The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, November 05, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parti of the World.
Less Important but Not Lass
ting Happening from Points
Outside t Stat..
The 8-year-old aoa of General Fans
too Is deed.
A Chicago jodga baa ruled that gold
Id Uw tMth ia not attachable.
Tba Swiss watch making Industry
baa shranksn to half ita one-time six.
Anothsr West Point cadet has bean
probablj fatally injured in a football
A runaway auto at New York killed
one man and fatally Injured two
Portland la likely to feee a milk
famine following tba cleaning op of
King Henelfk, of Abysinnls, haa
been stricken with apoplexy and hia
death la probable.
Speaker Cannon ridicules the idea
that he ia to be retired by the next
boose and defies his opponents.
Alabama ia facing a deficit of $!,
000,000 and nothing in eight with
which to pay current expenses.
A passenger train on the Wabash
road waa derailed near Pettensburg,
Mo., and a doaen passengers injured.
Inh a soeeeb at New Orleans Taft
gain declared congreaa haa ehamefully
, neglected the Improvement of the riv
. era. .
New York Is to spend $15,000,000 In
Improving and extending subways.
Governor Wlllaon, of Kentucky, has
been aeked to f Ornish troops to sup
press night-riders
A California Chinaman haa second
a patent on a machine which will
meeeare celestial distances.
Troops have been ordered to Basin,
Wyo., to restrain sheepmen and cattle
men from engaging in a rang war. .
Chicago boslnoss men do not blame
Crane, the recalled Chlneee minister,
and think he was antalrly dealt with.
General te trade propnsss to divide
Nicaragua and make a separate repub
lic of tba provinces on the Atlantic
Conductors, firemen and engineers of
the railroads east of the Mississippi
are about to demand an increase in
Naval officers in Greece started a
mutiny and seised an arsenal, but were
beaten in a battle with tba army and
Two book iwlndlers have bean found
guilty In Chicago. Tbsy are aaid to
have secured nearly $600,000 from
business men throughout the country
by posing as publishers of a business
John D. Rockefeller baa given IV
000.000 to fight tbb bookworm to the
Iowa women have resolved to adopt
militant methods In their fight fool
The church and state controversy in
Franco has been revived by the school
Tba murder of Prince I to has been
traced to a plot ia Core and a revolt
to expected.
Judge H. R. Lorton, of the United
Statea Circuit court of Tennessee, is
proposed for supreme Jodga.
The Dry Farming congress at Bill
togs, MonL, passed resolutions con
demning the methods of the Interior
The will of the late Dr. Shoemaker,
of Wllkssbarre, Pa., provktao for over
$o00,000 for the medical department
of Tale saivenlty. -
The Northers Pacific baa hwoonced
seaany sbanges to sfneiak and will
spend large sums ta the betterment of
the lias to ties West.
Fatten . slearod approximately $,-
OOCOOOoa sottoa through the recent
advance to price. He la said to have
$11,000,000 tola year to am
A Sea Diego, GaW woman died from
fright an seeing a dog fight.
The esar and King Tie tor have
agreed ea a potto far tba Balkans. .
' Da la Grange, the' French aviator,
as mads M miles an haw to hia mea-
Senator Newlaads says It will as too
great a burden to plana ship saheidy
to to force.
Pi him Ito waa regarded ananas ant-
cereal ly to Oerea es the real
I teat soaatry.
Msssace Received si Sen Frandso
From 8, 3O0 Miles Distant.
San Francisco, Nov. 1. -Tba long
distance wireless record baa been cap-
to red by tbe Pacific Mail liner Korea
on tba first voyage with a wireless
Saturday night Operator Phelps 00
the Korea sent an aerogram to the
United Wireless station in this city
from -a point 8,800 miles to tbe west
ward, or 1,200 miles beyond Honolulu.
Phelps reported the distance at tbe
time as 2,681 miles from Japan. Tbe
weather was cloudy, with a gentle
easterly breese and' ssa prevailing.
