V. Morrow Gounty Is thfe Rfchett Gounty Per GapiU m Oregon. toh U thft Best City In Morrow Gountyr 3F 'fvVoLXUi No. -4?. ionEv okkqOn. Friday, deokmber n, 1909. Whole No. 668. f DRY-SLAB Car Lbad wta civer tenser a Razors ' Honed "RALPH'S" 25 cents Barber - ' .... mM.Pt itvtfKRh i Peas'. -J t I an cartainly than with thn funsy Hair tutting sad srnootli Shaving. - .CALL ONCE, AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN., Us Jri toskcl 4 Bam-Tub la conacclloa. PREFERRED STOCK ( The Best of AH We have just received of the well known Preferred Stock goods, and ask you ed'give thtn; a trial, the.; quality is guaranteedantl your money will be refunded for any goocfs ' that donot prove satisfactory." , , Ca,ll at our store Saturday after- . noon, andtest the goods, we , - are willing to furnish free 7 C samples, let you te jucgc. v ' BAlVCaSEN & wi 4. Portland Oregon ta a beautifully . illustrated Monthly biagniine, It Ore interested in dairying ,1 roll if, poultry raising or want to know about irrigated lands, timber flandsor free goVeVnmeni . jopen to homestead entry, The Pa .eifie Monthly wtH give ybfffull in ' i formation. The prka. h SlQ a j. . Offer No 1 Me Ctwre'i Mag-atine, , s Woman'e Hoq Companion and The Paeifte MeMnly OMting S4-) ' will be tent at a necial raU of & Offer Ka 2 Mt Clara'e Magmaina, .Reriew at tiawt arid -(he Pacific '.Monthly coWIng. wiU be atm 'fatM.60 ' . V .Offer Ko Srtorftan tile. Ideal . Bona artd The Pacifta Monthly .HI be aaat fat fl. Order by aainber and rend yovr yaadar.aocorhfianM by poeUl mon , ey order for the aaMwnt to The P- eifk Monthly ParUand Oragoia, WOQD Sirtgle Cord Razors Honed "25 cents Shop. Canned Goods a Well selected ;4in NEW IRRIGATION BOOK fUEZ "Well Irrigation for Small frantu" is a publication jatt iasaed by Hi General Passenger Depart ment, of tlie Oregon Railroad and 5aTigtfon Co.,Bmd,Sonthertr Pa- oifie Unn in Omvon. TMi booklet Mtaforth In ft pract- liaal oonciae way, 4ba pjuln1fitifl for ptofltoinnpentireirrigaUon, and ihontd be in the haadenl ery farmer bi Oregon. . - Conn4 may b nOtnied Tree an apuiea'tion o Vm UoyMarray, 0inyralPeeabgor Agent,O lt.M. and a.Pvtlneei Orgon Ponlmid Oregnn. j. - v . - 'L ' " " tn subscfitci fpr Ihi ay tar, m ELECTION. :' r- " Tho city eleotton on Ttwl::y pawed off at quietly at wuiatly as oaoal, the foltoning cflicen be ing elected; Clmi Sperrr, Paul Balsigei and Afa4 Ric cmiu-il-men;Joe U'uietr trenEirer,-C )J. Pennington recorder and X J. Carle niarshall ' There it a doubt lo Arcli'e Rice betng able to qualify as lie hue not been d reiident of the city for two yenra. In caao hi electlrn it declared roid the council will elect aroanj&a&rc fur tho tetm. A MODEL f AR',1 BOUSE. Mr. jtlUnRor has ftiunlted tlie Mill, tiwagjjirt hmice which he naa been building on the Jordan ranch near town; Which t'wy eo lately purchased. .This bouse not only reflect great credit upon the ability of Mr, A I linger to do the best of construction work but alio uyon the modern and correct bear ing of Messrs Mills nud Swaggart in that of owning A modern farm boose. Tlifi iiouqo la in' bungalow style, ol 12 rooms, finely finished throughout and modern n every respect. Mr Allinger is perfected in the doiitil trade of,oarpen(er and plumbing ind has persoually oven-en every mch of the, work, doing the finer portions of it him self. The result Is well weTth go ing to see and W every f aVmeriin Blonflw cottijty would so this flue home the result pmiU be many more of like nature. v. HE MADE ONE -MISTAKE. Quaint tatlan TU ef the Temlita ef tlw fthrew. Tn Pema a wealthy man will often bare a Mend of. whose society be Is fond Irrtac la the boose with bbn. Ab dullab was each -a frfctad to Aljr Kbaa. a Tory wealthy and Influential soer caant of lapahaa, wb6 wss delighted witb bis ebann and'clevarness and so pleased with bis serrkes tbst be tboosTbt be- wooJd saeke a very good son-in-law and wogBested