The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, December 03, 1909, Image 3

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Tonnage of far Tesscls Eiceed
d OdIj bj England. ;
Kalsor Mm Mora Batttoehlp Uixfar
Construction WIN B Bcond
Pww am High 2toea. ,
Wuhiagfon, Nor. 27. MMsurod by
aetaal uval tonnage U Mrriee, the
United States ruki second among the
actions of tM world; Greet Britain
alone MrpMMO this Muutry, Bat if
to the tonnage is MrrtM ia added to
tonnage, of warships authorised end fat
ooum of . oastruetion, tha Unload
State la eompollod to yild Meosd plaM
to Germany. Ih ether words, Germany
ku la eooreo of eonetruetion more largo
battleships Ou kM tko United States.
Tho relatire order of warship tonne
of tko grMt Mtiou today la m fol
4owsi Great Britain ....a. ........ .1,788,180
United States J( 82,7
Germany tx.. 400,700
Ftbmo 602,920
Japan 3M,368
Bnssia 259,263
Italy i......v...wr 216,08
-Austria 114,897
It will bo noted that Japan So far
inferior to tbo United StatM ia Its
navel strength, standing fifth oa tko
list. It will aloo bo noted from tko
following table, uowing tbo total nwl
tonnago of tbo greet, nations, m would
bo tho mm wore veasel building now
completed, that Japan rotalu kar rela
tiv position oa tbo lint, with ovon loot
tonnago tbaa tho Unitod States, As
wumlng voaaola ander construction worn
all completed, tbo navioo of tho world
wvJd obow tbo following toanagot
Great Britain t, 005 ,873
-Germany i.j. 820,092
United StatM 785,687
Franca 766.9M
Japan :..;..... 489,704
Suaaia . 418,8S0
Italy .. 257,818
Austria 187,297
Tkoao figures sr interesting in ser
wral respects. Germauy, for iaataneo,
whiob long otood fourth on tbo list of
naval powers, baa rapidly passed both
tbo United States sod France. Japan,
on tha otbor band, wppoeed to bar
v opmeot of her uvy, is sot bnildisg aa
-f.rf u tha ITnitM) States. Durina tba
past year she increased bar nvnl ton
nM laaa than ftOOOO. and It ia MOB
from tbo statistics above that her la
hui accordinc to kar DrossBt aro-
gramma, will not bo eqnaf to -that of
tho Ur-ltod States. Tbo toaaage of toe
Amor i aay nary today eeeds that. of
Japan hy abont 286,000: with tbo pres
ent programme of MTB nanoM tow
ltmA ta Uaftad States will land br
399,000. ' . - .
To linn From OorncratioM Bxnoctad to
Be 286,000)0. .
W MainglOB, HBTi vifwauva
tax regulations ara sow omplcte-sad
i ready for tbo priater. It bm boon a
great task nuet ail tka esmplexltkM
mt tba law aad exneeted attacks apoa it
hr tho corporations. Latest estimates
IndiMta a Mt roTOano from tbo sot-
poratlon tax of approximately 826.000,
. OOO anaaallv. and 122,000 aorporntioM
mliahl rlH bnva to nav tha tax.
In a far southwestern state it bat
boon found that not siers tbaa 10 par
- sent of nuwy thousandi of oorporatloM
' oror hare setnally oom basiaeaa. In
. proper registratioa is nany eases is
expected, bat tko aeries of penalties
ander tho law will apply to all, eras to
- thoee who fall to get tbo fornw aad
MgulatioM. Tbo mailing of tko farm
aad btaako to ofrory corporation liated
ia Abo Tsrioao distrfota io not roqnirod
ty law, aad hi enerely to asaiat tbo aor
poratioBS. TboM not rogistorW ahonld
nply imStediataly to eolleetora.
All rotmrM aro romirod to bo In tho
" oollMtor's hands by Marsh 1, than wnt
ka tntaraal nvonM bwroaa here,
wboro tbo ton wW bo aaassood aad tho
tarpnying oorporatiou aotfaod by Jnno
1, tba tax to bo paid by Jaly 1..
