The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, December 10, 1909, Image 2

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j ' Tm Tgangjhmmyjt : (
K3N1 jr. ..ri.ORBGOM
Newsy Item fat-ere, frta 111
las Imparton! but Not Las Inhar
Outside th Stato.
Waldemar. af DenaJarhT'lB
-' A wnui is walking from Shoshone
to Dutm ob a wager.
WtiiMr Is planning a complete
chaog in the reclamation service.
Bsilroeds save stopped employing
strikebreakers sad declare condition
ar aormal.
Tb slty maraha) f Lake Arthur,
La.. BBS rosined, declaring h bai
Bothing to do.
William Calhoun, b Chieago lawyer,
la mentioned as a possibility for min
ister to Cains.
Bridgeport, Ohio, ia under martial
law, owing to a links of 2,000 tin
plat workers.
Tbe United Statoa army it vary much
fat oat beesaso only marines have bo
ar been Bant -to Nicaragua.
Ob of tbo Ant move in to com
ing congress will be to find out its
exact feelings toward Toft.
Zelaya asks a commission to inves
tigate Niearaguaa affairs aad promises
to rosiga if they ar not found satis
factory. It is believed that the downfall of
Zelaya will be tbe signal for a general
uprising of tbo revolutionary party in
I .and Commssioner Dennett declares
that tbe proper use of national re
sources in as important as mere con
servation of them.
Andrew Carnegie" w arrested ami
fined 20 for exceeding, the ipeed limit
in Plttsbosgv He bad but 87 cent in
bis possession and pledged hit East
Side homo, worth several millions.
British bark Mattehorn founders off
Capo Flattery aad six ma ar lost.
Government Inspector saya sugar
scales la snatom house wero doe to red.
It it said that quails are, becoming
a post .to auburbaa residents of Seattle.
British parliament ends and tax
can b collected only by consent of the
Secretary of Navy Meyer ia bis an
nual report asks two mora heavy bat
tleships. Nicaragua minister and associates
ia Washiiurtoa indulge la droaaea
Northwestern roads say they have
nlentv of switchmen aad deny tall of
Zelava ignores government 'a ultimat
um and send agents .to Waskiagtoa to
Work for its withdrawal.
All effort to bring peace to warring
Chines tongs ia Baa Francisco have
failed aad more blood will sow.
It la believed that J. P. Morgan la
tryiag to bring about an insurance earn
bine with a capital of 1,700,000,000.
Ruof baa been released from jail on
30,000 bail, peadisg aa appeal.
President Zelaya plaaa to resign- P)m
Ing some trusted henchman ia charge.
The property loss by tbs meat storm
In the Northwest is estimate! at aa,
British house of commons Is pre par
lag for a final straggle with tbe boas
f lords.
Eighty per seat of tbo striking
switchmen of Dulutb have voted to
letura to work.
United Bute hurries warships to
both csasts of Nicaragua to protect
A mer keen Interests.
Three hundred strikebreakers Inv
boon imported to St. Fan! to rep la
etriklag switchmen.
The cabinet need Hs Vino poaell aa
opariagly a the ad vane proof of
Taft'a eesntag meat ago.
J. P. Morgan baa aeoalrei s eon
trolling interest ia tbo Equitable Ufa
Asanraasa society of now Tern,
Baa Fran si see haw- pasiil a rafiioal
eitv ordinance for tbe oradieatiea of
tabonaloaie. A patient may bo taken
from bio bosne by fore, if nary,
Mrs. Nicholas Jacobs filed at the boa
pltal la La Aagowo as tbo faoalt of a
Thanksgiving aay aasomiwie bostoobs.
bo was tbo sixth victim. Tbo only ra-
malniag member of tbo family m aba
'baby, wblob Is suffering from aaasen
atoa of tbo arala aad a brokea ana.
It Is VsUoTofi la moot eeeat sttks
- that tb ewttshmeo "a striks will aat last
Mrs. Fuakharet, tb Eagtieh auf
fragetto, boa saiied freea New Tort far
W cetera senators ar fiiwslatofi m
tbo rofmit Secretary t Agrtoaltn
Ia tbe trial at tb saga ttoaft weigh
snHm stoss that asea la l Hi i
eaiferm bad beoa aaaa to laeeiv. seta
green tram eaapcayos.