Pbslps also received a message from
This accomplishment more than ex
ceeds the expectations of General Man
ager Schwerin, of the Pacific Mail,
who aaid some time ago he would in
stall wirslees plants on the trans
pacific liners when it waa shown they
could do effective work at a distance of
1,600 miles. Tbe Korea not only kept
in touch with tbe station bars, but waa
abls to receive maaaages from tba lo
cal operator.
En Output for Single Yesr Reaches
Sum of 280,000,000.
Topeka, Kan., Nov; 2. Statistics
pi-spared by the- United States board
of agriculture show that tba earnings
of poultry In the United States In one
year were greater than tbe veins of
either the cotton crop, wheat crop or
swine output.
Tbe latest report of the department
snowed that the value of the egg oat
put for a aingle year amounted to more
than $290,000,000. Twelve years ago
the farmers of Kansas began to pay
more attention to their poultry, and
this state haa become the greatest
poultry state in the Union. The pro
uet of tbe hen is rapidly paying off the
mortgages on many farms, and the
business hss reached a point where the
laying capacity and profit of hens is a
paramount queation. -
Tbe State Agricultural college la
conducting Interesting experiments
with poultry, and a recent report shows
that the cost of keeping nine.bens eight
months was $8.81, whereas tba eggs
laid in the same period brought in
26.66, leaving a profit of $17.78 or
$1.61 for each ban.
New Zealand Takes Trade From Can
adian Provinces..
Ottawa, Out, Nov. 1 Canada fa
losing her bold on tba cheese trade.
The production of Canadian chssss so
far this season Is approximately 1,78ft,
000 boxes, which Is only 8,000 boxes to
excess of tba production during tba
same period last year, bat the pries re
ceived is, on an average, one cent a
pound loss than waa obtained a year
In explaining this anomalous situa
tion, sxportera say that the tower
prices are due to a considerable extent
to the inereaee in the New Zealand
cheese output. Last year 620,000 box-
wera made . la New Zee' end, which
five years ago produced only 66,000
Nsw Zealand's sale of ehosee has
now displaced the Canadian makes on
tbe English market to the winter esa-
txntoeion Fatal to 13.
Johnstown, Pa., Nov. f. Twelve
roes were killed to too Cambria Steel
company's coal mine, two miles from
bore, tonight, as the result of what Is
supposed to have been a dynamite -
plosion. All tbe dead are foreigners.
Three men iscapid by a periloas elimb
on life ladders through poisonous mine
gas and falling slats up the steep walla
of the mate abaft. Only 16 workmen
were to the nine.' A fores of men at
loacee? egaa steering thedebrisand fall
est slate to tba tower levels, when the
final barrier waa pamid, the party
found the 12 bodies.
Dutch Sailors Desert.
8en Francisco, Nov. Thirty-five
sailors of the Dutch eraioer Noord
Brabant deserted tost weak, ap to ths
time aba left hers far Honototaand
tbe Orient. Most af the deeertione
were of ass ordinary kind, tba
simply forgetting to return from shore
leave, but to toe ease of foar the leave
taking waa rather apeetaeular. Hav
ing fstled to obtain liberty leave, ahoy
watched far an opportanfty-tnd tried
to swim ashore, bat a beat was seat in
pursuit. All foar were eeptared.
They will be gtvea severe duties.
Earth Shock tneHeetoel.
8e Lake, Nov. I. A well assmsd
earth shook was metis a an tba asto-
mograph at ska Ualvesaity af Utah at
6 :26:60 this era lag. The wave waa
spares thy traveling frees east to west
and to too opiate af Pre
of tba antverelty, waa aa Is
Mextos or Bsathsra Osiifotato.
Immediate Appropriations Neces
- jary to Commerce.
