The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, November 19, 1909, Image 7

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fc. TH1
Oua of the most ootnrooo of blood dh
tuei, is much MKrevated by the sodden
changes of weather at this time of
year. Benin treatment at onoa with
Hood's Saraaparilla, whteh effects rad
ical and permanent curat. Tbil great
neaicme dm received r .
40,366 Testimonials
In two yearn, which prove ite wonderful
efficacy in purifying and enriching the
blood. Heat lor all Mood diseases,
fa oral liquid '" or ehoeolaaed tablets
haewa aa Saraataba. HO doeee SL
It UbIuhw.
Cuetomer What a. beautiful parrot!
la be a food talker
Bird Dealer Tea, ma'am; but bla
vocabulary la limited. He doeant swear.
ana be doesn't nee slang.
aaowtRD a. a-rxnia -
Imarille. Colorado. Speoltuea prion! UolX
Bilr La.d, H. Gold, BUter. We; Gold, Me; ZtH
or Copper. B- UIIUg nnlspn ud fall prtra list
- r. a. riNixr .
Columbia Portland, Ore.
Kabea the VMtft
complin with
mrc feed lave.
ciuuih am. ox
Mskcrs of MAFUDal
(hatter owe ataeto.
On Rainy Days ,!
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry ".
aad give ye full value la vi
r . teetfart aad leaf wear
, S3.00 "
-' twtaima wanwwr
- ever. anahaatFfa0a4aUM
A. . TOWCB CO. etfJfYFJt
ww.u. a. a.
fqWia CiaalalaB PP.. let
Tiwiw. cmi - Jig aaalEr
eawa aaeek-
aa ken tkeif plat
nHikMi aw
Wise Dental Co
a. a. a sr. a.
Al artBSav SawSS BTaiTsV taBaaaaJlaaBaaanTJ
item wimotn PtAits anoainr
runun u ikui wn ,.. ,
GOLD niXTNGti gl-00 up
Ottt-of-iaw patiaar cm obtain aaraaM auk
I for Mm yean
SJIta Wiawi siaa Sft, Car. Sweat ,
tarn id 11
r ii?aT7n
weajiw M-PA
avar mm B.OC
ajUfBhaa 0Q
taaaai rmm tOI
Smith wants roar fat tarfcevs, eMekaaa, docks and other poultry for
tha Tbankariving tawde. Dries ad tarkaya and reeee and docks axtoolal
arrrve between November 1Mb and November 23d. Ship as Srorth. Oa
November 10th wa are pari raj aa follows. Tha prices on tenters amy
fcctttata, bat wa expect ail ether imitations to hsed gwed tpdeasatoiy.
Ship aaimaittatply. -
tveeaed fatoal under lVm'"'"Z""""""i'iOB " -
Q ikKoa, bene and sprtnaa, satwo. .t 140 -
. C .ickroa, beoa and aprlr a, aaaaaia.... MB ttt lie .. t
Teweavecaaomraaawyewserhtetoith. Ba doaa aat charn
laaaaythaag. Piaaapt rwtarna. Adatraaa ail ibii la so tha
few taw Julum
Once upoa a Ume a cbUd Who wal
aated upon an exam I nation paper t
define a aMuntala range replied, "i
larae alaed- cook stove," The aa
method qf reasoning; seems to go with
order growth. A reoent examination
paper at the BhelBeld Seicnttne School
at Tale contained the question, "What
la the office of the gastric Juice t" And
the answer en one paper said. The
stomach." Cleveland Leader. ....
- Handles e Bad Meads.'
"Don't you reailae that you art
financially handicapped by bad reader
"Of Course we naJlsc It" answered
Farmer Corntoeael "No antomobtllst
dares travel fast et eu-b to give us aa
excuse far eolletlB'-a4 Ana. Washing
ton Star.
'nghtlng the Beef Treat.' Bee the
frank I. Smith Co. "a ad In this paper.
e DM.
Jarre r But don't ran believe samps
tltlon Is the life of trader
Pugway Buret Booner or later It
leads to the formation of a trust, and
that's toe way to make money.
T taw aishlaw. 1
' Coin alone;
To the brighter dari -Bvery
storm .
Has a rainbow's ray I
Atlanta Constitution.
