The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 29, 1909, Image 7

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1 '.. .... ,
Coughs of
Especially night couth. Na
ture needs little heln to outer
the Irritation, control rh in.
Airamatloii check the progress
of the disease Our advice is
five the children Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Aakvour
doctor if this Is his advice also.
He knows best. Do as he aava.
We publish oar bratlM
Wa banlak slash Hi
ftroaa wall tai aaa
W. w yaw, to
nan fom
If you think constipation ( of trifling
vuubcudhco, ium ssi youraoctor. rls
ill diubuM vou ol that notion in short
order. "Correct tt, at once I be will
aay. Then ask him about AVer's PUU.
A mild liver pill, all vegetable:
- Dlnf Mssa ThM MMklMk -
A little chap was offered a chance to
spend a week la the country.. but re
fused. Coaxing, pleading; arguing,
promising of untold wonder, alike
brought from him nothing bat the
etubborn ultimatum, "No country far
me!" "But why notr eome one naked,
Anally. "Becanee thr have tbraehln'
machines down there, an' H'e bad
enough here, where It's done by hand.'
UMM Bkn m arm! a.
1 dunno," said Uncle Eben, "whether
- It's better to nave mo money dan
brains or mo brain dan money, but
beaven help de man dat ain't got any
at either."
- Slew el Btaewee.
On all esute in the Catskilm a New
Tork man employe a great deal ef
local help, giving the ' fanners and
their folk the preference whenever pos
sible. In his big-hearted way. Not long
igo his cook needed an assistant and
he engaged neighboring farmer's
wife te come ever the nut oar. Whr
she arrived at T:SO a. m. she apot
gUed for being late and explained that
before leaving home she had got break
fast for the family ef six, had pat up
a lunch for her husband and one son,
who were going to work In the field,
and another lunch for three of the
children who were going to school, had
milked Ave eows, fed the pigs and
chickens and walked a mile to the
New York man's place, r
He said he would euuse her lor
-t getting there at sis.
- 'A Har riimlHw.
A young nun visited his doctor and
described a common Illness that had
befallen him.
"The thing for yon to do." the phy
sician said, "Is to drink hot water an
hour before breakfast every morning."
"Well, how an yon feellngr the
doctor asked n week later. "Did yon
follow my advice and drink hot water
an hour before breakfast?"
1 did my beet, sir, but I couldn't
keep It up more'n tan minutes at a
stretch.' TltBlte.
Pnecnnonla and Consumption are al
ways preceded by an ordinary cold.
Hamline Wisard Oil robbed Into the
cheat draws out the) inflammation,
breaks up the eold and prevents all se
rious trouble.
Twa. sides KverythlaaY;
A little boy was given too much
underdone pie for his supper and waa
soon roaring hutlly.
His mother's visitor. was visibly dis
turbed. "If he was my child," she said, "he'd
get a good sound penhlng."
"He deserves It," the mother ad
mitted, "but I don't believe, Id spank-
lag him on a full stomach."
"Neither do 1," said the visitor, "but
I'd turn him over." Success Magazine.
hot TsUu a MAxrm.
Means an aafailrne water supply, ft
Mana that you will have the moat practi
cal Domaatic watar eunply ay torn now ta
nee, Ne elevated tank, no froaan ptpea ta
win tar. no ataemant watar la mmaiar aa
watar aupply troublaa of any nrt. Tank
placed to baanwnt. oat of sight and war.
mad of preaaed ateeL will not roat and
will laata Iffatime.
You wm ba pleased wKa Om LKADRR
ayatam af fumiahlnc Domaaua Watar
Supply. Aak for oar catalogue and free
hoc let. "Siw I Wnd My Water
PcrUtrmi, Ore.
Spokane. Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
a Drr Dor
"Algy. did you call on Wee Peecbley
bun evening, ae you Intended T"
"I went aa far aa the front door, dear
boy, but I was so thoroughly d ranch
ed by a sudden storm that had come
up that I merely aeked the servant for
a rain check nA mm away."- -
In 17 a -body of volunteers oon-
etettng entirely of Jews, wme formed
In Charleston, 8. C; and fought under
QeaersJ afoultrle.
Flararw 1st artta'
at a til Lit.
