Desperate Coughs , Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu lar medicine, doctor's medi cine, for such a cough: Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. . A Wa pub tub our formal 9 yers W. but Ik llHkDl Ores our dlelnea Wa arc Ja te ooaultyoe duo tor Any rood doctor will tell you thatamedi cine Tike, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral cannot rte- ks best work It tbe bowel ire con stipated. Ask your doctor if be knows anything better than Ayer's Pitla for cor recting this sluggishness of the liver. e tea J. 0. Ar Oat. IwU. HkHr- Wltri the Wark Cam law1' Un Bacon I understand your hue Band ia Si work on a new poem? lira. Egbert He la. Hee trylni to fat Mint ma (a lint to accept 1U Tonka r Btaieiman. To fet rid of daughters, Beat Indiana marry them te nowere.- When the flow ers are dead tbe rlrla are widows, and widows ou bo aold eheap. A s Stare. "Can you recommend me a young Van of good staying- power?" "Oh, yea. air. My damhter's young S3 aa." Baltimore American. Thousands of country people know that in time of sudden miahap or acci dent Hamlins Wisard Oil is tbe best substitute for the family doctor. Tbat is why it ia so often found upon the shelf. ' Sns Mm PrtbMteiaSr. ' As tbe young man careened tbe sfceek of his lady lor she draw away hastily. "I think." she said Indignantly, "yon had better see father flrat" "Why. what do yon meanT" asked the perplexed lover. "Father." she replied, as aha nursed her cheek, "is a barber." Buoceea alagaaln. "J . ' it Wear your tight shoes for fashion's " anke; Besides, tts lots of fun two eoma with but a alngle ache . Two toes that throb aa one. ,- Ae a Man ef Jsstlss. "Sir,"' one of your reporters referred to me la your paper tbla morning aa a treaty, drunken loafer.' I want that corrected. It'a an Infamous elan ter!" V "1 see H la ' Tou are gaunt -and thin. We'll eorrect It to-morrow. Good awralng.! Tswa with s-ejtare. "Parte Is a wonderful center nf so cial gayety and popular excitement." Tea,"- answered Nr. Cumros thoughtfully, ft should not be sur prised If Parts anlabt one day otalsi recognltton ne the Pittsburg of Franoe." Waahlnaton Star. . ' feaUTs tye Safes 10 Years OM. relieves tired eyes, kfuickly cores tfn aches, interned, sore, watery or ulcer ated eyes. All druggists, or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. f Dlsttastlsau -Col who? I don't think I ever beard ef the man. What la there ae reaaark able about Mint "By George, sir. be a get the longest beard la the State of Oklahoma, and shaft saying heap, tet me tall yonl" la assamtasT Dmlmr. -"DM you ever try gmrdenlngr aeked Mr. Croaalota. "Once,' answered the aaan who al ways has a discouraged look. "By tbe time I bad read all the publication! aeeeeeary te Inform me oa the sub ject, the season for flower and vege tables was ever." Washington Star. Ptweewe ae "rami. Under the figure of Proteus; the etd sian who In many forme wae always the eatne unpleasant euslomer. the sa lients probably typlRed the aharga foe bislcabs. New York Poet. alee rrleeia. Nan How e poor dear LO this aaomlng? Fan She loehe dreadfully. - ' Nan O. t know thst; I'm ashing yon bow ahe feels. . Pnaa Charts. Btew 1H pounds of prunes, pit them and sweeten wltb a cupful of sugar. Una a well-buttered padding dish with strips of bread and butter or buttered toast Pour in the prunes and flavor with teaapoojiful at vanilla. Cover with bread and butter strips and bake In a moderate oven until lightly browned. When done turn out. sift sugar over It and serve wltb cream. ' Pleitleej Oaiosa. : '.- ' i After peeling the onions throw them at once Into boiling vinegar, of which a quart Is to be allowed to a quart of onions. In this vinegar there should previously- have been boiled two tea spoonfuls ot salt and an ounce of pep per in the kernel. Boil the onions about five minutes, put Into glass Jars, and when cold cover or heal till wanted .for use. rile stepawea. Somewhere in the pages- of hot pleasant "Book' of Joys' Mra. Lucj Pitch Perkins tells a delightful" atory oijaer New ' England, clerical great grandfather, who asm man of lagan Ity and resources. She aaya: He employed more than one devte to secure wakefulness on the part of his weary eongregitlon. Standing dur