The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, November 19, 1909, Image 6

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    Tbe H&demptioa
I Q&vid orson
Cevrrlerht. ia by The
Merrill Ceapisr.
rJarfy fh next morn Ins the two ed-
tenturera took their departure. Tha
levlal quick lavished hie food-by u
noon tha landlord and the "riff -raff"
who gathered to -waicoma tha coming
r speed the parting guest at tha door
af tha country tavern. Ha drove
pair of beautiful, spirited horaaa, and
had tha aat la faction of know Ins that
a excited tha envy of every baholdar,
is ha took tha rlbbona In hla hand.
twunf out hla long whip and atartad.
If her huaband'a haart waa ewell-
Ing with prlda, Papeete's waa buratlng
with anxiety. An Inatlnot which aha
lid not understand had prevented har
from telling tha .doctor of her-Inter
view with tha Quakar. Long bofora
tha farmhouse cam In Bight aha ba
ts n to acan tha landscape for tha Af -ura
which had been ao vividly lm
preeeed upon har mind.
Tha aw I ft horaaa, wall fa and wail
froomad, whirled tha light wagon
. along tha road at a rapid paoa and aa
they paaaad tha humbla horn of tha
Quakar, Papoata aaw a. little child
driving tha cowa dnwn tha long lan a,
nd a woman moving quietly among
lha do wars in tha garden; but David
tilmaelf waa not to ha aaan.
A tear fell from har aya, and har
thin Quivered. With tha utmoat effort
or her will alia could not repraaa thaaa
vloVnrea of har disappointment, and
with a spasmodic motion aha clutched
lha arm of lha driver as If It ware
that of Destiny and aha could hold It
buck. Bo sudden and so powerful waa
Hip grasp of her yuung hand, that It
turned the horses out of the road and
all but upset tha carriage. , With a
violent Jerk of the rlnaK the aetofileh
l driver pulled them baok andev
rlalmed with an oalh:
' Vm little -wild ml, If you aver d-d-go
that again,' I will throw you Into
the ri-d-dltch!"
"ICicuee me!" ana answered humbly,
rotverlng under hla angry glances.
"Whet la the nmtierT" ha aakad,
mora kindly, seeing tha tears In bar
"I do not know. I am nervous, I
Cures," she answered,, aadly.
"Nervoua? P-p-peet Aesculapius
nervous? I thought har nervaa war
made or aieel? What la the m-m-matter
7" ha aaked, looking; at her aux-
Hla gentleneea calmed, har, and aha
answered: "I am aorry to leave a. place
where I have baan eo 'nappy! Oh!
why cannot we aettla down, aomewher
and stay? I gat ao tired of being al
ways on tha wing, stven tha birds
have neete to root la for a Uttla while.
Are wa never going to novo a hoajtoT"
''Nonesnee, child! What do wa want
with a h-h-homeT It la better to be
always on tha go. I want my liberty.
It aulte ma beat to fly through tba
aeawne Ilka a hawk or awlm tha deep
eaa Ilk a ahark. A homo would be a
o-p-prteon. I ahould tramp book and
forth in It Ilka a polar boar In o-e-aag.
B-b-be gay! Be happy! How
ran you be aad on a morning Ilka title?
took at tha play of tha muaclee under
the amooth eklna of lha horaaa Re-
'"" in D-B-onini iniDim auiiara i
Ihat we coaxed out of the tightly b-b-
buttoned breech pockets of the gray
backed g-Q-QuMkera. What mora do
au aak of life! What els can It g-g-glve?"
"It doee not make me happy! I aha II
ever be happy until I have a home,"
ha aald, at 111 sobbing, and trying to
r unreal the cause of her grief from
.be reel f aa well aa from har husband.
She had divined th reuse of her
disappointment with an unerring In
stinct. It whs exactly aa aha thought.
At tbe taal Instant, Uavld's heart had
Called him.
On lha preceding evening, he had
hurried through hla "whore,"' oacuaert
hlmaelf from giving; on account of th
ad vent urea of th day on tha ground
of fatigue, and retired to hla room to
theriaa In hla heart th memories of
that beautiful far and th proa pact a
af th future. He could aat sleep, rr
boure he toeeed on hla bad or eat In
th window looking out Into th night
and when at mat he fell Into an unaaay
lumber hla dree. ma woe haunted by
two face which atruggled eeaeeleeely
to crowd each other from bla mind.