VHi Itam r
TJhiak, Cal., Hot. 27 Emilia Bad on!,
knows ia tklo ssotioa M Tbo Wild
Man of Hopland," wm saptarot toot
Bight by CoaaUbk) Orr, of dovordalo,
and Game Waroaaa Lee and Miller, who
' ataeo mac may, an "-r- r
i aay ano for many mosias. wnifj"
" time WhMUToaaaboop aoaMkUlod
' and food takoa wen, bta ta tba
. aolgbborbood. Badoai wu aVanA by
tbo sdaeoTO anaaiag ff "
Sqanw rock, and was eaptsTsd boforo
o ooald oiTor any moteata,
Lm Angstaa, W41-
tioia of thia city 7jar
. dan fall la tbo maaparstara, tbo falling
toot foanaiaiag o. t
Ilia anvnu-s m
Soerotary of Xatorlot 711m Itroeg and
Ootanrabosmlyo) Boaort. ;
. WMklagtoa, Vow. 30. If eo agrees
earrie oat all tbo " reoommandation
ntado by SeeVetary of the Interior Bal
liagor la bis annual report to tbo Presi
dent, practical and fair-minded advo
cates of eoneerratioa of aataral r
Marcos will bar nothing to uk beyond
a otrlot oaforsomMt of tbo law. The
secretary 'a report, mads public today,
bm bean toad aid approved by Prosi-
deat Taft,. and therefor may bo re
garded M voicing his own view and
opinions npon tho various sabjecta dealt
with, aad to that exteat is an iadieatian
of tho roeoaunondatioM whiob tho Pres
ident himself will obmit do ooagraas
whoa It ooaroBM next Monday.
Secretary Balliogor's report io in bo
degree sensational. It is a plain, force
ful recital of conditions u they sxiat.
In it tho many waahnaaaas of tho public
land laws are pointed ovfcj and pro ot aval
remedies aro suggested. Tho report
gives oridonM of great study of tko
various problems discussed, and indi-
eate tbo aiBnteBOM . with which tho
now oserotary of tho Interior hu gone
into tbo details of tho work of bio do-
From flrat to last tho report la free
from Mtnmont oa boreaas not under tbu
jnriadiction of tho secretary of tbo in
terior. There is, no reference to friction
with tho forest service, bat at plaeea,
reading between tbo line, eaa be found
ladieations of tho secretary 's desire
that eonarass shall abeslutelv deflae
th powers of the secretary of the in
terior, so that in raters there will bo
so sxcom whatever for offleinla of an
other department undertaking to dic
tate questions of poller and adminia-
tratioa to his branch of tho government
Because of tba prominence siren to
tbo question of water powers through
newspaper ul msgasinos of late, See-
rotary Ballingor'i views oa that sub
ject perhaps ontakadow all other feat
urea of his report. In discussing power
sites tko secretary presents a complete
piss of legislation, which ia offered as a
suggestion for the- guidance of con
gress, aad not with tbo idea that his
recommendation will hi followed ex
plicitly. Bather, tbo plan ia presented
as a basia for discussion, and incidental
ly it may bo Mid it is tho flrat definite
plan of power-sit legislation yet pro
Mntod by any government official.
Vicaragaa InsnrgMhi Baady for Dsath
Hmgglo With Belaya.
Washington, Nov, . 30. Nloaraguan
lasargoats aro apw engaged la what ia
expected to bo tha inal grapple with
tho Zolayaa forces, according to anof-
fleial advies tonight reaahlag Salvator
CaotriUo, repTeMaUtiv of tba Nia
aimgoaa insnrreetionaay- foroM her.
The advisM Indicate that aghting is
ia progr at Bama and .Greysowa, and
that a general assaalt ob Managua, the
capital, will follow. Arm and ammu
aitioB landed Mrly thia week frooa tha
Norwegian stMmer Utsteia are believed
to bo ia the bands of tho inenrrectioa
lata, and prompt bm of thorn by -Bo
trade's fereea is expected.
SoBor Cutrillo pointed oat tonight
that at wonld roqnire less tbaa three
days to transport the mnnkiona of war
from Bluedelds, wboro the Dtsteia
landed them, to Bama, aad that aa mob
m his eom patriots were Mppilsd, Im
mediate conflict with tbo government
troops wm wniompiaieo.
- Bx-Uto Dioa, Aged US.
Pensacola, Fbk, Nor. kWoki C.