One af the most Interesting ckarao
tera In the musical life of Berlin
Rosalia Bpohr, the harpist who li a
niece of the treat vtollalat Louis
Spohr, aa exchange nays. Bae enade
her first appearance la tmblle on Dee.
IS, 184. at a concert given by Jennie
Und. She attracted attention first bs
cauee of her dlatingulabed musical de
scent, but after the world had oooe
heard her her art made bar faraoua.
There are few woman before the pub
1n to-day who play the harp as vlr-
tnoaL althouah one seas them oeoasloa
ally la thepera ontaeetraa. Bo It
difficult nowadays to realise that Ro
salia Bpohr toured Europe In triumph.
She found la Prana Lust a devoted
friend and enthusiastic admirer and
ha waa proud to play with her at Wei
mar as well as give her the benefit of
his artistic advice. Her career aa
public performer ended after about
six rear. Than she became the wife
of Count Baurma and the stage knew
her no more. She still lives In Berlin
mors than 80 years aid. but entnnslaa-
tlo In her devotion to the Instrument
with which she woo the triumphs of
her brief professional career. For three
hours every day shs practices the harp.
-fand her technique has tor that reason
remained very oompleta for one of her
age. Her talent was la a measure her
editary, since' her annt was a well
known harpist In her day. It waa
through bar playing - that Rosalie
Spohr, who had begun her musical life
as a pianist, turned her attention to
the harp.
A widow for more than twenty yeari,
It ba been her devotnw to her art that
made life Interesting to her during ail
this time. Her education was sound.
In the first place, for she studied for
two years under -the harpist Orlmm
who allowed her to play In public at
the end of that period, although It Was
one of his principles that a harpist
should study for tan . years. Oounteea
Rosalie has bean aa Intimate friend of
the German royal family, and both
Prtedrlcb and the empress were de
lighted to hear her play. Nowadays
she Is a unique figure In the musical
and social Ufa of Berlin and an In
spiration ta the) younger students, who
see what a joy and consolation an art
may be te one who baa acquired
faithfully. , . ',.
Painless Dentistry
Oasef saw areplai
out have tBr plata
and baHaaaaiS; im
laW U oma aa
22k pW w fartt'ala
t- 13.50
Uater Cneas 6.0
rwmm J-
Caaawl nfOafll 1
lkfl-a 2.51
SsriRal hs - fl
hsr flask 7.BQ
PllalaNLrtfdaa .b0
Kltnctlaa na wtua alaUaor brldaa Mft
Wise Dental Co.
Twfflgr rairrsvoRMO
SaVaLtaSff.SL saajafa, S te a.
isere and psatttve tw
Snlnfactadar azpoaad." Liquid.
B'ood and G lands, axpeai CM poiaonooa
tamoar tn Deaa and BbiaD and Cholera
Stock rvmady. Coras LaiGrippaamoDeboiiian bataaa and la a One Kld-
aariwnadr. SWand 11 a Bottia; SBand iiuaoawa. Uot iba oat. ftMp
, Ps
Phsk rye, Cpfawasj,
Ship gl ag fever
Caxenrwat rswar
iWirknurhiiass at saqr am
a tha toncva; acts the
nrmafraatOMbodr. Curaa Pla
in Pool try. LarsartssJllncllTS
By Olsutaaeo L. Onllam.
H. Show UrwdniffW, who will at It (of Joa.
IfWwr. Ctuiw and Cwraa.' SpacriaiuantS wantad.
. For
Highest Quality
23 Ootioiwt lor 25 Ceaim
Made from pare, Cxkretuliw tested
tDateriala. Get a eon on triad 1
You never mr tucfa caUcea
amd Uacnit ThcrT. open
Another deed-sure preliminary to a
touch la when she tells you that yon
are looking so tired around the eyas.
The Urn need to be when only men
called an evening of wild and hysteri
cal rummifarousness "having a goad
Why aa- It that the wotnaa who
harps incessantly apoa the Incon
stancy and the wtllneea of men usually
has a face Ilka that of a perturbed son
perohr y
It makes a ssaa feel pretty cheap
when, after admiring some woman ha
meet ta a company, his wife tells
bias that she wears a whole wig, aad
proves M.
