakely was out
trying to steal third. Burgess fol
lowed with a grounder to second,
forcing Spinning, Starcher made
a long hit over the left field fence
but was called out for not touch
ing second. r
No more scoring was. done un
til the ninth when Blake got life
on an error by second, being sac
rificed, to third after stealing
second by a neatly placed bunt
off Cochran's bat, he going out
pitcher to first, Hopkins followed
with his second hit of the
and Sunday At Fossil, Ore.
day, scoring Blake. Hopkins
stole second while Rood was strik
ing out and scored on Coshow's
hit over short giving lone tha
game, 4 to S. Sperry struck out
12 and allowed & hits. - (A Spin
mng wiffed 12 and allowed 10
hits. .
Spinning pitched better ball
than any pitcher lone has faced
this year and we are told that he
didn't pitch as good as usus),
The reason, very likely, was that 7 ',
he was pitching to better batters
than he has been In the past t
The following is the season's
batting average:'
: P.
. .008
: 23
f 2
Coshow s
W. Rietman 8
0. Rietman 1
Sperry p -Cason
m t?'
Blake o -
Cochran 2 : :
Roodl,, 1
Hopkins r '
V. Hietman ,,
4 V
T Titus- -
Gambiir ' .
Beezley ; ;
Vtotals ,'
270 88 .813
Fob Sals Rolled Barleys at tha
Interior Warehouse Company,
st lone, Oregon, J . Swanson
"r agent
TaAPsi jflsed daily i ,
cows. . win take yeanings or
two year old steers. L. Mc
Murray, lone, Oregon. ; it
' A. a Perkins, son" of E. T.'
Perkins, was in lone this weak
from Seattle on his way to Ssn
Francisco. He visited- with nil
father for a short while.
Paul Troedaon was ia town
Monday on a business trip.
' .1 . .- .
The last Issue of the Omelet
is expected About a week after
schoolis out The editorial mat
ter is being prepared by the
School Staff.
Joe Water was in lone Satur
day evening to visit with his
family and also attend the enter
tainment Ye Editor had a very pleasant
ride with T. B. Buffington Isst
week end visited the John Calk
ino ranch and also the White
ranch northeast of lone, The
wheat looked fine in every direc
tion and promises s fins crop this
fall. -
Art Pierce and wife wars In .
Ions Saturday - and Sunday to
take In the high school traek
meet and ball games. Tbey were
entertained by Dr. and Mrs.
Chick. -
Dave Rogers wss in Ions this
week oi business. ,
- , ssasaMamaMPa-SaasamaaasaSSSlH - -
Chas. Benedict wss s business
visitor from Morgan Saturday.
"Chas. AUinger Is putting In ft
fine new boiler in the Dick Turp
in Barber Shop to replace the old
one that was put out of, commis
sion last week.
Leonard Carlson wss s business
visitors from Gooseberry last
week, , . ;.'; .
'Dick Turpiu visited Heppner
Sunday evening, returning on
Monday morning's train, -V