The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, April 28, 1915, Image 1

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    .4 .
Volume 2
feNE, OftEQQK, APRIL 28, 1916
Numbsb 48
The Town That's Good
Enough to Live in is
Good Enough to
Trade in.
1 n t
By S. E. Notaon
'JTiere are fancier- towns
the little old town,
There are towns that are
'han this;
And the people who live in the
tinier town
All the city contentments may
mere are thinsn you can see in
the wealthier town
That' you can't in a town that
is small
And yet, up or down
There is no other town
Like your own little town, after
It may be that the street through
the heart of the town"
Isn't long, isn't wide, isn't
But the neighbors you know in
your own little town.
With welcome your coming
await,.....' .
On the glittering streets of the
glittering town,
By the palace and pavement
and wall,
In the midst of the throng.
You will long, you will long,.
For your own little town, after
i . -Jp? It was here by the stilejn your
y-'l "" ww littie town
Sae.' courted your .mOwr,!
It was here in the vale in your
own little town
That-he builded a home in the
It was here on the hill in your
little town
That the school and the book
you recall-
Ev'ry step of the way.
So your memories say,
It's your own little town, after
For it isn't by money you meas
ure a town,
Or the milesthat its border ex
tends; For the best things you gather,
whatever the town,
Are contentment, enjoyment
and friends.
If you live and you work and you
trade in your town,
In spite of the fact it is small,
You'll find that the town.
That your own little town.
Is the. beat little town after all
Last week the writer visited
the school at Morgan. Twenty
pupils are enrolled, and all aeen
ed to be working enthusiastically
uiffler the direction of Miss. Oli-
anna Olson. A number of im
provements have been made re
cently; among them may be
noted the following: anew jacket
has been placed around the stove
a new dictionary and metal shelf
for the same have been added to
the equipment fine standard
picture has been placed upon the
walls,' new blackboards have
been purchased, the outbuildings
have been repaired and put into
sanitary condition, and a new
barn which accomodates ten
horses has been built The books
in the library have been properly
listed, and a -correct record of
the books is kept
At Cecil, Miss Esther Cox and
Miss Erma Davenport were busy
with the monthly tests. Since
my former visit new adjustable.
tan colored, canvas window
shades have, been purchased
They are certainly a great con
venience. When it is necessary
to have the 'shades all drawn.
there is still plenty of light in
the rooms, and the light is soft
and agreeable to the eye. A
new standard picture has been
placed m. each room. A new
water fountain has been install
ed. A fine lot of play ground
apparatus' has -been - installed.
There are several swings; .three
see-saws end a elide:' The
grounds have been cleaned, op
and are in fine condition. - -v
lone's Winhine Streak
Still Unbroken
Condon Easily Beaten By, Local Boys On
: VHome Gounds By 11 To 5 Score.
. ff "... .- f
The lone baseball boys jitneyedl drive between first and second
over to Condon last Sunday and that was labeled safe. Both run
crossed bats with the Condon, "terted at, the crack of the
boysjwdltUwas the same oli ,ound 8orrow
, u-i i c u.jue waa on tne joo as ne
ouwk uoiMK wwiniij , .... A . . una peverence, were -vismi
f avor of lo after, very . eWl " " " with Amanda Carlson Sunday.
ing genus. Both teams hit the
ball hard but the difference was
The Fairview baseball teem-l-
motored to Olez last Sunday in
a E.'Csrlson's. CJ. Anderson's
and A. Peterson's cars and .de
feated the Olex aggregation by
the score of 14 to 8. Drake
did the twirling for Fairview
and had the . Olex boys beaten
from the very first inning. Fred
did the receiving act
The Fairview boys' will play
Heppner on the latter.s grounds
next Sunday. ;
Four Lexington school teach
ers, Misses Term, Smith, Gilbert,
and Severance, were' visitino-
Squirrels Suffer
At Cecil
Morrow Countv Farmer
Using Good Method to
Rid His Farm of ' '
school in Gilliam - County, the
Arlington School. The Arling
ton people are justly proud of
'-f their new building. It is built
where it comands a fine view - of
the mighty Columbia. In the
basement are two large play
rooms, which are reached by in
clines instead of stairs. On the
first flour four rooms have been
finished and are in use. Thev
are well arranged and are well
equipped with apparatus. Some
excellent pictures - adorn the
walls. In the hall there are
drinking fountains. The third
floor is reached by an incline in
stead of stairs. The rooms on
this floor are not all finished yet
that when a Condon ite hit it an4
lone boy was there to get it audi
a great many of the lone swat
were wbese the Ceodosy fielders
were not as the score book shows
15 hits for lone and ft hits for
Condon, The score would have
been much smaller but the field
ing on both sides was very rag
ged in spots and the errors let in
several scores, -
The game was free, from rag
ging at the umpire and was prob
ably due to the color of t "his
limps,'" as he is of the same hue
that a husky - white whipped In
Havana a few weeks ago. ,7
Notes on the Game
Bob is still hitting that Aid pill
on the nose but will have to hurry
if he wants to keep the lead fa
betting as Guy end Dutch. ae
ees&Mff to. wOir.?;
To bad too. djdjH oat thaVbM
on tne nooM grounds, Bob, for it
might have been free bsrbering.
