The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, December 03, 1909, Image 5

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    .-. it: V-
lone Proclainieir
V lone. Oregon. !) 3- I009
Iom Town Of fleets.
';- I.UFadberi
Herordir ...C.J. reuumgUKi
trturtr J.A.Wmw
airthtl fT-i- frl
tommWe ; W. C. Cuon
apt, Llaa.1 ud WaMr plant. ... R. It. Millar
It, f. Atlmitl
iim- IIhWoimB
Lfi.ll. Sitit
rauk ft ii (!!
otmcaas or school district
ClMk. . v - T.IW1W
C. Cftiun
fi.ri.tar ........ ....... C W, Mojro
. SeertveY.".... !u-...UaU . araaua
Lodges Nee Foi:
'MBanwtiMidrntthtn m rreetdins
ihe nmi fU moon if mr Roiih- ,
tiJJ Follow KTjr8iiturd)r night
' UcMkstii KiriLHd-UunlTtiutJFl
leiu'ti tnonih. .
CBOIL i.OJXik w. o. jr.. He.TIS. mu Int
nil lliirrt 8ijIt !! of oh month.
. SOKOAJ) L011GB Ul, me-tl
every Hivriaay night si Uocgsn.
. ' A communications, as inr n
' 7
possible, should reach q not later
than Tuesday nignt Please bear
this in mind and'havcdmnpnija
tions in on time." Editor. -
lrt V F Puyeer and children at
Ferdinand Idaho are hero visiting
Mri M Jordan.; s ",t -."
. It W Robison of Kiglitihlle was
in town Tuesday.'
die Bperry ipen); VedriMday
in Heppuer.
Alt kinds of Postal cards and
Kovcts at theChick Pharmacy.
Mr and Mrs Wyland iot Hard
turiti here W,cd.iiefda"y visit--ifrlr-iid
Mrs Chick.
Mis Audrey Woolery, Mrs J H
lilaLc, J B Cronan and Lew Dav
idson mine up from Portland
Thursday- - . ' - ; . .
1.6,-jT strjiyed'or stolen A eorrel
b;itl faced horse; n&ed 13 year old
-weight about '1300 point d branded
- on the rijht Kttfle, has wind puis
on the left front anal alto- has
collar murks. A liberal' reward
for Information, leading . to hir
rocovary.- Jolin&h brothers :
J Gopseberry, Oregon.
. .. Mrs i'rai:k Nash who teaches
the veiith ne eighth, grades of
our -ftchoot, is quite ill at the borne
of bet mother, Mrs Walbridg of
Heppuer, Her mimy friends here
trust she will soon recover Dur
ing her absence Miss Opal Coch
ran is very successfully teaching
her students. . p
Seymour Wilson and family
lelt. Thursday for an extendtd
-stay in the Taller. , . ' v ,
T.icinn MnMdrrav was the lucky
fliy and drew the dishes at Wal
X Mm Stttnrdajr. -
a daughter to -Mr and Mr Mont
McXIurnny who are living at
Ferdinand Idaho. ..
i Anyone in need of lime, frnir-iU
hnd shingles call and ee G Par
ker Itefore Roir-t elsewhere; ' '
f D.'C.. Kir and ft. F. Morgan
nhipefl hi a few boxes of titto n
lee, from Wall Walla, this wek
Vn V.rliu mntliKr til Mr li.
(K.'MnrRan of this pace flame in
Irom her -home tt'alta Wall-
to remain for some time, with Inr
crop,! different varieties tf wheal
last week for 9q oents Uiebel.
.' IWrt Mason is spend ins several
(lays in Portland on bnsfnefe )r
nap-iitt then we win wan inr
further dxrelonmenls.
. Iiter-He fa hme and Alas hr
came alone, weariuV bapp
"ntila which "some wplfrt i-ay if
Misa Frankie Sayra, of tMorb,
who haa been visiting her sister.
fiere', Mrs E A Race, returned to
her buuie .Tuesday.' -
White in Portland this nk'
the editor of this paper saw 8 1
titruttun who flaked abmit (he peo-
ptevf loue Kith hiUrmit, , Mr J
Verdin a realestaU man of Grants
Pass vaa with him.
