The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 29, 1909, Image 5

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lone Proclaim er
Iqnfr Qkew, Oct. 1909
. . ;' fosTmOhlccn.
V KW.. u..S.Ir41wff
7, Recorder.., . .0. J. Panning um
.if reaauwr J. A. Wawn
iriliBll a I.J. Carl
Conaiabl. W. C. Cuon
aupiilhtMdwrpLMt..., . . Mill.
r, u. oauifcf
.T. Perkiua
1 K. r. wilraot
i llai HalToiMn
C.B. ncrrr
I Frank Kngcinaa
wmcaas or school distbict
Dtstk .' IT. Perklu
c. J. Fanning wa
UtMMM ,., IW.C. Caaon
, omcnimw imjimniiiiw
JtegiiMr C. W. Horn
feeifM., ...L ia U. Atiaa
Vaaoaa Wednndar nltal m w pnoadlac
lh Ural foil moon of aaeb month.
Wil Fallow awy Hatsraar Mnt.
Hobakftlia Finland thlntTfcmfarulaf
1L LODUl V. O. W., IT.m mli liM
lanch mouth.
- c(:il lodoi
and ihlrd Satnrtlav .rani nra( ach month.
KUKUAN U)D(JX 1.0. O. F. No, 1U. aMOfal
r iwj i hrrtdaj night at Moifaa.
"All communication!, as far m
possible, should reach us not later
than Tuesday nignt Please bear
this in mind and have communis
tioni in on tirtit."Sditor. 1 ...
Xydn in heed of Hbm, oemeni,
"fcnd shingles' call and tee 6 F Par
ker before going elsewhere,
- Mr and Mrs Gorton arerecoYer-
.ing. Mr Gorton is on the streets
. and Mrs Gorton, while stfll badly
bruised from her hurt," is getting
well. . '
liud Nolsrn who has -been Ttsit
ing here returned to his borne at
Ferdinahd IdahoMpndfty.
F K Mason and W T. Campbell
o! Lexington were b?ro Tuesday
to attend the lecture.
f D C Kly spent Thursday with
' bis sou, Charlieoirnhe ranch.
. Mrs Baiph MatMr wh WWi.
visiting her sisler'Vrs Geo Eiteh'ie
left for her hame at $ufer Mood v
New tan King and bis wife wore
un Sunday getting acquainted with
his parents, - .
AH kinds of Postal cards and
Novels at the Chick Pharmacy.
Fred Hitch'ie and wife left for
Pendleton Friday whero they ex
pect to reside.' -
Mr Pierce who now oWus the K
P Wilmot place Is building a two
story house and fine barn on the
pJacs, The house is well under way.
Mrs Robinson who is living at
Grandpa Blakes made fcusinees
trip to Heppner last Friday.. '
I will buy old cast iron, eopper,
sack, rubber, tine and vac's. Bill
Rev Bradstreet returned Wed
nesday from conference at Eugene
On Saturday there will be an
auction sole here in lone of the
last of the Kincald stock. There is
trts of groceries, clothing and glov
oa to bg sold so come -in early and
stay al! day and be prepared to
bid in at a low figure what you
need' this winter, v
. 3 O KiitcaiJ wit to Echo Wed
nesday to write insurance. -
Mrs Frank Akers and ehildreh
were visiting friends in Morgan
Wednesday ---.- .
Jim Barnett and family left tor
Colorado Monday where Ihey ex
pect to reside. -
M rs Johaan as Troedson ami M iss
Josephine Adams, teachejr at Kiln
were hi Tuesday to attend the lect
ures. Miss Adnms went on to the
Institute at Heppner.'
Mr Herman is back for a time
from Grants Pass.
. mlr-- Woolery 'retiirii"(!
h .'. " t;TfpHip trip to wilainf
; MwrrtiHi at Corvalrta, Odtoher 51
Mrs Mary E Daviilfon formerl v of
lone, whif she a a kows M:
Tom Duvidgnb, and Mr G C iim
field of Oswego, Oregon.- Tliey will
make their home at Corvallis. .
