r-r J 4 - - - r- - A, - J..- CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS- . ' ' ING POl'LTBY . Hatching Kggr-From Bellevoe str ain M B. Turkey 25c each, large ,Tim;. S.OV White Leghorns, LOO -.. to per setting, and Sicilian Butter Caps 3 per truing. Write H. F. J. Hlererkropp, Hood -lilver B.F D. 1. Oregon, r 40-40 For SaleForty large vigorous Barred Rock cockerels and pullets for breeding and exhib- . ition. ThompwnsStrainat$2:60 , f and upwards. Write" tne Your Wants. P. H. Wightman.J, 7 Heppner, OieT Bred To Lay A neon as. Errs from large well mottled birds. Pea. headed by large male bird. f-JSettingB $2:00 per 15. Mrs. J. a. Waters. lone. Ore. . . tf KUUH FOB HATCH I NO Oak Hill Farm, selected tliorobred, poult ry, egg rur hnUhlng from-cholce pens of Whit Wyundotts, S. C. Khode li(io J Bed, Anconai, Buff Lughorns, 8. C. White leghorns. (uwd and white and purs, white Indian HmiTier Ducks, epeclul price 11.35 per lfc Choice Mammoth Uronw Turkeys, eggs 20c encti. Ad dress Oak Hill Farm, The llnHes, OretfoD. , iiTFito v ki "bTiTvk it " c X m i' in "kh Hens beautifully barred. Headed hy a soiLof Imported KItno, who took first premium, at Manchester. England, and took flint at Ohio State Fair In clans of sixteen. Kgg fftSO for IB. Interfile exit re placed If returned within 16 (lay ' Mrs. J. p. Nairn, 374 No. Church fit. Halemv Oregon. 4i'.fil Mum moth - Bronie Turkey and. Fawn and While Indian Bunnur Ducks. Turkey egg 2b ymitt each. Duck eg , 6 cents each. N. MrKhi ley. Jfi. 3, Box 100, Uresnutii, Oreg oti. ' EOUHfor huUhlug from M. U. tur kefs and Toulouse geese 21 cents each. 1. K. duckn, H. 8. HainburK and Buff Orpingtons 8 cents em-h. J. Wellborn. Warren, Orejrnn. 48 52 We will sell during April Hud May ' egge for hatching, from birds aver " aiflng 200 eicgs a year for H,t per setting of 16, 5.0t er hundred. White Plymouth Kocks only. C, L. 8tll well. Wood burn, Urenron. - Flrwell Poultry Farm. ' 4ifc&2 For Halje KuuUsh l'eitcilwl ImlUtii I Banner duck eggs, 1 per duien Blnais comb Ancoiius and wbllw ' Leghorn egg. $1 tor 16; $2.60 per 80. John Kltndt. P. O. Box 304 The Dalles. Oregon. -Wi i-atiABANTicili Eos Now rady. Partridm Wyandotte eggs for hatching 2 00 iier 16. Every egg tested and guaranteed fertile. H. KnameQlNrir. lone. Ore. 44-611 Whitb Wtandottks Trniested winter layers trntn prlie winning to': won silver ciiu second time -In class of tW birds. Htoes and egg Itegbteml l)r"i,ta-4..tMcKliii, Kfnnewles. Wash.- 44-Kl Bnv CHims-lWulte LetrtioriwjHhip- jied on approval. Kiamtne at your .home tiefoiv remlttlr g. No wen ones charged for Behellvllle Hittctt ry, K. 1 Hone una, Cal. 44-6:1 Rhmle Ulainl lttl chicks, hundnd-, thoumindi. We luiWh all year for Broiler Tftrme. fwectnJ prk-es Finest hatchery on coast. Htwk, hatching eggs. I'ebhleslde I'ottlt ry Farm and llauhery, Sumiyvale. Cal. 46-M PIckertnK'e U. ' clas ' Buttrcuis. 1 lUu'lMMiktug orders from these high class birds, 2.60 for IS. Write about my stock. .K. KslHta Pickering, Khrllcb. Wash. 46-6A FiHKl.tcss briMMler free with .W or 100 d yold White leghorn chicks at fOeeach. Hreeders lor sale. Raker Hart Poultry Farm, H. S, Hsaver- - tun, Oregon. W8 Fou HAi.s-iilg type registered Duroc Jerseys, txith sexes, weanling pigs 10 each. One 8 year old loar. J. R- fo'-i'". Hood K1wnj..4jU4jj Ir Vow Want E-jw get Blue Andelu Ions, Have bred and exhibited them for 12 years. Tber iny lanie. whltecKgs Junt the Juwl fur -tHe farmer. 1. Calbreath, Monmouth, Ctretrtm. ..-. r- 47-M fon Hai.k Kggs fur hatching, 0, Brown Leghorn and Mottled An- eonas, II for' 16; ebotce stwk. Ueorgs H, Jacobsen. The fialles. Oregon. R 8 TeL JKPU 46-64 BKAL MTATK .IHa Bmmnn Arumn, rssidsnss tur . shIs). No, f K. atrd and lvaa.