Mr and Mrs ill I. Padherj; enter
tained Misses 'Walti'iiliurger and
Whit more and Mr and MrsJohnnv
Brysoii at dinner Thursday even
ing in honor of Mitt Opal's twelv-
th birth-dav. '
..- - ,
FOR 8 A LIB or T HADE For Port
land property... A good house and
lot on Main street, lone. Terms.-
Also i lots 60 by 100J joining,
making 1( 0 by 100 op the corner,
car line poo n to iw-tss 1 1 em, in
Ladd'i new addition to Portland.
A snap if taken at ouce. For par
ticulars call or address, 474 Lex
ington ave. Portland, Oregon.
Diphtheria, is Iri a very mild
forin In its attadPupon the child
ren in lone. . .Togetjiiir -with the
mild- form, aniL Doctor Chick's
treatment these who have ao far
been sick with tliia terrible disease
have not been confined .to the bed
and have bad iliglit fever. ;
Out at the Mason ranch they
butchereb if hogs tliis-week, the
a versga-weight being 160 pounds
oaeh. ' 4 .
lone ProclqiiiVer and
Weekly Oregonian-$ 2.
Waste That Might
Have " Wm.
Wbea ft got as far as tl dors at
en informal snap the etber night, at
walcb the manager of eat of the most
talkad. of New York hotel was ttw
boat, tbe talk tvraed oa tbt perftcrlnn
of eaodera botel maaactmtat- Tbt
ma carte boasted of tbe fact that In
hit booee at least tbe elerbs war para
goat of memory and cleverness.
"Tat I wilt bef tbe cigars." aaU one
of tbt guests; "that exact! j at mid
night wbao tbe elerka change I, having
no room hen, can walk to tat dealt.,
ask for tbe key of a cwtajn roota. gtr
lug tbe number. nd get It"
"Dooe," said tbe manager.
Bxactljr at 12 tbe matt making tbt
bet entered the lobby aa If be had Just
come from tbt street Tbla dialogue
followed at tbt desk:
"My key. pleeaeNa T."' '
ea, atr: what namel"
"Mr. Johnson." ; " "
-Yea. Mr. Johnson ,
Tbe clerk tamed back to the dcac
as If to reach -tbe key from the rack
For a moment be was .out .of alglit
"Mr, Jotuuon." .
Then to "Mr. Johnson's' dlsuui? lie
was qaletly eelsed by two aiou. vrli
seemed to come ap- from tbe Boor en
either side sf him and wbo salted btui
very politely, bat wh ormncds, to
leave tbe hotel at once:
It was than that tht"" manager or
paared from behind pillar and
plained. . ; : ' ;
A few moments later. When thai
were smoking the cigars, tbe chagrined
loser said:
"Well, thafs a wonderful thing.
Bow tbe deoct do tbej rememher
every body they seat"
"Basy enough, said' the mannger.'
"and then in this 'particular ease titers
Isn't a room fat tbe bouse wunibtreil
below 100 . n--.
Tbt loser bougbt more elgars wttb
ont bstag asked. New York Times.
- - -
. The Iter Bit : ' '
An old towlander bad been pon.t-
entry asked by bis son, wbo waa doluir
very well In London, to pay bhu a
visit Having at length decided to
comply, ha spent a fortnight lu 4he
metro polls and duly returned north to
tall tat -tale. A pompous person Invit
ed him to ble bouse soon after the old
man's return, wltb a vltw to having
some amusement at ttw latter1! ex
pense. "And what -waa It tliat most
Impressed yon in the groat city?"
1 anlrait ttt nnmnnm nntlaman. "Vi'wl.
1 air, quoin toe oia renow. ins xumti
j abune a' that nnpressed me nmlst won
1 my aln Inslgneeucance. 'L)ed, slp. 1
wad strongly advise ye to gwiz It
I wad dae ye a vast desl o' guld, air!"
Dundee Advertiser.,
C T:
General Merchandise. v
.''-'"V" '':-':.;'K':':'i;.":;. rri:: ,-:':'':
" : lone; Oregon, ; v;
A ' Complete. Stock of
uarpets ana Window ohodes
New WW Wall Paper. All Kinds cf Furniture
Anyt hing not Worried In stock will be ordered at a Reduction
. IONE, - . . - rOREGON.
