il -JilLjj-- " ' " 1 "- " " -' " r lone ; Protjlalmer HOTEL r fr in f i t J l' 1 i S. fuMUM oyery Priday it Iom Uorwi County, Oregon. By tht.Proeiakww Publishing Co. CWtPTtOW t.0 r YA - Snftend t th Iom portoffiM m seoend class matter, f .-r-r:- TRAHf SCHEDULE mtmHipw' 7: a. r I..... . ....... . 8:50 a. m. .t Inflation . - - 10:2ft ft. B) JiMTM Janotfeo - r -----1 ;lp. . Tuhb Inn-. . p. m. Arrlvlset Ueppner- 4:18 p. m. MAI XI I Weet-boorwl Imtm J inction 10 :45 a. n. lt-bound leave Junction n. m. J C. J. Pennington, Agent. Officers ef lorn CotmiTr Oregon Clronll jada. fttt2 DJmu-t AtiorM? "V f Join! Senator Joint KeitreMtitBtlra J. Hahoirejr ?ia.lT Ju1f0 C.C.Faliwaoi. . . iW. I. Campbell Count? CflMmliilMwri jM.j.DeTin fount Cletk i.0.,11.1! omtf riMiuw italSH;iJ0 reuaiy Ao.,r O. r. """on fOunia Corona L. OoodM (wort meet iha fl"t Honda? 1 Jmuiarr arwl a-h nlicrnaii. niontli: rtrcnit ronrt t the t)lrl M.m.laj in Mar. ami lipt itoiulw in Novainhor., Subscribe lor tf Proclaimee. On Thurednjr nt noon a jack vabbil ran up the main street of lone and on lo the bill?. T men on tbe street looted l it nml made comment but ns no ftrenrnifi were handy no s-hts were fiwd. T)eoot of sihow that we have had come to us tbe past ten days Know slowly mHing and sinking into the ground.' -Tlic vnUio to tbe coming crop can not I wo CKttuited but tbe farmers suy il biu been many yearsiiicc tbe ground has roe ei veil iucIi a wetting at sueh an opportune time. . TME ItNELlOf TBE WttD. Long and earnestlt hare the ex perts oi lh Department ol Agri culture bceu striving lo find some means oleradieatliigtheweed.oth r than by grubbing or pulling H np,"and news cornea Jrom North Dakota' thai tit light hat been ifon-at least ever tin wild mustard tbe Canada thistle, the dandelion and many other similar pet abom inations ol people who till the gronad for a living.. Spraying tho territory affected with a ablution of, iron aulpbate when the weeds are. yowng does the Work.. Tbe chemical, which Is cor msire, attacks tbe tender tisme of Uie rapidlt gMwlng weeds and dee tmyt them while there la little or no lniurT to the grain, particularly if it Is 4 winter grain or waa owt onrlv In the anring and has gained considerable trowth befort the ri raying American Farmer, -Tlo Proclaimer for $1.50 yr pV:-.- Ult 4 Y:l IHMV t9imii wfiiwwna mi . tKHK iMWTgit. '6KMH,' imuMM MVRW UWZ2 hyfcvu Jtwrut IN THR JVWIOCOUKT FOlTTHK TH1BI DlKTBlCTft MOKKu w COOHfV ORKUUN, , . Hat llslvorwn and rrt Mtfon, iiartowa, (loin baiinen under the firm and name ol . A Wew, Gwrie ITei-e r .. . and Oarohve Weiee, ' ' ueieniwiiw. a tTiJw Cmtm Weiee' t-Vd Care- u Hie name of Hio l!tle o. "gon, OB are borcl-jf rrnnlw.1 la;aw . 1 1 n'dotk lu Hie feircuwia '. at the odlf i o! Jueib- w rics. tn r ilia-e-mt-Unt tie entitled KfilrtH.f.rfwrwitiii or -mi-wer, Uie i lai'itiff Wswent amuirt-voit. ' 'b "f ?-f" lr.h inmoftUMOM!"! ilf I thweoit tiuie iitper niinnm. snu ur ini cwh tliiiactioBs - Tliii Siinitfiaiw i awvtHi m yon bj p iblfvaiichllienof mtliiIoae Proclaf-n- er, forpeveu . youafifti.v hock inicn Havember rtiiu.lWM. i pitrfii to of an order e( ibM Court, doltU Novea-ber let 1W. " November WW., ; : KT Perkins' ' . Jnnicu ol ibel'eace. F (1 Robiiiwn, - tVlty (tr-I'Ui.lf-tUI. J"'1.-' HOTICK PORf OBtlCATION. (Srital M.WWi-i (Ml litd DepaHuent of tbe Interior, - fJs S. Land Onios, The Delles, OK ' Ott. 2at, 1909 .if Jiitraan Oto.wheo,t..(tl,ie, md !w)i3(ia " ift-Tow ii-ittr- Kane, ts. tM WHUwaltf Narwian, u- Med Motive M rawmicw u ino " r iHN Hot. eaWl H""f Uattbto. n., tea-itu-r iM nt- eHmef n" n viif nii,Orc Claimant MMH llMr: I ATr4aftaeiWlMi "aaii el Morgue, ad a F MettM l lot. mini MliiMl ' HOTICE FOR PUBUCATIOK (earleliMvMKtl) (aiCJUmd prpartmentel tio Interior, - V B LaRdlMce, Tlie Dlie. Ore M. KAtfMla harbT lTe thai Uttto J Uortr nlNtii.Utnnka, .Hh. If mt, lloettMl.e tan, lc &.ii rwM.lfl sorth. UHp 33 Bawl a iltaaW. MfH.ttan kM SIM r.i In? it Inwnllen aiakt nai arr p0 W" i laed lklMtrat Herlvrellb tailed ewiaa Land aMre at Th iiht.ft i " av