Calhonn, colored, aged 115 years, died
ia PenaaMla last night, aad the dsath
certificate m aworn to aad filed ia tba
offleo of the city clerk givM the date
of the aagro'o birth M 1794. Calbona,
bearing tbo aania of tbo American
stateamaa, resided la Pnsaeola for 40
years, aad on til 1ms tbaa 14 year
ago made kis Using by daily labor in
the sawmill. Ia reminiscent aontiti
tbo old negro wonld toll etortea of the
life of bis master, Jobs a Calhonn,
and refer to tho groat statesmen with
familiarity. Ma wm bora ta slavery
Seattle, Wash- Nor. 36s The goa
boat Princeton, Commander C. , H.
Hay, nailed from tho Paget sowed
nary-yard this morning for Ntanragaa,
wboro aa will loin tbo gaabea Tick
burg, which la bow at Goriate. The
Pri aeeta, which hM bees aadergoing
repairs at tbo aary yard, will atop at
Baa PraaeisM to tabs on ammamtioa
aad atoree. Censnaaader HayM expects
to loaah Vloaragu witala lb re weeks.
Winnipeg. Maa Nor. 20:Bogh
lambev advanced $1 per 1000 all oror
north wMtava Canada amtarday. Milla
are oalling ia traveling Miasm on bo
mbm of tnraeh of orders. Export
mills la British Colombia report a
largely tasreosed i li in to tbo TJaHad
Btatea, thia being one mom for the ad
ranee. Another adraass wiB tabs bum
boforo spring.
- Oaatoa Oram Total Oa. ' "
How OrUano, Law, Ner. 30. -Tb
Tli nmniiil fm mmI tm m.
roopendoau' final report oa tbo eottoa
tea or iwum, ommo uai wa sanssaewj
at eBiafcw aetato oo a total of urn
Target bfortag Bight ' Kaona Is Bit
Three om of Paax by Ooaxpany .
WMbiurtoB. Not. 36. Reports of ex
cellent shooting at long range by coast
artillery compaaiee continue to reach
I tba war departniut. A remarkable rec
ord wm mad by toe liotk company at
Port Boseerana. Cal- oa October 20,
Tour shots were trod from a battery
of two 10-iaeh guu at a target 30 feet
hick by 00 feel wag, walsk wm mor-
iog at tko rate, of eight milee aa hour
at a distance of about fire mile from
tbo battery firing. All four shots were
fired in nn interval ox one-minute ana
20 second and passed through a rec
tangle niM foot high by 42 foot wide.
Only three ait were scored ob tho tar
get, m obo of tbo shots passed four
yards to the left of It,
The om company, at run Koontea,
Mas, oa October 20, fired loar soots
from aa eight-men battery at a 20x60
foot material target, which wm mo ring
at tbo rate of five miles an hoar at a
distance of aboat four mile from the,
firing battery. AU four shots were
hits and the Irst Mot eat tM ran ex
the material target ia twev
Sonata OoauattaM WoaM Bnillfy Irri-
gattoa Law. ..'
Waakingtoa, Nor, 27. Ia adranM of
tho report of tko Maate committee on
ilrigatioa eomee tko atatemeat that the
majority will favor emasculation of the
national imiraiiOB law, so aa to giro to
private capital tho privileg of devel
oping all poasibl roclamation projeeta.
A minority of the Mmmittee. among
thorn Senator Ghamberlaia, ia expected
to oppose any snob plan. Private busi
ness interests are Mid to M oacn oi
this movement, which Bellinger in
dorsed ia a speech before tbo National
Irrigation eongrsM at Spokane ia
The wan involves indorsement oc tae
propOMd 230)00,(190 bond issue, to com.
plete projeeta now ander way, with th
? radon! withdrawal of the government
rona all localities whore private parties
desire to execute reclamation projeote.
Intimation already received point to
a bitter warfare over sue a proposal.
It la bettered moot people ia th irri
gable region, desire that th rovers -
moot should carry oa u reclamation
Kortng Pietana to Teach Faming.
waaaiBgioB, cot. . in ui
danartmant of aa-ricnlturO kM Mat an
agent to Ithaca to get a aeris of, mo-
hen pictures or too poultry rarm con-
Himtaii hr tha Naw York state Mllef
of agrieoltare. Tko picture were
mad tor oaueanosai porpo, no
aext wintr fanning audience ia many
ill bm tka Coraall hens Strut
ting about tha poultry yard, atndenta
lugging straw to tae bm aoases, w-
infMtiM tka ttena. niims sna leea non-
aers in tbo poaitry range, niiing toe
1 dAta all of the work that BOM
oa la a well managad, aeieatiftc poultry
HarinM Awaiting OsaWrs.