Congress Must Changs Plans hT Cour.-
tnCla to Recti vs Any Msrksd
Benefits of Work,
Washington, Oct 80. "Tbe Pacific
Coast harbors need immediate appro-
pristions from congress to deepen
them and provide for eot
through tba Panama canal. Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle, Grays Harbor, San
Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland and Eu
reka most be provided for more liber
ally la the future if the Western coast
Is to reap the full benefit of the great
Istbmlsa out now being made. The
Sacramento and San Joaquin, the Co
lombia and Snake riven on tbe west
ern slops traverse a country that ia de
veloping too fast to wait for appropri
ations made in tbe old manner. They
moot receive larger amounts from con
gress If the country is to receive any
marked benefit"
These are sentiments exprsssed by
John A. Fos, specisl director of the
National Rivers and Harbors congress,
who baa just completed a tour of tbe
country, covering substantially tbe
route followed by President Taft.
Ur. Fox, who is an engineer of dis
tinction, aaving been connected with
many of the big waterway projecta of
tbe country, is to make a report to tbe
Rivera and Harbors congress at Its
nsxt masting in Washington on De
cember 8, 6 sad 10. In his report hs
ill slaborsts upon the idea above
quoted, and will undertake to Impress
upon tbe congress, and through it upon
tne national congress, tbe importance
of making large appropriations for im
mediate use in further Improving the
big harbors of the Pacific coast, rU
uai cney may, as ae indicates. resD
InHi.. M.n
full benefits from tbe commerce that
will seek the Pacific coast upon com
pletion of the Panama canal.
On hia recent tour Mr. Fox started
from Washington, went down the At
lantis coast, through tbe southernmost
tier of states, and northward along the
Pacific coast from San Diego to Bell
ingbam. Ho men retraced hia steps to
Portland and itudied the situation an
the Columbto and Snake rivers, and
from these followed tbe Missouri from
its headwaters to Its mouth. Hs re
tamed by way of the Great lakes and
completed his tour with sn inspection
of the Ohio river.
Homes of South Dakota Claim Hold
ers Are Swept Away.
aDIIas, 8. D., Oet. 80. A prairie
Are extending a distance of three miles
from east to west is raging to Tripp
county, in tba sooth western part of the
Much lees to farm buildings and
crops is reported and hundreds of men
and women are out fighting the flames.
The towns af Lemro and MeNeeley,
threatened for a time, wars saved after
strenuous affects.
The firs started to tba Southern part
of the county and was swept along by
a high sooth wind. At one time Lata
ro was completely surrounded by
flamae, but at last reports the place
waa believed to hove been saved. The
entire population and tba aurroundiog
country went ant to combat the flames
and for boors worked desperately.
The town of MeNeeley suffered
similar experience and the flames were
diverted only after heroic efforts.
Oat on the open prairie, away from
all help, the hemes of many claim bold-
era ware deetreyed.
No deaths have heea reverted.
Tbe firs hss boned ever an area es
timated at more tbaa 66 square miles.
Thoflamsewara checked today after
they had destroyed farm and ranch
property worth $100,000. 8everal poe-
pte bad narrow
Quake Bhakaa SteMvaa
Redding, Cal., Oet. to. Oas of ths
sever aaithuaakea aver felt hi
(tedding occurred et 10 :4& o'clock tost
night, Houses trembled sari eleopsre
were awakened. Oaeervera say thai
the shock lasted too seconds or longer,
sad that It was eerhana felt mora vie-'
tenth than was the Saa Francises
earthqoake of IPO. At Baird, aa the
McCkmd river, M mite from here,
where the United States fishery ato
ttoa la heated, the shook lasted so long
that peopto saltoa to thew aeighhom
toaalaas Ftoka Up Euros. .
Baa Fraaewosk Oet. N. Ta United
Wsmlcsebere iismlid hater that H
malum ie1 misil ill
Rarcte and
to wiJSto
Senator Carter Proposes Method to
Obviate Bond Issus.
Denver, No. 1. United States Sen
ator Thomas C Carter, of Montana,
chairman of to senate committee on
irrigation and reclamation of arid
lands, arrived to Denver this morning,
several others of tba committee arriv
ing later to the day.
