........ p.-'- . . . r- , - ! 1 ' 1 1 K- ... - . .' Morrow County 1$ the Richest County Per Capita In Oregon. Ion I the Best City In Morrow Gounty " Vol. ir. Ko - i:;." IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER fy 1909. ; '--. Whole No. 566. ROCK SPRINGS COAL Fir Cord Wood, ' ' , Slab Wood, -Any quantities desired CaU and get prices. mi Ki' LA. Razors $f Honed .25 cents Barber RALPH (NEXT POOH TOWOOLERY,S5EFLCij RALPH HVMER. Poe. I am certainly there, with the fancv Hnir cutting and smooth Shaving. ' CALL ONCE, AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN. Laundry Basket ana Mti-V in co&cct&oiL Siarp razfers, lot sfiarp worts. Is Mr aAttv POTATOES! . We will have Potatoes , i. . . . for $i. per 160 lbs. G A S H Leave wdcrs.t once i For delivery Nov. ist t TTS"E PACIFIC MONTHLY of Portland Orecon i ,beatttiful)y illnjtrated monthly mnpazine, .If you are interetUd in dairying, fruit raising, poultry raising or want to Vnow about irrigaled lands, timber Ijiiior free goverrtment lands awlen to homestead entry, Tb Pa cific Monthly will give you full in formation. The price is fl.60 yr. Offer No 1MClnraV Mngaiine, . Woman's Home Companioa and The Pacific Monlbly coating will be sent at a special rnte of $3. Offer Ko Mc Clurt't Magazine, Review l Reviews an4 the Pacific Monthly eosting 90. will bo sent for 93.00 - ' ; Offer No 3 Human Life, Ideal Home and The Pacific Monthly will be sent for $2. Order by number and send your order accompanied by postal mon ey order for tt amount te The Pa- "-ciAe Monthly Portl:wl Oregon. ' IlP C01pil bo, Ecc '5 q a. Razors 'Honed 25 cents 5hop. NEW IRRIGATION BOOK FREE "Well Irrigation, for Small Farms" is a publication jnstiasusd by the General Passenger Depart ment, of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co., and Southern Pa cific Lines in Oresou. This booklet sttsforth inapract ical concise way, the possibilities for profit of inexpensive-irrigation, and ajiould be in the hands of every farmer in Oregon,. Copies may be obtained free on application to Wn Mc Murray, General Pasaengar Agent, O.R.&N. and 8.P. Unas in Oregon, Portland Oregon. ' subscribe for the Proclainer $1.50 a j ear. . CITY COUNCIL City Couno.il mat in regular ses sion Tuesday evening November 2, with a quorum present. Mayor Pad berg hi the- chair. ' lia amounting to 936 63 were allowed. " , Upon motion of Councilman Perkins the rtoorder whs lb trad ed to post notices of regular elec tion to be hold Tuesday, December 7th. ' . As Judges of jnicb election D C Ely and L E Ward were named, tlte clerks to be 'John Coc-ftrnnand Walter Pnyenr. .,: " ' ' ' Upon motion it wub decided to hold a caucus oti Tuesday evening November Iflth for placing .names for ward, for tlie.oflicea of Recorder, Treasurer and three cotfiicilmen who are to be elected in December. Council adjourned. - - . f r C,J rennington, Hecitder, m SETTLER SAYS NEXT YEAR A UW.m. Mra M Jordan wiiocama to lone w.hen jnet a little child, having crossed overland,. and who hnaliv led here oontinuounly tine, b&js that this 11 an ideal fall. She laya that it ban beenveveratyearaiinee the outlook for a good year ahead has been so bright and that ao much rainfall followed each time by warm weather and more rain, j'ia a forerunner of opei winter, much idfUture and beam arnin COUNTY INSTITUTE. . The teachers from this section who have just returned from IhbU tute, at Hepptier, speak in thehigh est tcruij.of the seioiioii jiiPt cWt d, saVitrg that County Superinten dent Ntilseir knows exactly how to arrange fur an Instruciivennd ben eficial Institute. ' ' ' They- also rrjwrt IIckpner as iros(i'jro;i and its-people optimi tic for a good year. , : vzi emmm y , . . I.viit Saturday aftt rnon ai d eveniiB the Chri-tian C htirch rgsiilrntirtt En hh tY. itcelf proud in giving one of the most sue cestui events that hns taken plce in lone for some time. The ladies had the store room formi-rly used by The PrO:faimcy,athflaIjaater; and hid. it dreamt t v.iih Jiick O'hauterns and grein iwij:s until it appeare.l ncuriyVs fnii ylm.d. Tn'dfi covered ' wilh liaudsome lunch cloths were scattered about and dainty tiietiit raid ave the Untuf alaTjTea. The representa tive of this paper who naa there, claims to be a good judge ofdibies and if there is any better cooking in the country than was there, then we will "have to be shown?. Home mad candy and pretty household and wearing articles were nicely arranged and some quilts ' that si to wed that tbc fame of even our fore mothers, was excel led for work meuship, were also on sale. Quite a nice sum was realized, and all considered, tbo ladies of tbe Chris tian oiinrcli can pat tbcHselre on tbe back as good business people A NEW DISEASE. Some of the people who went to Grangeville, Idaho, about 'a year ago returned and spread the disease and now there is quite a following gone from here over there. : The latest being the three young marri ed couples that lono has seeu start ed on the voyage of