Waaliiaston. Nov. fieWThat tho Crtt-
leal sttaatioa hotwora thl oonstry and
Nicaragua has reached the Mate stage
avidaanad taaiaht whan BMrStarr
of State Kaox seat for his colleague
la the state aepnruneat ana ior mo
acting secretary of the aary aad hi
aidan ta meet In OOaferenM at his
borne. For nearly three hours the
result of tbo dcliberatioM was not
mad pnbti, but it was act denied
tbnt more warships ar to be ordered
Muth at ease.
Dedicate Tablet to Chrldlsy.
a...M1l.. Vd.. New. 27, Manr
prominent representative of the United
State navy came to Aaupeli today
to take part ia eeremoaies attending
tho dedication of a tablet in Bancroft
h.n - r tka United States Naval
academy la memory of Captaia CbarlM
V, Grid ley, who eamauinaoa amai
Dewey's iagabip at th battle of Ma
nila Bar and to whom the admiral gave
tho famous orderi 'Whoa yea. aro
ready, Gridley, ire."
Tbo tablet of goldea bronM, t
8 Mt.
Dtatrlet of Oolnaibta hfay Tabs.
WiaWUatna Nov. AO. Prasideat
Taft has decided that Waohlagtoa and
the District of tjAinmata aaau aav. in
aMBuaa ith th mt f the OMBttT. B
Mmoeratis form of gorerameat if be
ean brtag It snont. wits ibi mm
view. It I ht porpOM w reeommena
tM --- radical ekansM In tba SWV-
erameat which will give th Msidoate
of tho district a ngw i rot.
ar.u nTUaauaa fa. ml -Wat
baring notification aa the Mb), the
nMaragnns) bv
doabi that deBaaad for reparation
would b Made by the) United State
m ka I atf tan M
AavsTtanao, Grsoe and Cannon, far the
uen ax jsieajagwa waa noswsauna;
law. . , .. -
Wssbiagten, How. tftt
in 9
Cable. Chicago attoraay, will M
Oisasfij McHarg M asahrtaat MMstary
of smmsrs aad mhos, aeeording to a
totosnewt atada asomy by BMatar Oa
lon 1 iianess.
Hew TarUT Law Hoi trp to BxMcta-
Waahington, Nov. 20. Treasury ofl
eials are only fairly well satisfied with
the way the bow tariff law ia working
frem a reman standpoint. Up to to
day the receipts from customs for the
present fiscal year amount ia round
numbers to 9189,000,000. Thia la near
ly 229,000,000 more than wm collected
tor the same period last year, ander
the Dingley law. Tho receipts thia
month, however, show a fa'ting off. In
October they were 229,000,000 and this
month they were only 224,000,000 in
the aggregate. The total receipt from
all source last month were 267,000,000,
while this month they are only ,
000,000, with two more days' retonw
te bs heard from.
On the other band, disbursements
show a decided decrease. Whereas,
last ' month they reached 289,000,000,
they hare this month beea only gftx,
000,000. . The working balance ia the
treasury has been reduced to 8262o6,
983, compared wits $30,701,324 n tail
date la October.
UbIcm tho reveauM. from customs
and other source increase or other
mesne of catting down cxpendlturea are
discovered, this working balaaM will
steadily deeliM aad soon reach a point
where it will be nersesary to issue Pan
una bonds in order to repleaiah the
funds of the treasury.
Over 296,000,000 of the funds of the
treasury have beea need oa tbo Panama
canal and tt will require a bead sale to
reimburM tha troMury. ;
230,000,000 . far Irrigatta tt Want
Urged by Botma.
Washington, Not. 24. SMtor Borah
today submitted to Secretary Balliagsr
th outline of a bill he kM prepared,
authorising the lasaanM of bonds to
facilitate th Mnstructioa of govsra
mcnt irrigation projeeta,
Borah and Balliager ere agreed that
such legialatioa should sutsoriM bonds
aggregatiag 220,000,000 to be ianaod by
the treasury department m nedn.
