. ' -. isi the ;;; v ; PALACE HOTtL - i jk jr;25 Maddock & DGBly- : REAL ESTATE AMD (. t v Collect! ng Agency'. v Next door, to Proclaimed n lone -Oregoa tt ROBINSON AttonMv ni CmmhIv at Law M0TAOT PU0UC 9JHa Prifp wt IMiI Ai lone Proclaimer and i 'ortland Journal - $2.1 We have a Special Clubbing of: a A0 oa with tkt PacfflcTMoQthly and Prodiimer, lor ... $2.00 PREPARE-, HfflR CMSSf S0tSHiS IT 5 i:3 rais rV : isrtuair - hMatt4k)BrM . , I I III II II ! . SUtenaia -, : PACIFICV f ojU ir 1 'I aSL I !! Iliriw I MlUUJiAlHi.t'.VWUI I Minlliii Hun llnihi I - -. " ft i ana Fer Day 4 Co. ; PropS. Commercial PrlnUng-sC- V lone, Ore. VV O O D . ; FuR - SALE' No. i iii. oJtWj'ino '; ;':''sii:, Fuiiw,'V-.'."'; '. o jJ Kiver, Or. Jf i, .j mil. itiw a ip -Ler fttft'iio your- v s Soldering;; Plumbing ' Electric LightWifing; B. f; AkerJ, With Wookrr Haidwut A.Groctrf Cb 3NIZVOVM XlfNOC IV 5 E Notice' Noicfe U (jiwilhftt subscriptions will be received at thc office of tle undersigned Vnipanyi X)r throuf-b the Security Savings Trust Com pany, Trustee, Portland, Oregon, ior $8do,ooaoe.. First Mortgage 6 per cent bonds of tlie Portland Gt nien( Comnanx, of Portland, Ore gon. These bonds are $500.06 each; wiil be .sold at par or fare value, pdnj. accrued interest oonas 01 10a per cent comino stock of the Company will be eivca with the bonds, to-wit: -$500.00 ol stock with each $500,00 of bonds. . Subscriptions may ,also be ten dered thrftigh either a the followr ing "named banks of the City of Portland, to-wit: ," ... .si a - iBank o CaltdorkiV, -; -, Canadian Bank Commbce First National Bank Hibesnia Savings Bank ' Hartman & Thompson, Bankers Laud ft Tilto'n Bank t Merchants National Bank ; United States National, Bank (ft may be tendered through . '. t- BANK OF 10N1E . ' Tlie following well-known men are the. officers and directors and more prominent stockholders of the Portland Cement Company : Amav ' M0gr, PrtiJftf ixGtn, ktgrl,. iWwA Ptttmnd Ctmrnt C., Drmvtr, Ihhk B. Wilcox. I'ici Prnidiut, Frtfl, PrtW Fhrnrinw Mitlt C:, frrtldmd. Atsx. NiiuY, StrrttMff, im-TriM. Grmndt RwJe Lumber. C:. Ptrry Airtgvt. L. A. Liwis, Allrn k Ltuu, Pirtlamd. C W. NibliY, Pret., Vmltm PntlmiA CrmtMt C:, Q&itH.Uimk. A. L. Mills, Prtititmt Fir Naiih Bmmk, Portland. Jm. N. Teal, AtUrntf, Portlsmd' W. 3. Buuill, Prttidtmt, BmrrtH hwA meml ; Portland. . - . CAinswokth, Prtt., UuiUd StmUi Ns HAai -Bank. Prthnd. ' W. W. Cvroh, AiUrnif, Prtlnd. , . Gto. LjrtrtBKCi, Jt, Uamrngtr Lwtti Hmrmtit (,"., ' Pirtimnd, . Paul C. Batu, tdamafrr Attn jf i turmmct Pttlmd. " ' WniT Ml km, . AlHrmy, Pwrttsmd. - ' Cmai. 6. Labo, Prtt Isdd EsImU'.C. PflltmJ. ' m Sw Portland. , , W. A. CxtftfioM, Pra.