One waa th young and paaaionat
ountensnr of the gypay. and the oth
r wa -that of hia beautiful mother
with her pal, carve features, her
anw-whl(e balr, har penal r and un
earthly eaareeeloa. They both looked
at him, and than geaed at eack ether.
Nw one et below tba horbraa Ilk
ran. whit moo, and the other roe
above It Ilk th glowing star of lev,
Kow lha moon paaaad over th glowing
tar la a lung erllpe and than disap
pearing behind a cloud left th bril
liant alar to ahln el owe.
When he awoke two gray dawn re
vealed m vague outline th realltleo af
the world, and warned htm thai be bad
but few momenta to execute hla
plans, si sprang from hia couch
strong In hla purpooe to depart, for
h fever of adventure wa si Ml burn
ing In has vein, and tho rp4rwe
lawks with whir Pa pasta had re eat red
lit pram lee to be bor oompnalon atlH
hw pulaoa bound. Me hurriedly
AO nights :
! put a few thlnga Into a bundle
Stole out of tha house.
Aa ha moved quietly but awlftly
away from the familiar scenes, hla
heart which had been beating ao high
from hope and excitement began to
elnk In hla boeom. Ha had never
dreamed of tha fore of hi attach
ment to thle dear place, and bo turned
hla !kn toward th old gray house
again and again. Every step away from
It seemed mora dl moult than th last,
and hla feat became heavy aa lead. But
b preeeed on. ashamed to acknowl
edge hla Inability to execute hla pur
pooe. He earn to the hut fence which
lay between him and tha bridge where
he had agreed to await th adventur
ers, and than pnueed. .
He waa early. There waa atllfc,tim
rvnot. nan ine carriage amveo
at that moment ha would have gene;
but It tarried, and the tide of love and
regret bore book to the old famil
iar life, "l.oannot go. I eannot give
It up," Be lmMnuerjk hjmeelf.-
Torn by confliotlng emotion. lifaUn
Ing to Drat one course and than anoth
er, he Anally turned hla face away
from the bridge and fled. Impelled by
woakneee rather than desire. Ha did
not onoe look back, but ran at the top
f hla apaad straight to the old barn
and hid himself rom eight There,
breathless end miserable, ha watched.
He had not long to wait. Tha daiallng
"turn-out" daahed Into view. On th
hlg-h aeat ha beheld Pepeeta. aaw the
eager glance ahe caet at the farm
homea, followed her until they arrived
at tha fcrtdge, -beheld her disappoint
ment, raved at hia own. weakneee,
rushed to tha doo halted, returned,
rushed back again, returned, threw
hlmaelf upon th sweet em el ling hay.
curaed hla wee knees and Indecision
and Anally surrendered himself to m le
ery. 7
Prom tha utter wretchedness of that
bitter hour, he waa aouaod by tba ring
ing of tha breakfaat bell. Springing
to hla feet ha hastened to tha aprlng.
bathed has face, aaaumed a cheerful
look and entered the house. i
For the first time In hla life -he at
tempted the practice of deception, and
experienced the bitterness of carrying
a guilty eecret In hla bosom. How ha
worried through the morning meal and
the prayer at the family altar, he never
knew, and he eeeaped with inexpreeel-
ble relief to the atable and tha field to
tak up the dutlea of his dally life. He
found It plodding work, for the old In
spirations to endeavor had utterly van-
Mhoa. Me who had hitherto found toll
a beatitude now moved behind the
low Hk a eonnnoa drudge,
Tired of the pain which he endured?
he tried again and again to forget th
whole experience and to pereuade him-
aeir that he waa glad the adventure
had ended; but he knew In bla heart
of hearta that he had failed to follow
tbe gypay. not becauee be did not real
ly wteh to. but 'beeauae he did not
wholly dare. The consclousa eaa that
he waa not only a bad man but a onw
ard, added a new element to the bit.
tarneee of the cup he waa drinking.
ncn succeeding day waa a rpU
ihmi er in nrat and became a palnrful
unrost The very world In which ha
lived seemed to have undergone
transformation. The sunlight bad loot
Its glory., tha flower had become pal
and odorleea, the onga off th bird
dull and dteplritlng.
ftome men pass their five In the
mldet of environment where Insincer
ity would not have bean so painful:
but In a home and a community where
sham and hypocrisy were almoat un
known these perpetual deceptions be
came more and more Intolerable with
every passing hour. Kothtnar could
be more certain than that m a 'abort
time, like some foreign a u balance In a
healthy body, hla nature would fore
him out of thla uncongenial environ.
ent. With noma naturae the experi
ence would have been a alow and pro
traded one. but with him the termina
tion could not be long delayed.
