X-l-1 THE lONE JOURNAL A Strictly Home Paper Fur Morrow ' County Itealuenta F. Wallace Mean, Publdber f'uttHflieil Evwry Friday tit lour Oregon. Knteml at tbe Potoftia-Bt loue, Oregon, u Kecond-elaw mutter. HtllMCIttlTION Hatk One Yeiir Kit Month Thru- Moil Urn I. (HI Ail vert ilii(f itflh-N Upon AppliiMlloii Even peace has its advantages. Let's hang on to it. The government maintains an army of cats in the Chicago postoffice. Rats! " . Second Chapter: .England is not to become "dry." The glass will only be half filled. Life will be sweeter if you do most of your courting after mar riage. ' So many men have been killed in Europe we wonder there are any left to censor the reports. Ambition is a good thing, but it needs pluck and energy to boost It along. To be right up in style you should serve eggs scrambled a La Europe. A loud cackling hen does not always lay the largest egg, and a big talker seldom has anything in his bag but wind. European powers have accord ed Japan a free hand in China. A meal of stuffed turkey is good but yum yum! Men are queer animals. They lie before election in forecasting the result, and they lie after .ward in explaining reverses. Having lost his pugilistic belt. Jack Johnson may now retire from beneath his plug hat with out provoking international com ment - Evangelist Billy Sunday is to purKy Chicago. Probably by that time wireless communica tion will be in operation with the hereafter, and we will all be as sured of uncensored reports of hit victory. Twisting 1 he Tall Of The Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is a good rule, but we often twist its tail to a frazzte. It was laid down as a guiding star to the faltering and way ward footsteps of humanity. But there are many feet in this town that neglect to tread the goldtn pathway of life. It has been taught us at the mother knee, 'preached to us from the pulpit, fed to us in the schools, declaimed from the lec ture platform, and advocated from a thousand other resources. But there are local ears that hear not and eyes that refuse to see. - ' . The tail of the Golden Rule is receiving some vigorous twists In this town. Often we are asked ' by some iuimur w yrracn inc uocinne of buy home goods. We preach it and it helps to enrich the man who made the request . That is good, for we believe in patronising all ''local people we like to see them grow we want the money kept at home. But when the same man whose pockets we have helped to fill end out of town for his job printing we cannot help but pity the isolation of the poor old Golden Rule. Some people make their money In this community, enjoy life in the community; educate their children at the expense ox tbe commtmity, and then buy their goods from merchants who ..are not in or of the community. , It is some tug at the Golden Rule, . , - There are some people who want the earth for what they sell and then expect to receive some of their own purchases for less than cost And the Golden Rule is helpless forgotten kicked in to discard. : A few people make a practice of parading their own virtues and sneering at the frailties of their neighbors. - Some want to hog everything in sight, tho the less fortunate experience the gnawing pangs of hunger. , Ofton we see a sanctimoni ous countenance in church while the mind within is devising means of skinning others out of their hard earned dollars. The Golden Rule? Why, the poor, decreet old rule is strangling three hundred and sixty- five days in the year. Its coat of gold has. turned to rust, and the once sparkling wa ters of its purity are stagnant from disguise. The Golden Rule? Can you point to a- bouI in all this wide world who in all things does unto others as he would have them do unto him!" Possibly we, too, are twisting the tail of tho Golden Rule when we publish this article, for we are telling others of their faults when we have many of our own which we too often forget And yet1 we repeat, the Golden ule ia a Good ruler We may not walk steadfastly in -accordance with its teaching, but we may at least practice a portion of that which we preach. We may accord to others a slight degree of that, which we demand for ourselves. We may even trail along in the shadow of the Golden Rule, though.our steps be faltering and our limns are weary. 