ing the prayer was but one. of many My grandmother used to tell us w4tb pride of an la stance which occurred at a time .when a new chnreh edlflet had been proposed, and was nndet warm discussion. Oreat-grandfatbei thought this a worldly and unneces sary sxpense, and emphaslxed his opin ion by pausing in the midst of his ear mon en a Sunday, saying impressively as he Cied the somnolent members el his congregation with a stern look: - Tou are talking about building new church: It eeema to me quite un necessary, since the sleepers in the old one are a!' -" ' Csssss Cers am J Tots a toss. Cut the corn from four dozen fresh ly 'boiled ears and add to them three dosen peeled, ripe tomatoes, chopped. Add shit to taste and put Into a porcelain-lined kettle. Bring to a hard boll, cook for a minute, then fill Jars standing tn boiling water with the scalding mixture, and, while these are still overflowing, fasten down alr-tlght llda. eft Cars stela. - For one pound of brown sugar allow one cupful of milk, a tableepoonful and a half of butter and half a cake grated chocolate. Cook nine -minutes, take from tbe Are and stir steadily At minutes, bntot until too stiff to pour. An absurdly worded statement of a tact which was not in Itself remark able recently tried the gravity of the llatentra. It was oa the occasion, of the- funeral of an elderly woman In a New England town. She had left an old mother, nearly 90 years of age, and an only son who waa well on toward W. The services were conducted by a timid young clergyman, recently set tled over the parish. Aftsr praying tor many and varloua things, he said: "And two, we especially pray that the Lord will comfort and sustain la their loan and sorrow. One la the or phan, who, although no longer young, la an orphan still, and must so con tinue; the other le the mother, far ad vanced la years, who has survived her daughter, although considerably her asnlorJ! 1 , Ejtrssd the Utah. City 'Friend (spending the day In latent an hiirM .Didn't It aver atrtka Turn Into a buttered pea and mark In you that your servant is lmpsrtlnsnt equares. This candy will be crumbly ly inquisitive and rich. Bubberbe My dear fellow, tfs only the way of a privileged old family re tainer, . Why, would you believe It, Crass. sol Ra With Cassss. Velt one and one-half tablespoon Ot tbat girl has been with us peer nve weeks 1 Harper's Weekly. butter, blend In an equal quantity of flour, add slowly one and one-half eupa of milk, stir until smooth, season with a dash of cayenne, add one cup of Duly chopped, cooked ham and tour tablespoons of grated cheese. Stir un til the cheess melts, spread on slloea of toasted bread and serve at one. Ohm Jades. Stem twelve quarts of grapes and put them into a large preserving ket tle. Add two qusrts of water, bring slowly to the bell and strain, pressing out all the Jules. Return the Juice to the are, bring to a hard boll and pour, scalding hot, into bottles set la hot water. Seal Immediately. ' -V wtsk Bbus- Caka. Beat three qgga without separating; the whites and yolks;, beat In one cap i Wans Yes Walk. Allen! Poot-Kaee U a certain tun roe fen. fweatiiiK.'callui, and molten, aching feet. Bold by all UrUMliu, Prlc 2Bc. tuhatttute. Trial psckaae fBU. UlanS. Ounsted, Laltoj, U. T. won't Meept any Aadreu Seal la the Flat are. Mllllcent What made yon refuse Ifr. Wilder Invitation to go walking with hlmT Don't you Ilk him? Mildred Oh, yea. l like htm well enough, but his red whisker don'l look well with my new pi ah hat.- Summervllle Journal. Don't Cough! Use VI 3 U.N fsV cure: PILES "I have) suffered with riles for thirty- she year. One year ago last April I- be-J and a half drsngar and halt n cap of takuni Caecareto tor eoo-t.p-tio.. m nib - ... . . Eke course of a week I noticed the piles began to disappear end at the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at an milk, alternately, with two eupa ot sifted flour, sifted again with half a teaspoooful of salt and two level ta spoonfuls of baking powder. . - - c . ' Select young okre, wash well, ana cut Into half-Inch lengths. Put over tho Are In slightly salted water and atew until Under, drain, stir la a great spoonful of butter, season with pepper mnd salt and serve. Caacsrets have done wonders