The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, December 03, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gatberei fron AH
r hrtsifttelsrll
4ss Important IK Not Un Ira
astlnsj Happenlnga from Poisnto
Outoieto tha State.
KlngMnaao of Portugal la visiting
Congressmen Maaa predicts a tariff
war with Canada over the pulp aad
paper duty.
Dr. Cook, the Aretie explorer, la a
nervosa wreak, 'and kaa goaa into re
treat to recuperate.
It ia estimated that goraramast reels-
natioa haa added 110,000,000 Xo tfea
wealth af eke West.
Prlrate advices receded ia New York
say that United States troop have
landed in Nicaragua, . .
Washington official! deny the allege
tions of miamanagemeat la the Klam
ath irrigation project.
The Missouri Pacific railway la after
coast Duntaess, having opened offices in
Los Angeles, Baa Franeiaeo aad Port
It is believed that United Statea ma
rines have already been ordered to
Nicaragua, although U la denied at
The Chicago Great Weatern Bail
way company la out of the handa of
receivers, who took eharga it daring
' tae pan ia two yean ago.
Directors of the Chicago A North
western have atanraved the issue of
30,000,000 worth of new stock for the
parpoes of building extensions to the
facina coast.
Prof. Bee, United States aavy aetron
omer, in charge of the observatory at
Mare Island, eaya the alleged orators
on the noon are simply spots where it
has bees struck by flying Mteilites,
having every appearance of annar plate
track by heavy shot.
New York customs officials have baas
arrested for under-weighing figs.
A baboon attacked aad nearly killed
his keeper la a animal show ia Port
federal Inquiry Into the burning of
-a a a.n.. diasnvar
tha cause.
The Philadelphia National League
baseball elnb haa beam sold to a ayndi
ate for 6660,000. ' ' T
A New Yorker wrote 1608 words la 16
minutes oa a typewriter froca copy he
had nsrer seen before.
Chile will accept the arbltraUoa of
King Kdward ia the Aleop claim dispute
with the United Statea.
Guards on the Sellwood ferry reacaed
two persons from a wrecked houseboat
drifting down the Willamette.
Dr. Cook la suffering from nervous
Jrostratioa, sfiter preparing hla records
nr inspection of Copenhagen univer
sity. Steamer Arge was blow on the sands
at tbe entrance to Tillamook bay, aad
three persona were loot and several eth
ers Injured.
The government la ana bis to gat any
word from Its minister at Managua,
Nicaragua, and It ia believed Preaideat
aelaye ia intercepting diss tehee.
- Floret storms are sweeping the Great
Seaator Borah will ash eongresa ia
laveatigsto Bellinger Piaehot feud.
Fire broke oat anew la the St. Paul
miaa, and rescue work ia suspsaded.
The government (a preparing to aend
serines ta Nicaragua ea short aotiee.
Friends of Aator still eoatlnue to
eearea far the missing yacht No una anal.
British Liberals believe that a fight
to laiah English lords haa began.
Standard (Ml company will undertake
the repeal af the Bhermaa eati trust
A Chlneee letter writer haa waned
the mayor of Portland that a to eg war
la likely I begia at aay time.
The fOToiamcat haa ordered rigid
lavestigattoa Into the St. Crola disaster.
Many daasaga salts may follow.
Tail will prosecute the eegar treat to
S laiah la spite of the statute of Hmt
tetleaa, nadei whisk they aUim imms
Lawk sf American beef hi Oermaav
may cause a campaign for the readmis
eiea of American eaaaed meata aader a
very lew tariff.
Oansns Director Durand's Iiiatnietisms
aWlettve to tbe ram Census.