1 Far we are but human, and no human being of today is perfect Yes, the tail of the Golden Rule receives many twists, yet it is the tail that never knows dis join tment The defeat of Jack Johnson re moves a dark cloud from the pug ilistic horizan. The State of North Dakota has begun to put into operation a plan which should bring thous ands of new settlers within the next year. The legislature has appropriated $60,000 for the pro motion of immigration in the next two years. R. F. Flint commissioner of agriculture, haa given an impetus to the plan by asking the cooperation of all the country newspapers in the state to induce their readers to write personal tetters to old friends "back home." Those farmers who are well situated and who have prospered are urged to write their friends and relatives in the older states, in the cities of Europe, too, telling them of their success, of the resources of the state how they raise corn, clover, alfalfa, cattle and hogs and in fact, 40 try and induce those friends to brfak away from the cities and the older commun ities and settle in North Dakota. The plan seems to be a good one and doubtless will result in a greaWgain in the population of North Dakota. But the plan need not be confirmed to tht state atone. Any prosperous rural community can .benefit itself if its energetic men ami women will help to spread tha ffosoel of country life. Almost every one of our readers think of some friend or relative now struggling along to some town or city who, if transplanted to a modern, f arm, . would be hearth ier, happier and mora pros perous than they are at present Let our readers, try tha North Dakota plan. Writ to your friends, tell there what yo are doing and what you mean to do The Avenue of Commonwealths at ths Wonderful Panama-Pacific ; ; Exposition o If tb iranDi of Commonwealths at the Panama-Paclnc International Bxpoaldoii. Crowds paaalng balldlnc. which Is om of the EipoaittoQ si Baa ftmaeteo. point out to them that farming today is not what fit was 40, 80 or even ten years ago. Write to your old home town newspapers and let your old friends and neighbors know how well you are getting on. Pass a good thing along. You wiM be doing your friends a favor and you will be helping tht community, or better still send the -lone Journal for the coming year. lgislat to aStand Still That has been the condition of the United States for the past three years. In Ave years 62,000 new laws and 65,000 high court decisions were enacted and rendered. ' There has got to be less legis-terminjl 8tation here on way j lating and more, fleliberttton - from Penacoia( FllL( toChristian aboutpassmglaws before busburgi VlL( where her fatner ness can possibly revive. - Hawaited her. She weighed just Presidents Roosevelt and Taft when In office both declared Sen- ator Root was the ablest man in American public life. Senator Root told the New York Merchants Association the other day that making of laws by Congress and State Legiala- tures had grown to be a gigantie.tion, and a hand-full of dislike. excess and danger. Over a long period we have been making the mistake of measuring th capacity of a con gressman or a member of the legislature by the number of i bills he could put through the two houses and cap with execu tive approval. A member returning after the session without several new laws to his credit haa been looked up on as uninfluential and a failure. In the future the legislator who helps repeal laws, who votes to kill new bills, snd who gets no new laws will be most highly appreciated. ' Senator Root intimated that the public is largely responsible foe this appalling multiplication of laws, and his indictment w right For Sals Rolled Barley at tht Interior Warehouse Com Dan at lone, Oregon, J E. Swanson gent i If AtUeboro, Mass. The services at tha Christian Church last Sun day were unique in that the pul pit was occupied by the twin sons of the regular castor. The boys art studying for tha ministry.! ' ' " 'i i - Mount Morrison, Colorado. John Brisbane Walker, former magazine publisher, now retired to. a Colorado aetata, haa offered a aite of 40 acres here for a home for aowsfMpennen. ? ' Chleagsy IlLTha yaaroat closed has aeaa leas railway eon stroction than any year sines 189ft whan tha whole country was) "broke. " Uet year saw only 1500 miles of new railroad built - , i . . before tb beautiful. New York Stat laott ot to Mat SuUdlncs tbe bug Prescott, Ariz. The ostrich farmers in the Southwest have been offering 150 of the birdi at $5 each. -with few takers. The feather and plume market has disappeared. It is likely that the birdB will be turned loose. Denver, Colo. Buffalo Bill has relinquished the title of Colonel, and henceforth will known as General William F. Cody. He has been appointed Judge Advo- jcatcGenerfll of the military forces of Wyoming by Governor Kendrick. Sayannah, Jar Wearing a pla card on which was her name, 1 destination and 15 cents in par cel post stamps,- six-year-old Hrlna Nnff nnflHpH thrntich t.ha under the fifty pound limit. Sure Cure for Love, Take an ounce of sense, hulf a grain of prudence, a dragm of understanding, one ounce of patience, a . pound of resotu- Intermix them -all lueiuerr fold them up in the alembic of your brafii'for twenty-four hours. Set them on the slow Are of hatred, then strain them clean from the dregs of melan choly, sweeten them with for getfumess, put them in the bot- them down with the cork of sound judgment and: there let them stand,, fourteen days in the water, of cold affection. This reoeipt, rightly made