The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, May 19, 1915, Image 2

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A Strictly Horn' Paper Tor Morrow
County Residents
PubUehad Every Wednesday' By
Entered at' the Foatoffice lone, Oregon,
a Second-claee .matter'
"' Subscription Rates
One Year 1.30
Six Months - $100
Three Months 50o
Advertising .Bates Upon Application
A blue mark on this space;, ig,
notice that your subscription
Will expire, in three weeks.
Prompt renewals will - prevent
subscribers miesing any papers.
' The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance
unless other arrangements are made. If you want the lone
- Journal let us know either in person- or by letter. Subscri-
- tiqn price noted above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due.
tte for the domestic consumers of
orn bread and boiled mush, but
there will be compensations
Buy It NoW
Fop mora than a vear the habit
of self-denial has been practiced (After the war is over the Europe!
urns who have eaten corn bread
will continue to eat it, and the
fields of waving corn on the Am
erican farms will be transformed
by the American people. - What
ever may have been wanted
either in the home, the farm on
the shop, the inclination haa been
reverse the practice. The slogan
which will lead to prosperity is
Buy It Now!
Never was it truer than at this
moment that the prosperity ofl
this people Is hi their own hands.
' to refrain from purchasing. ToLn toxoid mines, The yellow ker-
save, not to spend-has been the nets will glint with the real luster
rule. The moment has come tola' wealth. But even though corn
meal is dearer than it was a few
weeks ago, It is gtill cheaper than
wheat flour. - Necessity may
teach some Americans that they
can reduce the cost of living, even
now, by using more eorn neaU
By their own act they can hastenlAnd that will be another form in
the end of the existing depres
sion and speed the arrival of un
exampled prosperity. That end
and that arrival are certain tol
come in any event, but a wide
spread determination to cast off
the fetters which doubt and ap
prehension have put upon us in
the past will hasten the day.
The war,-aoming fast on thi
heels of new tariff legislator
spreads far and wide the seed
of business distrust and individ
ual apprehension of hard times
Thrift, a virtue in Its place, wi,s
carried to the point at which
became vice. Prudence develop
ed into niggardliness men ordin
arily forehanded become miser
the ancient maxim was amet.dei
to read: 'Take care of the pen
met and lock up the dollars oui
of use."
The result has been a Anancia
etri agency now happily fast die
appearing, and business depres
sion fer which no reason longei
exists. It is time for peoplt
which the compensation will man.
feet itself.
re good tor me and you.
again to resume the habits otUfJ yaTolksnderBtand
and of business which character
ised Americans before this de
pression set in. We do not coun
eel extravagance, but we insist
that niggardlineiS is no longei
either necessary or helpful not
even to the person practicing it.
If every reader of this paper, foi
.example, would loosen to th
channel of trade $10 in' the next
two weeks for things they reallj
need, but have, though fear ol
the future, been trying to dc
without, they would be better ofl
business would be appreciably
stimulated, and Its revival fel
by those who contributed to It
Discovering Corn Meat
'ibe war in Europe ia likely t
eora meal as human food. The
nil far It haa aireedybooateo
aha price of com n the American
BBarmeta, ana m uaeiy 10 oooeuoia. farmers say the average
it still higher. This is unfoHun-iife of a horse is k about 15 years.
The things that goes the farth-
erest toward making life worth
That costs the least and does the
most, is just a pleasant smile
The smile that bubbles from the
heart that loves its fellow men
ml drive away the. cloud of
gloom and coax the sun again.
It's full of worth and goodness.
too, with manly kindness blent;.
It's worth a million dollars and
it doesn't cost a cent
rhere ia no room for sadness
when we see a cheery smile.
It si ways has the same good look-
it s never ouof style;
t nerves us on to try again when
failure makes us blue--
such dimples of encouragement
Oscar LurvTVll't brother and
two nephews from lone were visr
iting with him Monday and
Tuesday of last week. . . : .
fUiss fcillian Troedson closed a
very successful term here last
Tuesday, the 4th, and has now
returned to her home at Morgan.
Ed Ahalt and daughter, Hazel,
attended the celebration at The
Dalles. . .-, ,
Crowds on the Fun Zone at the
V ? Panama-Pacific International Exposition
W. B. Ewing returned home
Monday from Heppner where he
was called up on the grand jury.
Mrs. A. a Forkner visited
with Mrs. Root Wilson Monday
Miss Vera Curtis, went to
Grand Dalles Monday to visit her
parents. -..