. Waeteaw
"Johnny, did you have a good mo
tion at that little lake resortr
'No, sir. Maw wouldn't let ne aa
awl nun In', and aba made ate lake a
oold bath every mom la"."
-' Proaaair laeaae.
mnkley a good deal of a aranfc
brat ber
That doesn't half describe bla. Hea
going around new lnalatlaa that U Uh
postoftlce department has te be audi
seU-ewsteiBlna the war and navy e
sartmaats aught la ha ma tha cant
way.- . -w
TOm Bedpe fee CWda.
Air drngR-ist eao mpplv these la-
gredients, or ha will set them from his
wholesale bones.
'Hix half pint of food wnUkev;
two enncea of elyecrinet half ounce of
Concentrated pine com pound. Bhaka
the bottle well each time and ass m
doses of a teaspoonfol to a tablespoon-
ful four times a day." This prescrip
tion is said to work wonaera. .-
The Concentrated eiaa is a speeial
pins product and -comes aniy In half
on nee bottles, each enclosed in aa air
tight eaae, but be sure it la labeled
"Concentrated" in order te get the
genuine artiela. . ....
Before lift moat Bnglleh railway
earrtacea had only four wheels, and
wehrhed ten tens. Prom lis to lltO
tney had six wheels, and weighed fif
teen or sixteen tone; from MM te lifts
they bad eight wheels, and weighed
twenty-four tone; and since tto the
faabtem la twelve wheels for dining
and sleeping ears, and the weight la
thirty-five to forty-two tone. . .
oeo ineae-aaaaasav
afra. Chugwatar Jnswb, what fc? $
"swastika T"
air. Chugwater (BBemenUrily at a
lose Do you mean te say yoa doal
know what a swastika la? A swastika
Is why, blame It. Swastika la th
name of the Eskimo that helped Coot
discover tha north . pole! Cbiongt
Tribune. - .
"Plghtlag tfea Beef Ttaat' Baa tha
Itawk I Bmitt Oo-'s ad la ahla aaaer.
the dsfeadaat la tha
"y lawyor ewrtatnly
plea far me. He evea
mads a
-What was Ma blur aefcad the eth-
"WeB, aa aearty aa 1 can figure tt
aat, aw eharaed me about Ilea a tsar."
If rat Crawford Tea say M is impos
sible to get any anoaey aat of your
haeaand. Have yoa awaa about at la
the light wayf '
afra. Crawford T0 tried everything;
my dear, except sending htm
Hand better. Brooklyn Ufa.
Taaufeuwia f artaaaty fwe. t a e
J i whea Uk deeer waa treating alaa for
tfceetoenaefc. rW next Bornine be
fnar paecea of a tea wocm. to tbaa ant tnaa
M n istee aaja aa naaatq a tap 40 M
kaf. K ww IB. Mall Freeh, of Hillerebvrx,
Uaapada Oa, re. I am gafle a workacfor Caao
eta. I aae tbrBHBTariral Snd ltm bcaraViai
Spr eoM any Hh -aa eaurd to tatpurt
Cbae. M. CaawaaylBraMBafk. (atiaaai Oa
rjiatat PalataMa. Pa east Teaaa Oaad.
Do Good. NeMSaakaaLWaakaaerOripa.
Sc. EM. see. Haver bom bi bulk Taa
laa tabkat Mraiped -C
Fi aa la a allata.
' Tha flrmt consideration is a preeerv
lag ksttie of brass pollahad until lus
trous aad with aa stain of trait.
Thia la the sort of vassal aaad by
the old-faahioaed housewife and the
Jellies of our grandmothers have never
been equaled. 1
Porcelain kettles should bo -die-
carded as soon as they commence to
crack and Ua. Iron or pewter ahould
new bo aaad.
Tha ' heat JelJy bag la a long ana
made of flannel, which la. made la a
point at the bottom.
Thia should aever ha squeesed te
order to. hasten tha dropping or a
discoloration of tha fruit will resnlt
la eelecticg fralt the greatest ear
should bo tekaa as see that H la not
Berries that hare been picked more
thaa 14 hours are too old to avaka
good tally and proatrvea
A ehoeaacloth bag will be found
aaoral la straining tha fruit through
the colander.
' Bvoas JeUr. ' -
Stew a quart of pranea la a quart
of water an til they fall to plecea.