Washington, Nov; SsV A emtline
for the American farmers of the math
od of keeping a written reeora of their
farm Operations and equipment to in
aeeurate farm senses aext year
been toned by United States Cen
sus Director B. Dana Dnraaa. It
prepared by Professor La Grand Pow
era, United States census chief statist!
elan for agriculture.' It atateai
"The advantages of always having
on hand for ready rffsrsass a, detailed
written statement of one's Teal and
personal property are readily ander-
stood by everyone and will bo moat
keenly appreciated when, the eonsos
enumerator calls with bis list of ques
tioaa next April. Tbe value of the
census figures of farm wealth depends
upoa loeir accuracy, ana Beonraoy eae
only bo secured through the o -operation
of the farmera themselves. In no
way can the farmer extend more prae
tie si assistance to the Census bureau
and in no way eaa ha render himself
a greater service than by getting out
his pencil and note book oa the evening
of Anil the 14th next, and making no
a statement of his farm property. The
questions to bo asked concerning farm
property are as followai
L Total value of farm, with all bail
logs and improvements.
8. Value of buildings.
8. Value of all improvements and
machinery, Including tools, wagons,
carriages, harnesses, ate., and all ap
lianeea and apparatus used ia farm
ng operations.
3. Number and value of domestic aa
imals, classified as follows:
Cattle: A. Born before Janaary 1,
1909 Cows and heifers kept for milk.
Cows and heifers not Kept for milk.
Steers and bulla kept for work. Steer
aad bulla not kept for work.
B. Born in 1009 Heifers. Steers
and bulla.
C. Calves bora in 110.
Horses: All horses born before Jan
nary 1, 1909. Colts born after Janu
ary 1, 1909. Colts -bora after Janu
ary 1, 1910.
Mules: All mules bora before Jan-
nary 1, 1909. Mule colts born after
Janaary 1, 1909. Mule colts bora after
January 1, 1910.
Asses and burros (all arcs).
Swine: Hogs bora before January
Pigs born after January 1,
1, 1910.
1, 1910.
KTBcoaWe rains have predeeed
conditio na threes-beet the Willamette
and Columbia valleys, and much dam
ago bao resetted.
ah famin HDMk lanTr
Galeae! Aster's yacht Nourmaaai M
reairtsd aafo as Saa Jaaa sirhsi.
- Seaator Barak any Oa faeeatry W
taaa an eras aha funatioas si eoagrssa.
Football kaa, aa far tarn year, ah Kami
no aaad aad fill I
Ewes bora before January
Bams and wethers bora be
fore January 1, 1910. Lambs born
after January 1, 1910.
Goats and Kids (all ages).
ft. Number aad valae of poultry over
6 months oldi Chickens, ducks, geese,
turkeys, Guinea fowls, pigeons.
0. Number and value of swarms of
'The census will not art the W
of household roods, nor that of hay.
grata or other farm crepe on hand oa
April 16. Theee items should be La
eluded, however, by all desiring a com
djete inventory of their farm property.
"The valae givaa to the farm should
be, aa aearly aa eaa bo judged, the
amount that eonld bo obtained for it
if offered for eaJe an dor normal con
ditions. Current market prises should
be carefully considered ia estimating
the value of live stock.
Although the census , merely re
quires a statement of total value of
all Implements and machinery, it ia be
lieved that a elaasiflcatioa af theae
terns under the folio win four heads
will be found valuable:
1. Vehicles: This class comprises
automobiles, wagons, ea triages and
sleighs, aad equipment used ia sonncc
tioa with them, aa harnesses, blankets,
whips, sts.
X. Haavv ' fans Intnlemaatat (V
prisiag all Implemeate and machinery
operated by aay power ether
hand power, aa plows, harrows,. rollers,
reapers, mowers, bay leaders, food
grinders, eta., etc.
A Hand machinery aad tools, Includ
lag carpenters' tools, hoes, shovels.
scythes, forks, grindstones, faaaiag
mills, ate.
4. Miscellaneous articles. Including
all saehmtaor equipment as kettles.
pails, barrels, baskets, Udders, ropes,
chains, ate., as included ia the first
three classic.
"Many farmers greatly uaderesti
mate tbe total valae af their poeees
aloaa of this character whoa eoasider
ing them in tho aggregate, and It ia
only by preparing aa ifemised list as
suggested above that aa aocurata esti
mate af their worth can be made. The
value assigned this class af property
la the inventory ohould be the esti
mated amount It would bring at pub
lie auction aader favorable eoadluoaa.
