t ft . ....... Jl OREGON, STATF 1TFMS OF INTFRFST II OEuora nr poob shaPb. ttls Win Pntabtv Bint Feed During ths Winter. Portland T. p. IbtKm npa Tiwr of gracing of .the national f oreet .service, boo returned from a six weeks trip of inspection of the erasing lands in toe uesonutee country, lie found th grating lands la not m good oon ! dition as has been too ease ia otbar aoetiono of tho state, and in all prob ability tho numbor of eattlo allowod oa the ranges will be materially les sened before (ho opening of tie 1810 .grazing season. - In soma sections of the mountains 'the grass was practically gone, while it -was but seldom that real grass waa . encountered ia sufficient quantities to keep tho eattlo over winter. Many ' -eattlo owners in tho Bond country are planning to feed considerably daring tho winter. Tho ooming of tho raj- road into ui eo on try haa so aroused " the farmers; however, that they do mot bother about a temporary setback.' While tho eattlo owners will proba bly suffer a temporary loss, owing to tho cutting down of then umber of ' cattle they are allowed to grace on the .government forests, they will gain in the end in that with a Tost) partial .grass which, properly eared for, will last tor years without another rest. .Little trouble ia anticipated as tho eat tlo owners have learned that tho eo tions of tho national forest service are for tho beet, and they make no effort to resist, . t i AFFLB LiMD 31650 AX ACBB. How Beoord for Ugh Price Established As Hood Elver. Hood Hirer The record price for an appla ore b aid was broken at Hood Bivor when Clyde E. .Mason, of Chi cago, a mechanical engineer, paid, 916, i 500 for 10 acres in eight-year-old trees. The varieties are Newtown and Spits en be rge. The prioe per aero, which is 1650, is 30 an acre higher than has over been obtained for fruit land at .Hood River. Tho purchase does not include any buildings, and J. W. Bod ford, who sold, reserves the erop. The orchard, which was sold through the agency of the Briggs-Ament com pany, is situated on the east side of the valley, and joins a number of high priced tracts. Mr. Mason is accompa nied by his . family, and will remain here. While tho price is thought by apple men to be tpp-noteh, It ia not regarded aa high, because of the recant sale of a 8-year-old orchard for $1,000 an acre, and another sale of 1700 per aero for - land that had been cleared, but not tot 'to trees, Umr SHIPS MANY SHEEP. Forty -all Oarioada do From Albany 1b Tares Months. ' Albany Though tho Willamette val ley has never been rated as a sheep country, 46 carloads of sheep have boon hipped opt of Albany in the. past three months. This figure ia remarkable when it is considered that practically no sheep were exported from Una eooBty two year ago. , Tho sheep industry haa mads moot rapid strides la tho Willamette valley in tho past three or four years, tho foot hill ranches offering a splendid place for raising tho animals. Tho wool out put of the valley la yet insignificant, compared with Eastern Oregon but the number of shsep here) is steadily in creasing. Aa a matter of foot shoep are produced here mors for sale for brooding purposes than for wool. In view of this fset, tho standard of tho stock raised in tho valley is very high, and growers are mooting with groat Bueeosa in this Sold. How Bead Is Salem A, Welch, president of the Salem, Eugene Ss Eastern railway, an nounced that work would immediately commence on tho building of the msia lino between hero and Eugene, and that it will be well under way la M days. The main lino will parallel the Southern Pacific on the oast of that road, going: at by tho Reform school and touching at Turner. Marten, Peoria and Junction City on Us way to Eugene. A branch will be built, according te Mr. Welch, from Salem te Manama and the Bea tiam mining country, and $150,000 will bo expended on a local street railway and nominate. Mr. Welch states that the road est pects te get into Portland ever the track's of the United Beilwavn. now building op the west side via Hilbbere, and which, it to claimed, will build iato Salem, cxwostng the Wntasnetto river at -this point and connecting with the Be gone Kaoton, - Blgta Ansae n Mam B) gin At the Union county flr at La Oread, the Elgin exhibit captured irot prise en general display, and re ceived eight tret prince and four see ends. Elgin Is planning a general ex hibit en October It and , and will inish the season at the National apple . lVrlantJcm Weston A preHwInery survey It fa progress for the piapasod Ptna crook Irrigation project. It Is planned to build a harem eVm at Becky ford, three Miles above town and te sunns Seed watera for the hrrlgettea of abeoe 13,- BIQ 