The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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    It mM' ft.
Morrow County Is the Richest County Per Capita In Oregon.
lone Is, thy tftt Git y (borrow Gow.&y
Fir Cord Wood,
- ; "Slab Wood, T;:
- Any . quantities desired ,
. , Call and get prices.
LLKm. Sit
23 cents '
4 awl certainly titer with the fnitcv Hair cutting tad smooth Shaving.
Sfevp rwers, it rtirp wrt$. Is ht ttit.
, Q.w.(1;.,.1H""t f " B
Ve will have Potatoes
for- $i. per ioq lbs,
'yC ASH :
Leave orders at once
for delivery
, 1 B.HwiWi'lH IVfeartoViV
: Portland Oregon is a beautifully
; illustrated monthly majjnitu:e. If
Von aro intereettd in dairying, fruit
- raising, ullry raising or want to
know about irrignled anthi,timber
Oils or free goverpnunt land
n to liomwtead entry, flu Pa
, cine Monthly will give top lull in,
- formation, flit price ii 1.60 a yr.
Offer No McClure'f Magazine,
; Woman's Horn Companion and
The Pacific Montn'T coating W-50
..will bo tent at iwieeial rate of 9-1
Offer No 2 lie Clan's Migaiiite,
Beview of Reviews aitd the Pacific
r Hootblycosting ffi. will be sent
forW.ea -
Offer 5oS Hainan JAtr, iJeal
-Uomesand Tha Pai6e Mautlilr
will ba ien( for $2.
Order by n amber aid tend yor
r 'order aocoui iad by postal mon
ey order for tha amount to The Pa
ife Mont My Portland Oregon,
Razors -
- Honed
25 cents
Nov i $ Z
AVell Irrigation for Bmall
Farms" ii a publication jn tinned
Uy the General Pane.nger Depart
ment, of tlw Qregon Railroad and
Navigation Co., and Son t her p Pa
cific Line ht Oreaon.
This booklet aetaforth In a pract
ical coucjie way, tlie pdwibilitiea
for profit of inexpensive irrigation,
and should bain the handaof ovary
farmer in Oregon,
jCopies; may be obtained free on
application to Wm He Mnrray,
General Paaeeagor Agent, O.R.AN.
and 8 P. Ilaee In Oregon, Portland
Oregon. .. k "m .
subscribe for the
Proclainer $1.50
ajeUr. ; r
The Demonstration trnju arriv
ed nt Iono abtint 6-30 a in Octolr
26th and wits met hv eveml riti
reus of lone nml nlKw a number of
farmers, who liad copte to town to
profit by tlie Jectnree to ba given
bytheO. A,C. Faculty,
Mflcb interest was t alt en In 4h
demonstration party. Tli pubHe
school was dintnirtped4 jti m derthat
the pnpils might nttend' the meet
nig. lone Uoiicurt Jiaua was also
there to welcome tho t rangers.
Mr .Morse, a sjeciftJ representa
tlve, of the freight department, of
the 0. R. & N., made a brief UU
stating the purpose of the meet! in
and introduced Dr. , Wbithfcomk
as the first speakeF,
Dr, Whitbyooinbe talked of gen
wral farming and stated that tt
farmers should not farm so inan
acres but should till the soil mort
thoroughly. t
The seoond speaker wee Mt
Lively, of ths tin Ion Stock, yards
of Portland. Hetpokeezol'ueiveh
of live-stock. He said thai meat
was shipped fsom the eastern state
nnd aitld to 't Instead o( beii.
iold nv oa. -
,Prof. Scudder, M tha Oregon Ag-
ricnttnral College, at Cor vat lip
was theu iiftroduoed. Hia speech
iras very Interesting, along the
line of dry-farming, Hseconi
mended deep-fall plowing for ab
sorbing and retaining the moisture
He said that tha land fflwst be har
rowed three or four times, 1 be lri
time, just as the grain fa lieadlns
ont. Ha also ffdvli-pd rbtaiiwr
crops; and ii land issuinmerfal low
ed, it should be cultivated to keep
down the weeds. -
Mr 8cudder thinks that ths best
results can be obtained, here, from
Turkey Red whent and winter bar
ley; and that great care should bt-
Mken In the selection of rred. ' lie
ilgn thinks thdt this country it
well adapted fof poultry and cnttl$
mining. .
He upoke about rnif iitR different
praises and field pens, in order. (
supply the soil with nitrogen; and
advised that more and bctterdraft
horses should be railed.
