The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 29, 1909, Image 2

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MhM Cvwy frleav
Nevsy Items atbered from All
Pam of the World.
Leas Important but Not Lass Inter
esting Happenings from Points
. Outside tho State.
Two mttsbtn of tho Co ban cabinet
may flgbt a duel.
Oklahoma baa commenced suits
- against tbrao trusts.
Bomb throwing and other distorb-
anceeeontlnue in Spain.
President Taft delivered addreaaaa
at Hooaton and Dallas, Tax.
Tha esar of Roaaia waa waleomad
Jo Italy with gnat an thulium.
Wilbur Wright la teaching army
officers in the use of the Wright asro
Mores in tba Phillppinas ara suceese
fnl in smuggling modern rifles into tba
A magnetic storm on tba Atlantic
seriously crippled tbo cable service
across tba ocean.
Tha Portola f estiva ended at San
Francisco with a parada of floats and a
dance on tha streets.
Officer of a.Nsshvills, Terra., bank
have been arrested for taking deposits
when tba institution waa insolvent.
Tba national convention of the W
C. T. U. at Omaha baa declared for
local option aa a step toward prohibi
Tba Copper River railroad in Alaska
has 82 miles of tba 200 completed.
Mora than a.OUU man ara at work on
tba line.
The New York iee trust Is on trial
for its life.
Guatemala ta still accused of aiding
Nicaragua rebels.
San Francisco ii almost Joy mad over
the Portols festival.
Oklahoma bankers think tba bank
guarantee law Is a failure.
The entire Spanish cabinet hat re
igned and Liberals til most of the
Marjorle Gould scorns all foreign
suitors, and. aavs an- American will do
for her.
The M nnieipa association of Portland
insists that moral conditions there are
worst than ever.
Tha eovernment baa dropped the land
fraud prosecution against Dr. . U.
iterria, of California.
Lovett has beea elected president of
the Union Pacific, and wilt practically
be Uarrlman't successor.
1 Deaths by tuberculosis are said to be
on tha decrease on account of the fight
that ta being made against tha disease
A aiaa died at Hastings, Neb., claim
Ing to be Schlatter, the dlviaa healer,
but la believed to have beea aa im
Senator Newlands, of Nevada, pro
poeee that all Western congressman
unite to obtain funds for waterways
and irrigation.
A Swedish professor, aeenaed af
bombo-tarowlnf, haa become insane.
Lot Angelea women have won their
Sght agaiast smoking on street ears.
Rnsala la preparing to enforce her
rule aver Finland by arms if aeeeeeary.
The American Federation of Labor
haa denounced the execution of Ferrer.
A great celebration was held la York
town la commemoration of tha surrea
der af Lord Corawallia.
President afeCrea, of tho Pennsyl
vania road, prsdtO another panie if
mora anti-railroad !egu.atloa Is passed.
A band af Chippewa Tauant ara re
ported to be starving in aiontaua, and
the government la rushing supplies to
me upiin una ervw w vjw men i
British trading veesel war murdered
by New Britain savages and tha ship
looted and burned.
Estrada, tho Nlearaguaa revolution
let, bolda aba eastern coast of that eoua
try, and la making good headway
easiest tha gevernmeat foreea
Tha motor of Wright t aeroplane
slopped short during a flight but be
landed safely. The gasoline tank bad
not been tiled before ttartlag.
Preeldeat Bidder, af too Am-rtenn
Newspaper Publishers' aeaoeiatroe,
says that Taft haa beea aptsinfenaed
rfardlng tba tariff oa print rat, and
that a trade war with China wit raJL
Baa franeieee marta UO.000 :mban
to tba Fortola festival.
The hast af the tve eoeapsi Oregon
eaavieta ana aaaa rasas torea.
There hi nob apeeahuiea as to who
will ho the text aUnieter ta Chlaa.
onwai unmwswe omasa aa owe rTwat
laaa and Lea Aagolos havo failed.
- Japanese odltora ta eawtoto
Eureka, Cel.. Wrought Up Over Out
rage at Night.
Eureka, Gal., Oct M. Tba town- la
worked op over tha throwing of a bomb
at aa early boor this morning. Tba
Tsuchiya Brothers, Japanese, opened a
store la this city a few days ago ami at
2:46 this morning someone exploded 'a
bomb in the entraoca of the store. Tho
explosion demolished tha a tore front
and broke windows In nam bar of
buildings nearby. Tba report was
hoard for miles and people wan in
groat fear on til tbey learned tba cause.
