THE Goo eberty E 1 PALACE HOTEL Aii'ffrtntMy Kmil'h and Mr ani Mri (. K. Ctt.rlM.f. .were Sau- wmarn n : a f rri aw-! ejHiM4f 4aMpiMsvaaea4kjyl V 'uht (itdi- a t.iiriin trip toji. nPPriatiii:iji.. ; - ;! SUNSET . Wl MM TIm JuukKiin Lirtiihi XK hare mov- fed baok-Mt tiieiv bfit tit end to fin- it i . - i HEPPNER, OREGON Rates- $1. $1.25 and $2. Per Day. Maddock & Co. Prop$. - , D. G. Ely NOTARY PUBLIC. "REAL ESTATE AND Collecting Agency. Nuxt door 1.0 Pi-ociaimer. lone, Oeon H. ROBINSON. Attorney and Coufwcdor at law , ' NOtAY pubuc . PracttM hi All Cottt-ta. LfH BoiIimm Ghreji Prompt Caretal AKwntloa. Lend CmtMU. f-robtite Work ud Oo- OA. OfttOOM lone Proclaimer and Portland Journal - $i W hive a Special Clubbing offer now on with the pMlHc'Vpathly and Proclaimer, for $2.00 PRE rw fie aiRi mwi'i - (to,-;- 0R YWH jiittfrrHfrW . ' iote Heads ". - H - Statement KnveW Hope V;". ' Onus Kte, , pACIFICX f MONTHLYY I pmillf Jj HtaMl Ttit- I Articl. - R liable MoH. I i -u"j7r" i- MiOr. AstUNetebaMatli -f r i i ' ' ; 'now Commercial Printing proguimer omce Wort Hmttr mni Promptly Dmm.. lone. Ore. WO O D FOR SALE 'No'. 1 16 in. Yellow Pine ne 4 foot Body Oak, .L , Hood Kivflf, Ore. Let me do your " Soldering -Plumbing' '....- and ' Electric Light Wiring. I B. T. Akef, With Woofer Barfwaie ft Grocery C 3Nizvovw xjswnc OiOHWIWMMOff :t , ""SO. ? mil 050 Am 53 MRVOTII XMM 0 VEAtt UPSRISNCS Scknanc iixcrican. i.jtU'O -l tm ''.niiatf trr, J, f 1 U AddW and H" Cnrleon spent ThanksKtvinV fii inrn with Mrs A Peterson, .. ; Auley Aic-r- itui wifs are vislt- ng tihj hrotln-r Frank,. , '.,. Verdn Brenner viitfd the Curi am Kirti-rric'ft;-. . n . 5 Ben and Howard AnderKon spoilt SuikIh.v nith their brtlier C. J. Andiron "f tbiK place, Mr Olemi F.irrcii? mude an or and trip to Mojiiiincut Tininke- ifiving. JJo tuiibt hiive some ut raotioil ovt-r tlii're. '..,"'! Al kindt of I'osHnt c;ird and Noveif t tlie Chick Phurniacv, N. M. J I '(:' a load .'logs To the loitt' M:it Market one Ture and-Uudmrd PcterBon at tfiided the bit; but! fcime at,Hnrd nan Thaijbgivint;.' J ... t O..L. Lundell bun gone to Rhea dding- where be ik gmirif tu . wo: k :tnd pasture liis borfes overwinter C. J, AnderHOtis.went Rooae huut iiig last week but didn't find many it came home with three... ... . . A jolly croud gave August; Iov- Kren and hrideapleasantcharivari and as our news in a little late will ay it wns.the 22nd of November. Rhea' Creek Doings -Anolhtrbne o! un )id 21at birthday to celtbrate, tliia time baing Mis Lota Peck. Her young friend to flit nitnibr f 20 gftfa- ered at Iter borne tits uTeniiig of November 2fith'n)id tptut the eve ning mtli roueio and games. Liclit refreBlnnents eie terved. The pupils of Itlieti Creek Bfcliool have received it new basket bit 1 1 and that game i the ortlef of the Some oj our people Mayed up to eee the eclipse nf the moon, the night of November 20th-.., ' Alt kindi of Postal cards and Novels at the Chick Pharpacy. Mr, Curt Rhea and wife ate Thanksgiving dinner with the family of Ed Adktna. , Mr and Mr T. V. .. Dormau eo tertsined Hiaa Bertha Summers and the Mason young people at turkey dinner Thanksgiving'. Mrs A gust a Mwon is quite poorly at present- ; ; s , Mill Eofa Peck hat been vtsitiug Mrs Summers of Ixingto. Ben Buschke butchered 13 hogs last week, v. ; Dr Chick, accompanied by his father aat brother were rabbit hunting a our hilts this wek. All kinds of NewStationerjand some d Andy Birth-day PosUkarde altbOftucTHi.aACT. - i Mr TlmjMn ia pushing 'hie farm irork. H i on- the f?hutt place, 't " ', 5 Mrs (MrtRtieU aud dauJiter si'etit lnt i?un('ay with Mrs Uoi wan. -. -U - . ' ;' ti'he rhea ereek school (sfloursh ing iif? -r the able management of k'n-ntc GoMall, theloach- THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE EOUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EYER VVebTc jDftwenred tbt trvlCMo(twohifh-lMtil, praatlMl mn, u Wu u iul V' . ' noM tdnc(6M. lroin th W ) nttM Qnlrned. ; H T- aSHKJCB, PtM. StND FOR i ORtGON Pdss the word to our relatives aryl friends to.tome now.1 Low Golonist Rates -V .tlKtttliMl lo Oregon Will Prevail Prom the East sVi September 15 VW on Railroad X Navigation co Southern Pacific : K (LINES IN OREGOn) ;v j, , prom Chicago -. , , St. Louis -' Omaha - St. Paul tr ,. V , Kansas City FARES CAN iteposit the amount of the tare with . And thu ;ckwt will Ue ileliverr-tl 8end us the name and address of , ..".Oregon Wm mc 1 I ... . M g V r .i.i ..i M M MORROW COUNTY, WHERE WHEAT IS KING i..' . .SEE W. S. SMITH . ron t .y v Live Stock, Insurance ;a RepnsiHtg 7 5 : -''-The Ntfol Live toci Inearanee Aaeertatkin of ForUand. ' Subscribe v fOR the PK0GLA1MER. I. . WALlCEft, Prtn to October 15 TUB ' AM) J7 , $33.00 .wioo : - . 25.1'P - y , 25.0Q - ..'.00 BE.PRRPVID. the nearest 0. R, 4 K. or 8. P. Ageqi . jii.thn Eaut .withont etfa crtat. iqj ODeiaterested ia the State for Literature. - . ; ..." j;- Murray. E. E. Miller (; ' will auction anythirjg CATALOGUE GALLS you have to sell if v . you'willhringitin ' SATURDAY .' or he will go into the ... t, country and V -Aoctfoasier. .ff 1 K v ; ' J '"A Urn H' .'aT, i