"There are projects now under way,"
said Senator Carter, "which call for
the expenditure of between $40,000000
and $60,000,000 for enterprises which
ought to be limbed to completion im
mediately, to order to open dp bomes
for the settlers and to provide for re
plenishing of the reclamation fund.
"It has been suggssted that govern
ment bonds be issued to provide tbe
capital necessary. My own idea is that
warrants issued against the reclama
tion fund would servo the purpose
equally well.
"There haa already been expended on
the Pathfinder system in Wyoming 11,
000,000, but until the distributing sys
tem is completed there will be no pay
ments collected by tbe government.
"Tbe Salt river project will require
an expenditure of more than $8,000,-
000. Up to this time $2,000,000 baa
been expended and tba dam which im
pounds 1,000,000 acre feet of water ia
juat so much dssd effort unless ws go
further immediately and pi see the wa
ter on ths land."
Pioneer Aeronaut Believes Ha Has
Problem Solved.
Los Angeles, Ca)., Nov. 1. After
60 years of activity In the field of eon-
struetion Professor Thaddeus S. C.
Lows', of Passdepa, announces that be
la about to complete the labor of his
lifs and give to tba world-a practical
freight-carrying air craft.
Tbe day of experimenting has
ed," aaid Professor Lows today, "and
I bops before long to be able to start
the largest practical airship the world
" " ' .i.
" lV w s
Whils the plans of the airship are as
yet a narded secret, tbe inventor 1
shown then to General Allen, chief of
the United States signal service., and
to tbe practical minds that have con
ceived and reviewed them they contain
no flaws dssitined to prove fatal in the
final test.
"If yoo will Imagine that ! had In
my balloon ear wbsa I went up for re-
con no leeance with General MsClellan
the 100 or 160 horsepower motor an
gines of 1009, you will see that I could
have ended tbe Civil war to a week. I
will be able to carry 20 tons on my ex
perimental airship, hs said. .
Russian Studies Median Throuch
His Sixth Sena.
Chicago, Nov. 1. Blind from birth.
but able through telepathy to take the
different courses of medicine and eur-
gsry without study, Is too rsmarkabl
condition of J. W. Bowtotin, a student
in tbe Chicago College of Medicine sad
Bowlotin, ayoong Russian, assarts
that through a sixth ssnss, which be
cannot explain, be can read too minds
of his friends and classmates, and in
than manner acquire from them tbe
knowledge they obtained through hard
H. Wolk, a roommate of ths ajvste-
rlous blind student, said yesterday that
after completing hia stadias for an
evening, Bowlotin, even though no con
versation bad passsd between them,
would be familiar with the subject
which be (Wolk) had been reading.
Bowlotin does not believe hie power ie
anything aupemataral nor anything be
yond what any man could da if he
would think bard.
"The whole thing la largely a thing
of memory and stand reasoning," he
said. "With Wolk bora I get along
nicely. W anderstand each ether
"Is it true that Wolk reeds roods at
himseU and yea anderstand what he
Hs replied that R waa
sms)ta WWta Saw.
Saa Frsnchmo, Nov. 1. Jakes Toaa-
samt, a local rector ant proprietor,
was arrested today by Immigration In
spector Anton we to Tors an a charge
of Importing girls fata tba United
States for immerml porpossa. He ia
charged with having imparted Henriet-
to Perrto, a French women, wases he
met to Leaden three years ago. Ac
cording to the Federal iaunigretkai aa-
taarltiea to Wees lug Wis, ee whoa eees-
nlaiat Toassaiat
girt ta asawto
ssantry ea premise of
rosed am ssdeana the
bWswsc8ss New. 1. Prcenler Morat
tologrephed taasavJto the aatbsrittos
oeart asorttol 1 1 anJI they saahl
1 '
Commercial Advantages of Mis
sissippi Sleep, Says Taft.
Vessels of Flotilla Are Unabl to Keep
Together and Much Loss af
Tim Results.
Helena, Ark., Oct. 28. President.