8HECP DEAL IS 99ADC. " . Yetmn Rancher Buys 2.600 twee at 6 25 Each. Reporter One of the biggest sheep deals that hen boon mud in this tkm this season has just been- consum mated. Jim Farley, one of the pro gressive young sheep men of this i tion, bought 2,600 bead of 1 nod h year-old ewea from Molahan Jc Bryno at 16.86 per bend. The deal Involved an investment of about $14,000 by Mr. Farley, bat be figures that the increase and wool will make him profit, al though the price paid- to about the top notch. With the present outlook for wool prices and the general upward tendency of the stock sheep market. the price pnid by Mr. Farley is not sidered too high. Another sale involving ever $8,000 was made the latter sort of last week by the purchase by Paul H inter of 1,000 lambs from Hanse Noel, of Lone Rock. This waa a splendid band of lambs which will be fed by Mr. Hisler at his Batter creek ranch. The price paid was $8.16 per head. Start Roseburg-Coo Bay Survey. Marshflald That six or eight survey ing forces will be put in the field with' In 10 days to survey the proposed elec tric line from Coos bay to Rose burg, to stated by J. H. Somen, who represents locally the promoters of the road. Messrs. Haas and Koottner, of Port land. Mr. Bomers left for Portland on business connected with the road. He states that the matter of the bond will be satisfactorily arranged and gives assurance that there will be no delay in the work of starting the survey. Good Rood Are Agitated. Pendleton That the good roads cam paign inaugurated recently by the County Good Roads association to to be waged relentlessly in every part of the county waa indicated at the last meet ing of the association. A vice presi dent was appointed for each precinct. and, as ids from spreading too gospel of good roads, be will be expected to form subordinate organisation in his neigh borhood. This will be .followed by rousing meetings in which the entire county will participate. ' Ctr Shnrtrge Affects Union. La Grande The ear shortage of the Northwest to being keenly felt here. according to the statements of some of the large shippers from this section. Only two ears per day could be secured to ship the large quantity hops from the Wallowa vail, ... v. POBTLAND KABKBTS, Wheat Track prices: Blnestem, $1(3 1.08; club, 93e; red Russian, 90e; valley. ftSe: life, 91ej Turkey red, Sis; forty fold, BSo. Barley Feed, $26.50(5)97: brewing. 387(827.50 per ton. Oats No. 1 white. 929mM per ton. Cora Whole. $SSt cracked, 86 nor ton. Hay Timothy, Willamette valley. tlVffiU per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18(31 19; alfalfa, Ui stover, tU; cheat. $13 14.80; grain hay, 14(315. Batter City creamery, extras,' sue-; raney outside ereamery, B3(o)30e per pound; store, izfa'SSM. (Butter fat prices average 1 He per pound under regelar butter prices.) Eggs Oregoa, 343)35e per doses; Eastern, aOfoiaie per doaea. Poultry Hens, 1414e eprfngs, its; roosters, 9WlDe: ducks, lBfffilBe; geese, 10c; turkeys, 1617e squabs, J.79((i)l per dosea. Pork Fancy, 8(S9e per pound. : Teal Extra, 10 He per pound. -' Freeh Fruits Apples, $i(St per box; pears, $11JM per box; peaches. 75eq) $1 per ernte j grapes, 00c)$l per crate, l(V3)12Hs per banket; ceaabes, $1.26(9140 per dosea f qui aces, $1(91.2.1 per bos; cranberries, $9(3)040 per bar rel; huckleberries, SlOe per pound. Potatoes Oregoa, 50iS)65a per seek; sweet potatoes, 2e per pond. Seek Vegetables Turnips. 750fl per sack; carrots. $1; bests, $1.16; ra tahacae, 91.26 per sack. On tons New, $f .26 per sack. Vegetable Artichokes, 86er3l per dosenj cabbage, 1(0)1 He per pound; cauliflower, SOefJPtl per dozen; celery, KO(59os per dozen; corn. $1(91.86 per' eaekj eggplant, $1.M ,r box; gnrlie, lOe pet pound; hnTeeradiah, BOlOe per dosen; peppers, 6fift6e per pound; pump kins, llStlHe; radishes. 16e per dosen: ftpraute, BOe per pound; squash, l)fea ie; temaioes, ou noos. Cattle Steers, ton ensHty. MJKhtt 4.75; fair to good. $4&iM; eommoa, $SJHMrJ.7S: eowa, top, $&JSGM; fair to good, $3(71.10; eowmaon to medium. $2JWiS.75; calves, top, $fl4Jfl; heavy. t.504; bulla, $2tl5; stags. Hogs Beet, fair to good. fT.SfV T.7Q; stackers, $7j China fata, $TJ0 Sheep Top wethers, 4B5; fair to goad, $$.TS(ff4; ewea, He lees en all grades; yearlings, beet, $H(HMt fair to good, 0-503 .M apring lambs, $& Heps 1900 erop. ebeVe, ITai prime to abofee, lcj prime, 16 He; medium. I Be: imm, tietee. T7e; prtme, Sen, Wee 1909, wmnsnette vsDst. ftHV tte Mohair Seat taalaia Oisgsn, tOAtts, -490S, Stayito per psemd. LOVBTT STJ0OBBDS HnBBTMaTf. Mas Chosen by "WUarf" President of Union Paclfle. i New York. Oct. IS. All SOUM as to Edward H. Harriman sueecssor was sot at rest today, when Boberi 