C"BHS. rolume lor 1907 trill
P give for $1.75 an gaouat
of good reading equivalent to
twenty 400-page book--history
0ctioo, science, biography and
miscellany1 costing ordinarily
$1.50 each, Bamplc Copies of
The Youtb'a Companion and
Annottncemcnt for 1907 will be
gent to any address free.
Every New Subscriber
rto cats eat aca tr.ajttiistt'?!;
SBCS wits saisa & msi r'
si.jj win tsttiTt tJI
SaxteieM Mile Underajroan. " '
Tbt most -remarkable canal in' the
World Is the one between 'Wctsniej
and fit Helens; in the north of E,--'
land. It ia sixteen miles lone anil un
derground from end to eud. In .Lan
cashire tbe con) mines are veiy ex
tensive, half the eouaty being under
mined. , Many years age tbe bud.
agers of tbe Duke of Bridgeport' es
tate thought they could save money
by transporting tba eoal underground
Instead of on tbe surface; therefore
tbe canal was constructed and the
mines connected and drained at tbe
same tlmsv Ptacson's Weekly.
A WIN Bern.
' "A dislike." said tbe gentle ptuloae
pber. "tbould not lead oa to a ay active
demonstration. We- - should merely
seek to avoid Its object" x .
1 "Maybe my boy Josb baa more sens
than I gave him credit for," rejoined
Parmer Corntoesel. "Thafs exactly
tbe way be feels about work of all
kinds." Washington Star.
1T1 tks Unit c! Tti) Carcfaaloa fer t!t
r. caikUEJS ana Tt' Dt-ui:
gnmbrn. TM Conpulaa' Fosi-Lm(
aiiaf CsJnJir U: it 17 la i rnm
gob, azA Tht Cttitei to tb
or rjej m i't;rr: w. his
Im rttij uaMfMUsuBuiy.
mi 9Qn a eah asd ban ether aeMlal
yiefa7fw rih, j, ,bKrtbet "ho (
ks ntacrtetteaa. Scad wr UtaramMfiav
' Aa Stst MUniit
"Is there any sore way off know
ing when a man la meaning te pro
poser" asked tbe bud.
, "You needn't worry about that"
Said tbe belle. The knowledge comes
liy natore. The moat important tbJng
Is te know wbea be Isn't going to."
h. 11.
HalSlsstss f CSitMaifd.
fbat kind of pie wttt yoo bav
WlUle muaee er apple f
rvtt take two pieces eg each, pMaae."
-Two pucesr
r "Tefm. bUmma test sae net te
fc twlee."life, -
sa nidsaisi 1 mi it ii mt- ' I
ry haU. Tw
hip pockata.
FeJaeaJ esesns
HaS served 'the community of lone with bank
.'. ing facilities for several years. In doing ',
Lan (i,a ttiTa r A ' r rt - rr l-n ei ii n -f '
- " villa w v uuvv iiau uiw yu-wviuiiv" v
.,- : our local people We are bet- '
.. V ter(prepared than .ever to !,
"- 1 ; ' -' ' " ' ri r r-i r rf fVi r L"
; . . ing business of .
' ... 'J' this com- ' " -
; '. ' '.rnumty,
; ; . Conservative business is invited.
Capital ' v', $15,000.
Surplus and Undivided Profits Ul
J. E. Cronan, Fresident.
' ( T. J. Mahoney, Vice President.
. J. D. Cronan-, ' 1 Cashior.
Do you want the writing machine that
docs the most perfect work?
Practical work of all Itinds, all the time 7
Do you want the -one that save the
most time? , ;, .
The speediest, simplest strongest t
The one that far osjtweart any other make
of writing machine f
. The fonYs lest Tjrwrfer
efcearlsatsssfc sHis aslasi
Thto ia m
Thm Smith lrwmltr Tp writer Co.
Htlramak but it b) whieimeu
tibrnttUbat he Slid Wall Smith "n-
TTT- mmr r 'ar' a .
t U grn a donbr event.