It earn In a tragedy at th eloee of
the next Sabbath, The day had been
dreary, painful and nperattng be
yond all endurance, and ha Vlt that he
conld never stand the Mrala of anoth
er. And on. having detained hla moth
er ta tha anting room after the net of
the faraHy had retired, ho paced the
for a few momenta, and after
everal unsuccessful a Item pre to Intro
duce the subhK-t gently, aald bluntly:
"Mother. 1 am chafing mjself to
death a gal net the Hmltatlona of this
irrow life."
-My eon," eh aald. eatmlft -thla baa
not eome to me aa a nrpriae.' ,
He moved uneasily and rookedaa If
he would ask her "Why r
"rWcauee." she aald, aa tf be had
really spoken, "a mother r'T'iiin th
power of dl vine t loo. and eaa discern
the aorrow of her children, by a Buf
fer! mi In her own bosons,
Tho cenerteuaneea that be had
caused her pnln rendered him Ineapn-
Me of speech, and for a mam ant they
sat tn sttence.
-Whet ht thy wmh and perpiaa. say
anal ahe ashed at hut, wHb aa ern
1 wish
werad, bla eye kindling aa he
"I have Been It la my dream. I have
beard Its distant voloea calling to ma.
My spirit ofaafeo. to answer their sum
mon. - etrate at my anchor like a
great ship caught by tha tide, f
"Shall I tell thee what this world of
which thee haa dreamed such dreams
la really like, nr sonT I wflL" ah
aid, regarding him with a look which
framed to devour htm with yearning
tove. "Thla world who voice thaw
haa re calling- la a tfctlon of thin own
brain. That which thee thinks thee
beholds f glory end beewtr thee beat
oonjured up from tbe depths of a
youthful and disordered fancy, and
projected- into an unreal realm. ' That
world which thee has thus beheld In
thy dreams will burst like a pin -pricked
bubble when the tries to enter It
It Is not the real world, my son. How
shall I tell thee what that real world
let It la a snare, a pit-fall. It w a
flame Into which young moths are ever
plunging. It promises, only to de
ceive; It beckons, only to betray; its
smile are ambushes; It la aunllgfat en
tba surface, ' but Ice at tha heart; It
offera llf. but It confers death. 1 bid
the fear It, shun It, hata It!"- -
"Mother," b exclaimed, "what does
thee know of thla world, the who has
passed thy Uf tn lonely places and
amongst a aulet peopleT"
She rose and paced the floor aa If to
permit eome of her excitement to es
cape la physical activity, and pausing
before him, aald: "My only and wall
beloved son,- thee does not knew thy
mother. A vU haa been drawn over
that portion of ber Ufa whloh preceded
thy birth, end Ha eeoreta are hidden In
her own heart She has prayed God
that she might never have to bring
them Into the light; but he baa Im
posed upon ber the necessity of open
ing the grave In which they are burled.
tn order that seeing them, thee may
abandon thy doolree to taste those
pleasure which ones lured thy mother
along the flower-strewn pathway to
her sin and aorrow."
Har solemnity and her suffering pro
duced In the bosom of her son a name
leas fear. Ha oould not speak. Ha
could only look and listen.
'Thee aeeo before thee," ah contin
ued, "tha. faded form and features of
a woman onoe young and beautiful.
Can thee believe WT
Ha did not answer, for ahe had
eemed to him as mothers always do
to children, to have been always what
consciousness. Ha could not remem
ber when her balr waa not gray. Some
thing tat her manner revealed to the
etartled soul of the young Quaker that,
he was about ta come upon a discov
ery that would shake the very foun
dation of his life;, for a moment he
oould not apeak.