8. LOvett was ejected president of the Union cine road at tho anauaJ mooting of tho directors. In connection with his dee- tioa it wss stated that he would soon be elected president of the Southern Pacific, of the Oregoa Ballroad Navi gation company and of the Oregoa Short Line. The sole difference in future con ditions, compared with past conditions, will be that Mr. Lovett will devote his entire attention and energy te the Har riman lines proper. The annual report shows that, inasmuch as it discloses the fact that the Union Pacific has sold its stock holdings in several other railroads for which Har riman waa credited with reaching out, it can be atated with cer tainty thai Mr. Lovett was the maa se lected by Harriman te succeed himself, and that he is highly acceptable to the omcials of all lines. The officials, in fact, many of the rank and file who knew Mr. Lovett as a humble attorney in Texas, regard him with the keenest affection and respect. The other men mentioned for the Har riman places, smong whom were Edwin 8. Hswley, Messrs. Kruttsehnitt and Stubbs, John D. Spoor, president of the Chicago Union Stockyards company; L. F. Lores and William Newman, were never for a moment considered by the board. Messrs. Kruttsehnitt and Stubbs knew before Harriman died who would succeed him, and neither ever aspired to the position. "More even than Harriman, Mr. Lov ett waa familiar with the details of the great system which the "Napoleon" of the railway world had bullded. Bet ter than any one elss Mr. Lovett knows how to carry oa and to perpetuate the system which made Harriman the rail way king of his time. Mr. Lovett will also, as the meetings of the directors take place, be elected president of the steamship companies and other corporations at the head of which Harriman stood. SPANISH CABINET BBSIOITS. Ubento, BepnbUcana and SedaUsts . Have roreed a Change. . Madrid, Oct. f2. The Spanish cabi net, formed January 26, 1907, under the premiership of Antonio Maura, resigned today as a result of the bitter attacks made agalnat the government by ex Premier Moret y Prenilergast, represent ing a powerful opposition. At a con ference Premier Maura told he King that in face of Seaor Moret 's statement that the opposition wonld refute to dis cuss even the most argent measures, he had no option but to resign. He asked, however, the members of the majority to support the new ministry. After the resignations, Moret y Pren dergsst undertook to form a new minis try, himself assuming she noes of pre mier and minister of the laterisr. The new ministers who took the oath of of fice tonight follow: Premier and minister of the interior, Moret y Prendergast; minister of for eign affairs, Peres Cabellero; minister of finance, Senor Alvarado; 'minister of war, Lieutenant -General de Loque; minister of marine, Rear-AdmiraJ Con cas; minister of public works, Senor Oassett; minister of public Instruction, Senor Barroso; minister of justice, Mar trees del Campo. It to understood that the sew gov ernment's plan inelndes the establish ment of the constitutional guarantees in Barcelona and Oerona, the suppres sion of the censorship, sceeleretieu of the campaign In the Biff region, an- tneety for political offenses, the publica tion or the documents la the rerrer ease ssti the holding of elections within n tow months. GUATEMALA TAKSS A HAND. President Bends Expedition to Help Berets Against His Neighbor. Managua, Nicaragua, Oct. 2- It is still believed 'here that President Ca brera, of Guatemala, is responsible In a measure, if not entirely, for the revolu tion la Blueflelde. as he has supported it with expeditions from Puerto Barrios and ether places. Advices state that a stesmer which waa en its wsy to Onstemala to get war supplies has been seised by the aathori- ties of Honduras. The Niearagnas government 1 has many troops at EI Castile and Managua, but heavy rains are impeding native operations, Marjorie Oonld Weals Be Title. New York, Oct. 22. "An American is good enough for sm," to the sentence eeatalaed la a note from Marjorie OenM to s friend here. Mis Gould 4c cures she has as rateatlon of marrying any man with s title, and points out that the unhappy experience of her auat. Princess do Bagna, formerly Countess do Castellan, is soatoiout wnrniag. Miss Gould is the feucfeter of George Gould. According te reports from Paris, two Bnropeaa princes of blood royal have opened formal nego tiations for her hand witL her rather. Vew T El Centre, Oal. Oat. f 1-Newe was received hers tonight ef the breaking forth ef a new vole bo hi the Voleaao lake district, 94 mUes soath of OalenW Lower California. The volcano be cease active today, emitting flame and snlphnrena few