Hose pulled Bob out of a bad
hole in the seventh.- Condon had
put across two runs end had a
man first and third and nonul
down, when the batter hit a line J '
shoe tope and tossinar to first
completing a double, Bob got Henry Peterson drove out from
the next man and stopped any Heppner Monday for a short vis
further scoring. ir . v . it with his parents.
- Dutch played a fine seme at " Leonard Anderson snri MJaa
first digging several throws out Langdon were visiting with
oi ine Qirt) out is rattier nard on Leonard and Amanda Carlson
base runners as . he was using Sunday, , t
them for s stool several times. I Ma, Ti,' x! i: J.
Jteari says that- he Is going trio to lone Saturday.
"7 q V! r 1 i Mr. Barlow Friday at a depth
and last Sunday was stroek out ' -1QJ ...
on xwo pucnea oaiis,' uxs nonor ' n M - n
"U lb WTO. ' I IlH1 Y imh lm ram
The Condon bom said it eouldf ...
. i mitia riorenos nier, wno IB
teacning tne Rood Canyon school,
n't be done but Meerl got it any
way, but sure had to make a long
The following is the
liatting average;
fONEr - , A B H
Cochrane .21 6
19 8 ,
W. Rietman a ' 9 0
Cason n ;
HopkineV ,
a Rietman 1
Beesley r-
V. Rietman 3
Titus I
Coshow e "
Sperryp t;
Gambill r ,
Totals '
0 ,286
was visiting at Chas. Huston's
The ice cream social and dance
given by the Fairview School
last Saturday evening was a
howling success from start to
nnisn. A large crowd attended
ana every oody bed ail the ice
cream thaVthey- could possibly
eat -'. ; ,
--Mr- aneV Mter- amgjfcssa aud
daughter, Ellen, were visitant
at Aaron Peterson's Sunday.
121 53 14 .438
A good joke has been going
around the past week on one of
our local farmers. It seems aa
though he was looking through
an Eastern papers and came up
on advertisements whereby one
could procure, with the assist
ance of one dollar, a recipe tell
ing how to kill the worms in bis
wheatflelds, which were destroy
ing his wheat . He sent the
the dollars and In return recei
ved two small -wooden blocks,
numbered 1 and 2, with the fol
lowing in tractions attached,
4 'Place Mr. Worm on Mock No.
1 end hit him a good swat with
block No. 2 and it will sure kUI
The ladies of the Union Aid
will give a May Day Social in the
Buffington Bid Saturday, May.
1. consisting of fancy articles,
pop earn, ice cream, home made
and candy. . Everybody
Orders takea for an
kind ef faney work, ,
' ' . ' ' " w
Two rooms are so arranged
as to be easily thrown together,
thus making a splendid auditor
ium. This part of the building
will be finished to accomodate
the new county high school,
which will open this fall. Arl
ington deserves to be congratu
lated upon the enterprise shown
in erecting such a fine new school
The writer visited the Heppner
School hut week and checked up
the standardisation cards. The
high school receives the full
number of stars. Each of the
other rooms receive eleven of the
twelve stars. If they can i
range' to secure three features of
play apparatus before the end of
the term, titer will also receive
the full number of stars. The
.teachers and pupils are busy
rounding out the work of the
year. In some of the subjects
the regular work has been eom
pled, and the review is now under
way. The closing weeks of the
year are always stetraous weeks
for both teachers end pupils.
The industrial dub met Friday
afternoon. There is an excellent
spirit among the members, sad
we may expect some excel lent
work. No doubt the exhibit at
the county fair win beaomething
Eightmile Man
Badly Hurt
fiarry Winmeyer, of Eight-
mile and who has betn employed
on the Aaron Peterson ranch.
i seriously hurt last Friday
morning while plowing, when
the plow on which he was stand
ing hit a rock and overturned,
throwing him face downward on
the sharp edge of one ot the
plow shears. He was immedi
ately brought to lone and was
taken on to Heppner by Dr.
Chick. Pis body was severely
lacerated just below the last rib
on the left tide and it took unite
a number ox sutehes to sew ud
the wound. . At this- writing he
is improving rapidly.
Foa Sale Rolled Barley at the
Interior Warehouse Company,,
at lone, Oregon, 1 E. Swaneon
sgent . , - tf
Fees Insteuctiow I not only
sell yon tne Camera and sup
plies, but take great pleasure
fa teaching you free of charge
to nee them. Do not hesitate
to ask for information or ins
truction, lone. Pharmacy. : ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Beckett
arrived fa lone last Baturdav
from Portland. They came or
boat to The Dalles and came the
rest of the way fa their Carter
Car. .- , . -v A
The Oddfellows of . Morrow
County held their celebration
the 96 anniversary at Hardman
Monday of this week. One of
the best programs ever given
was rendered by the school child
ren the afternoon. The Rebekahsj
furnished a banquet that was
hard to beat A fair representation
attended from both Heppner and
Lexington. Those who attended
from lone were: a B. S perry,
N. U. ; EL T. Perkins, Sec.. M. R.
Morgan, Trees.: Henry Clark. P
G. I Joe Mason, P. G.; E. U Pad-
berg; P. G.; W. H. Cronk, p. G.;
L. Londergan and John Clark.
The ears of E. L, Padberg and
W. H. Crook carried the party
Wanted a second hand type
writer. Will renter buv on aeav
pejrmcnta.erwiU trade. Apply
to Journal efflea.