k me. CUIaual aeea aa wlieaaatat r araedy. ACMonraaand JATreedaM el aertaa aU II f Mrt el lee. OW KatnltffMM ' Vary La-sty. "Totrt a Mer leeklafl ttssc went te ajht with see," eatd tbe yosmc Bliat tooteeaptaoaaly. "7oeai at m my elans." Terfcape not." wpUed Ik qnletty, Dot I ktek Lena fteo yq o Cew tosaThllsosliisaa Ossyissis ( werteaaalmit 1 Bg yen thai mj watch last half as every 0V. oj tMtsnd It at Weir shay - WnB, not Ifn n SWt sMi he is en aJseff W any. I he he hfhl bh goaf I oow OaM gear so asaa hakt aa hew. oBly wsvhemt s oaeb g last aam Will pay a year's Subscription The V " lone . to Pmclaimer V and tlie Pacific l Monthly Regular price $3 This offer will not last long, so come in KOW Oregon SHOTliJNE STaitfMillxt.aHM. and unum fAL"M ; i ONLY IJNB EAST VIA. - . " SALT LAKE I4 DENVER i 'i i v TIME SCHEDULE. - j:r.". Dally departs for the East ahd tert land at0-2Oa.m.;arriTea at l&y. at. . :t . ? STEAHEfi LINES Daily boat service, Sunday teepted, wtwoen Portland, Astoria, Osegea Otty and Dayton. ' , t, . s ; BnakS) fttver Koase ..X"-. '' Steamers betVeejt Biparia and Lewie ion leave Rlparta. oailr except Satar- day, at 6:40 a m. RttnrsiBf learea Lewiitoa dailf j amept Friday, at 7 a. as. For fell informs.. eall eat O. . niartoa, Q.K.AK, efent, Ieaer Oro., Wat. UeUarray, Oea. Pasa. Aft. Portland, ONfe. Independent an Always on time For all kind of Hauling strict attention ftryen to Lumber, Coal and Wood, v Rice & Clark., ; AtiOOD POSITION can be hail br am bilious yoaog men andl ladies In tho field of "WireW'oj Railway telegraphy. Sine tho 8-boar law became effect re.and since tbe Wtroloos ooinpan- ea are eaUblintiing sUtions thra :nttboeonntry, thero b a groat hortage ottolegraphert. Positions 17 beginnors Irom 70 to 990 wer utonth, with good ehavco lor ad. raaoemoiiL, - f.-r. TheN ation al Telegraph Iutitttto ol Portland, Oregon, oworate tlx official inttitutosio America, tinder super rlsion of R. R. and Wireleos OAcials aod ptaooa all gradostoa Into podtloaa. It will pay jou to write them for fall dotaile, Wana Mime ptaMe etaettenTW Ftsstiltiw a VJJ a,- f Dravm a . JOJSE H. B, HAlNE . - " '-. . PropvktALV ., datxxi0p PAt White " ' '"" Vir Heppner . : , Oregon P. 0. Balsiger V: WHiHCNTS m VESICUS : : .; A(Jpl( FOK, ; 'r . . Myers Pumps', -V Stover ?irtPtn;,'.' J Gasoline Engines, 'UUcbe)( Wagoi.ii,' Staver. Boggies, Star A Double Power Wind Mills, ' Bandera A Case Plpw, . And Hooeier prille. P. JWe Christen soil . - - : Healer 1st, : Wheat Lands and town Property., 1 aW handle Thoroughbred Poultry P. fl. Christenson, Propri etor Swede Canyon t'oul try Ranch, Lexington, Or, DR, C, C CHICK i . PhyalplM an Sorfteea KIGHT 0ALL8 PROMPTLT AT ' TEDE0 . Ofioe tn the Iooe Pbarmaoy. V ".. Ion. Orerfa. . The Prool aimer for 91.50 a year. I I TUB - PASTIME - Where Every one goes to ; ;;; have a good tinxe. BARRY I lone. Look A nice fresh k leading brands o smoking and chewing; also a r s nne line oi xUiN Cri goods i r just arrived; h Any thing from J V: Sardines to Ljmberger cheese. ? EOT g CCID ':tm 'tiiii j r:. the $;h ti ai bhhi t mAN CNHLMAN, PROP. C.H.WARD. L. it. WARD, - Ward & W : WHEAT LANDS TOWN PROPERTY. Oregon. The; Portland Journal fmnercial Track JwdaDy SoBcitkd : Rates $ lMt ani : ''Ufa the -Dar Special feta for Room and Boarl by Week. A W, ItmdelL TEACHfeR OF ( Voice Culture. Singing AND ?ight Readinp; ptfg, j OREGON. W Hickok:. Grain Buying a Specialty, t a d Li j . . r airuj pyuui. ana soia -' Life insurance ; Collections made. HEPPNER, OREGON, Vill buy in any amount Fat Chickens. Turkeys, Ducks w Veals, and Bides. . ; r m tmkn Ncr wme.- Y ' ' W'"" at Uie ' (ONE MEAT; MARK W. R, COCHRAN, W-v NOTICL . Will all persona wlro are en'debt ed to the J O Kiircnid estate please, call at Lbat store building anct nettle with out delay as we are anxious to wind up the whole, matter as soon as possible. ' -; E LPadbefgy ' Truiftee. ; - P. D, REED Mgr. Oregotj. Her0i f line pf all the of tobaccos both i and froclaimer JaKj 0 ,. , - ' i , ' . - ' . r , r-"T- 1 ' ' ' '"" -