The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, November 05, 1909, Image 7

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    Little Soldiers
In your Mood are tha mutlona
of oorpuoolM that defend you
against dlMut.
To make and keep these tittle soldiers
healthy aad strong, is simply to make
and keep the blood of the right quality
-and quantity. ' ,
This is lost what Hood's .Sareaparilla
does--it helps the little soldiers in your
blood to fight disease for yoo.
It cures scrofula, ocsema. emptlone.
Catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
neea, dyspepsia, general debility, and
builds up Um whole system.
Am Iaialllble Rmri,
A way of deciding date of etrtaln
Important events la auggeated by the
following anecdote from Lippincott's.
The paranu of a college aoa were dis
puting aa to the date of their last let
tar to their "hopeful,' from' whom,
somewhat to the distress of the moth
er, they had not heard for some time.
"Are you sure, Thoffno-asksd the
tnother, unconvinced, "that It was on
the 12th that you last wrote to Dick?"
"Absolutely!"--a the father's de
cisive response. "I looked tt op la my
eheck book this morning."
If If a Your Eye Use Petal's Eye Salve
for inflammation, etys, itching Hds,
eye aches, defects of vision and sensi
tive to-strong lights. All druggists 01
Howard Bros.
Upesveeted rrltt.
With a deftness acquired by long
and patient practice the pickpocket ex
tracted an old bnt well-filled puree
from the hip pocket of -the uDscspect
Ing old gentleman with the beaming
eountenance against whom be had
carelessly brushed when leaving the
Tube station, tnd on reaching a seclud
ed plaee he opened It-
paper with a mixture of oopal Tarnish,
turpentine, blotting sand, powdered
glass, powdered slate and lamp black
- - New Tork has nearly acres
of meadow land,v upon which more
than 6,000,000 tons of hay are raised
each year. Concrete safes,-molded In
a single piece, with steel doors, are
a aovslty. They axe said to be both
damp and fireproof, '
The Atchison Railroad Is about to
experiment at Great Bend, Kan wHh
cooobolo and Japanese oak as material
for sleepers. The wood Is so hard that
It Is almost Impossible to drive spikes
into- It, and screw spikes la bored
holes will be used, It Is expected that
the sleepers will last from 16 to 80
years. They cost a trifle more than
American oak delivered in California.
The reason for experimenting with
them Is that native oak Is becoming
scarce, and it Is deemed wise to look
la time for a substitute.
The contents had been wrapped with) -r. Robert W. Terkes raises the
great care in numerous thicknesses of question whether kittens are bora with
blank paper. Removing the wrappings ' a propensity to eat mice. Three Manx
one by one he found In the center of . kittens kept la a cage for six weeks
I iJIlk Science A
A Pennsylvania has patented a wa
terproof' cover - for women's bats, so
compact that It .may be folded and car
ried m the pocket.
A vein of wad and sine ore has been
discovered on the ground of the Bcbool
of Ulnee at Plattsvllle, Wta and will
be developed by the students.
The danger In peeking meat extracts
and 'preparation In tin Is said to lie In
the fact that the absorption of the tm
by the contents is continuous.
of poverty she still had perfect talth
: in him and never murmured, .-it must
have been a proud day for the count
ess when the king and queen of Wur
temberg took a trip In the count's air
ship, and a prouder day still when the
kaiser called her husband "the great
est German of the twentieth century."
On more than one occasion Count
Zeppenlln has come very near to los
ing his life. .Once, for Instance, he
fell from a height of forty feet, but
escaped serious Injury through land
ing upon some bushes. Another time
he tell a considerable distance upon
some soft earth. Of course, he has
had many more or less serious disas
ters to his airships, and only last
year he bad a particularly narrow es
cape. Shortly after landing at Ech-
Artificial slates are made ay?oatig4 terdlngea there were such - Urge
tbe package a card with this Inscrip
tion on It:
' Toung man, give up your career ef
erlmet Nothing in it? TU Bits.
UaBarOoaafele IfamiMa
' Hostess You don't know who she
IsT Why, she's the celebrated Miss de
Wrantcr. Too muat have aeen hei In
Eaet Xjfaue.'
Quest (with some embarrassmsnO
No, Indeed, ma'am. I was never there
bs my life. C. w T
Oalr a V.ia.
Bertie Here's snotnab great abed
Blayah whose orals has gone wrong
1 am glad I aevah took up the deuced
Jane Bot In your case, Bertie. I'm
alts sure there would be nothing U
go wrong. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
praMkljr UalMr.