Thes bonds to be paid oat of the rec
lamatioa fund and ara not to bo a
chage apoa tho federal treasury.
As soon m General Law lor, of the
interior department, returaa to Wok-
fngton, ho, Balllnger Bad riorah will
work oat the details of this bill, which
will tkoa be p reseated to Mngrena.
Both Senator Borah aad Secretary Bal
lingef ar hopeful that M agree will
autboriM th Mnd Issue.
' Wood Back Up Dr. Osier.
WMhtngtoa, Nov. M. Oelerisation
of army officer to a radical degree wu
recommended to tko War Deportment
today by General Leoaard Wood, is
command 'of tbo Department of th
East, lie want aa elimiaation law n-
aeted so that offieer above tbo grade
of captaia will attain gives grades on
an avcrags of at least tea yMrs
younger tbaa at areoMt.
"Oar p recent system," Mid Geaerel
Wood, "reenltc gen rally la tbo beat
rear of a man' life being apent la a
nhnriliaata nnattloB ' Ha raVim mend
ed tbo re-sstabiishment of th army
eaa tees.
Doaehatoa Power Hold.
Washington, Nor. 26. Secretary Bal
linger today Withdrew from entry 8262
acre of land along the upper Dm
ebntM Biver for protection of power
Tho withdrawal 1 ordered prortdlsg
Congress eaaet legislation for m
trol or disposal of the land.
The land withdrawn 1 th waterway
la mb section with whfah charge ba
been made that in granting right of
way to the Hill and Harrimaa railroads
tbroNaTh the Deschutes canyon, BalUu
ger had rendered Mast ruction of a
power plant in the onayea impossible.
- 2nacVagh CMrof Oat Hews.
Washington, Nor. 24 Th elimina
tion frem tho mstoaw serriM x Act
lag Depaty Snrreyor Jaaua Vail, ths
abolition of that oHm ta th Now
York custom kooao, th dlanloanl of
104 men and demotion of 122 ether men
at Now York from Harsh 4 sp to last
night, to get hot with abont a soon of
other ohangM iacladod is Collector
Loobn statetneat . today from Now
York, were aauouaeed by Socretary
MMVoagh toalf ht
. Taft BBwba anngotto.
Washingtos. Nor. . Mrs. Philip
Snowdea, wife of a Liberal member of
Parliament aad noted m the moot beau
tlfnl Mffragotte, tried to M Presideat
Taft today, n failed. Mr. Bnow
dea left tho White HonM annennchig
that she would endeavor again tomor
row to run Ue gaaathn that had abnt
her oat ,. f . .
' ' fioiHiaM Hani Font MaL '
Wsagton, How. - A otatamont
wm knased by the Ntoaragnaa legation
here thJa ofterneen that laformattoa
bad boM rsaairsd from tho Nloaragnaa
awvsraBBMt to tba oaTeot that Cannon
aad Oraoe had bom giroa a fall hoar
log before a military eoart auvtial
praviOM to thsir aXMHaa
Fwrtsoath, H,
Nov. 2Cv Haral
sosirod here toda la
eanaeotloa with the oatfittlng af the
gonaoato Pndoesh aad Dabnew, bath
of which havo bsM preparing to rornrn
a taenr HsiliM ta tha 0arnba Sea.
Ooastroetloa-of 1600 MlMo of Bosdway
Will Boon Bo and Way.
Chics iro. 111., Nov. 29. The directors
of tho Chicago A Northwestern Kailway
company have decided that it will aooa
become neooaaarr to extend that road
to tbo Pacific coast ia order that It may
continue to be a strong competitor of
the St. Paul and the Burlmgtoa roads.
With this end ia view the company
ie preparing to tonne approximately
230,000,000 worth of new itook, which
i ia tko ratio of oae to four of oat
standing stock. '
This proposition hM already been
submitted to the' proper authoritlM of
the several states which require state
authority for the iacuaaes of the new
railroad eeearitiea. This authority hM
not yet been girea by any om of the
three statee to which the propoeitioa
hM been submitted, which fact may ac
count for the denial which the officials
of the company make regarding the pro
posed Stock issue.
It is also known. althoaaTh not ad
mitted by the company's officials, .that
an approval hM been gives for con
struction of at least 1500 miles of road
to bo completed within tko aext two
or three years. It is known through
western senator that th company hM ,
completed end approved surrey of
lines to three important Pacific coast
points namely, Portland. Stotts aad
Baa Fraaawco.