-10)x 100 poroer lot Work from rarllne newly painted and renovated flre- side with full bassBMWit, furnatej and. elegant fireplace, price T7 jA "owner J. J. Kenny, Iona, Orregoii Turn Is A BAMus-ree cask buys! this ulce horn at U rants Fassv Or. In located Id beet part of town. lotsbeetsoll, good bungalow, clear --- of tucumbraoce. , Pries only S6Q, KSOcasb and the rest at 10 per month, 6 per cent Interest. For further particulars Inquire of own- er, K. H. Mc Mullen, 738 8th Street, Astoria, Oregon, lOOaerea timber, Klaoatb County. rulslng 010.000- -feet, tor - sale reasonable If taken at once; make me an offr W. B. PostuvBex 32. Ft. Lttpton, Colo.- oH-50 Fou HAi.it CM acres first class land half inlle water front Columbia Hirer, .Morrow County, Oregon; a:.tfl pur acre, one-third Rash, buluuee B per cent Kalpn Hmallea, L. C. Smith Build lug-, Seattle. 4-56 Fou 8a Lie Dairy farm of ISO acres ut Nuhalem Junction, near Ooble, fronting on uoluuibfarlver-, 70 acre meadow, ' .remainder rtcbr bench html 17 cuttle, mostly Jersey milk era, a horses, 200 poultry; liuple meuu all Included; 99Tuu; terms; otiie""irude; for particulars, 640 East th st., Portland. Call at the Journal offlce and see descriptions, 46-48 Choice seashore lot, Brighton Beach at a barg-uln. It's worth 47iXJ. now -ouly $4.r0 cash Writs US Peter Uamls, tit. Helens, -OreKon. , ' " 41-60 Otdarcroft Acres-Acres and half ac res cheaper than city lots; alt Im proved; on hard-surfaced road For price and terms see the owner John W. Aleiauder, 11117 North western Bank Bldg., Phone 1821. Portland. Ore. 40-49 Cornelius Lots Must sacrifice two ,leet located lots In Cornelius; lots 1 an I 2 block 41, for the sum of 226 cosh Address B. W. Nelson, box 162, Uukllteo, Wash. 40-48 M Fakus Fok jHaijb lUnavs from 4S to 200 per acre. In tracts from 7 acres to 900. Reasonable terms. For further Information address Phil Marquam, real estate agent. Marquain, Ore. 44-&B Fou Ha lb 10 acre chicken ranch, ira DroTed, all equipped, ready to take - In the money, m - bargain, terms . W. W, Kelly et Son. Bakersneld. Cal. Fob Haijc 2Q acres raw land In artesian water belt; a bargain, price (46 per acre terms. W, W. Kelly ft Son, Bakersfleld CaL HoMKsTKAiMt- 820 acres, total eost from here 166, near K R., fine climate, rich land,- good water, southern . Utah. Also relinquish tnents at s2 to sV per act. Settle ment ret-u I red 8 months after filing. Writs Z. It. Shlpmao, B. 4 Lodl, Cal. 44-63 tVml acres, 9 blocis Irvlngton club bouse, S bit ess scbooL No trades. P. O. Box 4M, Portland, Oreiron. , . 44-63 .'ioo will buy 8 acres, house, barn orchard, fifteen minute walk from Baptist- College, Address M.,l Biuiouson, McMlnnvills, Oregon. i 44-68 KOB 8ALK 400 acres In Gilliam County. Thli land can ba. bought fur small payment down and the balance can be made ou terms to suit the purchaser. Located Ave miles from Hwesriuar Bock Creek. W. B Blley, Owner, La Pine, Oregon. AMI (lllliani Wberler Co. wheat and -mUKk ranches. se my free printed Hat liefore buying. A- O. Ralston Fossir, Oregon. 48-62 Pine improved' land for sale at $20 per acre. Crop, Stock and Improvements in lots of t sec tion and up. Terms one-third cash; balance long time with interest. This Is some of the best land in Morrow County. AddressWournal Office, lone. Oregon. fifLArRB dairy and hog ranch 80 ac In cultivation; well fenced and water ed; partly stocked; good hnlldlngs. Spring crops In, 4 miles rallmari and good town on good road, one foorth mlletn church and school; no commission, no Interest; oae ealf cash, balance w-rrsa T. Kroea- nng. owner, Woodland, Wash. -sTM HsAimrt'L riRTiLR Lavu, La I lomssteads and cheap mat lands with many years to pay, send 40c for beautiful Atlas, and reliable tn fiwraatloa describing and tMllag all about aaM laada Toar ssoaey back If not satlfled, . OomaraUva " Land Coloalsatraa Dept., bos 618, Lewtetna. Idaho. 