The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, May 19, 1915, Image 3

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f 7
The Bank of lone cordially invitee your account
subject to check or on Certificate of Deposit, "with V
. the assurance of courteous treatment
J. E. CRONAN, President, - ".'.
. S. A. CLARE, Cashier, . !
t- ' :' . . ; JT. J. MAHONEY, Vice President
Main Street . y , ,'V:. f v ,:t . lone, Oregon
sc i one hotel;
M. B. Haines, Prop. ' West Main Street
Hale, hale, Immortal burd, awl
hale! - - . ,.. -
Thou hast, with in thy strange in
terior . v J ' "
The wars A meens. mekaniks ft
Wharewith 2 fashon it perdoooe
That gustly fame us froot upon
the whiten -
Deependeth awl the happy neas,
prosperity and thrifft .
Or hour drawd bewtch us land. -
For thou kanst lav the well-nown
That fetchch. in the bksy hanta
ov men
PJoefy Equipped to Handle all Repair. Ageaia For Landing
. . Automobile Aceaatoriea -
THe lone Garage
' . . H, BMYSON, Proprietor ,;
Fllthered QemoJine StMtiom
Malm Street, lone, Ongom
3000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Wall Paper In
. stock for our customers to select from. This Is "
the Largest Shipment of Wall Paper ever recei
ve8 In lone by a Furniture StoreCall at once.
S. E.T400RE,
Main Street , lone, Oregon
International Bible League Coupon"
A Magnificent Bible
Pald'Op auhacrf bsra to the Ion Joaroal bring this coupon to the
office wltli 98 cent which eoTern coat otpacilng, transportation
from factory, checkrow, elrk hire anil Other expense Item; -and -this
Bible will be delivered to yua. It the bible to to be mailed,
send 16 centa extra fur postage.
t - - ; ' ' ' " . '7:
Name and address ....... ...... ....... ... ...
Subscriber In arrears can get this Bible by sending Sl.fiO la ad-
dition to above, it'a worth the money, both lor $2,46
All Kinds of Fresh,and Cured Meats
Fat Stock Wanted at all times "
: Holgate & Slater . .
Main St. ; lone, Oregon
In A House
."What a foolish questton'ou say; ' Foolish im a way
yes but here is the wisdom of our foolishness. It Is
worth a place In your memory. JVour house lasts
twice as long when It Is kept m repair. It costs .a lot
of money to build a new house.' .You can keep your
houss in repair for just a little money. It looks bet
ter, hUar move comfortable, and has a much longer
life of usefulness. It bespeaks prosperity for yon and
consideration for your family.- It saves you a great
deal of money in the run of time. It Is cheaper to do
these things now than to do them later. We sell lum
ber and other articles needed In keeping your house
in repair. Brains and energy will do the rest. Now,
was It such a foolish question after all ? There are
times when It is wise to be foolish. That time is now.
'. .V -r ' . i .. ' ' " . '
Tiiiii-a-LuiTi Lumber Co
Bee Cronktwr Rood about it at their offica at
v 4one and Lexington, Oregon.
Full GO seae purr dozseot
The gleeful groacer getteth bis;
The jobber, eak, be duth knot job
4 nought; v "
& the kold stoar age man, he, Z.
Duth thrust a gelid finger in the
py; - .
The keaper or the kunery stor
A rake off draggeth down -A
the plethorick farmer
The bone St ainnoo or hour glory
us land- . '
It in the deel, yew bett!
4 duth he knott deniand
A bout a sent a peeces them there
aigs? '- . '
Yew bet he duth.
Oh, glory us henn!
Oh, virchue us, rackue ua timmer
US, ; - -
Fat$hue us farmer man!
, i a . . . ; ,
I remember, I remember the
bouse where I was born, the little
window where the sun eame peep.
ingin at morn.' You'd hardly
know the old place now, for Dad
is up-to-date and the farm is scien
tine, from the back lot 1 the gate
The house and the barn are light,
ed with bright acetyline, the en
gine in the laundry is run by gas
oline; we have silos, we hare
autos, we have dynamos and
things, a telephone lor gossip
and a phonograph that sings.