"As in tho ease of the farm iavea
tery, no special blanks are required for
tho record ex farm products of 1909
An ordinary note book with leaves at
least six laches wide will aa feaad
ceevouieat. The following iaformetiea
will be sailed fori
1. Farm expenses la ltOSi A. Ansoaat
peat ia each for farm labor (sxeiaeive
of house werhj. - -
H, Batimalod value af aoaso root aad
board furaiahod farm laborers la ad
ditiaa to oash wagea paid.
C. Aasout spent for hay,' graia and
other produce (not raised oa tho farm)
for feed af domestic animals and pout-
D. Amottat spent for manure aad
other fertilizer.
"No iaquiry Is made regarding
noasetwid or personal expenses or ex
poBdituree for repairs or improvsaneata.
Kaea of tho four Questions asked ia
of fundamental importance ia its bear
ing on agriculture as aa iadustrv.
i. Livo stock: A. Number of vouax
aatmais of oaeh kind bora ea the farm
ia 190.
B. Number of aaimala of oaeh kiad
mihIuhiI 1 1M ..J Ik wiA
number sold aad amount received; and
nam ear and, valao. of theee slaughtered
oa too farsa,
A Dairy arodacto: A. Ouaatiti
aad valao of aulk, butter and cheese
produced on the farm ia 1909.
B. Quanthtias of milk, butter, eream,
batter fat and cheese sold ia 1909 aad
amounts received.
4. Poultry and eggs: A. Value of
poultry of all kinds raised la 1909,
whether sold, aonsnmed or oa hand.
U. Amount received from poultry
soia ia jwv, ,
C. Qnantitv and value of san an
doeed ia 1909.
D. Qnaatitv aad value of era sold ia
6. Wool and mohair: Number and
total weight of fleeees shorn ia 1909
and amount received from sales.
6. Crops: For each eaop harvested On
the farm ia 1909 give number of acres,
tne quantity produced, and tho value
of the products. The number of acres
of each crop to be planted for harvest
n 1910 will nleo be called for by the
enumerator. This cannot be determined
much -before tho date of tho enumer
ation. Instead of giving tho. number
quantity of certain fruit products, as
cider, vinegar, wine and dried fruits
produced in 1909 will bo required, as
will also the quaatity and valao of
sugar, syrup and molasses produced
from eans, sorghum, sugar beets aad
maple trees.
7. Salea of beetled products la 1909:
A considerable part of the annual pro-
duetioa of eora, oats, barley, kafflr corn,
milo meise, hay, flax fiber aad straw,
other straw, eora stalks and cotton
seed is usually consumed on tbe farm.
Owing to this fact, a report -will be
asked concerning the quantity of each
of these products sold ia 1909 and the
amounts realised therefrom.
8. Forest products: The value of all
forest products cut or produced la 1909
for farm consumption will be asked,
aa will also the value of similar prod
ucts out or produced for sals, laelud-
ag receipts from the sals of standing
timber. ---
9. Irrigation: Farmers who in-irate
their land will bo asked to report tho
source from which water ia obtained.
the nmnhop p niiyn at p..i,M
Irrigated, and tho total irrigated aera
a .
"This outline eovcra everv Import
ant eusstloa that will be asked eon-
corning the firm products of 1909.
American agriculture is so diversified
ami so highly specialised la essay of
ts branebee that any schedule designed
to secure a fairly complete exhibit of
its resources and operations must nee-
esaarily contsia a large number of in
quiries. The average farm operator
will not be called upon to answer one-
seventh of the printed questions, hence
tho somewhat formidable anpcaraace
tho schedule should occaaioa ao
alarm. -
More than four months remain in
htch to review the results of the rear
1909 and repare for the visit of the
on urn era tor. But preparation of a
written record should be commenced at
once. No one should attempt to com
plete it la oae evening, bat the work
should bo divided as indicated la the
above ontliu, una f'-g' Kt-g gj I
up to farm expenses, a second to live
stock, b third to dairy prodacto, and
so oa through tho list. Ia this way
cash topic can be given tho considers
tioa it deserves, aad the roaultiag fig
urea are certain to be mora accurate
thaa if compiled hastily"
NaMoaal Annie ftaow Gives ahnwemary
to Began Brvar Valley.