so from s crater 19 fnut dismeter es the shores ef ralreas hike. It to Imp serials to get seas? the (rater baeasae ef the ill ' '. . ,1 I NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL CAN'T BISK T ASMTT W AB. WU WiU. VISIT MfiXlOO. French Action la. Balatag Duty Mot ( Alarming to America. Washington, Oct 93. Government officials here are not disposed to regard the action of France in deciding to as sess the maximum -rat of duty against ail imports from the United States as an evidence of her intention to enter into s tariff war with this Govern ment. On August T last President Taft, in pursuance of the provisions of section 4 of the new tariff act, gave formal notice to France, Switaerland and Bul garia that the United States commer cial agreements with them would bo terminated oa October 81 of this year. France more than any other country ia Europe haa discriminated against American products. Germany gives to the United States her minimum rates oa about 95 per cent of- our exporta tions into thst country. France, how ever, has charged this country her maximum rates oa all our expo nations with the exception of -a very few arti cles enumerated ia section- 9 of the Dingley tariff. The effect of having to pay the United States maximum rate would un doubtedly be to put France to a tre mendous disadvantage as compared with practically all other European na tions in handling American goods. America is probably. France's best mar ket for her champagnes1, brandies and other wines. DEATH THINS GRAND ABMT. . Net Deeresas la Number of Peasloxiexi, Sua Paid Increases. Washingtos, Oct. 90. Death's inva sion of tho fast-thinning ranks of the war veterans caused 48,319 names to. be dropped from the pension rolls of the United States last year. Of this num ber, 32,631 were aurvivors of the Civil war. The total loss to the pension roll from all causes was 61,581. Is striking contrast to these figures, comprised in the annual report of Ves pasian Warner, commissioner of pen sions, is the statement that the govern ment paid out in pensions in the fiscal year .ended June 80, 1909, $161,930,708, whieh the commissioner declares is' the Isrgeat amount ever disbursed for pen alone la one roar. - Summarised, the report shows these facts: Number of pensioners at ths beginning ox the year, 951,687: number of new pensioners added te the roll, 4988; pensioners oa roll at close or the tear, 948,194, a net decrease of 6,493; aurvivors of the Civil war on the roll sow somber 193,901, -i Western Navy-Yards m Washington, Oct. ' 92. After n month 's trip devoted to an Inquiry Into an inspection of the conditions at he navy-yards and naval stations in the West nnd Northwest, Beekman Win throp, assistant secretary of the navy, has returned to Washington. Generally speaking, Mr. Winthrop reports that he found conditions ia a satisfactory state at ths various yards and stations that he visited. He was favorably impressed with ths possibilities of the ysrd at Bremerton, Wash., with Ita deep water. This yard to capable of great develop ment, and because of its splendid loca tion is practically seeare from aay oper ations thst might be undertaken by a hostile Sect Decide If Lars Zi anarchist Washington, Oct. 80. The- warrant for the arrest of Guiterres.de Lara, a Mexican attorney and author, In Los Angeles today, on ths sharge of utter ing threats against the United States government and of being an undesirable eitisen, was signed by Assistant Secre tary MeHarg, of the department of commerce and labor. The accused man will be given a trial to determine whether he to aa anarehlet. Under the law a person found guilty of such an offense as giving expression to threats against this government caa bo deport ed within three years after his arrival. Lake Bested by Volcano. Washington, Oct. 22. Reports of cu rious phenomena In a crater lake en Bogoslof Ismsd, Bering sea, were cos firmed today la a report received by the treasury department from Captain V. B. Jacobs, commanding the Bering sea revenue cutter fleet, Jacob reports the existence of boiling steam jett In the lake, while at only one place around the Islands could soundings be found. The observations tend te show that the lake to the crater ef tm submerged vol eaao. Grand bounce Becerves O. at. Washington, Oct. S1 Immigration Commissioner Keefe's recommendation for the dismissal ef D. D. Daviee, In spector in shsrge ef the Chinee immi gration station, was approved today by Secretary ef Commerce and Labor NageL Dnvtoo to sesused ef irregulari ties Is his aecesstn. Among the charges made against him to that his vouchers were padded. Mat Washington, Oct, . 