"Sir!" thundered the proeeentlng at
torney, "you are evading my ques
tion." -
"Dam tt," answered tbe prisoner be
fore the bar. "If yoo knew the facts In
the case as well as I do, you wbuldn't
lame me." Blrmtnehatn Age-Herald.
Taewakt Um Kmw Bettasv
"Well, anyway. It Is cafe to amy that
When women really want tbe ballot
they will set it. ' ,
"Nov I don't think It would be er
ejulte aafe for you to say It la the
areeenee ef tti wi
f notice that since Clerklelgh get
trite dissipated habits be- doesn't use
tbe perpendicular style la bis band-
"No, and be doesn't use ft ta bis
Walk, either."
Praams Aeria-su
" Anxious Friends Dayman, yoo ought
to do somethltm for that uncontrolla
ble thirst of yours, and you eusbt to
do it quick.
German (putting on his hat) I'm
ready to go and Join you la one right
now. eld chap! '
with a mouse, which was introduced
when they were Are months eld, made
no attempt to Injure It, although they
were hungry, until the mother cat was
Introduced and showed bow mice
should be treated. Other observers
have noted the indisposition of kittens
to attack mice, but the question wheth
er mouse-killing is Instinct I re or edu
cational with them oaa hardly bo said
to have been settled.
San Benito County, California, -has
given its name to a new candidate for
admission to the circle of the precious
stones "benttotte." . It m a sapphire
color, hard and remarkably brilliant
Chemists say it la a "all loo-tl tana te of
baryum." It Is found In rock pockets
and in geodss associated with natrollte
and a htberto unknown black mineral
called earlosite. During 107 benltolte
made Its first entry into tbe report of
tbe Geological Surrey on the precious
stones of the United States. The value
of tbe uncut stones found in that year
was $1.5. Ia the same year Arkan
sas produced $2,800 worth of dia
monds. The leading precious stone la
America la value of production is
tourmalin, of which 164,120 worth was
put noon the market la 1907. But tt
weighed a ton.
crowds to welcome him that, to avoid
an oration, he retired to a cabin on
tbe airship and fell asleep. By some
lucky chance he did not sleep for long,
for only a few minutes after he
awoke the airship was In flames, and
had he remained asleep bis fate would
have been almost certain. It Is said,
by the way, that Count Zeppelin waa
once la such despair of sver achieving
his ends that he seriously thought ef
blowing, his brains out
Save the Babjr U
otowM so dtwa at ease whoa Baa
little owe OMafbs. It heals the dst
1 as eheoce swd us the hags
vary aslsissls.
1 Inl.ilk CWrwks, Sparivta piiwi OoJJ.
w.y y r,'r?i , y , Iff- r
ibd a wrrnm -
sUlssetWsMwyw aWaWsaBaav
edsmsWleM awZ '
suu Beta
Of all the man bow engaged la the
study of aviation Bono has had a more
mtoroatlag career thaa Count Zeppe
lin, whose recent flight of nearly a
thousand miles broke all previous
records. Until success cams, his hard
ships were almost unbelievable, and he
spent the whole ef his fortune In car
rying oat his experiments. Hie first
interest la aerial flight probably dates
from the American Civil War, when
he mads an ascent ia a captive balloon
ta watch the operations, says the Bos-
toa Transcript After this; he return
ed to Oermany la time for tbe Franeo-
German war, and la said to have been
the first Genana soldier who crosstd
the frontier hate France. When peace
was restored, ha determined to give
his whole life to aeronautics, and la a
comparatively short Usee he had spent
10.000 la what appeared to be almost
fruitless effort. At one time ho was
so poor through Ms davotloa to his
work that he had ta Hvo la a little
eottago oa aa allowance made to him
by his friends. Bat his Invincible
pluck brongbt cesos sit last, sad oae
ef the first to recognise his geaias was
tbe kaiser blmeelf. f-
AJtbowch he eeaslderably over TO.