7-tfS Nones) Having decided tospead lbs rent of my days In Morrow Ooanty TaTrr Inr tart far faini nl H bffti f TasvsrybsstofsoU wlthseop In Orchard la good shape. Oa the Columbia River, 40 muss from Port land, 1 miles from Corrollls, Wash. Oood house and barn and other buildings, a bancs, of horses, cattle, hogs, goats, fowls, vehicles, farm machinery and household goods go with place, price $4800. I will take Ions property as part pay ment. Anyone Interested ss Dtek Turpi", tot barber. Ions, Oregon. .... - ,- -tf OwiMo to poor health, I wish to sell ify farm of 180 acres located 8 mfl 8. W. of If olalla; 100 acres In euitl vation; 1 miles from Toder sta tion on W. V. S. electric line; a sacrifice at t)00 per acre; also 800 acres of other land to sell to set tle an estate. C. K. Jndd. MoJalla, Oregon. R. F. D. No 1. 46-64 Fon Bxim or Trad White Bock Dairy Farm flvs miles from lone, with or without stock, 900 acres ( more or less to suit purchaser) of best Eastern Oregon wheat land, fenced, new bouts 34x80, barn 18x40, and many other Improve ments If sold In 80days wUlleterop go with place. I also hold lease on 480 acres of fine bunch grass pasture adjoining my farm; will let . that go If so desired. Will sell cheap, see me for terms. 0.. H. Calk ins, Box 110, lone, Oregon. Fou Salic or Fxcuanob J20 acres In Ferry Canyon, Gilliam Co Ore All fenced, t barb wire, cedar post good grain land, about half lit cultivation, will exchange' for Southern- California "property or sell cheap for cash. Might give terms or consider heavy team, harness and wagon on deal Ad dress O. H. Bell, lot Park Av-.. Corona, Cal. - 46-62 Houan 7 rooms. Improved, electric lights,- gas, chicken bouse, fruit trees, 46 by 208, easy terms. Owner 861 E.48th. Portland. Ore. . 47-66 Fob Sal Highly Improved ten acre orchard, seven acres set solid to Phillip Cling Peach.- 2rcri to young apricots peaches 7 yrsold la full bearing, large crop now ou trees- -Abundance of ''water cost two dollars per acre, per annnm. Good house, barn, etc-. Address -W-.8. Bather, Hemst, Cal. 47-40 Fob 8a lb Gattlbm ait, ir too ark looking for an a-1 range I have It. - It Is 18 miles of mountains, vallev and foothills' 700 or mora bead of cattle, mostly whits faces. 10 grade bulls, with spring Increase coming, about 80 horses, ranch houses, eor- rala, piping, pumps; la fact every, thing necessary for a growing stock ranch. Satisfactory reasons -for sailing. Pries t,W, bi cash balance i, 2. 8 years, which the ml crease will nearly take care of For further Information writ-. Suet ry C. Taylor, Kingman. Arli. - 4M-6T Fob Bbnt 104-acrs dairy farm. hS acres under cultivation, balanoe pasture. New 7-room house, good barn with room for SO cower good srranarr and several ehtoken bouses. Bent for s8W or ml! mm AH ....... . . , ell on vary sasy terms. Address Urant PtAciard, Toledo, Wa.h.4856 M1SCELANEOUS For Salt or Trade 19 room hoteL In Willamette Valley town, of 2,000 population, now rented $86 per month, lease expires. Sept 1 will trade for Eastern Oregon land. . Apply Journal Office, Fob Balk Small hotel, 14 bedrooms new furniture and new building; headquarters for traveling men and sportsmen; a bunting and Ashing resort; good business. Must sell on account of sickness. Address, J. C. Dixon, Elk City, Ore gon. 44-631 Fob fUi Patent outright of best pa teat gats made, 11600 tf sold at once, Boby Clay, 659 East Main Lsxlngtoa, Ky. . 