bin as soeb to bis beautiful daughter. Bhe was eery everbearing and bad teaspered; bat, tbinklnv that Abdullah was rather good .looains. sbe agreed to H. Tbey were married. Boon ale frtonds eaaw h congratulate him, 1 among . them Hoosssyn, wbo was knfirn Is haTe' very Orerbearing and bad tempetvd wife,' He eaML "I congratulate you en your marriage,4 and then be asked the bridegroom, "Are yon realty nappy wtth a woman -who is known to fturve such: a bad temperT 1 aesant yew that she Is perfectly -eaarmlng and (bat I am perfectly nappy 'May I ask bow yen manage HT", . -OsHatoiy enswwnd AbdntUa. tln the mgbt ef the marriage I wens sate ner apartments la full uniform with my sword en. She did SM tike any notice e me, bt pot on a anpercUlswe ah and mads a parade at stroking smr est 1 awletly pteked up her cat end rat oa? his head with nry sword, ess the hand la one Band, the body la the ether and threw these oat ef the win dow, hty wife was bwt dM not show n Afmv a hbnn ok broke nM aniUe aad has neaa a serssaee," H ismiya maC atfelgat basse (had pad em his nuform and.weat satethe ha fees. The dssaeetk pet earn to srwt ham. He tfttad st wkh to hand that was sterantamsd as caraas Jt, sob ewevd.snd wtth a caaitad ft At the drew ssaals Mow da- p ireerfve Lttby hte raerfved a' hww at by ska Jvon .lme.nl -bat red sas toe mtw Jl Uo the amt gay am yen eeuM tola aosne aWrrerad arsBt and beforo he ..J ,,)..?; y Brevities ii i -ii jLfcM'ji.gii .THE riMint RmI a. p..mi. 4: ) HALL OF FAM& - ..... eently pabucly snubbMl hy Oeerge . ' HelOihday ol Nov. 10u n at, at this tiould In the lobby at the West Sud Uw teHnwim-traet of land, to witi hotel, la London. ' v :i NWtfNWK ae T.iN. R.23K.W.M. Asa a rietd of BrattlHwra, Vt, .Any mAma claiming sdrarsely the one of femDr of Ave ehlldreq whose fatovie-drscrlhwl lauds are advised to nle sno agxregam eao years ' Tney are eeattered from Vermont t. Oallforala, 3. W. Beers of West View, Pa., b said to have one ef tee moat valoabU ahortband libraries hi the world. ,i Includes practically all the systems In vented since tne year 17TO. . t The new eommander of the national goard ef PennsylTSUla, Major Oenersl John A. Wiley, la a veteran ef the civil war and commanded a brigade , af Pennsylvania trooea fen the war wit Probably no' maa fa central Maine naa played the cornet at mere dasces man George W. Banfnra. He In horses boor and edge tool maker by trade and has Ured In Grillterd sines 1880. , . . ... V Lleuteaant Oraeta of the Prussian army has started from Qsrman Bast Africa tn aa attempt sa eress taat Country tn no automobile. He ca trios a maeainsrt, a eeek and a aattve servant . . Harlan 1. wuHth Is making a prelim bury archaeological reconneMwanee -sf Wyoming tor ue American wnsenm ef Natural History. This state M the center of an extensive geld unknown arcbssologtcatty. V Oovenor Vteat ytf Hawaii was m- angarated recounr. Hott Imith has enallftod as secretary 'of the territory, a. HartweU as enmf yostice of tbe snpreme cenrt and Judge Valine as weaoclate ioetlce, Jnoaa Oeorge A. QsrpeotBr Of ne VJUsngo ysvenlie court deelated Sst'tne mmch the otber day that tf the halr- bruah were need mere een-iand net on the hoad many of tbo oaaM -vfhiek now occupy eo much of Ms nme would never get Into court The number of people fa Wtafbrop, nV who barb lived to be more than ninety years cannot be beaten by any otber town of Its slse la New JCnglaod. HUas Millar, aged ninety-seven; Oeorge 8. Fairbanks, ninety-two, and Abiel BoMnson, eighty-six, recently celehrst ad by taking ah antonmbUe ride. - ; tt 0. Barrett proprietor of tbo Daily Becord of tbe City of Mexico, has re tamed to hie home from London and baa decided to establish In tbe Brltlak metropolis a dally newapaper along the lines of tbe up to date American dallies. He says be will Import rs portera trained la American Journal ism and will use American piwsaes. tn a Quandary. MoinWHe Is wagging Ida tall very rxteaaly, bat he Is grewllng so i dou'l know which end is beUae.