The owners of tba store were sieep
ine In tba roar and whan tba explosion
occurred one of them ran to tho fronfV
and aaeing tba damage and fearing
bodily barm, started to ran. Two po
licemen, thinking bo was tba bomb
thrower, started in pursuit, firing their
revolvers aa they ran. Tba Japanese
stopped whan tha shooting began and
no harm waa dona. -There Is no claw
to who fired tba bomb, and no evidence
is at band to incriminate anyone.
Tba store bad been in operation hare
bat throe days, and is the first Oriental
store to be established bora tinea the
exclusion of Chinese from Homboldt
county in 1887. It la believed sorneooe
opposed to tha invasion of tha buaineaa
field by Japanese Axed tbo bomb.
United States Supreme Court
Eminent Member.
Albany. N. Y., Oct. 26. Rufua W.
Peekham, justice of tba United States
Snprama court, died at his summer
noma at Altamount at 8:16 Sunday
Death was doe to a com plication of
dissects heart trouble, Brigbt'a dis
ease, and hardening of the arteries con
tributing. .
Justice Peckbam had been in 111
health for some time, bat his condition
was not considered serious until recent
ly. Followingadjoornmontof tha Hay
term of tho United Stat-e Supreme
court, ha came on from Washington
with aire. Peckbam to spend tba sum
mer at Altamount, expecting to return
for tba beginning of tha October tons.
A faw days ago bis eonndition be
came soeb that bis physicians said he
waa likely to dio at any time, or might
linger for several months. Up to a
faw daye ago Justice Peekham exhibit
ed considerable strength and waa able
to be about the boose. Tba circulatory
dlstorbanee, which contributed to bla
death, waa first notiosd about six years
Justice Peekham was appointed In
1896 and was tbo last of Cleveland's
Nicaragua Loaea One) Hundred Dead
and Throe Honored Injured.
B Icefields, Nic, Oct 26. The tag
Blanco, which arrived bare from Gray
town, bring news of tba first Import
ant battle of tba revolution. General
Cbamorro's army fought an ' engage
ment on Friday with 1,000 of President
Zelaya's troops at a point below Bona
San Carlos oa the Sea Joan river.
Tba revolutionists won a decisive
victory, 100 of tbo government traopa
being killed and 800 wounded. Oeo-
aol ChajBorro'a lota at wars slight.
Tba tnaurgonta captured two Krupp
siege guns and 400 riflaa.
Tba defeat doubtless will havo a de
terrent effect ia recruiting for tbo gov
ernment aervios at Managua, and ia
likely also to bring additional rein
force men la to tho standards of the rn-
Tba steamer Tola, belonging to the
Brnory eompany, alto haa reached bora
with tba details of tha captors by tbo
revolutionists of Capo G ratine Dies.
This point was easily token, not more
than five or six anon being killed, and a
small number wounded. This gives
tba revolutloniata control of the entire
Atlantic coast,
Canada to Claim Pole.
Ottawa, Out, Oct M. That tho
Canadian govern saeat ta to sand aa ox
pedltioa early neat aprlng to tba North
Polo la eaearoand of tbo veteran Arctic
explorer, Captain Joseph B. Beraicr,
was tho sunn an taai sat made by 8 far
Wilfrid Laarier at tbo Canadian club
banquet hi th la city tendered to Captain
Berater. Cantata Banter said he bad
claimed for Canada "to detail and by
wtodeaele" every bit of hand to tba
pole. With reference to the polar trips
of Peary and Geek ahi taatato said tbey
did eat lake nam sat km of any.
OwUhb " "
wwiapi nw rwnw
Santiago, Chile, Oct MV A groat
lananetrattoa waa bold hare today to
honor of Gaeerei Jose de Saa Martha,
aalabratod Soaataa-Ani iIiiii general
brilUeat vretorjthe 'hteipe? April
1ft, 181S, virtually crave tba Saamiarda
Chile. Tbiiaaanftt eg
FKoch Aviator Sends Machine lo
- Face of Wind.
Breathless Crowd Implore Him
Vain to Descend Machlno Un
Fdar Perfect Control.
Blackpool, Oct. 23. Tha capabilities
of the aeroplane in the hands of a dar
ing pilot were demonstrated today when
Hubert Latham, the French aviator,
gave an exhibition that first entertaiaed
and tKsa terrified the spectators.