Ulri Doughty returned Wedtres-
day Irom the A'alley (J'M i,
baa been visiting. sk
ItubeSperry went io Portland
Friday in charge of a car load of
horses Mr Fraser had bought here.
FOR SALE Oil brfel(52 gal
lon) $1. each at the Power' House.
. E E Miller, City Engineer.
J E Crouan returned Wedn-
day from a business trip to Poit-
latrdrr- . - J?- r-
Ralph Hyiner, that good barber
they all talk, about, who bat been
in Portland for the past two moutlm
has relumed and has charge of
the loue Barber Slidp Again. He
wants all his friends to call and
see him and assures them tlie.btet
of treatment.
Mrs W S Covner.of Heptmer is
vitiiijB( friends iajtne for a few
daB. " Y
Mr Burger of Green Lake Wis
consin can.e to lone this week and
will ri'iimin for the winter. He is
rnnw"riititing M( Julia KorlH at
Fotirmile. "
C 0 Burroughs aiuVwifewlioIms
chargo-of the business of tlte Wind'
Rirer Lumber Company at Ixing
ton were here Saturday tp make a
prnfestlouol call upon lr Chifk. -
Ike Howard has a iicuf.Hooser
drill that he has piwiiliasud from
Paul Balsigor, Mi Hnwrfr in Inrin
ing soientilically and will be most
successful.- s ' - '
"tone, cregoin,
V. IiU
Consisting of 646 pair of men, ladies and bdys gloves
8 heating stoVeSv i cook stoves, bblts, pipe fittings
screws, stove bolts, files, cartridges, pitch-fork
sausage-mills, "scoop-shovels, pinchers, door-
locks, barn door hinges, mail boxes, coffee V
mills, oil cans, lamps, lanterns & globes
: Economy fruit jars, quarts & half gat
dishes of all kihds, groceries, rice,
syrup, coffee, bakifig powder, "
tea, matches, flowerpots, toilet v,
. soap, clothespins, washing ; f -
'powder, post cards, 956 : 1. --
V - . cigars; pipes, 3 show v
- ; cases 2 paper racks
One 1200 pound safe, I grocer scajes weigh W 30 pounds,;! plattorm
scales weigh to 280 pounds, I cheese cutter, 1 tobacco cutter 1
cigar lighter, 1 Clock, 2 hanging, lamps ana otner things t
'tYumefous to 'mention. . " ; "
Tims of SAiA-Casii in hand.
. ;:.. ' ;.T".Vt. . Ei Pi-DiEitd, Trustee.
- ij
qn ; Oregon.
A Complete Stock of
Carpets apd Window Shades
New 1909 Wall Paper. AH kU of Furniture;
Repaired aM Rcllolsliedv irop peds Rcf aamciep..
Anyl Mni not carried in stock will be ordered at a Reduction
10NE, -1 - n ORlpOON.
Has served the community ot lone with bank'
ing facilities for several years. 7 In doing -this
e thave had the co-operationof
our local people. We are bet-.
tcr prepared than ever to
take care of the bank
ing business of
this com- t
munity, ,
Conservative basiness Is invited. : . .
capital mm:
.LSurpIns and llodlvided Profits $4,H0, "
J. E. Cronan, president.
T. J. Mahoney, Vioe President.
J. D. Cronan, Cashier.
f J
Do you want the writing machine that
does the most perfect work?
; Practical work of all kinds, 111 the time?.
Do you want the one that saves the
most time?
The speediest, simplest, strongest f
The one that far outwears any other make
of writing machine? ; Tin. urn
Th Smith
taai jr aW la M Mch pM
Haafk4H4Bl fcPSS'W ffSBSjflSjSJ, fs
The Smith Piwtntos TiywiUer
- . XT v 1 .
M . .