441 FOB SALE Ifovlng picture theatre m Astoria, Or., terms. Might rent to responslbls party. Partleulara, D. U. Wslcb. Astoria, Oregua.4SM FOB SALE One complete No. 1 Eureka StoasrCrnshlag Plant. A I no. Is 1-s acres of hud all In cultl- vatloa, 8 acres yosng bearing or chard. S acres 1 year old straw , berries, 10 la. water, 4 room old houea, City water for domestic us. Joins city limits at north and east ioev 1 1-1 block from store, blocks to pubtts and blocks to high school, an cesseat walks. mall delivered twice a day, easy tsress, . John loan, Owasr, Hood stiver, Orsgoa. . , 4&S HrartAL Baljs Nvw Hares, S AS moatha old. aleaeh. S pair. ' H. C Hagua, Coeur D' A teas, Idaho. - 44 U BatuaiAM Hasbs tlnrsi tllitj stutk w" f-iriirrr duck eggs, gi st perls, Mrs. W. C. Morwv, 8t Ussiaa, Orssrofs. Comthm4 &om pmgt oae worth while. . To many of the members the work la new, but if they-continue aa they have be gun, the results will be very gratifying. In District No 82, Hiss Ruth Bowman and eleven pupils were working diligently. A new dic tionary baa been recently placed in the school room. I noted that the pupils are making quite ftn extensive study of flowers. In District No. 87. Miss Mabel Wood was just dosing the work of the term. Some toprovements have been made in the burfding and equipment since my former visit. New windows have been placed in the building.,, a new floor has 'been laid, and hew window boards provided. , A new dictionary Has been added to, the library, and a fine book-case has been purchased for the library books. The money which was Spent for these improvements was raised by a basket social. ; ' Miss Vera Langdon teaahes in District No. 2i, She and her pupils have worked hard for a standard school. v A new cloak room has been built at the front of the building, which is a great improvement. A flag pole has been erected, and the flag is kept flying. The floor has been oiled. - A swing, a see-saw, a merry-go-round, and a croquet set have been ad'ded to the play apparatus. A book -case has been provided fof the books. A new dictionary has been purchased recently. A new jacket forthe stove has been ordered, and when It is placed around the stove, the school will be entitled to the full number of stars for a standard school. Dr. Sheldon reports that only about onevthird of the teachers of the county have enrolled for thereadingcircle work. Teachers should not neglect this. : The time is growing short.' School boards should not sign up con tracts until the teachers have the reading credit, so there will be no doubt about the -registration of their certificates. The Cost ef Smeka ' A eloud of black smoks hovering over s city stgnlOea Industry. It also ssr- nlSes extravspince. A lack t cses In the using of fuel Is doubly exaeta- Irs, for the damage It causes costs lbs city many hundreds, of tboUsattfls of dollars and waatss for the city aa ea greater amount of money. Chicago, for mats nee, has am actual nu,r. b"' -rfPPbW ;fw.uw,uu cincinnnn par sruu a tsauiy wKMn Its mu- fSps. UnTleMdnTto and buildings and the cost ef wash tag, repainting and repaperlsg are tha chief Items In this expense. But the greatest expense Is the expense wblcb comes from the reckless waste of ts valuable byproducts of the cosL Ons of the chief elements et the re markable commercial success of Gr many sj due to the fact that In the fa therland SB per cent of the byproducts of the burning coal are utilised tn many-l different ways . ' Bow many pounds of these very same byproducts so- out af toe ehixs- neys or our great nianufacturuig ett-- les