The hired man has left ua we
miss his homely face a lot of
college graduates are working in
his place. There's an engineer
and fireman, a chauffeur and a
vet, Mectrician and mechanic,
uh, the farm's run right, you
bet. The little window where
the sun came peeping in at mom
now brightens up s bath room
that cost Dad a ear of corn. Our
milkmaid is pneumatic and she's
sanitary,' too, but Dad gets fif
teen cents a quart for milk thajt
once brought .two. Our cattle
came from Jersey and the hogs
are all duroc, the sheep are South
down beauties and the chickens
Plymouth Rock. To have the
best of every thing,-that is our
aim and plan, for Dad not only
farms it, but he's a business
Kirksrille, Ma Andy Hun
smker.did not believe that he had
appendicitis and. when the sur
geons operated he insisted upon
the use of local anaesthetic only.
It was administered and Uun
sacker watched the operation
closely. He had appendicitis, all
right :
Mandan N, D. The dangers
attendant upon taking a .bath
were illustrated here last week
when Hike Keating, who had not
"sustained, ' a bath for 20 yean
was given one and died. Doctors
had advised against the bath, it
is claimed.
Christmas tiemmmiHr CsUfcrstl ,.
CsarawBUf osWbrattos of Cartons
to fslalM arsoud aU vsr Amtrtcs.
This Is la dtsttncttoa frosa ttw ago
faaUlj csltbrstlsa aad tbs rsosnt ens
tow of nuklag tbs estebraOoa for otfc
SFS sot BO fOftBDStS. Tbo bow Moa of
eoauMattj ostsbntkms -laclBOof tbo
won to So Bad Bsaos sao- acoanm
poa tao doTolopawot of a ftatoraala
la b svtlotfa anxd br tfeo oxtoattoa
dlrtakw of too- Oarranltj Of Wlscoa
ola for rno dMrlbBttoa tboro appoar
tor aoaibor of SoSalW saasootloiMi
Sr pisnnlms sad estrTtng oat a atmplo
or sU bora to vauasatty Cbrtstnuu tat
obraUoa. Bars win bo foand onao
tblng of tbo sbort Mstory of thai awvo
jOBL wast K has bmsbI bi seoso eoav
BMBlttaa that bars alrosdj asod tL
bow to s abowt amaslns tt, bvToltteg
saeb details as doeotatloa. HfbtlBa,
earoHac sad aapacbUlr tbo Cros ttsslt
Satsaotbtss bis aba) cfoa for Cbo dbv
trftwOOB of fUta fer tbo oosmsaMy or
emaritr ofaasbtotlaBS, sad tboro arm
Sots of sa SMS for ass bbs cbareb.
lag a tow fssrs aa aaowobilsi la
wbJcfc an aarai'woro asesaslblo. To
dar tbey at sarofslly hKkiolas an
vital aarto of thoar eats o suso taoai
Isirn 1Mb Tub hrboaiaoo tbo am
ehlsorr of a aaotor oar sboold est bo
by aajr m
Mo can
a tomptatlosi
tsscbBd by aajr sas aieoat aa saaart
stsrsiolit aad tbs mrna1
woro too frost a tMaptBtloa is bms
aorloagod usbbiB) wbo oftsa ssjstssd
tbsai with thaw tiBBsrbas, - .
0 W hi Shs Saras Cast asssa
and sbomhTbo so noral'iil1"'"'
Los Angeles, CaL MrC t. 0.
Mathews while fishing off the
pier at Venice, Calif., dropped a
$350 diamond ring into the sea.
Divers could not locate it Fay
Williams, fish dealer, while pre
paring bis wares for sale a few
days later found a diamond ring
in the stomach of a fish. He no
tified Mathews and the police
They called, the ring was identi
fled and the honest fish dealer
given a -substantial reward. ,
Union. N. Y. Frank Rise, a
17 rear-old boy, who has peddled
do d-corn and. oeanuts about
Union and Endicott, has confes
sed that twice last month he at
temnted to wreck Erie trains in
Union. His only excuse is said
to be that he wanted to see a big
wreck. .. . . . , v :
Violet, Texas, -Joe Hoelscher,
died here last week, aged only 85
left 12 children the combined
weight of whomNs 3060 pounds
or an average of 266 pounds each.
These twelve heavy weights have
86 children and 66 grandchildren.
Harrisburg, Pa. Represents,
live Frederich Beyer of Philadel
phia has prepared a series of bills
in which he will -propose that
special elections be held every
three years in each county to de
termine whether the. exhibition
ofmoring nicture. manufactur
ing of liquors in chartered clubs,
the manaf acture and sale of chew
ing gum, he sale . coffee and
the tea and the eating pock or
meat Fridays would be permit
ted. . .