David." she aald. In a Voice that
sounded like an echo of a long-dead
past "the fear that the sine of thy
parents ahould be visited upon thee
baa tormented every hour of my Ufa
I have watched thee and prayed for
thee as ho one but a mother who has
drunk tbeVtaltter cup to Hs dregs oould
ever do. J have trembled at every
Ohlldlsh am. In every little fault 1
have beheld a miniature of the vice
of thy mother and thy father thy
father! Ob! David, my son my eonr
Tbe whit Hps parted, but no sound
them.. She raised her
white hand and clutched at her throat
aa if dboklng. Than ahe trembled.
gasped, reeled, and fell forward Into
his arms. -
In a moment mora, the agitated
heart had ceased to beat and tho se
cret of her life was hidden la tta mye
torlous silencei Tho sudden. Wfxpltea
bie and calamitous nature of this event
came near unsettling the mental bal
ance of the eeneltlre and highly
gaalsed youth. Coaming- aa It did noni
th very heals ol tba experiences whloh
bad so thoroughly ahaken bis faith tat
the old life, he fplt- hlmaelf to be tbe
target for every arrow In tbe e.ulver
of mwfortune. " 1 :
(To be fsntraned.)
A Ma
Tom Lend
f Hla Weed,
me 1. 1'U -say you
next week.
Dick That's what you
aid last
week. " -v
Tom Well, yon don't want me go
Ing around and telllag yen oaw thing
one week and another thing tba next,
do yoT - .
A Talklnsj MaeMsa, " r
Brother How did yon like my
mend, Mr. Smith.
Slater Why. he yawned three tiaas
while 1 was talking to alm.
Brothar Perhaps be waaat yawn-
lag. H may bar been trying to say
t p te !. '
Stern Parent So yo wwahl ha will
ing to die for my daughter, would yea?
Ardent Suitor I weald. Indeed!
Stent Parent All right, than. Get
year lira hvaired ar-dXv.OOd and stake
nod. "i
a hrawei , .
Doctor Tour oaee hi eery ssriowa
we, air. and 1 Ihlak- enssJtatJo
id belter be held. .
Patient Very welt, dootor; haws a
away aecompllcea ae yoa Ilka.
' enena Joatanr.'
Minister Johnny, do yaw knew
where IMUe toys go that ge taking en
Johaay Sure, rolhrw mm mm' TV
Mend sa
"Th charge h deoarUoav WhetD
b year defease.
"Temporary tsematty. m I awear
. awf'arsrB"M
The Apple Hwu
It stood In tho cellar low and dim.
Where the cobwebs swept and. a way-
Holdlna tha store from bough and
- limb ,
At the reef of autumn laid.
And oft when tha days were short
and drear
And tha north wind shrieked and
We children sought In the comer here,
And drew on tbe toothsome board.
F'OI thus -through the long, long win
It anawared 6Ur every call
With wine of tbe summer's golden1
Sealed by tbe hand of fell.
The best there was of tha earth aad
Of rain and aun and braesa, -Changed
to a pippin sweat and rare
By the art of the faithful
A wonderful barrel was this, had wa
Ita measage but rightly heard.
Filled with tha tales of wind and bee,
Of cricket and moth and bird;
Rife with tho blias of the , fjagraat
When skies were soft and blue;
Thronged with the dreams at a har
vest moon 7
Car fields drenched deep frith' daw. '
Oh, homely barrel. Fd fain essay .
Tour marvelous skill again;
Take me back to the past I pray
As willingly now as then-
Back to the tender morns and evee.
The noontides warm and still,
Thja fleecy clouds and the spangled
I leavea
Of tha orchard over the hilt
Edwin I Babln, In XJppincott's.
While- le-egetablea are given a low
relue aa food for man or beast on
account of their large percentage of
water, the dry portion la highly dw
trltlv. In th potato tha is per oral
of golld matter la. nearly all available
for food. Th protetds aa Sash form
era and th carbohydrates as fat pro
ducers nr essentia parts of food.
Kea the etond Dee ttwta.
Bad roads era an extra vagance that
a farming community can afford.
Just what thay cost la unnecessary
expenses It take but atoment to de
tenu lae.
A team and driver are reasonably
worth ts a day. aad by the ass of
these R I possible to deliver to mar
ket i from your hose 100 bushels of
corn. Healing ever good reada, th
east af delivery la I oaata per basket.
But If. la eonaequesc of bad roads,
bat Hfty butbeta can be delivered, th
coat I table aad tho difference m
what th Imaaastbl reads east yoa.
Ooatlnws thla caiculattoa, apnlyhtg K
to tho ban I log af all your crops, and
It quickly ecsnes appareat that tt
noun to n Tory bnrdeasoaa tax.
