The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, May 19, 1915, Image 1

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"y'7 vomm 2 v r .. : ' . , . - -; ---r Oregon, ayi ms " 4" ., - .; ; y" v:- - - : numbs si.
Farewell Party
Saturday evening -was one of
gala events in the history of lone
. about 350 people met in the lone
-Rink and tendered their regrets
to Mr. and Mrs; Joe Waters,
. who expect to leave shortly to
reside in HeDDner. where Mr.'
Waters is flllinff th position of
County Clerk for Morrow County
Everything had been quietly ar
ranged and all were assembled
at the Rink when Mr. . and Mrs.
Waters were ushered, into the
room. Jt is useless to say that
they were surprised for they
were simply swept off their feet
Joe was asked to Rive a speech
and after that" .Chairman Ed
Bristow in his usual hearty man
ner announced that the program
was on. The Glee Club com
posed of Elvena and Delia David
son Muriel and Marie Cason,
Agnes and Linnie Pennington,,
and Zelma Engleman, gave sey-
One of the pretty events of the
week was a miscellaneous shower
given at the home of Walter
Cason monday evening in honor
of the approaching marriage of
Miss Opal Cochran to Holmes
Holman.oTNorth Yakima, Wash.
Refreshments and entertainment
. Were the events of Jthe evening.
Those present were: Eva Swan
son, Edna Mohr, Catherine
Jones, Doris , Wilt, Agnes and
1 Linnie Pennington, Elvena and
Delia Davidson, Anna Lindsay,
Opal Pad berg, Mrs. Ruth Mason,
Mrs. Edna Hossner, Mrs. Jessie
Smith, Ethel Sperry, Kitty Wil
mot, Mae Ganger, and Opal
Cochran, the guest of honor.
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Cason were also present -
To Our Many Friends Of
lone and Vicinity '7
We wish, at this time to ex
press oar appreciation of the
; kindly friendship that was ex
' tended to us last Saturday even
ing at lone, in the shape of a
surprise parry-. To say that we
were surprised is putting it mild
ly, we were bewildered beyond
recovery. .
The meeting together of so
many of our friends brought to
our thought the many pleasant
.dealing relations of the past
twelve years. ' -,
We will remember this gather-
ingasoneof the most enjoyable
event in our life's- histow and
wish to thank each and everyone
for their kind remembrance of
us. The writes was- too much
bewildered on the night of this
occasion to even attempt to ex
press his feelings of apprecia
tion toward the large crowd
which greeted himself and family
' Regretting our having to leave
such a host of friends and wish
ing you all the best of success
and happiness, beg to remain,
Your .sincere friends ,
' J. A. Waters and family
- - v ' '
' inery. Dosing oat a complete
. line at Special Prices to move
these goods. Hatanade over
and retrimoied. Call and see
them jg buiiding next door to
City Meat Market Mrs;
Jessie Smith. r ,
erar selection s coll clivel y and
and Individually.
Chas. Chick
and Miss Swanson
entertaining duel
tra composed of
gave a very
The orches
Mrs. Ruth
Mason, Miss Doris Wilt, Wm.
Burger, Chas. Chick and Earl
Blake regaled the gathering with
several fine selections. Prof. W
lK. Davis sang a solo and was
encored as was the Quartette
under his management Those
who gave recitations were Mr.
Carlton Swftnson, Edene Moore,
Lawrence Shutt who also gave a
verv excellent selection on the
piano. W. T. McNabb gave an
address wherein he stated the
regrets of the gathering for" the
departure of Mr. Waters and
familv. Fruit punch and cake
was -served to the gathering and
everyone went away after a fine
evening of entertainment Mr.
and Mrs Waters will move
in about two weeks.
The lone Pharmacy is the only
place in lone conforming with
the Pure Food laws of Oregon,
regarding the use -and sale of
flavoring in Ice Cream and Ice
Cream Sodas, clean and sanitary
conditions thruout '
lone Tnnacyi"tbhe, 'UregWt
H. A. Wilkin, traveling audi
of the State Industrial Accident
Commission, was it town this
week looking over various busi
ness places in the interest of the
State. '..
Mrs. Nels Swanson and Johan
nes Troedson left- Wednesday
morning for Santa Jose, Calif.
They will visit awhile and take
in the Fair.
The Council held- a special
meeting-last Friday evening to
order some wood for the city
light plant. .There being very
little time the order was-put in
at once. No advertising was
done, bids being asked for in
person from several dealers In
wood, who. were seen by the
committee. . .
The pupils of Mrs. Jos Waters'
Sunday school class gave ho a
surprise party week ago last
Saturday evening. Those who
attended were: Chas. Chick, Sam
p, EHlha gy.
Morgan vs Outlaws pulled off
starter in a very spirited ball
game last Sunday and If they, had
not been disturbed them is no
doubt what they would have 'Van
a very beautiful score. - ;
.The show last Saturday even
ing was attended by only a few.