Tsft's rivsr schedule went all to piecea
yastsrdsy, owing to tba inability of
the veeeals following bis flagship, too
Oleander, to maintain the obsignated
a peed. Tbe president tried to remain
with the fleet ss f ar as possibls and de
layed his arrival at Memphis threo
bours to order that the boat csrrying
tbe 16 governors and the ,177 eongrsss-
men, as wall as other vessels carrying-
delegates to the waterways eonventkn
in New Orleans, might land at tba sam
Leaving here nearly three hours late.
tbe president will not reach Vicksbars;
until 6 o'clock or later tonight, that
being hia next stop. Even to make
that city at 6 p. m., tbe president will
have to leave the other vessels behind.
It had been intended that tbe president,
should be welcomed once- more to Ar
kansas by Governor Donaghey, bat the
governor's boat waa an boor behind tba
presidsnt, and ths introductory speech
was made by Mayor Martin
Tbe delay la tbe arrival caossd much
confusion, however, and two of tba
president's cabinet ministers came near
getting left on tbe return from tbe au
ditorium. The president In bis address at Mem-
phi delared that such eommercciet
advantages aa ths Mississippi rivsr si
ready afforded were not Being taken
advantsgs of. Hs also pointed out the
hsrd work that would have to be don
to start a system of commerce, avem
after the deep waterway bad been se
cured. -
The president Is still very hoarse-
end It was with great effort that b
He referred to tbe flotilla Jeetinglr
as a "traveling show, booked for a full
performance," end regretted that on
part of the show was called upon to fill
tao entire engagemeatv The trip down) .
the river, according to tbe president.
has simply demonstrated tbe Inade
quacy of present river traffic to com
pete with the railroads and is good ar
gument for deep waterwaya.
Murdsrsd Statesman flalssd to First
Rank After Assassination.
Tokio, Oct. 28. Tbe bodv of Prlnew
Ito, tba murdered alder statesman of
Japan, will be token aboard tbe Jspan-
sss warship Iwate at Darlsn and will
be brought to Japan accompanied by a
full suite representing tbe entire na
tion. The bodv lav vestordev in a.
hotel at Deri en, the coffin covered bv a.1
aimnis white pall. Qvards surrounded)
the hotel and only ths prince's Mrsooei
staff was admitted.
Before tbe official annosmcement of
Prince Ito's death difficultr was en-
coun tared, which waa of purely techni
cal Datura, in avoiding acknowledg
ment of the stetoemn ' actual demies.
This was obviated later when tbe death)
waa officially announced, an ordlnane
being simultaneously ieeoed and ante
dated, bestowing snoeual honors, on
ox tneea being advancement from jun
ior to the first grade to the court rank.
Those closest to ths throne sav that
ths emperor is deeply affected by tbw
ssstnatiOB of the orince. He boa
asked for every detail and apparently
ia enable to understand wbv the seur-
der was committed, to view of tba evi
dent nenataritv of Prince Ito. Boh
whoa informed of all the facta sa far
aa they have been learned her, the
emperor ordered that there mast be oo
change to policy toward Ceroa.
Oatorae Man la Lock.
Aberdeen, ft. D.. Oct. xfl WiRf...
J. Bngto, of Butts, Noto, who waa th .
first chance to sstoet a quarter ssetJow
of tend en the Steading Roak and
Cheyenne river Indlea issai islliaai to
the land drawing yoaterday, was die
qaalified three day ago whoa be filed)
on a aeesvtead to Tripp county, 8. D.
This fast waa aat lass nod aatil today.
As a reeelt a negro named Howdy, .
narter, wfaa drew the ascend namher to
the lottery, will be given the right to
caosas any oaarter asettoa of
the X.XM.000 ares far hie owe.
Rana, Nov., Oet. tS. That She akt
mtotog cassp of Vlrgfato City kf stak
ing into the doe eaavea on the akkaf
which it is leeatwL end that rt beaai
roady tolnpea 11 fast whmto the kest
fw yenre, was tawaamsaxMssasataaaa
by Fiufisssi George p. Teans
Uahwtetf of Itaiam, toaas.