90. Interstate Commerce Costmiasioaer Frosty, who wss called away from the Pacific scant on Important bneiaean, said while here today that although railroads off the Northwest had all the bneiacss they could handle, he bad act en hie reseat trip observed say signs ef ear shsrtass ia that past ef the esnstry. Chinese Minister to Tour Other Re . putoece Before Going Homo. : Washington, Oct. 19. Wo Tins; Fang, the Chinees minister, having been recalled by bis government, to contemplating a viait to Mexico and Cuba, to which countries he to sins ac credited, before his departure for noeas. Hs to going to Max too to thank President Diss for the honor paid tho memory of the dead emporer of China In sending a special envoy to attend his funeral. He had intended starting for the City of Mexico yesterday with two members of the legs tion staff, but decided at the last moment to delay bto departure for m short time. - He will remain away from Washington for several weeks, ooming homo by water and When he returns to Washington. Mr. Wu wiU thank President Taft for des ignnting Minister Boekbill to attend ths obsequies of the emperor. . PLAN FORTS FOB CANAL. ' ' Taft Wauta Great Waterway to Be Im pregnable Whoa Completed. , Washington, Oct. Jl. The important work of constructing fortifications for the entrances to the Panama canal, it waa said today, will be gives careful consideration by a joint army and navy beareV during the coming winter. This board will visit the isthmus and go ever- the entire ground, investigating conditions, so that congress may be pre pared to act Intelligently. Colonel Qoethali, chairman and chief engineer of the canal commission, has promised that the canal will be ready to be opened by January 1, 1916, and the president and his cabinet feel that the work of placing that waterway in- aa impregnable position should be finished, or at least well under way by the time the canal to ready for preet'anl use " roraignsn to Bcgtotor, . Seattle, Oct. 23. Foreigners entering the State of Washington from Canada with the Intention of becoming citl sens of the United States must regis ter in four towns designated by the Government from the south side of the international boundary or lose the time spent hers before application for citi censblp is made la ths Federal or Su perior Courts by the terms of an order received from tho uspartmant ol Com merce and Labor today. Secretary Charles Nsgel announces that under the new congressional act governing Immigration, the department has desig nated a the towns of entry Somas and Blaine In Whatcom County; Marcus ia Stevens County and Oreville la Okano gan County. 1 Closed Forts laaotioned, Washington, Oct. 22. The United States government today officially rec ognised the action of Nicaragua in e toe ing her Atlantic ports. The closing of the ports was proclaimed by Nicaragua several days sgo, and the Nlcaraguas government has notified the state de partment and the latter the department of commerce and labor. According to Secretary MeHarg, ths department ef commerce and labor haa telegraphed collections of customs of the fact, and directed that, pending tormiaatloa ef the trouble, Issuance of clearance to the Atlantic coast ports of the Niea raguaa government will be refused. ' Says Lara 19 aa Asuunhtot, Washington. Oct. 22. The arrest of L. Ouiterres de Lara, the Mexican at torney and author, of Los Angeles, wss authorised by the department of com merce and labor hero at the request of Immigration Inspector Bidgway. The request came yesterday in s telegram erring forth that D Lara should be ip.v nrnini; mm mm anarioin ana . as a person who entered the United States without Inspection. The request waa immediately granted by Acting Secretary MeHarg. Harlan for Federal Bench. Washington, Oct, 26. It to romored hers that Interstate Commerce Com missioner James 8. Harlan, of Illinois, will be sppoinUd federal district jodgs for the Chicago district to fill the va cancy nuds by ths recta-nation of Jorisre Betbse. He to son of United States Supreme Court Justice Hsrlaa and brother of Jotm Msynsrd Hsrlsn, n leader among the aggTsesive reformers of Chicago. Oabrsea Dsstsrso He Was Nsutref Washington, Oct. to. The tohtlshrr of Guatemala haa rneeivari an MfHetal government hah been aiding and pro moting too rsvMuNos hi Nicaragua, Ths denial wae nsade following tele graphic advices frees Msnegua hi which it wee asserted that Cabrera was actively sssged to attrrinsx sm hiatal recti an sgniast Zeieya. Two Acnwfraas $9 atoMrs. Washlaston. Oct. eaIa waa mm. nessced at ths Navy Department today that Bear-Admiral Gottfried Block ineer wUl he traneferwJ ia the mcIm list ea aeeenat ef sgs October 13, sad Rear-Acmiraj Themes a McLcsn win be retired en October 94 fee the earn