Why fa It that a woman wtn strive
frantically for years to catch her hus
band In a He and then weep till her
nose and eyes are all puffy and red
whaa aba anally succeeds f
Whan a woman la extraordinarily
careful to lock away bar own letters
aren't you filled with a sort at In
voluntary suspicion that she'd read
other people's UUers If she ant
Why to ft that, whaa a man sits
still for tea mlnutee or so, probably
thinking that he'd better get a hair
eat to-morrow, ala wife makes ap her
mind that be-1 dreaming af some
other woman f
Wnea the regular day arrives for
bar te have what she sails "a good
err," why shouldn't aha phone the ta-
formation ta bar husband, so that
on stay down with the fellers and
have a good la ago? .
A writer an Tit-Bite says mat . a
wealthy gantlemaa Bring la North De
voa. whs took a great late rest la the
can re h. offered ta giv toe choir a
treat, and deckled on the really prince
ly ana af taking tbeta for a weak, to
Ha escorted them himself to plaeso
of ta teres and beauty in that
lag etty, but not once during their
whole star, or even oa their return.
dM awe of the mea say ta him that he
tod liked aha trip er had enjoyed hias
eelf. i
Naturally aaxtoaa ta know whether
they had doao en, a few dare after
uaelr return ha ashed one of the
cWreh wardens, a farmer ta the vtt-
lagev whether he thwaght tharatea bad
entered their Unas hi Paris. The
esMrchwardea eagKatsd lor a sasssst
-Welt atr," he eald at leagth, "I
jasat heard ae umililita- .
- w mr saaMwe Dau,., .
' The vender of lmarea, who bad-"Juet
been thrown out "6r Trrsippe build
tng. wept bitterly aa he looked at hie
torn clothee and broken ware.'"
"Who did tbler Inquired the friend
ly eop.. "I'll pinch- 'em U you say the
"No: H waa mr fault," said the Vto
tlm, gathering up the remains of a
plaatsr unagw. "I Insisted on trying
to sell a bust of Noah Webster to a
meeting of simplified spell ra." Den
ver Republican.
raaliF Bxaussale.
"Ton must think you ought to rua
around barefooted, Johnny," aald Mrs.
Lapellng, chldlngly, "Just because Bob
by Stapleford does. He's no centurion
ta go by."
hake Into Tour sjhoaa
Allan's Vtoot-Kaaa. a powdar tor tka favi. Rearaa
painful, awollao, Mnartina. awaatlns f aat. llakae
nawahoasaaar. Sold by all Druratata and Shoa
Btoraa. Don't aeeapt any an ha tl tuts. Samp is
FKEB. J Mil i sea a. B. Olmsted, La iter, . a.
' Hssir le Hwa. '
The big touring ear had Jast whltied
by with a roar like a gigantic .rocket,
and Pat and Mike turned to watch It
disappear la a cloud of dust.
"Tblm chug wagons must eoet a
nape a eaah." aald Hike. .-"The rich
is fairly burn In' money." .
"An' be the email av it," sniffed Pat,
"K must ba thot tainted money we do
ba hearln' so Bluett, aboot." Suceeu
Great Home (ye Retnady
Lfrom ueincr PETTIT'S EYE SALVE.
aii oruggiaia or oowara cros., inu-
laio, M. i.
At tke aaassaes1 naaart.
Clara What aB Interesting--man
Mr. Robinson la. He always, holds
one' attention.
Charlie Whan t taw you both en
the porch last evening I thought he
was holding .something much -uer
substantial than your r attention.
Judge. (
' aafeet Leeasiea.
In those dsys the proprietor ef the
Babel tower fieta was asking and et
ting fabulous prices for apartments be
tween the twentieth and thirtieth
floors, f
"You see," he said, "they're most
desirable because they're tba safest
Aeroplanes never By that low and au
tomobiles seldom blow up that high."
Catholic Standard and Times,
i i t
Ofsssed OlaaHr.'.
Ire Orett Polly, dear. Jet me elope
flara; nta
CKEBGKNT MTO. 00. cOTC! ' Irf ' ' '
laakersot MArUDfg K3gMBiAHI - .
wbctter lassi Uapse). ?11jnsjaat
With you the first di
Polly Olott Elope with met The
Ideal 1 supposed you wanted me to
elope with you:
win gtve you full value
ror every oouer spent
and keep you dry In
the wettest weather.