Medford Medferd and tho Bogao
river valley are rejoicing) over the
ahowiag made at tho National Apple
show, when the, sweepstake pries was
swarded Troasoh, uuthne aa a
of Spitseaborrs. 1
The awarding of this prise to tae
Bogus river valley Is a groat victory
for the trait growers aad will bring
the recognition to which the district is
eatitled aa the greatest trait growing
section' in the world. -
The prise winning apples, came from
aa orchard aboot 20 years old, bought
four years ago from J. H. Daley by
Troneoa Guthrie for 611,000. The
1 place eoasista of 100 scree.
Winning of the title npple king of
the world will create a demand for
Bogue river valley fruit, and it will be
the fashion in nil eastern markets
where fruit is pur abased for quality, re
gardless of price, to demand the Med
tors brand.
Medford will now forge ahead by
leaps and bounds in the fruit business.
Hundreds of acres of land will bo set
to fruit, and men who have looked
askance nt tho future of tho industry
are planning to secure soma of the
profits which seem to be ia store ia
this valley. .
5f tree, and vine, if bearing age. The ?d B4.t"If1. mh
for Christmas programs in tho schools.
This consists of recitations, dialogues
sod plays, suitable for the season.
Moat of them are not ia "books, but are
mounted on sheets or made into pampb-
leta and can easilv be mailed. The
commission haa made an effort to eol
leot the very best material available
for school room programs, and ia aax
ioua that tho teachers is the state Intake
use of It. Any school ia-Oregon mar
obtain this material upon application
to the commission, accompanied by five
cents in postage. If more postage la
required, notification will bo seat when
the pieeea are mailed, Ia sending in
applications it will - be .necessary to
state how many pupils are to take part,
age of pupils and whether plays or
dialogues are to be included. . It is
suggested that teachers have their
pupils copy their individual parts and
return the material aa soon as conven
ient, so that as many schools as possi
ble may have the benefit of tho Christ
mas collection. Address Oregon Library
emmissioa, maiem, uregos.
Parte, Nov. t0v-4 man believed to
i tosaas, aad having aa tsaagiaary
griovaaoe agalaot the war depart eseat.
shot aad ssriseery waaadod General
Vera ad today oa the steae of the Hotel
CaatiaeataL Tbe eaaa was arrested
Later it was leaned that aa had mio-
tahoa Oeaoral Vera ad fa General
Braa, mlaiater af war. The aaeeOaat,
a m an. Algeriaa, was overpower ad
with diuVultv. aad was round) to be a
walking arsenal of revel ve re and dasr
ferec General Vera ad waived bulleta
la the Beck aad reieheas, aad hie eea-
Members af Polios Oiiawlaalaa An Mat
Theee 'asastod-''
Saa Franeiaeo, Nov. tfi. P. JL Me
Carthy, who was reeeatlv elected mayor
on the Uaioa Labor ticket, haa selected
ths members of the polios commission
ana tae aanonncement somes as a
vers blow to the an ion labor grafters
wfto looked to McCarthy to reward them
for their efforta ia his behalf.
Not a labor maa loures amour those
Joeeph Leggett. aa old-time Demo
srat, aad a maa of starling iategrity,
remaiaa oa tho board, while the two
new man are to be William Mae X wan.
member of a real estate firm, and Loaia
Blot, who hi eeaneetsd with a down
town wholesale cow suss tea firm.
Tho labor leaden are already dis
gusted with the independence sf Mc
Carthy. One sf them said, when
ashed how hoe was farina? with the
mayor alssti "Aw, voa cant teach
hiss aiaeo ha was sleeted,"
Itoma Mcmra. .