'J'he matter ol lng mixing wah
fully disciiedlf Byron Hunter.
He compnrrd tl: liume niarket
with that of the enhlerii etnles and
showed why tlie log bueinea is a
very profita4o'e4ie for Oregon
farmers. - '
Prof. C. R. Dradley explained
tlie composition ol tha soil, which
was very interesting.
C A Cole, professor of horticnl
tn re was the next speaker, lie ad
vised proper care for both fruit
trees and berries. Ha thinks that
tha Wilson and Mngoon arex the
beet varieties of strawberries.
Ha laid much stress on spraying
and tha proper pruning of trees,
andalso recommended wind-breaks
for tha young orchards.
Tlw Demonstration party loft
lone for Heppner about 1pm.
Komi Parma,
Tha Demonstration train arrived
at Iona about 7 a m, Oetober 26th
and a met by several Iona citi
zens and farmers. Tha selection
I by tha Iono Hand, "Qtm k Stop
Lineup', e veil rondered and
grsotly en joye4 by every ono pres
ent. Bo much interest was taken
that school was dumitted from 9
.. . - "
A larg crowd 'war. f eci t
meeting and K"vt; Uiur cuij i.;; .
tention to I lie k-rtr.(r t y (1.;
C. professors and tlie ttfcttn; v
pronounced ii groat "uoccf-e. .
Mr Morse, n tjJ sal vt jr.t ii'.a
tlve of tho frcitbt rdi i :M1iv-m n
'ho U. It. & Jv., ulnar a lri tnlkj! ; wil! ..flVr ii public sale, to
"tatins the pin pow of the tm-. -timr, i ih' ! '"t btJIir. 10.100'derk am...
and' introduced Dr. Withv, ' "J?VT u' Ni'v' 10W u lthi
. l. Ul .1. .
Dr. Withyconibc tIkd c?i i n-1
ral fnriniivg anil rnirg l-itr
live-stock. t Hia ulk hb bnet.
Dr. Withymmln, was f.. IV,1
'y D. O. Lively who sp ke ticlu -
siveiy on live-stwk and h. Uik
was wry interesting.
The next stetikiv prf'i-'v.'r; ,
ieu4hirt nf the iijf ricu i tuml. siilojjY
recited aoitiD atntintic rej:mlinc -Morrow,
.(iitljam and Si .'irunn .
vtuiiiiee, He rebpni mended Wr :
f ill plowing as means of roi;tn..i
itl tiifiiat urn LlttJ. in.. Inn :.t .A . I
ts Rood reittjltSi hut if it inuM bf
Ion the fall ia the liettt titiM. ivtn U': "am,v aITwn withdrawal for
'htamed from 1 in key Red t! e.t ,fUl l)iw raiiia Projeet, Oregon,
nd winter barley. , ' joitl;-" foJ tovrlB rWilbed lands la the
The next speaker, O.K. Jii,n.r'. vt i-;" J'f li'rfWii, by his authority
spoke "Composition of the
wirfclrwas brief but tutamlmg. Mt.f A;lllr.wn.,rvd orappropriat
Byron Hunter, thenexttju-nkisr.U.i, Wij be sobjm:! t eettlemeiil under.
Iis(!uate4l fully the matter of ii.ip tl;n f.ul'lit; n4 ittwyuftheUnjled States
raVing. Ha eompared tin- btiru 1!' ''if OctnUr 16, 1909, hot shall,
markot with that of Beaten. Satb j "-tYubleci to entry, fliingormrettloa.
, , ii.ii , ' 1 Bnu; N'(vfinlMT 1.V i!0, at Ibe United
u.d ahowed why I ha hog ImMue., v,nu.. ian(1 at TlM y Oregon 4
is profitnbla kuOrrgon far - .s. L I wnmi...- tr-y gtvan thai t.A
0. A. Cole, profcstor of t.orlirui- j in-iu nill ln pet imittd lo seiBorexei
nire, was the neisi spoaktr. IU !''"" y" rh ,M l. us ander any ai.ri" .
told how to care f.,r the hnin.. vt
trd and recommended the v -nei
caru f.H both Iruit trots ami H
Me thinks the Wihron a-l:d lit-t
are the beet rnrti-l en ef urn-
berries " .
. ,
Ibe Deinoniftrution train
one for H-inir lut 1 p in.