Obicago rederntiea of Labor Pledge
ft-,-- :. Its Snaaert, i ' -Chicago,
Doe. 7,-Indorsing tbo Stand
taken by th "switchmen la tbo north
west, anions affiliated with tbo Chieago
Federation of Labor have pledged tbo
striker mo ml aad financial support.
Bitter attacks war made aa tbo rail
road brotherhoods who bavar refused to
aid the switchmen.
That tbo men ia Chicago export
bo drawn into tb atruggi was made
plain by Jamas B. Connors, viee-presi
dent of tbo switchmen's union, who
declared that If a strike ia ordered here
the onion men belonging to tbe Brother
bood of stailroed Trainmen will go oat
with tb switchmen aad "refuse to be
led by a wolf in sheep's slothing."
President Hawley, of tbo switchmen's
union ia St. Paul, announced tonight
that tb men at all eastern point wore
prepared to striks on a moment's bo
tie, but tbat the situation at this time
does not warrant ordering them out, ait
the tie-up ia tbo northwest is practically
Against tb optimistic views of Preat
dent Hnwley, diapntehes from tbe cities
affected stated that the movement of
trains was betas hindered more bv tbe
heavy fall of snow than by any lack of
men to throw tbe switches. Nearly 100
ears of wheat were moved into Minns
spoils today by the Great Northern, aad
freight was handled at tba Minnesota
transfer for the, first time, sloe the
strike begaa.
'Wo have everything fled up from
Dulutb to Seattle,'' aaid Mr. Connors,
"and we are going to keep H tied up
until the rnilroadi arc ready to treat us
fairly. Tb only thing tbat can defeat
tbe switch men In thia struggle ia the
treachery of kindred organisations. All
we want those organisations to do la to
keep their hands off and let no attend
to oar own affairs. It has Men charged
by President Lee, of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen, through bit press
agent, that members of our organisation
took the places of other men on strike
That Is n lie, and I defy any man to
bow that a member of the switchmen's
union ever 'scabbed' la his life." .
Prefers ' Abdication How to Disgrace
Which Seams Certain. .
Berlin, Dee. 7. King (leorge of
Greece says Hi "Wiener A)gentrlae
Zeitnng," which ta inspired bv the
Austrian foreign effleo, has resumed the
idea of abdicating for himself and bis
The king eaamot overcome tbo faet
that his sons have bees forced to quit
the army and the navy, a faet which
be believes renders It Impossible far
tbo crown prince ever to ascend tbe
throne, after having beea.:zeuded
from the oaatry's service. "
Effort ar being made on tba nart
of several courts to 'dissuade tb (ing
rrom taking this step.
His majesty last August determined
to resign, and afade all preparation!,
only giving np the Idea on receipt' of
a telegram from Xing Edward, who
waiethea at Mariebbad, Imploring him
not to resign in order to avoid groat
political compile lens, .
King George, however, Is nnV Ipvat
Iv depressed by recent events, and In
afraid of being deposed unless he ab
dicate. The ehaneea of maintaining
the dynasty appear to him very small.
Orala MSB Sss right If Sri Channel
Is Wot Improved.
Ottawa. Canada, Dee, f.- The prime
minister has practically a Mured a dr
utatioa of shipping Interests tbnt the
government baa decided to reconstruct
the Wellaad canal.
Now plans will reduce the somber of
locks from twenty-five to seven, and
thia la regarded by shipping mea as the
first step la a long war between the
grain-carrying interests of the Tnited
Htates and Canada. Since the WeTlnnd
locks were deepened to 14 feet. the'Kre
barge canal, from Buffalo to New York
aaa boea doing practically bo bosrneas
It la pointed out that an appropria
ties fmm the state of New York of
over $100,000,000 was made a short
time ago, and tba Srie oanal will be
deepened to It feet.