W. L. Land of Moscow. Idaho.
arrived in lone Saturday to stay
with nis father. J, R. Land, who1
bailing. .
V, i i
Conser Rbea. of Walla Walla
Wash., arrived in Une last Fri -
day. He formerly resided bora,
i .
FOR 8ALE I have a portkm
of my furniture that will
to be disposed of . Can beaten
at my residence in Ion. . It
J. A. Waters
- . .r ... - : i . - . .
Fountain of EnTcrg When President
- Wilson Opened f the Panama- .
Pacific Exposition .
BM rooatalB C Morwy wbw
WUaoa prwlaft battM t Wksblnstoa Um opening 4tf f
Panama-PftclAfl IntarnaUonai Axpodtloo at an rraodaeo. - fU
foaatala li tfat work of A. StlrSoa OaMar and la batwaaa Um Twar
f Jawds ud taa naia antraaca at Scocf
A surprise party was given on
LRufos Farrens Saturday evening
by his wife. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Mr.
and Mrs. Oran Brians, JN." M
Johnson, Leonard Carbon and
Amanda Carlson, Vera Langdon
Arthur Goodwin, Will Cronaa,
and Walter Braker. Needless to I
ant evening. . Refreshments
were served by Mrs. "Farrens,
who is sure there when it comes
to preparing good things to eat.
M. E. CotteT completed the
well on Ed Daliell.s place last
week at a depth of 880 feet with
abundance of fine water. He is
now sinking a well for Frank
Young. .
Quite a number attended the
ball game at lone Sunday. s
The Olex baseball team will
play Fairview team Sunday on
the letter's grounds. - This is
pretty sure to be a good game as
both teams are pretty evenly
matched. : '
Don't forget the dance at the
Dry Fork Hall Saturday evening.
Come tod briifg your best girl or
some else's best girt.
C E. Carlson, the road super
visor. Is quite busy working
roads thig week in the Eightmile
district. v V
" Udarlson completed plowing
Tuesday. He claims the record
of 70 days without a lay off with
a three bottom plow and nine
horses. .
Leonard Anderson and Vera
Langdon attended the ball game
at lone Sunday.
Varda Brenner left for
Riverr Oregon. Saturday
to pick strawberries for a while,
. N. M. Jofansoa made a bosineas
trip to lone Tuesday.
! Miss Vera Uogdoa took sod-
deary ill Sunday evening. She
fa faoMwini rapidly at this
Bora to Mrs. and Mr. Glen
Davis, of lows a son, Sunday,
May lota.
ft walar ni rtlMMd W rmklt
atraat , :i -; '
Track Meet Saturday
With the ' Morrow County In-
terseholastie track meet- the
JJmatilla- lone baseball game and
the high school play, "A Country
Squire, next Saturday promises
to be a big clay in lone. The
track meet starts at t o'clock
and will last several hours. This
the first track meet -that has
h schools of Morrow County
and it promises to be. worth see
ing from, start to finish. The
local boys have spent more than
a month training and will do their
best to even up matters over
their recent defeat in baseball.
In the .evening is the high schopl
play, "A Country Squire,'', and
from what we have, heard it is
one of the best plays they have
ever undertaken to stage this
year. Seats are on sale at the
lone Pharmacy.
Emery Histt, Ralph Yeager,
Andy and Harry Rood, all of
Heppner, were among the many
who attended the ball game Sun
day, They eame down by aato.
Joe Woods was sn lone visitor
from Heppner Sunday, where he
has been employed for some
time. He returned the same
day. :." -
C. D. Lord, President of the
North Dakota-Land Co., and
Geo. El Towle were here the past
week to attend Court at Hepp
ner. W. F. Honey, of Gresham,
accompanied them and took them
over their holdings around lone.
They , were very much pleased
at the evidence of progress that
they saw. Mr. Towle said that
lone had made great strides since
be had been here before. They
were confident that this section
was due for spell of prosperity.
Mrs. Martha Johnson, of Twin
Falla, Idaho, arrived in Jone last
week to attend her father, J. R.
Land, who has been' ailing for
Fob Sale ok Teade Good dairy
cows. 'Will take yearlings or
-two year old steers. L. Me-
Hnrray. Jone. Oregon. , tf
Wanted a aeeond hand type
writer. Will rent or buy on easy
payments; or will trade. Apply
to Journal office. "
lone Defeats Fairview
In One Sided Game
Score 15 To 2 ;
The same old story-was repeat-1
ed last Sunday when lone won
their sixth consecutive victory
of the season from Fairview bv
the score of 15 to 2. The effect
ive pitching of Sperry -for lone
was the Drincinal feature of the
game, tie simpty coyea wim ine
visitors after the second inning
in which his three base awat
with the bases loaded drove
Gentry, the first Fairview pitch
er, to the oencn. rairview nau
three pitchers on the mound dur
ing the game and they - were all
hit hard by the Ion boys.