Ia the monoplane Latham battled
against a sale blowing 30 miles an
hoar, and he twice circled the coarse.
As the machine struggled ia the teeth
of the gale it appeared at times to
stand atUl in the air. When, however,
Latham same about in the wind the
monoplane wu driven at a rate est!
mated to be between 80 and 100 miles
aa hour,
At o)ns time he barely escaped being
carried out to mi, and the spectators
ceased to cheer and besought the
aviator to some down. When - Latham
did alight he was not permitted to at
tempt a further flight while tha high
wma eeatuued.
Wright Key fly Five Hundred Milan.
Paris, Oct. 23. Orville Wria-ht haa
outlined his views on the aubieet of
mecnanieai flight.
"There is not as much dnnirer in flv
ing at were u m automobile raeins '
be said. " We now turn out motors that
will rua reanlarlv for a short time. 49
iimea out 01 00, and in 10 vears, or flye
years, or even two years, I think there
will be aa aeroplane motor absolutely
We will soon build a machine for
speed, to be used with our present mo
tor, to show what ean be done. It will
go fatter than any machine you have
seen over here."
How far can von fly In one of vour
present macninenT" be waa asked.
Ia Berlin," he answered, "I took
up aa a passenger, a man who weighed
226 pounds. I had 75 pounds af gaso
line oa board. I could replace the
weight of the man with easollne and
that would give me 300 pounds of fuel.
uat I esnld flv 600 miles.
Yea, aav en who eaa raa aa auto
mobile can flat- It Is not ncarlv as dif
ficult sr dsnrcrous as automobile ras
Cody fcuuBoea America.
New York. Oct 28. Can tain 8. T
Cody, the Aaeriean aviator, who has
been teaching British army oncers how
to ny, feat resnuneed his American citi
aenshlp and tskea out naturalisation na
para aa a British subject, according to
a message reteived here fvom Doncai
ter, England, where he is atteadia an
airship meetiar. .
A large erovd cheered Oodav when he
waa gives his sataraliaation naners. but
he refused to lower the American flag
wniea was nvmg over bis headquarters.
It waa said atme time ago that Cody
was tarormed that he would have to
become a British aubieet if he desired
to aoia Sis pnuuoa there.
Mass Marry ar Xndiaa Land Acreage
Will Be Out Down.
Pendleton, Or.. Oct S3. Hereafter a
maa who ta not married will not be oar
mitted to rent lead of the Indians en
the Umatilla reservation, according to
ruiea jun promulgated by the depart
meat of Indias affairs.
Aa exception it made la the rase of a
young man who resides with his parents
oa iee reservahoa. Hlngle men who are
reatera at present will not be eaated.
but they must get married before the
expiration of their oreeeat leasee er
only be permitted to lease 20 instead of
040 acres.
Provision is abe made for the eliml
natloa of graft ins, which has prevailed
to a great extcat. Some of the store
wily Indinns have beea able to reap
rich eommitaions from weald-be renter
who were willing to pay la order to
secure leases on oertaia lands. Here
after tho renters mast make public bids.
saa nnv ens round paying eommisstoes
io secare leases will be denied the prlv
ileae of leasias aav hud an the leaae-
vetioa. -
Hawaii Psaaeato Dims
Honolulu, tL ts. W. A. Perel-
rtreasv the immlgrsttea agent who aa-
eempaaied Immigration Commianioeer
A I Atkinson to Maneharla ta hie
, search for-ftaJoUu tamlgreats, declares
that ever mUsaiaa peasants want
te come to Hawaii Whee the ReaaUat
who arrived here oa the Siberia were
tinted handrees af fanuHee aleaded for
a thane to eon. Grnt deetltathra ex
ists among Ihe famiHee brought here
by the Siberia. Soeae f the hnuaigTaats
ara Mean a ak. lata wu Mm.
Japaa and Bmwtev
Calcutta atoafea awvere.,
Caleetto, Oct tfc-Tbe feeee sV
ever saeh a wide area to sanay years.
The fatalities are i st tiled at IM ami
Clinic for Treatment to Be Opened In
Nsw York City.