Press through a colander. Soak boa
of gelatin la a capful of eoid water;
pear aa gradually a cupful of boiling
water aad atlr until thoroughly dis
solved. Add aao pint of tha prane
pnlp,tha jatea at a lemon or orange
and a Uttie sugar. Strain late wet
BKtM. Pat ba eoel place. Tarn ant
and serve with whipped cream.
- am Daweramwta.
Two enpa f hot mashed potatoa
oar tablespoons of shortening, three
cups of sugar, foar aaaj three caps
milk, five teaspoons of baking powder
and floor, enough to make tha oaual
oonalatsocy of doughnut dough. Make
a cream of potatoes, shortening, su
gar and nutmsg for lavor. Then sift
about four cups of Boar with tha bak
ing powder; add to tha mixture as
much loar aa Beaded.
Cream a scant cap of sugar with one
half np of ahortaalag, add ji cop of
folates a. one-half tsaapaaafvi of pow
derod doves and cinnamon, mixed, oaa
teeapooaful of salt aad two leva! tav
Bpooafala of baking soda dissolved te
oaa cap of oold water. Add enough
hour to sxake a quite thick batter and
drop this from a spooo Into seaasd
oaa. Baka te a qaick avea.
Oaawlauy gwewt Oeew.
For eaaalng. eat the aaaw aa far dry
ing. To thirteen plnta af oera add one
plat, af aatt and oaa plat sugar la
graalta pan aad atlr till tt forms Its
wo talcs Bt an hack at atova, where
U will beat aad stay hot for aa boar
or mora, thaa draw to Croat af atova
tin It comes to a ball aad oaa. For
canning ar drying always aae sera
-athor too soft thaa tea hard.
ptiakls tha bottom of a skillet quite
aanareaalr with salt Place oa tha
An and let R seeome aalte not Now
pat hi your steak, taratag freq neatly,
aa aa to roUla the Juios. Whoa dona
ptaca aa a heated platter aad saaaoa
with pepper alaa add small blu at
hotter. This makae aay steak quite
tender aad lasorea a rick Savor.
J" Baehealee Qlageetiaaad.
Boat half a cap of batter to a cream;
eradamllv beat In half a oaa af eanr.
two well-beatea eggs, aao cap of no
lamaa, aao cap of thick, soar milk aad
three oapa of Sour, elfted with aaa teav
spoonfal and a half of soda, one tea
spoon fal af ginger and aae tsaapooafal
of daaaaaoa.. Bake la two brick4oaf
vawa Taaaaea Pisa "
Low a plats with alos araat, M with
peeled and sRoed greea tomatoes, add
half a tap af aagar, aaa taMsapooafal
at batter cat Into bits, toar tablewpopai
of Tlaagar aad sprinkle with, ataaaaaoa
ay aataaeg. Cover wit a tap araat
aad bake slowly. -
Cat tha haraale from sia ears af baa
as oera. Cat lata dice fear larae belled
sweet potatoes. Heft h taMaapaaafal
at batter la a frying aaa aad atlr
brto thai tha eera aad sweet jatataaa.
Fry, sUrrhag often, for tea mlautea,
Chop Baa aaw plat of
asea aad tbras laras aapim Add three
cape af aagar. three tahJeepoows af
Sear, aaa half cap af via agar, aaa half
A -Ievlab rialat.
The learned writers for the arena . '
Are very, very good
At proving how we waste on drees
Or fur be Iowa or food.
Bach writer new who makes bla bow
.With other aages vies
Te show unhappy morula how " '
They may economUa. . -
They ten us of the thrifty Preaeb,
Who all excesses shun.
But Tm not anxious to retrench;
It Isn't any fau.
I'm weary of this endless aoagt
I wlah soma seer wise
Would show ue how to get along '
'And not economise.
lulavUle "v-" . To U
ff em sorry to have te tell yoa aa
hoy a." said the pleasant looking vlsltoi
who was addressing the Sunday school
"but there la not one chance In a thou
sand that any one of you ever wilt Of
Presldeat'of the United B tat ea
st ill be failed' to secure their undi
vided attention.
"Bot if you live up to your opportn
nltieihe went on, eyeing them keen
ly, "some bright boy In thle audienc
may become a great baseball pltchei
or the world's champion batsman."