Gentry, who held lone to one
hit in four innings a week ago.
was anything but effective and
retired in the last of the second
inning in faver of Drake, after
seven scores had been made off
his delivery. Drake stopped the
scoring for a eouple of innings.
but later gave way to F. Griffin
in the eighth, who proved a poor
rescue, being bumped for three
...l ail
scores. The lone ooys got io
hits, one three baffger and two
two baggers, most of the hits be
ing bunched. Sperry allowed
5 hits and struck out 13. .
Notes on the Game
It looted a tt Sparry WM solnc
i iMhiiraaajaiaaitita.t Hi i'
tha ball orer tba lance lu left Held.
but faat fleldlna beid him at third.
Hopkins wa the hfitUajr atar. Of
eba day. getting thrae t-tann pita anil
If at what loosed Ilka a fourth on
wheiftna center fielder made a flue
catch. - -
Caaoa epeared one ofioae iffipoa
lblea. or what appeared to be Im
poealbkcatcbea In center and doubl
ed Drake at eecond ending the game.
W. Rlctman haa apparently comr
to himaelf. Hto Raiding waa perfect
and he got two hits out ot S tlmw
up and aleo got bla uaual aacrltlcr,
advancing Coahow to eerand In the
ftret-mnlng. . ' N, -
BlaJte waa peeved becauee Hlllotl
tola aeeond and third on -film but'
evened matter vp when he atoh
second wb'le EUlott held the ball at
The date of the Farmers Union
Picnie has been changed from
June th to. June 8th, which will
come oA Tuesday instead of Wed
nesday. Walter Winslow, a prominent
attorney of Salem, waa here a
few hours visiting his ranch last
week. He bought some lend
here together with Mr. Vender
voort - -
T. B. Buffington was a very
busy man Monday having visited
two of his well rigs in the morn
ing with supplies.
Mr. Slater has secured a new
riding horse and it Is a dandy.
He has now a meat wagon on the
Lexington route . , -.--
Frank Engelman and Wm.
Hayes were Heppner visitors this
week. -
Waiter Crist, of Portland, was
in lone this week in the Interest
of the Underwood Typewriter
vai an Rr1l4 HarW at the'
Interior Warehouse Company J Newport to represent the) Re
st lone, Oregon, J E. Swanson bekahs of iono- -at tba Grand
agent tf Lodge. - - : - v ''
Ha abowwf axevptlosaJ akin
Rood waa the only loo mas. thut
did not get a alt, but brought tat a
neatly placed aacrlHce. He la a new
player and will ranee aim leaware
baiting eome worry wbeo he gate a
little more practice.
. Tbe Fairview boya learned not to .
take any chaocee on Caaoo arm after
he threw out a man from deep center '
who tried to etiore on a atngla-
Jachran cut off whatiaoaeQ tike k
) hit, toy aomeretty Qeidlogan
forced nuw at aeeond by tqaaing So"
Coahow, m (j
Coahow fovnd DrAkVlL&ral. to h! .
but, beabould worry, be, got a hii i
anyway. -- -
Cob and Dntch both Ml la their ba(.
Ing average ton they;, .batted tb
same, Bob atlll kaadlng. Dutch got
two hlta In etx tlmea up and Bob one
In three time up, the latter getting '
three walka.
The following is the season's
batting average:' -.
IONE A.B H r Pc.
Coshow a '
W. Rietman 8
0. Rietman 1
Sperry p . .
Cason m
Blake c
Cochran 2
Hopkins r
V. Rfetman
Arrangements have beea. com
pleted by the local management
to bring the Harriman basebaH
team of Umatilla here for two
games to be plaved next Satur
day and Sunday, May 22-23. This
team will be the strongest team
that lone has played this year
and all who should attend the
games will get their money's
worth. The Saturday's game
will start immediately after the
train arrives, and the Sunday's
game will start at. 2:00 o'clock
harp. . , v " i
"' ' v v
Chas. Snerry made a trip to
Heppner Monday morning to take
Joe Waters to work. Joe is very
punctual at his duties and this
seems very funny . when then
are so many public officials who
try their best to see bow little
time they can put in at their
offlevs ihstead of giving the asms
service they would when work
ing for a private concern. Mor
row County Is well blessed with
honest officials.
H. L. Mann brought In one of
those Haynes six antes this week
and showed it off to many of our
citizens. He was accompanied
by Mr. McKenney, President of
the Harney County Bank of
Burns, Oregon. !.':
Henry Clark left for Portland
this week to attend tha meeting
of the Grand Oddfellow Lodge of
Oregon. He was accompanied
by Joe Mason and Lee Pad berg
They will be gone about a week
at Newport, where the big do
ings will be heldand will repre
sent lone Lodge No. 136.
Mrs. L. P. Davidson and Mrs.
Lee Padberff left this wesK for
18 r 7 .8
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