Meridea, Miaa, Now. tT. Morgan
Cham bora, a negro, was totem fn
Town Marshal Broadway and Dswety
Jos Camp at Msec haa. It miles weat
of acre, teeigst av BOO maa eg bob
aad hie body riddled with belieta. The
negro had earlier to tarn way boat an
and robbed Merita Dressier, aa aged
citinaa of PaUta, a assail atanea two
miloa west af Meaaaaa. Dresaiev tdaatl
aed bis aaeatlsat. Matahal Broadway
aad Deputy Camp started with the
secre for the toil. Oa the way they
Veto confronted by the maa waiah took
W1U Hava Good Boada. ;
Forest Grove A movement -was in
augurated U this city at the instiga
tion of ths county court to build perm
anent rock roads. Heretofore it haa
been impossible to eecure good roads
except at prohibitive prices. County
Judge Goodia stated the Oregoo Iron
A Steel company of Portland had of
fered tho county ths right to quarry
rock at their .quarry near Beaverton
gratis, and that ths Southern Pacific
would haul It at 26 canto a ton. The
scheme of the court is to install a
crusher at ths quarry for permanent
use. urnuoa rock eaa bo delivered to
tho Bass Lias road at one-half the
present eeet, or at 61 a cubic yard. .
Hood Bivar May Be Sum eased.
Portland Tho eranberrr marshes
along the lower Columbia river grow
the largest and best keeping fruit, nnd
ia yield per acre are not surpassed any-
-ittm in the world. This industry,
laougn yet in its infancy on this coast,
haa already reached results that ahow
beyond a reasonable donbt that this is
to bo ths most profitable of all Unas
or irult culture. The exhibit of araa
berries, shown ths poet week at J. K.
Gill's book store waa a rovolatioa to
all who saw it, aad It areves eoaviae
ingly that ws eaa grow aa usually fine
oemes una in quantities that make
their Sahara exceedingly profitable.
- ,buit kkb! to oathbb.
Stats Hartlcultaral Society to Oonveae
an Partial. -Orsgoa
fruit growers from tho or
chard districts Ta every part af tho'
state will most ia Portland aext week
for the tweacy-fearth aanaa) meeting
of tho Oregon Stats Horticultural So
eiety. Ia addition to the business ess
ions of ths society, which are of great
interest to horticulturists generally, it -
apples ever made in Portland will be
shown In the auditorium oa tho fifth
floor, of the Meier A Frank annex,
where tho sessions of ths society wilt
be held. -
About $1000 in premiums 1b caah aad
medals will be offered exhibitors for
the best fruit displays, and thin feature-
of the meetinir nromisea tahm nntahla.
Many who are interested both in hour-
tieulture and ia dairying will attend1
both the meetings of the Horticultural
society and thoee of tho Oregon State
Dairy association, which will hold it
meetings in the Woodmen of the World
hall immediately following the horti
cultural society meeting, The railroads -
nave offered special rates of a fare and
a third for thgr round trip for both
Ohristmas Pxogxaaia to the aViaoosi, 1 Another ietory-fot Hill Boata.
Portland Dispatches wars received
from Washington, D. C, announcing;
that ths general land office haa re
jected tho Deschutes Bail road eom-
pany'a maps for section 5, wherever
they conflict with those of tho Central
Oregon railroad. According to O. H.
Carey, attorney for tho Oregon Trunk
and the Central Oregon, the action of .
tho land office is on an appeal fromr
a former decision of the land depart-.
ment to tho same effect. Ths section
of-the route referred to is ia tho upper
Krt of tho Deschutes country and ia
lieved to lie between tho mouth of
White river and Trout creek. , .
Apple Xing Visits Hood Biver.
Hood Biver C. E. Whlsler. Ana flf
the apple: kings af the Bogue river die
met, and manager of the Bear Creek
Orchard company, scent a dav ia Hnui
Biver on his return from Spokane,
whore ho had been in ths interest-of
his company, that made a Urn fli.n).
of fruit. Mr. Whialer spent the time
while ia Hood Biver investigating the
cold storage aad apple shipping p'imta.
WaUewa Ships Stock.