Tb Erie when six feet deep eonld
carry grain through to New York
cheaper than It eon Id bo carried via the
Wetland oanal, whea that canal was
only eight feet deep, Witb tbo Erie
in root oeep, it t argneci that tbe
Halted State would get all tbe busi
a Data at
Christlaaia, Dee, f. Walter Lonsdale.
secretary ta Dr. Frederick A. - Cook,
arrived today at ChrMtlasla aboard tbe
steamer United Statoa. R said he bad
with him all of Tr. Cook's rooarfis aad
reports concerning bis north pal ex
peditions. Mr. Laaodal said that whoa
be loft Now York Dr. Cook was en (Tar
ing from overwork, bat osabi net be
described as "breben down." Ho add
ed tbat whoa be bad delivered tbo doe
amenta ta tb amrvaraity of Gopea
bagon as woald a ready SO giro tafor-
maiiea ssaasraiag Dr. Geek's aksaa.
f . 1 -. . ,.
' smc War mnUI Wmum. -
8aa rrnnewea, Deo. r.Despita 4be
efforts of tbe Cbiaoaa oompaniee and
tb pease sdlciam af this en tiro state
ta bring aa end r tbo tong war which
baa boon raging for evov a mentb bo
twesm tb Ye family and tbe On Ylek
toag, two mors Ire were eavffed aat
today, making eight mardeen sinrnt tbe
was sraa fistlstaa, y
Horfn Lntilsre. ti to PUanlng
arnvfriai lay Pros ant ScattsroeJ Oantral
.WoubJ WssuW Quoatloei of
kioa Not Quito Clear.
Now York. Dee. 4. Tbe amalgams
tioa of tbo "big three" life iasaraaoe
companion- - the Equitable Life, New
York Lif and Mutual Lif ia possible
as the result of the purchase of con
trol of tbo Equitable by J. rierpont
Morgan Co.
Sueh a-ooasolidatioa was. 'seriously
considered several years age, before the
upheaval ia the Equitable which made
so many radical changes ia tbo insur
ance business. These changes have
greatly increased the probability of an
amalgamation and bVe removed many
of tbe conditions which tkea mad it
impossible. Tba advantages are said
to bo many and important and tba ob
jections are sot insurmountable.
From a financial standpoint tbe con
solidation would be highly desirable for
those ia control, aa it would put assets
of 41,700,000,000 under tba direction oi
a single group of financiers and would
result ia a material saving in the area-
eat distributed control.
Mr.. Morgan, if he wero to dominate
tbe consolidated companies, wonld have
the handling sod investment of aa an
nuel, inoom of (275,000,000. Tb aver
age eaab ia bank of tb three compa
nies la bow U5,(WO,000.
Tbors are several great railroad srs-
tema ia which the combined boldinso
of tb three companies would be $50,
000,000 and over, with all that It Im
plies in influence. Of New York Cen
tral bonds alone the thro bold (45.-
000,000,' to say nothing el other linos
tbat. are part of the cw York Cea
trel system. - In Pennsylvania , bonds
the three hold n38.000.0OO. Even Mr.
Morgan 'a atee) trust is dwarfed bv tbe
pus unities ox mis com Dine. , -
Sit Men OskDowb Witt British Ban
Off Caps flattery.
r-oruaaa. iee. . Six Uvea were
claimed for toll by tbe rock-bound
shored of Caps Flattery when the
tfritish ark Matterhorn foundered in
a heavy sea, 70 miles off Umatilla roof
lightship, November 87.
Leaviag the vessel durias? tba beavv
gale that prevailed, tbo first eJJcer'a
boat was- dashed to nieces, and tbe
mate, steward and foar of tb sailors
wore drowned.
Captaia Salter aad second mat and
S3 of the .crew launched a iarv life
boat, and after battling witb tha storm
for 1 hours, and sndnrina- Brest bnrd-
sbips, succeeded la feaeoiag Umatilla
iigDismp. ;j -
Crwed by ' exnosnrs. ma sailor
jumped overboard when approaching
me iigntsnip, an was reaenod with
dtmcultv bv bis 'OomraOee.
On Saturday. November ST. 'the dav
oa which the matter horn foundered.
one of the fioreeat atorma wbiek baa
bee experienced la voars sweot the
wDiire r-aciao coast Dtweea Aortaora
lamornia and Alaska.