Instantly every boy eat up straight
and began to listen. Chicago Tribune
"righting tha Beef TrnsV Baa the
Frank L. Imltb Co. 'a ad In thia, paper.
vow tk aleae Wateh tlaB.
Bank Btubba Hens layia .much
now, BlgeT
Blge Miller Bkurce any.
Hank Stubbs What's the trouble?
Blge Miller Don't hev time fur
lodgln them pesky auty mobiles. Boe
laa UeralA .
Tts not so bad aa that, my friend,
rhla polar fuas will have an end,
rheyU never make T. B. a hermit .
Just wait tul ha ooanee home with Ker
mltl -Chloago Tribune. -'
rettlrs fyc Saw KM SoM la 1SS7.
mv KID nan man, aalaa Inrrma
roarlj; wonderful remedy: cured mi
Bona weak avaa. All Amaatm or
Howard Broa tsurraio. n:r.' ,
- Antaile Veeiteratiea.
Tan will miss your sob Jobs what
ha goes back to school."
"Yea," answered Parmer Corntoasel
"X don't kno how. I'm going to gei
along. He has got all the critters or
the place so used to his college yel
that I don't e'poee anyone alaa kb
drive 'em " w.Mtt filar,
Tor Ioiamta aad Cbildraa.
Tin KM Yw Ran AIwijs Botfttt
Toar milk eoeta yoa IS eenta a
quart and your butter 41 eonte a
pound T Why do yen pay such exorht
taat prices aa that for themr
"Bless you, I don't Tm merely add
ing la what M oosU bm f or ice te kses
ChiMren't Cmigfi
st h llaam S Bales
M iiaha sal hah hah
Alff I
Shoes mat maf. L W Brad aaaar rifht, v
" MsdsrfawaaeWteah-ratT aearthgr that ia beat by
trewrf iaaf, Corract hi atyha. Umdm by tha fhriaat
OB maairg, Ib tbw boat
beew at gat far aha
Theaelssw llseiiihwi aijta ihst wSI aaa
Bah yoar sboe daeleri at ha bill
tha iCm-v 7asa. an aa She seas.
PKKS-lf rao wfH aaad aa the oaaae ef a daatsr evewaVa
Mayer HaawrblM gfcoaa, we will aaad ya fwa,saeapel
eawa aiaaaee, eaas MsSt, WQiit Waakaaavaa,
We alia mine Laadhwj Lady Baa a atAetaaWaad
Caaawrl Bboea, Yeraaa Coaanon Sboae,
shob caciM
Hair Germs
Recentdlscoverietbave shown
that fslting hair is caused by
germs si the roots of the hair.
Therefore, to stop filling hair,
you must first completely de
stroy these germs. Ayer'sHsJr
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
lesve the rest to nature.
Dott mot ctwrtft fne cefor a fne Aew.
f .kaewitMau
Aib hiVheel H,
th.i do aa h Mjri
Recent discoveries have also proved that
dandruff is cameo by perms on the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dundmff, the first thing
to do Is to completely destroy these dan
druff germs. Hcrc.tncsaincAver'aHair
Vigor will give Hi same splendid results.
Mart by tha J. O. Arr Co.. lowU.J
te both nan ami won n, (.Xpert iaxtrueUon: dl-
6hmia a ran i: cean. a 4 m. ui- o-data.
iunrj a r aJ wfci tcamlnw LiioinWt BMiiee
nw IN. for frva porf-u!r
M Wart WaahiasUB St. Eaatlia. Warn. ,
ateaae aa enfalHne wataa aespb'- ft
ana that yoa will hava the moat practi
ce) DooMatle water wi pb; ayalam now la
aa. N-anaUd lank. froaaa ptpaala
winter, no aUcnant water In tamtam, ne
watar aapply IfoaUea af any Bart Tank
placed j bMMncnt, outef tLrhtand way,
Bud of praaaad Maal all net ret aad
will aut a Hf etkne.
Yau will ba pUaaad wHh tha UEADRB
mriUm ef furnlealne- Domertw Water
gupr . Ak far ear eatalene and free
yWt.ym I wVartSapiw
PoffJaMtdt, Ore
SretAgMC, Woslk
The prtmtr ahoaa tbr ment -qV
clipped aacsory Ln i
illy swai fim
hV wraa
Bp I all I
f '
r .
af aah, aad -oaa laaapiaa at
aha Beef frwat
Baka with two