-aUeB Weakly. . . - ; ) : Met Hie AHHnde. at eras duVolt to him eoinpewnt or von sneesn patent help to Bdea Oenter. and ho eemmaters la that htyllle spa! had 1 1 iss 1 1 eeslgaatloa -yasaasvH aald Hre. Crawford, 1 haveot saen emythliai of that man who waa to mew -our town, Wbere atoswasnpoesehetsr Taere, 1 betkjv thafs he stow ever to kaawrt csvharuf -la he sttadasayr to sab id ato haaifaed- . -," sasd ato wtfe, -tors II i no of the beg trass htoktog to Thau uasft he the maa," said Ur..UAj. .,u -M be sMttog-a touajT htfS. Hsnji in to her "Many steaee- tos at aasBur Peopaa- seve of Arrst- Ssswp Wkatoly: He wss wt awaisss ef apa)aarasse. U be and awssiisd aota KOTiCK FOR' PUBLICATION ' (hwlated Tract (Kertel No lsjM8) - v Public Land Sale. U 8 Land Officii. Oallae, Oregon. bpt. S2ndl009. : notice ii hnhy siren I hat, aa dirt W hv the CommiMloii-tr ol the GesenU Land Office, nmler prortslons of Act qf Consraw anpnivml Jnne S7, 1900, Public No SOS.wa winoffwrat pnblie salSi ifi nigne owaer, at iu K o'clock a m.. ihelrvlaimt, ot objection! , on or betore M4aabov dmlftiatad for aa) - ,-, ' ' . 0 Moore, Rogiiter. v DKPA RTM KNT'of the IN TKRIOIt ' , J QKKKRAI. LAKD OFFICE, , t, - f jn ' ' W AKHIKtiTON, D.C, - : - K10OK714W. A.M. - . .. , ; JulrSO.101 .'. , MutJCk or RKkTORATION OP: ' Vi pubuCglamm to settle- hem and entry, :'...... Nmica is liei'eV "giVen Uiat the Acting I ; eiieiaty of ilte Ijiinpor )a vacated do- ( lrtiaiUalor1tr af wilndrswal fa loflf as lue tame JoVoia withdrawal tar irrhtaiion fmrfmesnnder the aetof June - 17, 1102 (Sa Ktit., H8) for e in connee ilnn wfth tho Umatilla Prf.Joct, Oregon. '' A tlie foltna!fig described lands' In tlie Htate of Orrgori, and by hie aathority snch of stfiri iraeis have not been her' - Utfoae Anally rtum-d awl are not othee wise widiilrawii, reserved oiapprcpriat- , cd, wM be sulijet V sertleuient under tbe pabHe4eid laws of iho United Slatis onsndaMarOtfteiiarda, 1U09, but shal , ; not be Bohjaet toantrv, aiingor selection nntll NoTwbfT 15. the United ' States lend olHoe at T4te dnMca, Orvpon, -warning bamgrwp'mely igiven vlat ne person will be permitted lo nlnorosar. f cite any rlslitwtiatevornn(ler.enyt?ttle . mentoroceusanionlppgua after Jory aj; " 100B, and prior l Uclober 0, ISSW, wit such. Hltk'Rnentcroctnpnlion being lur biikJea. v - , Willrtniotio Prlitcljiol llerldfan. v T.VN., R. to K., kll ikt-s. 1 to 18, 31 to , oft ..,,1 u an . ' x W T. 3 S..-B. V K ,.all Sees, i to ISfS '4 27Ml SMoftOlitd.. T.SK.f i, H all thit po tion te Orctftitt- .. . T.2NC30K.. all. : . ' ' .-..' T. S Ji- SO t 0 1 li'at poiL'o Hi . Orcsst - T..IK., R.ai E.,all. - . -v T. 3X..R. 51 K , elf Umt porlloa tp Or.gon. t, S., n. S3., sll Sots, 4 to 0, 10 lo 21 and 8 to ft iut. y ; , T. 1 K , K. W K. ah Hues. 4, A, fl sn.1 T aotfUi of UolnmUu Hlver and all Sees - ft, M k, at aitil M tu l incl. tf.V.iTiwodat, Avd'ig Oontiloncr ef i the Gmierel Jjimi O'Hce, - Frank, Pierce, First Auiitant 8 cert to y of itfetutiriof. 6 acrdf ,nb(iut 7 miles from cent er of Portland, i niilo from electric cAr Uuo slntioir, ail well feiicvd, ami In fiuq.feeariiig orclmnl, slo all kiiitls Of berjicsand vcgetatiles, 8 room house yi'th Idilct, bntli, hot and epiti wjtter, duo wen, tower iaftk antl wind niHI. .100 high frwds chickens, horse- end wngofit. nisntr dteier Itnpleimmts, price 7600.00, will tamo 160 acres 6 1 good wheat land, fa emuJutiige (r . . flare AO acres ol timber land, a law lot "In best coast town in Ore gon, and Vllraiteil amount of cakh for this we srsut a small wheat farm, ...v1' ' ' ' ; ' 9 rootn well britK nonse "in -good' mK of Rortland, 5wal00 lot. one . . . ' ' Z. irrery vjeoem, vni can ' ue maoe so witb smaU'CKpettoa, price lAOOo-BO will bike rn-c-tclisiige, good whsst J land up to40p0.o WOOO.00 AnV onewjiTiliifl hitormatioiL erwwrditig by of the ibcvt A -. h j