Asher Montague and. family
spent Wednesday with Robert
Wilson and wife.-,.
P. T. White attended court
Condon last week.
At a meeting Jf the swine
breeders at North Portland last
Tuesday arrangements were per
fected for furnishing the boys
and girls of all sections of the
state with breeding animals with
H u- J K 1 i T . in, a . v
AST crowd tbrong Tlie Sod, tbe amusement and coocwalods Mellon of tbe Pauama-Paciat iDiernatlunal
BziMMlUon at Bad Praoctaco. Tbe Uaytoa Flood I shown on tb loft, tb Chlnw VUlac ud Tuyland
Grown Up on the right. Tbe Exposition la breaking ll world' attendance record. t -
, . -
which to to.. .tart io, W ,btrt -tSSZZ
raising of pork for market The
plan was inaugurated by the
Union Stockyard some weeks
ago, but the call for sows was so
great that it was found necessary
ho enlist the aid of professional
hog breeders in order, to -supply
the demand. - The stockyards
will receive orders for sows, al
ready bred, pass them on to the
breeders who have agreed to
furnish stock, and on .receipt of
a properly indorsed note from
boy or girl, the animal will be
shipped direct The notes will
become due and payable at the
time the pigs are mature and
ready for market
what by a smile is meant
It's worth a' million dollars and
It doesn't cost a cent
CiYil War Horse
' vivea
Still Skit-
The oldest horse that served
the country in the War of the Re.
bellion is still alive, at the' age of
4 year, at Horseheads, N. Y. I
s owned by P. A. Mcintosh who
ns also a veteran of the same war.
to pro vf his assertion Mr. Mcln-
osh shows the government brand
m the animal's hip, which reads
X a. 1866V' Horse and man
red in. the same regiment. Al
though bent with in. hia hair
turning gray and hia teeth Do
wning worn, the old warhoree is
teaeathe Europaaoe the value olhtill able to eat It quarts of oats
land take hia master to town e
ral times a week. It ie eatima-
ed the animal is at least 52 years
Sine Net One There WeuM Steel, Why
Pasta the Ooeraf
A Jaad of almoat Vtoplaa dntpllctt?
described by writer In tbe London
Field, who a fee; year ago aurted oa
foot from Innsbruck and went tu waj
of Landeck to tbe Stelvlo nasa and
buck acroae the Tyrol to Welacbnoren
On ot tbe Joj of a walklna trip In
tb Tyrol, be says. Use In tbe friend
ship of theae eiceedlntflr simple, nen
orable and religious peasanta.
Tbe leave tbetr agrtcoltnral Imple
ment! tying all nlcbt in tbe BekL cor-
rtf with a hear doth, for tbe dew
Is as dishonest smoaa tkeee- faotr
mouotalna as elaewber. They burs
no lock a tbetr barna, Tbey lift
as witn a ery for prayer and tb
remembrance of Ood at erery quarter
of a mile. Tbe erossn mark tbe spot
wbtnMODM peer soul baa died dorioe
the wild storms of winter. Bow dread
rnr.tbw tempests are can be Indeed
from the fact 4 bat we found all rack
homely woods) monuments, not on
more, than tea yearn old. wltnia half
At Leuintrvne, wfatca ever the Ital
ian border, wo dlecorared that oer
chamber, tb boat la lb tea. had Ks
leek evrewed en topay tarry, a that
H con id not be faetonee. Out In tb
hallway t bellowed for Harm. flb
came, all surprise. "But the honorable
herr cannot here another bedroom
with better lock, for tbafa the only
tack m tb botei tbe only one la the
villa" Tbe landlord bought It bees use
the hMVlgnera Insisted, but he had
never see a leek before. If the bow
ers Me berr wU( wait anta toeaorrnw.
nerbapaab, but every one m tows
know tbe booorable travetere are here;
every on knowoAbat tbey go long
trip and meet need inch money, ee no
en coo id be ertckei enough te at
tempt to deprive the honors bi berr
and hi honorabl fraa of a thus tbey
aead ee mack, . ,
Aseemmedsting Him.
Toutn Ob, I don't want to take thai
character. Itt nakc a foal of aurseW
ear, lfalden Welh ,tmi said you want
ed an easy part.Bxcbniig. . -
Hh a Hiyiam Osndhioni and Oimiei
Sra very." anhf tb ssrgaaa goserat
purely a matter ef the heart. It
hie heart that dotermsaea bow a-est
dlev ertU t Sect khniilf ks banw.