Ooaat Eeppeiht M still as active as
moot mea only half hie .age. A Oer
maa acwspapor baa described aba as
follows: "Ha stands tall and upright;
be has aa agUo body ea sable of unusu
al exertioa. a eoastltattoe sturdy
threwgn Bteoa exercise and simple
habits, and aa immense power ef asen
tel iia:entrattesL He Is always aaml
sole. mo seat aad deliberate. Bis vorw-
gesa are devoted to hha heart aad
seal'' Tarah all hie aamay stfJaree,
sad darts -tbe dark ttsne whea his
Taatpsraaiaat aad Diss
la a former article some facts were
stated concerning the dftferent tem
peraments or types of vital action Into
which mankind Is divided. Tbeee are
usually reckoned as five, although the
classification la not very definitely
fixed. Bach of these types Is dletln
gulshed by a predisposition to cartels
maladies and by a special mode of re
action to the poison of the Infectious
diseases. Those of the lymphatic er
phlegmatic temperament are sluggish
and disinclined to exercise, their mus
cles ars soft and flabby, and there is
a general absence of tone in the sys
tem. The diseases from which they
suffer are usually those marked by
debility, and they have often' to be
keyed up with tonics evea when not
really III. . ., - -
Those ef the Nervous type ars of
small frame, actlveta mind and body,
light eaters and tight sleepers. Tbelr
tendency Is to diseases ef the nervous
system. They tire easily after a spurt
of work or play, but above all things
should resist the temptation to reeort
to "pick-me-ups," which have a fatally
good effect for the time being. Tbeee
people need sleep bot mast not resort
to drugs to get It and restful vaca
tions. Tbe Jolly people of the sanguine
temperament, wltb their florid com
plexions, their hearty appetites and
good digestions, enjoy life aa it comes.
The diseases ta which they are, most
lie bis are gout and premature hard
ening of the arteries, with Its conse
quent heart and kidney troubles and
1 apoplexy. The regimen best adapted
to ward oft these maladies Is a re
stricted, diet, especially as regards
flesh food, avoidance of alcoholic bev
erages, and the drinking of plenty ef
pure water to wash away waste ma
terials. '
1 Persons of the billons temperament
are prone to diseases of the liver, gall
stones. Intestinal indigestion and con
stipation. They ere large consumers
of food, but derive little enloyment
from eating. They are often much
benefited by a course of dieting and
consumption ef mineral waters, after
the plan developed to a high degree
by the German watering-place physi
cians. ' (
Tbe strenuous type Is lees distinctly
a temperament than an actual t
dency te disease. There te little repar
ative power here: woands beat slug
gishly, tbe glands In different parte
ef tbe body oftes swell and sometimes
break down, tbe appetite Is small aad
digestion poor. .Perseno of this type
do net bear confinement well, and are
rone to become ssnswsnptlvo anises
they live stock ta the awoa air.-
Tooth's Companion.
WUr Oak aa Year Old.
A wide-spread Ing oak which experts
have declared must have been grow
ing at the time ef the discovery of
America by Columbus, Is a Isndmsrk
on the estate of the late Arthur Hun
newel! la Wellesley, Mass.
The magnificent tree measures 26
feet IB circumference at the base. It
is a noticeable landmark oa account
of Its unusual else. It Intersects tbe
fence which separates the fertile fields
of the Hunnewel) estate from the
highway, and thus arrests the attea
tlon of the passer-by.
The late Mr. Hunnewel) took greet
pride la the ancient tree. It has with
stood the ravages of pests for a great
many years and Is apparently In con
dition to live for a great many more
decades. The late Mr. Hunnewell once
had tbe tree examined by an expert
from tbe Smlthonlan Institute, who de
flared thet It was between 400 and
500 years old.
Eliot, the apoatle to the Indiana fre
quently passed the towering oak while
going to and from South Natick. where
he preached to the Indiana the tree
being beside what waa the old trail.
Rheumatiera, Neuralgia and Sore
Throat will not live under the same
roof with Hemline Wisard Oil, the
best of alL remedies for. tbe relief of
all pain.
Losrleal Caaelaale.-
Too look eweet enough to kiss."
says the Impressed young man.
"Bo many gentlemen tell me that,"
toy'y answers the fehr girl.
"Ah I That should . make you happy."
"But they merely say that," she re
pines. "They merely tell me the facts
In the ease and never prove their
statements." Life. ' ,.
Beawle ealea.
According; to this magaslne," eaM
MraBUBnghaea, Wleed onions scatter
ed about a room will absorb the edoi
of fresh paint"
"I guess that's right," rejoined Blf
flngham. "Likewise a broken neck wll
relieve a man ef oaiarrh ! " Londoz
"Havlnflr taken vow wonderful 'Casce-
reta' for three months and being entirely
cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia,
I think a word of praise la due to
"Cascarets' for their wonderful coenpoei-
tiou. I have taken numerous other so-
called remedies but without avail, and I
find that Cascaiets relieve more in a day
than all the others I have taken would la
a year." Tames McGune,
loS Mercer St., Jersey City, M. J.