New York, Oct 28. A elinie for
the cure of tuberculosis by electric cur
rents af high potentiality and high
''frequency" Is to bo opened within
few daya at the Throat and Lung hos
pital in East Twenty-seventh street
It is tbo first clinic of the kind and as-
ordlnar to Dr. Frederick de Kraft of
148 Seventieth street who will be In
charge of-it may result In rofotution-
imrinr treatment for tuberculosis. If
not estobliah a positive cure for it
It Is largely to Dr. De Kraft's sue-
cess in the treatment of consumption
with what is knowu'a tba Oudin slse-
trie current that tbo establishment of
the elinie is due.
"I have not invented a cure for con-
sumption," said Dr. Da Kraft "but I
have improved the methods of applica
tion of the electric currents of high po
tentiality and frequency and with oth
ers bave established that consumptives.
even when ia the advanced stares of
the disease, can be cured by electricity.
"There are possibilities in the use of
the Oudin, D'Arsonval and Tesla cur
rents that may atir the wrld. Just
what these possibilities are, I do not
care to say at prsasnt" -
Death Rate Mounts High Conference
to Be Held In Simla. ,
Calcutta, Oct 26. An Important
official conference will asssmbls at
Simla thla month, charged with the
duty .of examining the whole question
of malaria and drawing up a plan of
campaign for too consideration of the
government of India and the local gov
ern menta. This special inquiry has
beea instituted by the governor general
la council as the result of a DroooeaJ
put forward by the sanitary commis
sioner that a permanent organisation
should be formed to investigate ay ste
rna tically the problem connected with
the disease. The official communique
on the subject points out that the num
ber of deatba ascribed to fever through
out India approximates 4,600,000, rep
resenting a mean death rata of nearly
20 par 1,000, and though this total is
greatly in excess of the actual figure,
owing to the general practice of ascrib
ing to "lever" deatba which are In re
ality due to other causes, yet it has been
estimated, from indications afforded by
certain special toquiries and by tba dis
pensary re tame, that the actual death
rate from malaria) fever M about 6 par
1,000. This represents about 1,180.-
000 deatba, and aa the mortality in
malarial fever ia ordinarily low such a
death rate indicates a terrible amount
of sickness, much of it preventable.
Some Qood. Some Bad, Pound by I li
ve ati gating Committee.
Boos ton, Tex., Oct. 28. According
to tbo testimony of convicts before the
senatorial committee on iaveetlgatton
at the penitentiary farms and camps in
Texaa, deplorable conditions prevail to
several camps, while to otners the op
posite is true. In one of the farm a,
according to the evidence of those ques
tioned, not only is sanitation poor, but
those imprisoned are cruelly treated.
At the Lignite mine at Calvert, the
committee found most astoundine: con-
ditione. It is stated. According to the
testimony conditions on the farms have
beea found poor for the greater part,
with ill-kept bonkhooeea and no ato-re-
gation of these ill. Food baa been
complained of. But many of the farme
have their redeeming features. Where
one poor eondluoa obtains it la off set
by aa Improvement, as that in the
main, the week's tovestlgatioa found
much to esmmsad.
Delaware Shows Speed.
Rockland, Msl. Oct. ft. The bat
tleship Delaware, the first American
righting ship of the Dreadnought tone.
made a apteadkl showing ea her screw
ataiKkwdiaation ma ever the aaeaeored
mile course to Penobscot bay today.
exceeding bar speed reoolremanta by
nearly a arte. While her eee tract
calls for a spaed of 81 knots aa hour,
the Delaware today attained a maxi
mum apace of I4.W knota and a mean
of 11.44. Three rone were mails to 19
knots, three at 20.5 and Ave at tha
mexiaia of tl.M knots.
Msgwale Storan Rage a.
New York, Oct. 16. A aaoaouocod
save tic atorm aattouely taYectod
ana of the AUsntk cables today. At
am ta BwMwetJe esvreato arero so
sa to eliminate Urn cabas ea.
mots. This is the third serious exnar-
teace wita taeee se-ealled
el ie en the Allaalli oahlas
AnTsasry. K T.. Oct, mV Dr. fteeert
"in, asms tsa j efl tae aaato award
of fwartHea, saammitd today abas aas
give far abe
rtoat im abe i
Labor Takes Up Cause of Alleged
Mexican Anarchist.
Expose Despotic Methods of DUi
Claim De Lara' la Pure SocUilit,
Seeking Better Government. '
Los Angelas. Oct. 91. The nmnlu.
tion ia this city today of tha De Lara.'