At Worth Head tbo wind reaiaterM
as high as M miles an boar, aad it blew
with even greater velocity at Tatoosb
Inland. Vessels a day behind tb Mat
ter born and Howard D. Troon
bar-bound at Astoria for save-ml dsn
a. vesseit outside aovereel ronafi. tb
ugniaaip, una Me to get In.
dnring tb same aale whieb wreexed
tbe Matterhora, the steamer Am went
ashore off Tillamook bar. November gg.
wnen nve uvea were met.
In charge of Contain Salter tba Mat-
terborn crossed out ovor tb Colombia
Kiver .bar at 10: BO a. m. Koveeaber fig
hs was in Company witb tba British
ship Howard D. Troop, and at tbat
time the Portland waterfront fin red
oat a race between tbo two vessels mm
the voyage around tbe Horn. Tba Mat
terhorn carried 103,021 bushels of bar
lev aad was bound for Ipswich, direct.
Tb cargo was dispatched by Balfour,
uaiane n to. Nke eantan a
wo mates and t .
Tbo Matterhora was a fear-masted
Iron bark and was built at Greenock
in IMS, and was owned bv O. 1. Do
Wolf j Co. Sao was slaaasd fat Ueyds
nv A-1.
TM to
St. Loais, Dssx 4. eTaar am
arrested fn Caninavtim, UL, today
eaargosl with aarUeiaatiasi In n .atot
to kidnap, the three yemag ohUdron of
u. r. Lumaghi,. aa u amt the
town. They ar bend under bends of
4,000, Lassaghl rattivafi "blaak
band'1 letUra, demaadtag fid.OOO em
pnia of losing bis children. Unds ad
vtos of the noliss he smt this ssninat
ia Btngo monev la tbe fiosisfnatafi aiaoe
and carry today aa Italia wan esnght
as SB spot. Ho eonfooBod nd iaspll
case rear others, three of
Bswarara. Dsn. 4. Farssar Oneen
T.lhnstahai, f ana Hawsiism Isssada,
waa annsaaiafi bsdmys kaa sxeented
doafi of trmst to W. ft BarHh aad O.
L P. Laakia, waasway a groat part of
her estate, which m eaJwai a fimW,t0fi,
after, her death shall we mnrardi tb
OBliawmmit ml wniu ilen ffnw Ba-
wsiiam and nart sbwaimw ahUdraa.
PiuftmW Ssxafil Otsml BoSna Yabiabso ,
anfi IiilMsawiig Pusntars,
Oregon Agrieattnml CobVgo, Cetval-rf
lis, Jec. . nbe Orogoa AaieoJtnral
college has just Issued a bulletin for
free distribution- emphasising bettor
baaiaeai methods aa the farm. -
Professor Benll, the author pt the
bulletin, says lk his introduction:
- "It la a truism to say that tbe fiaan
elal aid of farming is of tbe atsasst
importanes. Bat the .act remain that
this side of the world's greatest iadas
try is almost entirely nagloetod by both
tb farmer and tone schools. Professor
Bailsy saya en thia subject: Ia visit
ing practically every farm ia aa of
tba count lea of tbe -auto (Now York)
we did aot find one mast who knew
kow much it soot bint to proems milk
or to raise any of his crops.'
"Tb secretary of agriculture, in re
cent Year books, sointa out the remark
able prosperity oi the farmer; that the
export of farm products Is vastly in
excess of all other exports combiaed
that a. million agricultural debtors
have been transformed daring tb last
tea years iato the same number ox tur
plus depositors; that 'contrary to his
reputation, tbo farmer is a great er
gaaiser, aad ho has achieved remarks
bio and enormous success ss in many
linos of economic co-operation ia which
the people of other occupations have
either mad no beginning at all or have
nearly if aot completely sailed.' He
points sot that most farmers live bet
tor than tba average aserenaat or sso-
The bonnes of farming assumes
two distinct phases: the productive
phase aad the exchange phase. The
oa alma to extract tbe treasures from
tbs soil; the other to place them ia
tbe hand of tbs sonsumer. It is im
portant aot oaly to mis abundant
or ops, but also to sell ta pxodnsts to
"The importance off tha exchange
phase is often lost sight of. A farm
may be forced to yield to its asaximum
capacity, labor may be managed prop
erly ana wast reduced to a miaunu
and yet tbe net result may bo a loss
at tbe end of the year. . As a goaeral
economic proposition, it might bs said
that large crops often result in serious
loss to society as s whole. If tbs act
value to tbs consumer m less than the-i
labor aad capital expended on the crop,
society is the loser by tbs difference.