Ptoasaot, Palstabto, Potsqt. Teste Good. '
Do Good. Nvr Sicken. Wsaksa or Clripe,
We, He. 50c. Nvr aold la bulk. Tb f .
atnstabist mnptdCCC, Oearaetead to
ears er roar awasy bash. SU
Painless Dentistry
Wt sill fir r I fay
Itt CM ST Mrcll!
ranfw 13. St
MkrMMM 6-0
ew naff 1.0
tM-IFas J.Q
UwrlUal .6
m nntMa S.6
B4 Dibber -
wt t w eV , M
hwrkts, 7.50
rabkMbtfifea .50
Kwork auanANTiao poa is yaaaa)
Sam Etr cellos I ra ! alaMa or brldas wort
palttlw ml ion Miwk., All wort four ru-
Wise DentxU Co.
senca aoeasi a. a. w r. a. ummtt, ml
M. . . WSJ, rmmmm a Ua-W
Oat sf sa,aDpl
brldstwork no
im im oae Sa
Cure Yozr,
Why? Because ids annoying,
untidy. And mostly, because
it almost invariably leads to
baldness. Cure tt, and- save
your faair. Get more, too, at
the same time. All easily done
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
Improved formula. Stop this
formation of dandruff I
Doet not chant At color at tht hatr.
la with mm betite
a ah bin brt It.
thu ao hm mj
The new Ayer's Hsir Vigor will certainly
do this work, because, tint of all, it de
stroys tbe germs which are the original
cause of dandruff. Hiving given this aid,
nature completes the cure. The scslp la
restored to a perfectly healthy condition.
aslikraeJ.O.AyarO.,Lwsll.MM. i
5UIT4 3
Twrnpt Cmwpuw Co. umttts -tdsonio. can.
Maus ea anfaJHne srstsr miwptf. U
Kwk that jog will bsva tarn moat practt
caJ Doroaatk watar u'f b" ir'tam now ia
oaa. No aWvatsd lank, no (Voaan (Hpaa mt
wfntar, w ataansnt watar toi umnar, ns '
wtr tappty trouble of snr aart. Tana
plaead In baarmanL out of alrht and way.
aiada of preaMd atasj, will aM rust sad
Will last llfatlmaL
You will b plawad with tks LKADBB
ylm tt fnrnlahina DwnriK Watar
Supply. A.k lor our vstalotrfa sad froe
booklat, "How ewlvsd My Watar wsly
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boese, Idaho.
Ha. a-oa
ITXraxm wriUna Se advettlsewi pieces I
YY WMIlM thla aaao.
Thm naraaa.
"Row fs It that fellow appears store
prosperous every time he has a fail
"Beeaose he wBrevea the aaradoileaf
Imo ta business -
"What Is taatf '
"He telle te soesssdBsJUawrw
aeaxaat trlsade linhsfi aaoa htai aa
swat dear fie a asaeaeaa. cao eewat has
had the its sal bats aad aasn-aw ef
niai OsawS Usa
The watar boundaries at France are
as IsBowat atedltsrraasaa sea
tea aalleat North sea, atraJt of
sad awaits eteaaei, ft! aUleai As
saaasL 144 atOea
ff waa vaad Is ao aaeaathhal
Hintttsa'dBV PotaffMt taW vTpVVrttflnf stafeVfV
Pb rve. rprissds,
tWt fevr
Caterrbss rave
woraoaroawo poawirspreveitpvs. MBWtswaewaoraas at any are
era Inioctod or aKpoaad." Liquid, rn oa tha (ontu acta aa th
Blond ami (Handa, iijMlt tha potsonooa mm frost tfca oorfy. Curat Dls
SwnpartB Doaaanddbaapand Cbolarab Pnultry. Larsaat ssllinallve
etock rvmadr. Coras Ls Orippsamuna ha man brbits and b a Dm K Id
nernmady. (De and tl s faotlW: (Sand 110 a dwn. CnKhlamit. Kxa
K. BKow toyoordrarrl-t, wall!it It tor yoo. IVs BowUot. Dbw
wnT. Caaa.andCurae.' Bparial aawts wanttd.
r ar?l- 0MOir
are mad !
Swfrt,r I
Thera ara do other afaoM at Brmlar
taat sa any way oompara witlr these
taatitanaMa, ffodtting ahoaa. 7TX
OB sasta that Bbanra tha ntsma'
frvfi your feat that trim and atyhab
shoes etaabwM strW sad wsaW ooaWse wjedserthat
eostrvanakas tawaa tlas asost aopalai, di easy aad ssrrleaablo
ladsss' Sno sbeea obteiwabls, at a cost no grssasr than ordta
asy ehoaa. Yew aeaaw wlU eupetr vee.) If aot,wraw as aa,
Ta fa awe sa. saf dU LEAMNC I AHV.
wasarLtr sws mesaS ws eke aasataf a-W
a naawa i-wmmiwrn uar wiMMa-wa win aaaa pan a-aa.S
Istsvatesf SarteaWirtlsaiis.awi ifm
We eUe smm asaereai Sksee aw