' " ' -T. . ,
Rnfita Cochrni: nn sold hw'.l
iniereni m ins imsyiicr oupini-Hri to,
Aloix Wiltcnisoit, nf Pcndir-ton, M.
WiJlemson is here and is provir;:
ttmt his recomtwfti Ji(f.c, an n
irr-t elites Liitcin'-ij itre uirittl.
are sure Unit suci'fs will conm to
thf.e two e silcrptifiii' men for Mr
Cwhratt bnsslmwii fiirnfw-lf, In bin
many years heir, tu be untiring
in hie butinctrs effii.
fl5f mil Of TEE MED.
Long and earnestly hare the cx
ports of Ibe svt'pnrlnieiit of Ann-
culture Itecn striving to find some
means of eradicating the weed, oth
er thin by grubbing or pulling it
up, and news comes from North
Dakota that the fight has been
won-nt Icaet oVer the wild mustard
the Canada thistle, tha dandelion
and many other similar pet abom
inations ef people who till- the
gronnd for a living.
Spraying tha territory affected
with ft solution of iron eolph'ate
whan tha weeds are young doej tha
work. The chemical, which ii eor-
reaive, attacks lit tender tieene of
tho rapidly growing weeds and das
troye tbem while there is little or
noUjary to the grain, particularly
it it ii a winter grain or was. sown
oar ly in tha spring and has gained
considerable growth - before the
spraying American Farmer.
lh Proclaimer for $160 ."Tj
Whole No. Stffl. - ?'
, ' ' " '! HH.IOATrON-
' : -ii ! t.'.h.':. t- Oreson.
t ' 'pt. tfi'nd liKJU.
I N-tii u is lic-fliv i-iM n that, a direct
i v tin i tiinti.ifTt'Hterof the Ue'.ernl
.mi.1 fjniltp-, Hinlfi pi.iviflinm of Actot
i.,-. "i" imiiiw inn u:ci oi larm, to-wit!
MWl See. Sd T.IN. IT53K.W.M.
f ab-'vtuUwrfbi-il au, areadvisod to Ale
; ""l" ' Inims, or oLji iioM, on Qr before
! t,,tt -
., i
W-SIIINtiTON, D. 0 ,.
' Julr20,lfl
.si rjt'tOF liKSTORATIONOr
!'f ijt.iC UMn TO 8KTTLE :
y-'fcr is liprpliy jrivnn that the Actiee-
Hr-(My of the Intrrinr lias vacated d
: jriiiiiil oHm of )ihdrawa) ia sofu,
9Vb" :. tr",u " hBV not
TTT "V' " .
.,., , t! .-UBatlon beine loe..
' -1 - . .
- V.ihunsiiu frincipal Meridian,
"wm,n m. .
jV - arl Si) to :h.i-1.
-' . lK.ll-!eca. llo 18rtttO
..-.n,,t m t0 miv.
r. N , U. iV y , 11 tlut potion la,
i K. ."OE., (Ji.. ; - - H. to K , b4 that potfos'ltt
t s
n.-'-.'i k.. Nil.- -
c. Jl V . l that portion in
-- ::.. '. top, i to si
v . . E. -ih Sees. , 8. 6 and T
-tr,. i.'.-t Cohmiltm liher and nil Bees. 6,
i'. i ;'i nnl 2" ;)3 Incl-r'-.
'Vnndflr, jirTt'ig Cjtimiiitlo&'i-r bt
ttif (' rral Land Ollico.
tfi-Til; fierce, First Aioiftant ecretaijr
at t'i. liitcrior. .
j - V
8 acres, about 7 miles from cmiU
er of Portland, i mile from elect lio
car line station, all well fenced,
and in fine bearing orchard, a-leo
all kinds of berries and vegetables,
5 room home with toilet, bath, hot
and cold water, fine well, tower
tank and wind mil), 100 high
grade chickens, horse and wtigon,
many -other implements, price
7500.00, will take 100 acres of
good wheat land, in exchange for
part. ,
Have 80 acres of timber land, a
few lots In best coast town in Ore
gon, and a limited amount of rath
for this ws want a small whrat
fgnn, . 1
9 room well built fcoueo In good
part of Portland, 69x100 lot. ono
block frdm earjinei hones not en
tirely modern, but can bo made so)
with small expense, price fiOOo-OO
will take In exchange, good wheat
land up to 13000, to 94000.00
Any one wishing infonnfltiorf
regarding any of the sbovj
inquire et tho'