C & Sparry reports that the
wheat he saw on his trio to
Hardman last Mondry looked
fine and was coming along nicely
ly although M was a little back
ward for this time of the year.
He went up Rhea Creek on the
wap to Hardman and came back
by the Ridge road. . "
A. & Graver was in Saturday
and reports hie grain fa eery
good snaps and expects aa aver
age crop. The Grover Bench
consists of s square section with
boildings located near the center.
He has eae of the handiest sad
asost convenient reaches faMor
row County sear a public -road
that extebdo all around it giving
amiss fa every direction. It is
kaowa as the Red Ban Ranch,
Fred Griffin was very busy the
last of the week rustling up ke
cream freezers for the dinner
the school gave the last day of
school. Why was .all of- this
work left for Fred?
Frank Young was a caller at
ft. McEujmtt's- one day this
week. :
K. A. rarrens and wife were
The; squirrels are sufferinsr
down around Cecil. The reason
for this is that Leon Loaran. one
of Morrow County's prosperoue "
farmers, read the article which
was published in the lone (Journal
several weeks ago, telhng how .
one can get rid of these pests with r-
iij m 3 ,
amoii quanuiy OI gasoline ami
cotton. He carries a bottle and "
a bunch of cotton batting with
him while at work and when he :
sees a squirrel run into a hole he. ,
pours some gasoline on a wad of .
cotton and places it at the mouth
of the hole and covers the open- '
ingwithdirt, .The gas fumes ; "
hre heavier than air and m to
the bottom of the ' hole. In an
attempt to get sir, the, squirrels '
comes tcrthe top of the hole and :
the gas does the rest., Mr. .
Logan has found this to be the
most effective method for killing
in all of experiments, and will,
no doubt kill off thousands of;
them before the summer is over.
L W. Terry, of the Lehirh
LEortland Cement Co. of Spokane
was here the past week with -B.
E. Crawford and wife." - Mr. .
Crawford ' with the Turn i
s-Lum Lumber Co., of Walle r
Walla,-Waah., who have a local
branch here in lone in charge of
tD-Oeeihwiththw pity TO WHttte1
trip.- , - ,: . ... . . ...
down to the Egg City shopping
one day this week.
Miss Lydia Griffin took in .the!
school dinner Friday. She has
been cooking for her- brother,
Phil.7 this spring.?
Chas., Anderson and a crew of
men have been doing quite a bit
oi gooa wore on tne road op
tne McEligott Canyon the past
We had a fine rain Saturday
evening but like all other things
we get given to us we want more.
The ground is not dried out to
amount to anything yet but we
are not wishing for summer yet
as spring suits most of us better
than warmer weather, ,
a M. Akers hauled out load
of feed Saturday from lone. He
isn't quite done plowing yet.
Miss Pearl Ball visited at the
Anderson home Sunday.
Leonard Anderson and Miss
Langdon, ef Dry Fork, attended
the ice cream social and dance
Saturday night.
-Red" Smith says that gang
plows are about as hard to ride
as some bronchos he has had the
pleasure of trying to ride. He
isn't hurt much but got a very
painful bruise on his shoulder.
Mrs. Edna Puyear left Toes-
day tor Stiles, Idaho, to join her
husband, who left ft short time
ego to take up ft position,
Tuesday the City Engineer and
several of his men went no to
clean the reservoir and eontrary
to their expectations found very
little to justify the work. The
water was sprinkled on the street
in order to empty the tank. - f
All the boys who want base bell
gloves, balls, bets and other
base ball material come 4o the
sporting editor of hs lone
Journal and find out how you
can get them free of expense
to you,- .
F. B. Gamble, of Portland, and
who travels for the Oliver Type
writer, wss in the City last Fri
day,-and states that -he thinks
lone one of the nicestlittletowns
that he has visited for some tune.
J. H. Bryson and family left
for Portland last Sunday and
John returned Tuesday, leaving
the family to have ft few weeks
visit with friends in Portland.
C B. Sperry will receive this
week a carload of Flour, Rolled
Barley, Shorts and Mill Feed
and anyone wanting a supbly
can place their order now. .-
t j
New shipment of Ice just recei
ved for retail trade. Anyone
wanting ice jn any quantity for
home ueegire orders to my
drayman or myself personally.
Peter Una, lone, Oregon,
Do you want ft first class Oil
Stove to use this summer. . We
hare two of them at Journal
Office left for sale and can be
had at a. reasonable ngure.
Owner will swsp f or chickens.
For the month only. Roval
Club Coffee selling on Special
Sale at P. & Bender 4 Co.
1 lb. Tins Reg, 46e Sale sUSS
11-9 " tLOO " S0.M
J" " " 2.00 ftl ftfl