-tr. A.'Cirdmm. C:, Portland. . - ' . '-f . II ThoujOom, Mwrtlr THmpit Wnuhtrt. Pmtlltiu.l. " Tou RiciiAitDo.v, tmniftrt . Portland T. W. SLUtTAK, f Mff flfjf., Fr1iMd Jumh C. Ciai.Bi; ex-(ltvtmi0 tlH 4t Utah, Salt Lht ChfJ " - . oti fiNOtEB) CmskitP, Pint Nttmdt Bunk, Ondtn, Geoute Romvct, tut Frti., Dtttrrt At- uh Bmnk. Sstt Ukf dir. C'LioMAUr, Prtt., Somikmum Portland t.tmett C .W AnmeUi. 0. C Bnu, Caihier, Zit imvinfr Rwt . ft TmH C:. Stt Lk City, i Tm. R. "Cutler. Prtt., tA-iJ " A document givm full particu lar concerning the. Portland Ce ment Company and its bonds will be mailed or may beliad opon applica tion to the- : . L j . . v rt'TRTI.ACEM)-KT CO, 607-609 IjUtiiljermcfM Bujldtng - Portland, Oregoni ; t ':" , 02. , v - i-VNK OF lONE ? ' ' TONE, OREGON."'. Ahnnlnhna. K la aiiniB knowa, tt VMtalue alMMnt ftmod ta etaj and la lb am autarud f wbidh nbico. japftnaiM, aaaary .ani ahu ara m4 It aota lat s wpritta f a ansa aiaasm of Bmr maUrUta, sod H a tlawaf thai Urtta wtooa coid- powada itasdalaa foris About oaa- twaittt 1 mmmmt of tto swth. Brery art la wwtVASm to wid t b SO it la BsoiMd br f akVi WWA la a SOMA la kv tkatt r fct at wjSwaa anta, - " ' , MmSmhmW. -.'.it ' Jai kaas bm1 X Mb float tf I.m S U S THE LEAPING BUS1N & S COLL EGE KOUB FACULTY- IS StRONGftHAN Ey EfT mm t oca ton, Uoai lb fn . irfurtsi.fliiiijAiii.io,.;. -. t 03 - Ve V nw W Uw II W. BKUNKR, rrM. OREGON LCSl "MORI"; l't;()IM,l."' ' Pbs the word to your relative and friends to come now,1" L6vv Golon ; i v1o Oregon Will -Prevail from the 'Cdst,'; t v September is to October 15 v . ' VM Oregon Railroad AND Southern - (UNtS IN From ITiicago r -,;;f;l-Oni'aha?- - 25,tpk;r . " Su Paut - ' -: V 25.00 t''-- " V: vtT'r n Kantas City'' 25.00 ' V' ;'t ' :f ; v. H 1 - A r W r t w m - Dtpoalt tha'aoHMUt of the fare with the dearoat O. R, A N. or S. P, Arnt . ' at") tht lifhetyill ba Jylivpred in the Kftst without extra riat, k f band dj lb namaaayl addreat otany oMiaUraatad in thfetut far Oraapa MORffOW C&OHTY, WHERE WHEAT IS KINd.f EC VVi'.S.' SMITH Live $loxk hamm JkaafhBf J thalatfanal U Stock toe T inaii J . i S I il Hi l Pain rai tub . Subscnbe ii al VsKJkiyV E T l W a A 1 N C 1 i(n V11 aor t - '4i 'i'V -Jt ! HI Ml II wit ff a'. 1st Rat(i inl -r- - - & ISaviat in cd Pacific OREGOn) : O ;-s . mt n , . ! Lftaratura, E E. IZ.t will -auction mnythiilg ' you have to arfl 11 ' . will bring it i ? SATURDAY : - ... " ;orfcawillgo into the eountr and " f - " J?