Oeod rands help hi erery wa,- they
premote sociability by ssaklng friend
and reUUIvee seoaaalble, and by sMaju
of them tt hi ssnr to reach tho
achoekt aad eharebes aad to generally
do and eajey th things which make
Uf really worth Jrriac.
row and th ores) emltrrated the)
Cemaeoltleat of -VeeyetnMoa.
' " HTa -
mmj- 'MatArWTIJt 0M1
aWW enSiT
KBWtBh Ml( m
sahwin awe teJui.
Beadaerere ar grown by ganny
poaluaiaa and frmre. Th eead
saakw an sxmllat feed Par pewltry
and ea be easily aad aewdtaMy pre
swssA Tha aaadn eaa bo awwa hi
aa corn. When rip the seed bj thrash
ed out aad red to th poultry either
whole or gronnd. If th sunflower
huik m ihMi IntA tha e.hlckan
yard, the birds will thresh tha sea da
out themselves with no expense to th
grower. It la an excellent fattenlng
food. and when fed with cracked com
gives good results.
It Is too tat this season to sow th
sunflower seeds,- bat K la e good thins
to keep In mind for another year.-
Farmers' Quid. . . ..
.A Tewwbleekwio Weed .V
Reports eome from Ontario that th
perennial sow thistle has sained a
Arm foothold, making It th greatest
weed enemy with which th farmer
has to contend. It has been spread
from on farm to another by th
threshing machines, the numerous'
seeds oalng- easily carried. One meth
od twins advocated for its eradication
la to sow winter rye In September and
pasture It th folowlng aprlng. Thla
easy be followed In June by rye, tur
nips or buckwheat In this way crop
are secured and th now tblatlo
fought at th same time. v .
PWwla ewd Rare. '--Farmers'
Bulletin No. 121, United
State Department of Agriculture,
says,: "The eggs of different kinds of
donaeatle poultry vary In six as well
as appearance, and there hi also a con
siderable rang in the sis of eggs of
different breeds. Than, bens'- eggs
range from th small ones laid by ban
tams to th large ones laid by such
breeds as light Brahmaa. On an av
erage a hen's egg' Is J. 17 Inches la
length, and 1.71 Inches 1b diameter or
width at the 1n-ondaat point, and
weighs about ounces, or eight eggs
to th pound (1ft- pound per doeen)..
Generally speaking, th eggs of pullets
rare emarler than those of old bens;
thoee of dacha somewhat larger than
hens' egga, while those of turkeys and
gee ax oouldeTably larger. Guinea, '
eggs, ea an average, measure lzl
Inches, are rather pointed at one and,
andf weigh about 1.4 euacee each, or
17 mntcea to th doe, Oooae eggs
wetg about U to .1 ouheaa each, or
about i pounds to th dosen tint la, -nu
- than three times a much as
hen' .agsa. Tbe eggs of wild birds are
aid to be smaller than those of th.
earn species when domeekaeed. Wild
ducks' eggs are amid to be. ou aa rr
erafe, lT to 1.17 laches ta diameter;
domestic sucks' eggs, 2.H to S.&S
Hint "ow BtnT MnMngr. '
Tha white breed of boas I graduaK
ly dlaappearlng.
Bait buried a few inch !m th
gronnd In eertala pots wlU attraet
th bog and confine them pretty close
ly to euch places.
It hi natural far a bog ta root, hot
if yen want to prevent him from do
lnc a simple ring; In tha enowt will
anawar th purpose.
It a great mlatahg to mark a hog
by mutilating his sara, Better an
metal tas- -
Bwaceaafal ko reiser, w 01 always
har atover or alfalfa pastnrea far
their animals.
' fcirj hog pasture euxbt to hare a
open abed on a high point of ground
lor abetter from the hot sun. Leave
aU sides open as the air can pass ore
Keep the pigs growing; rrosi tha day
they are asm until they g to the)
afatugbtsnag pan. -
Th man who bnaglnes that he cam
predaco fat and hms baeoa hi atreaLks
by feeding one wank and atanrug; the)
next will be disappointed.
It looks lib waste wbea thrashag
th fruH on the trees, bat the karieet
ttm of torgar and better frnR
f U
of aotash. aA
far thai renews weed aahes nwitoUed
esj tho aa whew they are grwwn will
saren and rapid tTWWtb.