riene the importance of a thorough
underotandiag by tb famper as well
aaby th merchant and manufacturer
of thef laws and methods of eawhaag
or commerce,
"That "farming is a serenes has been
emphasised ss much that tba faet tbat
it ia also a business is often mat sight
oi. n im m rent ousineeB) ana one wnien
pays the United States sloe toeight
billion- dollars aaaonlly. - It has boob,
aemoBsirasea repenseaiy snat no legit
imate business pays bettor than farm
ing. It may be a little mors up-hill
work at the start, sine- moot farmers
begin busiBess with smnll e-tpital, bat
it is incomparably safer in tbo long
ml, aad will insure a oompeVBe for
old ago witb greater certainty thaa any
other occupation. But let It ever be
borne in mind tbat the condition for
access is. that faming must be son
ducted on business principles.
"Not mnny generations ago It wai
considered sufficient for the average
manufacturer merely to record bis cash
receipts aad cx pen di tares and to keep
a tolerably accurate check oa tb cash
balance. Ia many instances too loft
treuser pocket served as tbo debit side
and the right aa the credit aide of tbe
' ledger. ' Modern business methods sad
harp competition have changed these
notions sntil today it is necessary to
know tbs coot of production la ad-
vanes to tbo smallest detail. Aaeieat
business methods prevail yet, very gen
orally, oh tbo farm. Tbe wonderful
progress of the American farmer is doe
to marvelous natural resources, labor-
saving inventions, aad Batumi Inge
unity, rather than to wis aad prudent
"la certain respects a farmer moat
combine tha methods of tbo manufae
turer aad the merchant. He most learn
not oaly how to is crease production,
but also how to facilitate the profitable
enehnng of bis products. He most re
duce the cost of production to tbo mia
Imam by increasing tb annlity and
the aaautiry of his prodaeta, aad by
getting fuD vara oat of labor. He
must manage as that his working force,
farm hanas, shildroa, horses, all
concise tiy oatpmyas. Tbm requires
most skillful management la she rota
tion of crop, ia tbo divisiea of hwor,
ia selecting seeds, fertilisers and stock.
and, above all. It recmirea general pro
denes ia purcbastag equiposeat ' and
supplies, and la saarketina; prodaeta.
This class of farmers reqnire a variety
or roeoras to assist ia the pre per man
aawmont of their busi neon. A first
class set of nooks is just as indis-
pensibl to them as to tha banker ar
to the ssanufaetaror."
Tb bulletin Is Ursstratod with to
faU peg enmvinga. H will bo ssat
free on reauest. Address Prof
Bexell, CervuUiu, Ore.
nVidgepert, O, Dee. Martial law
tonight heean away hum, where t.sOO
striking? assmlaysa 0 the A etna -Stand
ard, plan of the Shoot aad Tin Pinto
company. sveaMiary af tha United
Mates Stoat soeporatian, smew aeon
rioting since midnight Friday. A aag
imant af Infantry, on tinmaiuB of eav-
alrv and avor 1SS deputy sbvrisnj and
Kllea frasn thsrsity guarded the mUla
v neon have aeon shot and mars sa
ke seriewsly waaaded within fid boor.
A federal onnrt faajnatetica haw boon
anhed to isstrala strikers from kajar-
lag tha ptanL
Imi Serin UjrfflMtlc telartoot
at omnia, mmmm
Ksarp aa rrraspanaibl Yrcw-'
Ma mUkmrQum a War ,,
''Lsrfl to Oarurrssa. ..r-
Washingtoa, Dae. eWSeeretary of
Statr Kbox late today retaraed th- .
passports of Felipe Bod ri goes, shargo
d'affaires of tbo Niearaguaa legatioa '
tb Kslayan adminittratioB of tb gov.
crnment ox iwicaragua. - --' "
Tko letter is definitely declared to-"
represent too views oi F resident Taft '
and is about as plain spoken as any-",-
thing emanatlag from the sis to do.- r
partment la many years.