for an. I am entirely cured and feel like a new sasa." Gsorgs Kfyder, Kapoaaen, O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potsnt. Taala Oood. Do Good. Marer Sleheo.Waakas or Grin. 10c. Uc, SSa. Narar old ia bulk. Tb raa- aloe tabtot atampad CCU Onto ot rest saoar bark. - Karl Ihm, ' .Into a cupful of fine powdered saga work" two Ublespoonfula of soft butter. Beat until eoft and whit, then add the Juice of a lemon and a little nut meg, or any flavoring preferred. Set a the ice chest to harden until needed TAXIDERMIST . ANDTANNTJ. - ' FURS BOUGHT r. svnmxY M OolumMa ' ' Portlnnd, Or. Ks-Bsrer Cls On csp molasses, two tablespoon ugar, two good tablespoons lard or batter, one teaspoon soda. Beat well a little ginger, cinnamon, salt end ta blsspoon vinegar, on cup cold watea Tlour to thicken. sUlass the aVrnga Hse with, sll pwrs lood U rtaj mil Saw CsJMk Oral a largo boot apple that ha. seen pssied; add to It a pound of chopped Oga and a small cup of sugar. Boll all together te a pasta and keep la Jelly glassis for ass.- - (KIT walla MsvhssJa Oaks, Three cops of sugar, ens cup of ban tar, one-halt cup ot sweet milk, whites of tea eggs, one teaspoon rul of baking powder sifted with the flow. PsMit Batter. 8 bell freshly-roasted peanut ana grind these to a Ana pswdsr. into (hi powder stir half as much butter and rob to a smooth paste. - When broiling halibut cover the natt with minced green pepper. The easy aoalng will bo bmnd to be delicious. After washing the lamp chimney polish H with dry salt U Shakes the) glass bright and will pi si sen H bran GRISUINT afrO. CO. aakers of afAPUDOl fbctternnmMaplsJ. vurrtriwre. 1 Tfff MOST POMMEL SLICKER and cftMMst In thfl , ndbcaus t wOTwlOOgsflt 3HOW.S .Twwcs) Co. esMs. six (arrto SpiftLam mm ' I Ttaw OmmimI! 15 Sl tSI ALCOHOL i PER CENT. slmHaiuiheRwJairlfifftjte (aiguK SuawasdBoiAaf The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought ness and (wstjConlaiBS tcahr OpnmitapBjM nrtmcnL aot narcotic . r r Sa-M wtr.--' lownwayAamaT rT?BJ Hon , Sour Stoma. IJtarrtw WotjCoiTvuisaKisJWenis; and Loss of Slier tbcaasai Skfttsmt ef NEW YORK. Bears tho A X Signature yAjl in Use Over Thirty Years CASTOMA Exact Copy of Wrsppar. ainless Dentistry sna.fcwti.ri aiae iw innwiua ahin their pil butilaafik 6" lbd U oa aj Oat of towa.SMp'' t mmnrt. waiti i'm n a r 22k ftli ar (orcdiii are. tar 3.5( awUr Onasi B.Qf mbtdeTMtk3.6( SjMFUIIan 1. Ml CaMMl FWaai 10 ahWrriUUn .6 labs FTIDase 2-6 Flat. 8.011 BMl . j, PtMlMt Eitr-ike .60 B YEARS PJ stoat JUtnation rraawhaa aUtaa or briJaa nt ulnloai wort ana. uMtn.AH workjullr jtum KatMl. MoaWm at.. trto aqplnMBi. bMm.ncak. Wise Dental Co. ?sTB"Z PO ItTLAN 13 ,"oR E SON amos aovasi a a. m. t a . at. SuaaA u . C Gee Wo Thi Cfalim Doctor TWa wenojaM nan baa aaada a I Ue atudr of tba propartlaa of Roots, Harba aad Barka, and I rivtnm taa worM the baaeatf ale Net Msm'e Pwblvwv Ns OnarantMB to nif bjtsnn. AaMnaa, Lsav. Stomach and Rtdnav tiviiblas, sad all Fihrsts Pi of U BaadWoaMa. A SURE GANGES CUJOB laatiscahradfrasi Pakln, Cama-aaM, SMS sadnUabls. Ufaillne la Its works. If ran eanaM tall, writ foraympusi Mask aa. ckeslar. Inctoaa 4 tsnU la taaasa, CONSULTATION fftU The C Gee Wo Medicine Co. tJH nrst L. car. MirrWaB. faHlasg. Or. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME STaana an anfalHna watar awtr saana taat ou will haT Ike moat ormett- oal Domaatle watar u ply yaUro now Is - uaa. NotTBtad laak. no frown plpaa M winter, no atasnani water In aummar, no watar aupplr truublaa of tnj aort. Tank plarad In haannMit. oat of stent Mid way, made of pre ed atasL will net rual aad will laat a llfetima. You will be planes wiD3 ma LBADCR y.tera of furnlehlns Domaatl Water Supply. Ak for our raUkwua and free booklet, "How t Balvwi Hr Water "apply Prvtaaaa." LEWIS A STAVER CO. - Portlewsd, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boiac, klaho. mv M. ritlna to saWeetiaefa nlsase I Hsthl paper. Garsraatsss! nndse all rnre PsW lews Jaeuee Msj. Co, Cawamss. AKIIJG POWDER Stsuvtolbr Quality Economy ' Purity AHJcei4 Inprovfding the fiwiriiyeaJit, don't be wtished with nmythfng but the - best K C is guaranteed pence Hon at moderato price. It makes everytWrigf bettefi TrYeriad tee. XPwrtect faiMw or Moaej bck.