and properly applied, is the most effective remedy in the uni verse,' and was never known to fail. Von may procure the ingredients at the house of nn- derstanding,in Constant street, , i - i j I nial, in the town of Forgetful ness, in the county of Love-no-more. Ex, A Nation's Game. The Nation's gam Is aow fa tway, Tie baseball on the diamond; and dot or uv t)s will lar. The teat rH and eat almond. j The mall fma alt npoa tha fenea, ' Or pee ta through the knot hole. Aad IX they're aked- to pay the peace j i dt vmu tne Bimvera taapoiea. The ataea are draaaad ta dlffareat hue, Their eolor wMety waTerhit. Aad whea lh people get the aw - -Their hearta ar almply ravins. They eaanot wait to hear the aoora That maNMri are aettlaa Oa bleyele from wire to Mora When and boya are betttew. Tbe clrl alt la the aw grand ataod Aad yU far their awa how lan. Aad peaaat wavo ta time ta band With lip apart and epaa tat The game I doaa, oar team ha woaw Tho boya reeelvlBg araat aDolaads: Bat aooa they bo aad have ptor fan. By wlaala otbor gam and laada. Notica For Publication - bJrepvtaaMi of Um Interior. U. 8. Land Ow at Tb UaUoa, Oreoay We have just re-1 ceived a large . line of - Ladies, Misses and Children Shoes andean supply your needs in the latest styles . of the ' well -known : Gotzian , " Shoes. Bert Mason AH kin a of light and heavy hauling done at very reiMhaile prices Independent Dray Line 1 , P. J. Linn, Proprietor JoNK, - FORBES BLACKSMITH SHOP- K. E. Forbes, Prop r'lT " ' ' lone, Oregon - ' '- V ff. Now is the time to 'get jdar akln and boxe, and hack itulM. Hotm Hhnelne vt la oue of my Hpeclaltiei. BluckMiiltlilnu; and st-ueral repair , work ban tMt my hobby and every job la given Hiiict at- tentfon. Tire aettlog and, automobile repair work don . - John H. Wilt, Marcb St, 1915. tJ , '- Notice 1m hereby given that Thomas ttt anxhatt, of Cecil, Oregon who. on April 98. 2U12, made Home Htead Entry. No. 10227, for Lot - whip 1-North, Baotn 23-Eat. WH1- nmeHe Mert llao , ha filed notice of Intention to mate Final Three Tear Proof, to establlah claim to tbe land ubare deecrlbet 1. before Beglater &. KecelTer U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon on the 6tb day -of May, 1915. Cltiiniant names a wit newea: M. V. Logan, Henry streeter, H. Franl W'Aodcoc. Begiiter. - 44-48 NotLce For Publication Department uf the Interior, tJ. 8. Land office at Tbe Dalle. Oregon t March n, llfi. Notice hi hervfy glTn that Janw M. Lawler; of 1270 Corbett St., Portland, Orson, who. on Mar h 1ft. ISIS, made Homntead No. oioowjor hwt, Section 4, Tot nin4p -North. Rnre 21 Eaat WlllasiOtte llerldlan, haa filed notice of late) itloa to make Final Three Tear I Tool, to cetabllah claim to Uw land e hove deacrlbed, before Reg-uter and R eceiver U. 8. Land Office, at Tha I Mllea, Oregon, oo. the fitb day ofMii 1SI5. Claimant name a wttOMoea: Frank L. Peareo, of Cecil. Oveajoa, T.J. AoBbnts. "COectL Ore Rna. Boyd Lofcan, of Cecil, Oregon. Uo " Hopra, of Hargap. Ofegoa. dS-O H. Frmak Woodcock, Regiater U be Coanty Court of the State of ' Oregon for Morrow Coanty Tl i the matter of the ) " r ate of Mr KM.) Citation woolrry, Decejwed. ) T o Frank Col via, QreeUor 1 4 the name of the fttata of Oregon. Toj are hereby cited and required to PI war la the Coaary Cowrt of the H teof Oregxia roe tb Coaaty of Mc rrow, la tbe court roota of aald ort. hi the Croat? Court Home ta H -ppaeaOwma, a Maytbe3th o'-cloek p. M. of aald day, the aad Ut ere to ahow ewoaa tf aay ,Uwr be wl jy the petittoa ot tb admtatrmtor a r aa otder ot U of the follow) oa; eh crlbed real eatat beeaagtep; to dd aatate. to wM: Lot On 1 of B lock Thro i of Oar Klchth ) (ttlflVlJfii . Orkoon lone, Ore. Addition to the City of lone. In mid County anu State, together with the tenement hereditaments And a Iiurteiiancrs Phoulil not' be granted ai pnijed for, aald property eold at private eale fnrcnuh all In tbe man ner provided by law and subject to the confirmation of the conrt. WiTNicm, Tbe Hon. CvC..lattraont Jude of the said county court with thmfH A mfcld ort-attnchefl this " 15tb day ol April A. D. IMS. ' 8ltAI, ' .- '- 4751 J. A. Waters, clerj. v Barred Plymouth Roch eggs for Hatching. Pedigreed Belgian Hares and Pigeons. send( fbr our prices and dis criptions. Oregon Cameau Co. Bqc 279. Portland, Oregon. H. J. Hamlet, Manager. : C. B. Spcrry Fire lnkuranca and Notary Public I, O. 0 F. Building- lone. Ore Ion Lodtfe No 135 IOOF Meets every Monday night in their hall, lone, Ore.. C. B. Sperry, N. G. W. Reitman V, G. E.T. Perkins, secretary. Visit in brothers cordially invited. Dr, C C ChicK rhyMlcian and Surneoa Dku Ktor - ' loavOasooM DR. JOHN B. DYE , k 'DaaUM - ; ; It. lona-JfoUL, loaet Orogoa ". r Roosi Kna p pombers; QX J ohnson Attrneya and Cownaellor ' at Uw , ' ', f Mam IN. ; XWrt&TmM&K" F. H. rXoblneon Attoraey at Law Prtetke ta all StateOoorta and D. 8. Fednal Departsaeata, MAiatrranr ' ioB,Oaaaoa 1 1 1 y- C