The aeMler baa no mora rue inilbtllty
la tb asatter of ka bravery than bj
nleihw. - .
-In bartw tb heart beata, an a rule,
almtaiasv They dlmlnlak IS eegresa
A goo. . notbl mas ban heart
rnnalag ava)trw b tbe mbMto
ln aattle a falw v elity. That m aot
bad. It kwraa tb maa prerty near
a bJa msertal sad nbynfcml aewere b
Met So he aaskea a aoed man
-But there are maay luggba baarft-
S maa. Tbey
ttseuit. forty-ctifbt And pallor and
weakness folhijv-iallor nnd wcsIuiom.
I might any..' of mlud no Iras tbnu of
body. It la nt aurprbtiug If tui sot
dler runs away.
"There's another i-laiw. a-,,iUMM In
creasing In these strtxsrul modern
time namely, the hpi-voim class. Tb
heart or tbe nervous rluss In time of
danger hi the, worst of nil. .it goes
ipeedlng up. up. up- It actuully reaches
120 beats. Its inroer can thfn'do. notb
big. He can't Ht:bt. be vnu t ailvsuce. hu
can't retreat. Jle alnka down on the
ground. . He Mhakes and cowers. A
pitiable sueutni-le. Rnt he cau't help
It anymore tliun be could help an attack-
of acurlet faer.
'"HoDojJbe good soldier." ttided the
surgeon gouenil. "but pity the poor
one, for It's "hia heart. It' not himself
tbttt la to bliiiue-" Cincinnati En
anlrM -" - - -.-
Crawford I bear It was a bad fall
are. Crabshnw Very. Even the re
cetver didn't nutke anything out of K.
We are slow to believe anything
that. If leHevett would hurt onr feH
tugs. Orlil. : - . r
rlet tn Hie Line. '
-Tbey toll me,' eald the new report
r, who wae doing an Interview, "that
yo have aueeeded la forging yoor
way to tbe front"
"Sir," Mid tbe self made man coldly.
"you have been misinformed.. I'm ito
forrpr "
Barrwd Plymouth Roch
eggs for Hatching. Pedigreed
Belgian Hares and Pigeons,
send for our prices and dis
criptiona. Oregon Carneau Co.
Box 279. Portland, Oregon.
H. J. Hamlet, Manager.
C B. S perry
Fit loaurano and Notary Tublh
X, O. 0 r. JrulMlng - lone, or.
Ties, Socks, Suspenders, Pro-Knit Underwear
B. V. D.- Underwear, Overalls, Jumpers, Wash .j
Shirt?, and .things to numerous to mention. V
Everything Guaranteed To Give Satisfaction.
' Every Article
if not satisfactory, return
and? have reolaced or fclet
PRODUCTS your money back.
Egg City Cash Store
Jtie Mason, Prop.- t . lone, Oregon
; .
Ion) LodgTe No 135 IOOF
Ueets every Saturday night in
their hall, lone. Ore., C. B.
Sperry. N. G. W. Reitman V.'G:
E. T. Perkins, secretary. Visit
ing brothers cordially invited.
. Dr. C L Chich
- Physic lari ajid Sargeoa
Oavegroaa Icuta, Ouwmom
Room II. lane Hotel, lone, Oregon
lfiappnlMrr4 (XX Johnson
Attorney and Couaerilora
' ;, at Lav
Haw St. Ionb, Oajroo
F. H. Koblnaon
Attorn? at Law
Practtet baAl 9tabi Cowrta " "
id D. a. federal DsawrtaBaata.
Maui arrnajrt - Hnta, Onaceoa
How are your Mowersi and Rakes ?
look' them oyer and if you are going to
need a new one or a bt of repairs for
the old ones you should attend to them at
once as the haying season will be upon
you in a short time and you must be all
prepared to handle it when it is ready.
Make up that repair list and send it to me
at once and save yourself time and trouble
Lave, honor end obey the is mens were.
Alafe for vonra so protnlatna. so Btoektngl
TTuU mmmr St arid HHI ainwW ksM bsr
Wbea madly, netted e darn aer tMbae
Tbeaandnl tree enrts Ma fragrance
the- aa that bewa Uheta
' Three Mead Ree '
Handam. woe of tb moat fai
bnlldwa, laid down three rate
fer awktag a good read-tret, anwe
drataacr: eeeond. better drnlwum nnd,
(bird, arni better drajBaae. er. at ember
worda. a good road nan a tlgM
tad a dry ceUar."