every year can never be estimated. But -the facts, ere that we utilise 90 per cent ef the nrodoets as eomparedl with Germany's S3 per cent Bxtravagance seems to bars had ks day with the Qsopls f America. Beoar per year raislug Canaries. Ti new Industry. Start at, ho-aex Spare time. We show yon Issar partlculars free. The J. O. Mitchell Sales Co., Jl Unfre isfty Ave., Berkerly. Cal. 4tt-ft7 Sudan 8bbo Best In Texas;, stfld sally tnspected. Twenty pssmds gv dollars, flfty pounds tea) dul- lars, . cultural Inforroafata free. Order aow. We are inak Jag these prices to doss out. Mai as Textla Sorghum Hoover corn. Asnartllo Bssd Co., Amariilo, Texn K 4K-5T .m. VKMraSSaBBBBW SSBBBlBBai RxrauBWCBD farmer and stocAmaa. BUtrrfed, wants position an work ing foretuaa aa ranch, or -would lease faros with stocA- and! Imple ments fnratobed. osx3SS, Uver- toa, Oregon- - 47-4S Fountain pea $1 raJtr with : recipe how to make black teat for oal v Sftc. Bead today. L. Fansr, Boosi rreft. Wash. boxt. lfc BssBSBBsnMr-as-assnsnnBsarans w Fob HAta-Whoksaleaad retail f rain and bay business he as of rhs best SsaaB sowsa hi Bnstseis Cam Ks taMlsaed ten yeara, dwilnsi g -aod bMlneea. Will otre si aS six taouaaad doUara. Isvtse rasa U gatloa by party ahar so baa) die. Address Baa P.. B Vam. d7-4S Buy Here ..- pureV-Vood PR0DUC1S Cora, Tomatoes, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Squash, Clam, Shri mps, Sweet Pickles, Sour Pickles' Tea, Coffee all kinds of Spices v NONE BETTER IN TOWN r Egg City Cash Store Joe Mason Prop. f-v .... lone, Oregon our is-now Jlj)anuer. snd one of the Orst snd most apparent economies Is that to be effected by s more, careful supervision of the use of fuel Town Developinsnt Magazine. A Live City. Tb lndustrlsl AmHiclstlon of Keo kuk. Ia.. has pnrcbaned sn Industrial tract., laid It oat. decided upon s plsu. fur the city, won s freight rate ee. Installed n uVhting system snd surted tit work on the Improvement of the river frunl All expeis for these 1m praeemeulM have been met in roll. It Is reported. . . ' Metsrs Insooesfsle New. ' Maker u motor ears were advertl log a few years ago automobiles In which alt parts were aecesslbls. To day they are carefully Inclosing all vital parts of tbeh-csrs to make them lusccesslbta This Is because the ma chinery of a motor car should not be touched by any one except an expert machinist, .and the "acces-dme" ears were too great a temptation to inex perienced owners, who often damaged them with their tinkering. . .- - "Tsw Lincoln Highway. The Lincoln highway from New Tort le San - Francisco has progressed ss well In b year's time that-we may res inably believe that It will be finished without mHoubI aid. Ohio has com pleted over three-fourths of bar part tt the bigbwsy. and In many other xtates the work Is going forward. Tns whole road Is already In such condi tion that a a to mobiles esn make the trsnscceitlnentsl trip III less than a month. . , - ' Isws's B'O Dry dock. Few persons think of lows as state where there Is great Interest In ship ping matters, yet st Keokuk they have last built a drydock 403-feet long. 160 feet wide and Ml feet deep the largest Inland drydock In the world. There the Ht earn boats of the Ohio and the Hlssls tlppl can have any repairing they ma eH. , FHEH0HT AND KIT CARSON. Pen Pleturse ef Je Psthflwdsr and the Fsmdbs Soeut. . . In -Kit Caraoa Days." by Edward L 8s Ma. we got tats gUapss af the psrsooal appearance of Careoa and lr. - "In Jons. 1841. earns tha fateful sMetlag of the trapper scout, already known tbrougtiout the west, and the Path nder whoss great fams was StUI to coma. Ths te msa were eoposltsa Oar Jon was fteotcb-lrlsa, gray tains eyed, sandy complex looed tsoasr his nut, tight haired, rather fist fee tared, gritty, hot ss qulst and ordinary both In appearance and tasnasr that few sot kAowtaig Ids aaaw would bestow epos him awes than a passing glance. Fremont was French, fhlig bias eyes, oar waits eomnlexlOB. thick browa hair, tea tares regular and wvai, dlsposltloa sensldre, quick, eager and indomltebls.