' jj wy
. 3ftS
AJ.Tbwn Co. BaaTDN. uA a. a.
Ibwu CAMADiAM GftuMTto ToeomCMi.
Pev ever wis years' I suffered whh entente
eoeaUpatkm and during this time I bad to take
an Injection ol warm water once every st houra
before I 00a Id kai an action m ray bowel
Happily I tried Csacamm. and today! aaa a well
aaam. Oariaa: the nine years before I esed
Caacereu 1 auffered tmtold miaery witk internal
piles. Tfaenke to you. 1 aaa free fron all that '
Ibis morning Voa) can eac this In behalf ed
suffering hussaany; M. 9. Flsker. koaooka, tU
Fteaaajrt, Palatable. Poteflt. Taste Good.
- Do Good. Never Skhen.Weaken or Gripe,
. 16c. Sc. Mo. NerarsokHabolk. The can
nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed te
are or yoer mooer back. 199
' Pertwetly TJaatelaaieea.
Here the Judge took a band la .
amlnlng the venireman.
"You don't seem to understand the
questions addressed to you by the at
torneys," be said. "What they want
to know Is whether you nave fofmed)
or expressed any opinion In this oaee.
That le to say, have you told anybody
whether or not you believe the defend
ant guilty of the crime charged against
him, or have you aald to anybody that
you believe him te be Innocent f
"Course not. Judge," answsred the
veniremen; "it ain't necessary fur ma
to 'sprees no opinion about blra. Iv
knowed him fur thirty years, aa' I
know blame well he stole the cow
"That will do. Mr. Sklles. You may
atand aside." Chicago Tribune.
ftaleea the steufh
and eosnpliee with
all pawn nod laws.
When You're Hoarse Use
Tii tin tt.wu rot (Uww
Gives aafa fAtL TV felt
dose reueree your aciung throat and
ahavs the sniuboa. Cthuaatoed le
coataia ae opiates. Very peJambsa.
A. Vet.
Teacher Will a 1 do we know can
eerning Lbe canals on HarsT
harry Haired Pupil Oaet We
don't know any more abnui em ihaa
we de about our own north pole
Tke Ckiim Doctor
"Hi la wondafal Dean has
taade a life study of the
propertlsa Of aoots.
Herba and Barks, and
fa flrln the world the
er Dnrca Uaeal. Ne
Oaeretlsse or Csalssa
Guarantaas to ears Csterre, Asthms, Lane,
Stonwk and Kidney troubles, and all Private
IMaaaaaa of H n ana Woman.
A SUKC can cm oun
Just racelTad f naa Pekln, n ma asfe. ause
andnliabla, UfaWna InlUoriu.
If you aanaet call write for symptom Meek
east sisenlar. In 1 1 aaa 4 enta ta Ttaaiar
The C Gee W lclnc U
iaW Oret U., ear. Mswlseo, Pirrlssd. Or
ff V
ITjtrHKlf wrlUav to 4artian pleaMe I
TT eaawtlaa thTls bwshm. I
The Kind You Have Always Uoufrht liaa borne the alsna
Mire of CUfava. H. Fletcher, and )ina bec-n auawle uoder hlg
perannal aaprrrialon for over 80 yenra. Allow na one
to deceive yon in tfala. Coanterfnita, Imi tat ions an4
Jiuueuvarood " are bnt Rxnerltnents, and eiMlano-er the)
kteaJth of Cbildrea lxpertHttoe against Kzperlmenta
Oeatori la swranleaa anbatltnte tor Cantor OIL
. ftorle, lropa sum rwiothUia; Hynina. ft ia Pleaaant. It
eontAlne avelther Opium. Morphine nor other 24areotle
aubatAnee. lta aere la ita gritarnntee. it dcHtroya nnrmi
, and ailuya Veverlehneaa. It cure IUrrhcea and Wind
Colic. It rellerca Teethlna; Trouhlea, cure CotiNtlpatlosi
and FlatwleiwMr, It sssaimilatew the Food, rrtrulatea the
- rUotnarh and BoWeU. a;! liter Iwwlthy and natural aleep
The Chlldren'a Fanaeatl The Mothrr'a Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Boars tuo Bifnatoro of
w w , 1 1
In Usa For Over 30 Years.
- .V