Batavis, N. Y. Albert H. Call
a swine dealer, has discovered
that soft coal will prevent hog
cholera. He dumps a quantity
of coal into the pens and the hogs
consume it i .
la -KH Carwia Deje," by Bdward
t SsMn. wo ast tbai fllmpot of tbs
psfaosal BppoBraaes of Carooa aad
rroownit wboa tbs two earlag sptntt
Srot BMtt
-la Joss, tatt, caaw tbs fatafaf
BMStnig of tbs troppBr seont alrssdy
bbows tbroagboat tbs woot, aad tbs
pBtbBBdor wboao frost famo was sttU
Tbs ras mm wors opposltoa Ob
ova was Seotcb-lrlsh, gray bias aysd,
sandy oonpirstoaod andsr Us laak
tlfbt balroaV ratbor Sst foatarod,
gritty, bat so ooist aad srdlaary both
la appsarsnoo and sisnasr that fow
aot kaowtsc bai aaaat woabl bsstow
Qpoa Uai awto tbaa a passing Biases,
fromoat was rrsach, assbtaa Woo
ollrs waits compioxtoo, tblcb
brows balr. fsBtorss rsralsr aad oval,
dtonosttloa bobsiUis, oolck, osgor and
ladoaritsMo, Psw wools forgot Sim
t was a sebolar of both
Ajsortasa aad osnttsoatal sseoOBpHsb
ana. at this ttato Carooa ssald not
wad aor writs or so hto owi sswo.
spsseb sroa la 1S0S was of
pstosj wborsln sUsgtod afoakaa. la
Bod aaaar a froeOor BagHsb
that: fbat, ataaasarsod.' pors.' ots.
Bat b apobs la bmts bmgvagas tbaa
did Itasjoat Hnaslt aot sal sslng
Is Bngtfab, Praaeh, apaalBbsad
Endbui toogasa, all aeajawoS
sraHo. bat abw botssj wsh saraiBaal
wttb tbs alga auasaaaa af rod ass
a4 of trsU."
Of thai aiBottng aa tbs atbaiiiart. sst
om at Unb, aao sssirssasblp
trot aad a frlsedablp that asvsr ots
la CsMforots sad la tbs Moilssa
m staaebasBB of boflb aaaa
aad tbow hajaHr to lb Sag Woro woU
Tbo Wore lUkaV
UtsraOy tbo word rajsb a
ssJ aMharaJsb tbs groat btag or rolor
' aarsral ktaga, bat ssworslly
ktag tbs dtlsa rabi a, absraiab
oad aawab bars so grsstsr abniSMSPo
ibsa tbo wooes sjalBl loras ag ssoa at
Mbms BJ aisps, dfssf of
tbosi bars boas bms by tbo oris of
ernatt aaaay b
Best on the Market
On Special Sale At '
f. S. BENDER & CO.
Regular 1 lb. 45c, Now 35c
Regular 3 1-2 lb. $1 Now 90c
Regular 5 lb. $2 Now $1.50
Fcreen Doors, . .Wire Screen Poult
Netting and Seasonable Goods .
Of All Kinds At , -
F. S. Bender & Go.
Main" St
Ion), Orv
Get Your Alarm Clocks Of
Me. Who?. Boa use I have the best alarms , "
on the market. ' ' -i -.
Because I guarantee all my clocks and am'
able- to make my guarantee good-- r ; --
There is no other alti rra just as good, for I
have the exclusive agency lor the world Fara- " ,
on- BIG BEN.
Dealer In Myers Pumps, Stover Engines, Star
and Wonder Windmills, Parry Buggies, Winona
Wagons, Empire Jr. Drills, Champion Harrest
Ing Machinery.
kloda of lta;y and bearj bnollng dona at vary rtasooaole prloaa
tr- ' :..i, . :
Independent Dray Line 4
F. J. Linn, Proprietor
" Obsoom
R. E. Forbes, , Prop.'"
lone, Oregon ' "
Now is the time to
cat roar toa aod box, and hack atalM.
llors afaoatea;
ods al my MwclalUf. Blai-ksmlthlna and aMwrml repair
work baa bm my hobby aad every Job ta btwbj atrlet at
tsstloa. Tlrs sctUog aod automoblfit rtmir work doas
John H. Wilt;
lone, Ore.
to Loan on Approved Real Estate Sec
urity, by The Bank of ione. lone, Oregon
' 1
. .
-f - :-r.