In eoBMCtioa with' the proposed ta
me of new stock, tt ia remembered that
the St. Paul's first our toward th
Pacific coast extension wm tho Issuing
of exactly the same amount of bow
Hbrtag TargM liamAara fcn CHoeaft
12 Oat Of It Tlxaea. .....
Port Storsas, Or., Nor. 29. Ihe of
flsioncyof artillery preatie at night
waa tested thoroughly last sight by th
Thirty-third company, commanded by
Captaia Willis, of tho Coast Artillery
corps. Tbu ia tbo first year that Bight
firing at a moving target hM been tried
in the United States army, and tho first
time it bm bona tried at Fort Bursas.
Three preliminary shot wore fired for
the purpoM of CMtlag firing Mndition.
Immediately afterward 16 record shots
were fired, 12 of whieh tore through
the target. This result Is thought to
be the best attained ainee night prac
tice hM been ia vogae ia th United
States army. -
eaaru figure six feet by twelve 14
proved a dim ebjMt to fire at, with
only the nnccrtaia gleam of a search
light following its rapid oremeat
through the water.
OorerumoBt boat! and searchlights
from both aide of tbo river guarded
against the possibility of Mmmereial
vessels entering the field of fire car
ina tha ftraatise. Manr soectator aaw
the display,; which demonstrated the
effeetivansM 1 si the Colombia riror
Prsfera, nimsilf. to Work m lnflv14aaL
New York, Nor. 27. "Too mush
coming la, aad Bot enough going out
Burepsaa Masamptioa of copper hi not
hMpiag pace with Americaa produc
tion, ' said M-Senater William A.
Clerk codar, m ho ateppsd from tho
gangway of the lsbonsd stesmsr Mau
retania. "It I tras, oopper 1 Mlllog
tM low, bah ererproduction Is respon
aibl. Tho Bonaal price should be IS
cnti 12-eeat copper is too cheap."
uivnsra oi mm nwst iw
against the Standard Oil company, Sen
ator Clark Midi
"I'm aot asrpriasd. I aoror btliered
la Urge corporate aggregatloas of cap
ital, and for myself I bar alwars pre-
lerreo t worx m an laairiauaj, -
j Wosmb May Bo mwaggUrs,
Boston, Nor. 22-Ib tns arreot here
today, at the request of he federal. of
flciaJs of Now York, of Mise Mary a
Moore aad Mlm Uabella Holland, of
wear, the govsrament authoritlec be
lieve they bars materially assisted la
the isveetigstioa of illegal Importatloao
from Prance. Tho women were charged
jointly with Bobcrt Schwarta, Philip
A. PhlllpMB and Tboaus Murphy, who
ware arrested two ssoaths ago, with
Mosplrsey to defrsnd tbo govern ruest
by evading daty. The wobmb were
held la default of 2000 bIL
am muS ma ci.M ' I '
Aostia, Tex., Nor. mt. ueary may
Pi ere, of KaasM, oil magnate, will bo
tried here Wodaeoday for alleged fabnt
awoariag. Tho smo wm Mntlnned last
Aogust, aad relates to ar affidavit filed
by Hr. Pierce wbea tho Bogers-Piars
company m tared the state In 1900, after
hariag boon ousted for violation of tho
aatl-truet laws. Actorney for tha
state eoa f erred today sad declared that
m eoatieuaaM would b Mkod v grMt
d by either side.
' as
Now Torh, Nor. 26. Mrs. Theodora
Bnssersh aad her daaghter, HB Bthel,
retarnod today frem Xnropo oa tho
Koonlgoa Albert Mrs. BooMroH'a
Btepdaagbter, Mrs. Ni betas Ing-worth.
Mr. aad Mrs. DongiM Bobisson aad
CoDoater of tbo Port William Lmb, Ju
saet them at tbo pier.
Onsaha, Neb., Her. 22 White host
ing today, Wesley McBridc, aged 12,
aeeardisg to his awn reratoa of tho
anair, awwimir snos ni Mmpnaion.
Harry Long, agsd IS, la tbo Jaw, aad
tho trod two aboto late his bead to
"auks a fsW tab af la."