Th extraordinary feature of (he let
tor is tbat it seems to evince aa iatca
tioa oa tbe part of tbo United Statefc - :'
to hold President Zelaya personally re ' ' .
cpontibl for tbe alleged torture and
executioa af the Americans, Cannon. -
mm. A 11LI. ...
nation of oae government holdinc tha. t -
enier sxesutive or another practically" v
as a common malefactor.
vihiih mm m Tioaior er
solemn international eonventions, a die
torbor of national and international
peace, a tyrant whose adminietration,
baa bean a Mat spoa ta aame of rml :. i-
BovcmmeBt. . '
HMr.ra WmM -
th recognition of the Niearaguaa rev
olutioaists, declares it to b th sea-
victioB of the United States that the - -.
revolution rennuumta th -.
a majority of th Nicaragua people J
and that there is evidently no reopen
ibic government with which tbs United
Sutes can deal.
ate-tneraiore announces tbat all par- -'
ties will be held accountable for their-' .
sctions as affecting tha interests . of
Americans aad tba peace of Central
America, , -. . -t . -
Us further In ferine Senor Bodrimien.
that, wfaih hs has lost hi diplomatic
qnality. b may stlfl serve ss aa "no- "
official channel of eommunieatiOB with,
th faction whieb be is regarded as rep- :
resenting." , .r, .
This brings the eriiis as mi to tmm-
statna of war as it could bo brano-ht h-
exeeutlvs action wlthont a definite dee--.
laration by congress, which will con
vene next Monday. Mr. Kaox'b tetter '
ia ail bat so many words makes tt plain,
tbat the astioa represents the wish and1
attitad of all the Central American
Statoa with the sing) exception of
Hoadoraa, whieb Is regarded her ss en
tirely dominated by Zelayt . -
- -v "
Allogad Attomnt to atoiiggls Jewels Into '
country Leads to
New York,' Dee. 1 The Cheshmnrfc
pearl necklsce was seised today by
Collector Loebwbo appraises It 314
units, with the duty added, at fi23,006V
The owner is Mrs. Fremont B. Chen
bsougb, wife of a millionaira hteiher-
maa of Detroit aad Boston.
Two 'customs IssDectora swear (km
found a bill of sale to tbe pearls last
May la the false bottom of one of Mrs.
Cheabrougb's trunks, but the pears
were missings Aeeordlne- r.wm.
broagh, tbo jewels were being held to
u'i eroer in roronto, Uanada. Collector
Ixwb nays that ho Insisted nnoa bos.
eemieevbut was givsa what proved to
He ooatiBBod to areas tha . .
ment' elaim. and en Jul Sfl mm mm.
tainod tha originals. Ho has held them
since, pending proof that they had
novwr boea In this country. Bach proof
a not beea forthcomings according to
Mr. Lock, nnd tedav tha nekleea .
aeinsd aa a preliminary ta action against
' v-nseomogn.
Newport New; Ya., Nov. M.
bar oakial triala today the big frc
.In .
pasaenger steamer WiTfcel.
bairt by tbe Newaport New Shiplmild
ing A DrydoekiBg oompaay, developed
a speed on J7H knoU an boar, SA
knota ia enueso of the oantraet mnmmA
Coal ail waa used an fL Tk- -i.:-
will nat this fuel dnrins hr a Je
13,000 miles to San Frencias. an .in
bo tba first steam vessel to attempt
oneh a voyage with oil foe!. The Wil
hebnuBa was built for tb Matsoa Navi-
B'r-'rr and wiU ply between
wtotala and Saa Francises, "
mlJi -vT of tn
dastry hi the northwest depended bbob :
movement af snnmtiea ta ari.,!-1
wy saw Bxnaa OX na tairroadl
swnaaman, which
Tuesday evening.
hegan aft a'aleak
at m
af nAM
i -a hOs sasnght an an wai f tb
I L W. W.
Wash- Tha. ft ' tv in
a fiaT of trao baantid Wsih tmU
Chisn SadHvan teday, feOewiag the ar
Tsa at mer street sniahiii "T.
tha futon tbw pehms wftH bo argrenmv
any new
asTSmL ' ,
-v" "