Wallowa. Extensive stock shipmsnts
nave been made from -this county
within tho past week, 21 cars of cattle
and aiao care - of bogs having been
shipped to the Portland and Seattle
markets. A ear of bogs beloagiag to
u. n. Aiiea contained wo porkers, which
averaged I6S pounds each, while four
of the boat oaoo tipped the scales at
1,648 pounds, .aa average weight of
460H pounds.: Mr. Allen received M.10
par handrod for his hogs ia Portland.
to Adrerttot Aaplea.
Hood Bivar A oelid train af apples
is Being Made, at tho Hoo. stiver Ap
ple Growers' uaioa wsisiu .me la re
frigerator oars aad will go forward to
.-tew fork, being a portion of the ap-
Slos secured sf the naiea by Steiahart
Keller. Large banners hava beea
priated aad are toehed tho fall length
of the oars, aaaoaaeiag tho fact that
tea appiea are from Uoai Blvea.
Prinevllle The Bedmenil
club has launched a systematic cam
paign for a direst county road from
Prine villa to Bedmond. The club is
conferring with tho eonnty court, and
is taking other stone to ,t
'ec ted for as new road.
Gemtxj Schools Oosts I16.0OO. '
Freewnter To oreot a aahiu.1 .j
616,000 to a distflet where a few years
ago the land was worthless, ia the ac
complishment of tho Ferndale school
district, tares miles north of Frsowator.
Portland mabxbts.
Wheat Bluest sm. 11.00- inh aa..
v'-"a, wiem,
Barley Food. 628i brawl. , asa
ton. ' ' r
Com Whole, 668.60; cracked, gSAaw
Oats No. 1 white, 630(a30.50
?grTl,ltfcyi wiHamotto VaDeyT
lP19,?r Oregon, 6l
20; alfalfa, 61616J) slovergWi
Butter City creamery sxtraa, 6at
fancy outside creamery, 82H66s per
lb.f store, 8H24c, (Butter fat
prieoa average le pat pound an dor
regular butter prices.)
Egiw Freeh Oregoa extras, 42Ha
5ejr dosea; Kaatora. per
..-aoas.laQHHe; -spriagx,
I414ttei joootera, fiiru. a.ZV
MV.e; gMss, 1014: turkava. fiM I7i2
18cj dreeaed, 80(5)28.
Pork-Fancy, 10s per pound; ,
Veal Eitras, Us p, poud. '
Fresh Fruits Apples, gl6 bolt
Pr, 1.60 perboIV gram tK
61.40 par orate. lSUtfUA. rZTi u.i5!
Spaaiah Malaga, 7J0 pW barrel
,!uiS 61-25(10 par boxj eraaber?
Fotatooo Oragea. 66Va70a aa. ..b.
KWtJ9m 1 P" pound.
Vegetables Artichokes, 7Sc - par
do sea: hsaaa. 10a aw 7s. LiT
Hl eaaliflowar. SOeaStl M ZTZZl
box; bonaradish, a 10c par daaoat
hothonaa lettuel Ilffilrf-TE!
squash, 614&1.10. tomatoesv TfiMSiat,
turaips. facet ZLJtll
boota, $1M; ratabagna, 61.19 aoTaack- '
eiUnaas ara o-1 iiT r'0!
lag to petltioa the sity ooaaatt far aa- 6tJOfi.7Ji h-ihTaS ,.!ioS
other bead ansae for mere aaviar. ' SiT-all!. J0
rarty Ihiaaaafi doOara la baiac oahad 44S) s . --ujuoxii neavy,
for this Uma, agaiast 666,006 speed ttia Unas Tlsat fiflffrlliB
aaaiaa' mire taaa a n ska at aa. w ' e"w
.a . " iwi awa?a.i
aa p nag awaa yearn.
kava, 644.76.
tfattalr to rmad. UMMilTVl
BfedfatAA. H. MiUev haa -toto'tfifaS&Sa.
braagM to Medferd fear sratae of as Hepa-jara) urn., 1MB
'it' "6V 161 1606 sraaTS
stored, meat af haa
4 fatHfa,
ditiaa ia
tae as are ay faroa.
mat to ha gadhstil this yeas.