- Few would forget bias. "rreraoot was a scholar sf both Asaeriesa and con tines tal accchab amenta At tins time Caraoa could sot read nor writ eves sJs own saam and bis speech vn In 1808 was of as tots wnsrata auagted Meckaa, la dlan and auny a frontier Kogflsa tbar, foot' BMuaMcread,' porV ste. Bat he spok at. sjor kusruags than dM rratnoac ntrasslt not only bssag fluent fa Bngusn. rraaca, aaatab sad several tadaw tsngsss, aH orally, bat sisn Mag weal with the sign hug-aags and f trail. " Of tMa mil tins so tha from St. Loo is, eeat-e cossradeshtp Srat sad frtsodsblp that asvar sas d. In Callfersls and b.tb Mssleaa straggie the snaf-bassa af and their taysNy s Mm Sag Frash Bread, Cakea, and Pastry of all kinds evary day at the TCity Market, looa, Oregon. Dave Rogers was in this week &om Portland Every Article GUARANTEED If not satisfactory, return and have replaced or get your money baclU- :' ! . if i The above is the picture of Rev. E. T- Starkeywho recently accepted the pastorate of the Baptist Church of this City.- Rev. Starkev comet from Amity, " Oregon, where he - was pastor -for almost four years. ; Prior to this he was pastor at Mitchell -Oregon, -where between 40 and 60 were added to the church. Before entering the pastorate he was engaged in evangelistic work for some time. Rev. Starkey come swell recommend- ed and the members of Baptist Church are fortunate in getting such an able man to take charge of the pastorial work for the ensuing year. ORIGIN OF A PHRASE. " , ' ftreetey Was Net the First 4 Say, -Q Wsst, Young Msa." -Who said. "Go west, young manr The phrase has often been credited to Horace Greeley, but ' be was not the first to ase It sod ones denied that be sold tt. It was written hy John B. U Souls, a brilliant young nun who ed-' I ted the Terre Haute Bxpraae In 1851-S. Blcnard - W. Thompson of Terrs Haute advised him to go wsst and grow Sp with the country, adding. iWhy, John, you eouM writ an arti cle that would be attributed u Horace Greeley If yoo tried. Boole modestly doobtsd lU but Thompson Insisted, snd Souls prom- bred to try. The result wss sa article in the Kxpreea on the' opportunities offered to young men by tut west, which began by saying that Horace Greeley, could never here given bet ter advice then that contained tn the words "Go west young man." It was a supposltltloun q Dotation from Greet ley. but tbe article wss copied, and pretty soon tbe soppositltJous phrase was attributed es Greeley sJsMelf. . After It bad received wide drcalstloa the New York Tribune came oat with a reprint of tbe Kx press artMa. ac cosspanled by fooinot by Mr. Gree ley saying that he wss not the suthor -of the expression, rent' as fully In dorsed It snd joined fn ssyiag. "Go wsst, young man; go apebsNewe. " ' Vsry Ingsgiaa. Aunt Anne Tour wife M dean William: she has sorb sagaging ways. Mr. Stubbs Bight yon ars. sunt; she has ssrgsged fully tw doasa different eeaka hi the brat stx am tns to my carta la kaewlsdg. Florida TiBMS-CDioa. 1 The Dry SaSL "1 sboald think yea would save aro frrred the amty ta tn nsTy-r "No. bsb'sba. rd rather do unr SsrsaV teg on wstsr snd keep dry tbaa aa lead sad have to suns ksso sw a iter fa the tram ban an tha ttsss. Detrett Flea tas. V .A,l. - IT i" ? t