life. We have no doubt that Grangeyilleis a good town and we do know thai it is the better because, of the ( ne peo ple, that lone has contributed. However we are fearful that some of our people over t ere who are so used to open and comfortable winters will not en oy tlje closed in and cold term of many months that is before i hem. 1'ut we wish all success, particularly the six young folks, who h.e grown up here and who have the affection of the whole eopkv At the home A the bride on Willow Creek, near lone, iliss Grace Wattenburuer wne married to Roy Conser Thursday morning in the presence of relatives and a few intimate 'friends. Judge Per-' kins of 'one performed the cere mony and tue young couple left immediately after for ('rangeville, Idaho where they will make their hpme. The Proclnimer wishes them all success in life.- LOTS 0 PEOPLE liV TOWN. The sale by public auction hitt Saturday of the last of tbe Kincaid stock by the Assignee, E L Pad berg, was one of the largest attend ed and most satisfactory sales ever attended in lone. The town lias not been so full of people in over two years on any shopping day. Tbe purchaser j were local people, none being here from Hrppuer. This successful event shows plain ly that advertising pays as ie m le hereabouts has been so weil advertised. md -V "'' bf t JOUiNAt. m W MM I A Ar ww M " I t TM tO0T fOVMAL mm ALL TKI Ht'Mt. m - Cm. i a 4.. m r( HMIlll Mi ! mm am wy Jfc. mm Ami tn JOWMM. fel J ' Ncesvroft sovs - l ' M 'Iimi hmwli m J 1 nia w. m4 nn tt :. J- NotiCK FOB PlTItMCATTON ' (IsoUted Tract.) Sorint Xo- ttmti) Puf)!ic La'nd Sate. V 8 Lrfnd Office ,Th Dnllw. Orfoa. ' eft. -'ikJ 1H0H. Sol ice In. hermit v sirt-n that, as direct ed bv tho OuinihiKtiiutier ( the (i-.ernlc Land Olnce.jtnder proviilnm of Act of ' Congrcfi apprivl June 27, (HU, Public NaStfl, WO will oflr al pnbNo taiot to Ike highest bidder, at lO.o'vlock a in., onthelOthdnV of Nov. 1000 n xt. at thin ortice, tlm hi Inwiiiit tract o( liuid. to wit; SWXNW See. L8 T.iN. H.23E.W.M. Any ptraons clnitr.ins advemif the above-ilesvrlbcd lands are advised to file their claims, or objpctii?. on or More the day above desiirnateil for ile. f W Mnnrn, Upgisfer. DEPAUTAtEKTofihcIXrKRIOR GBSKKAI, LAND OFKM'F, ' . frAHHINtJTDN, D.C . K im?4U(it a. M, . ' ' , J-tdvtO.'lW , NOTICE OF RKSTORATION OF I r rum.1,1; i.AxiTo skttus- iiKNl, AND ENTRY." Notice ! horrby ch-ii that the Aoliait SeweUry ol the Interior n vacated de partmental orriur of withdrawal ia so far an tbe hiiw aitvetajJuft jiUluiiMo irrijiftjlon piirposod under theactofjnne 17, 1002 (S3 fttst.. 388) for nteta eonncc " tiott wfth tlie I'lnatilja Project, Oregon, of the (oljowing jlferiled uuuls fa tbe State of Orpson, and by his authority ancb of said tracts as have not been here- -tofore finally rnatored and are not other- wise withdrawn, reeerrad orappropriat ' ed, wi)l be aoliject tn ettlenwJit antler , the public land lawa ol the United States on nd after October 16, 0(. but thai) not be snbject to entry, flliniior selection , pnlil November 16, 11)00, at the United States land office at The Dalles, Oregon, warning being exprewly given that no peraou will be per mitted to sain orexer . -,t else any rWht whatever ntidarany tittle- T inentoroccntiatton Iwgnn after July 6, 11)09, and prior tp October 10, 1WU, sl jy " inch aettlentent or ocvuatiou,btli)g lor '" hidden. ';;. ri. . -. -" t a ' --jj-T. Wllfametie Principal Sleridttin'.-'-T. I H., It. SO E., all Sees, lie is, SI to Sfiand 3D toStlint-1, ' ,' T. 9 N., R. 10 E.f all Sees. I to 18, SS to, 97 and 3-te 80 Inch T.8N., K. 19 E., sll Ih t po.Uon in Oregon. i T,SN.f R.S0E., nil. ' T.SN., R. 20 a'l ti.nt purt'op In Oregoi , . " . - . ' T.2N., R.St E., alt. T. 8 N R. SI K., sll tbat portion (a . Oregon. T. S N., R. S3 E., sll Se; a. t te 9, &o2 . and 2ft to 33 incl. T. 8 N., R. iit K., ah Kca. 4, 5, 6 and 7 . aentli nf Coin nil'Ift Kiver und nil Hot. 8, B, 16 to 21 and ai to 33 lnr i. i 8. Vlroudnr, Acting U'tmmifiioner of the General Land OIKce. Frank fierce, First Amtunt Scctelny , of the interior. WW . 6 acres, about 7 milcf from cent-. er of Porthind, niile from ofcclric 'oar line station, nil vtcll ft need, and in flno bearing otchanl, also all kinds of berries ni-d ve-sic-tables, 5 room hoifre with toilet, lnth,1iot and cold witter, ftrtit well, towr ten k and wind mill, 100 high grade chickens, Imryu av.i nitgoM many other iinilrmriitv price $7600.00, will take lCQacrra of good wheat fnml, in exchange for-' part. . . . . Have 80 acres of timber land, a fcwlots.in he-t eon si ton n in Ore gon, and a limited amount of cask . for this we want a small wheat farm, - ' " . 9 room well built, house In. good part of Portland, 60x100 lot. one ' block from carllne lietiae not en ' tirely modern, Imt ran be made so, with small expense, price toOOo-OO will take in txchanrV Rood wheat land np to 93000, to 14000.00 ' Any one wishing information regarding any cf the abcv inquire et the proclaimr orrioc