Defense league, to handle the fund now
being raised to aid L. Quiterres da Lara
in his effort to escape deportation to
Mexico oa the charge of being an alien
and an anarchist, is one of the most im
portant of the day's developments to
tha ease. .
A fund sufficient to seers the release
of De Lara haa been pledged, and will
be plaeed in the hands of tha defense
league, of which A. O. Lympos ia presi
dent, and Mrs. Vary Oar butt treasurer.
The mass meeting under the auspices -of
this league, which was planned yes
terday, will be held Saturday night.
Previous to that time meetings of aav.
eral local labor unions will be held and
resolutions presented declaring that un
just methods are being used to deport
De Lara. Officials of tho 'typographical
and other local unions teem deeply In
terested la the ease, and are taking ac
tive steps to aid she prisoner.
At the mass meeting on Saturday
night, John Kenneth Turner, companion
of De Lara on his trip to Mexico one
year ago, and author of magaaino ar
ticles entitled ' ' Barbarous Hexieo,"
will be one of the principal speakers.
He has announced that he will tell oa
this occasion wby, ia his belief, the -Mexican
government mar be seeking to
havo De Lara deported.
Clarence Meily and A. B. Holstoik at
torneys for De Lara, stated today thatT
their defense, when the hearing ia called
eany next week, will be that De Lara ;
ia a socialist, and sot an anarchist, and
that his ftteranees have beea in behalf
of betti.. government, and not ageiabt
any established government. It was ,
stated by tha attorneys today that De
uara la preparing to make application
for naturalisation papers of this gov-.
ernment. '
The prisoner haa beea permitted to
have conferences with hit attorneys to- .
day, and it practically outlining his owa
defense, being an attorney himself.
secret Herviee Oneraliva QeorM W.
Haxea stated today that he waa not-
taking any official action ia the De
Lara ease, but was watching it eare-
Brurltah tw T.iili IT . . v
, Wearing Badge af Mai '
New York, Oct. 81. A a little
group of New York women ring "
banners labeled "Votes' for ffnmen,"
toon oa toe wmte mar Hue pier to
night and welcomed to America Hra.
Emmeline Gould Pankhurst, leader of
the suffragettes of Great Britain. In
accordance with tho ruling! of the sua- T
toms autnorltiea, lest than 0 persoae
were admitted oa the dock, and the re
ceptee to the woman who haa served
two terms of imprisonment for her ac- '
tivity to the causa, waa devoid of
clamor. She was hurried to the tuf-
iragetie Baauqaartcrt at 001 Fifth eve- "
Mrs. Pankhurtt Is slish't of etntnre ;
aso aaa a wealth of browa hair, which
is just .turning gray, She looked a
typical Eajrliih woman, and was '
dressed becomingly la dress of dark '
''I am coming to America," she said
' "Pb the subject of equal ,
, ana to si any tne Sit- -nation
in this country. I think we are
away ahead of vou ia this matte. . .
As aha talked, Mrs. Pankhurst dls-
explamed that ft was a distingoishing '
msrk worn by those English women who
have been imprisoned for the cause.
"I suffered solitary confinement,"
aha eontiuMd. "ami k.s ..u. ..
of sxereiae oat of twenty-four. During
the other twenty-three I waa sonnaed v
ia a little ceU eight by tea feet. I
had eell No. 47 ea the second floor ef
Hollo war nriana r .v
wOB Dnsoa nrh Kit t A: a . vi-
ar wita me.
"The movement ia progressing satis- '
faetonly to England' shs went an.
. P'w'eTeB rroaa practically
two-thirds of the members of parlia-
iseat te Vote f or as aa soon aa a bill ,
m prepared by the government. ' ' ,
SocUty Soldiers avmred.
St Petersburg, Oct 1L The threat.
alng Sttaatioa to Ptalaad haa spread '
dsm.y in Bt P-tenberg wotity, owi.g .
to the proeneet ef the
rraek rrieaa, ef the award being
called apoa to pam the winter mlhl -..
J-fk' lbs caatoameata ef s
inland, laatead of oartiein.ti.. i. u.. "
"r woai apoa the rstara of
the evert te this city.
e oroert hav Lmm .
dHanetah . . ,HT -
achy, aessnlln tm 57
staff, -
Cd to fteat f tw charea of f.
"rfy.Wd.y. Tba wiaoowa to
I. t