To gtt & bexe5v&a CALIFORNIA Fio Syrup Co. SOU BY LEAOINO DHUGCIS1S 50AD0nU Him tea? Tm, ' "fJeerge Moore, the aathor C Bather ' Waters, likes to talk," aald a magaslne editor of New York, "about his own ebecurity, Tory obscure. Lunching with m en day at Clarldgs's. he-ssld ha had recently put young American girl whoa warm praiaa had pleased him much. - Wa think a haap of row writings at Kauai way. Mr. Moora,' the young girl amid. "How Jotly!' cried tha novelist And what story of mis do the good .peopla of Ranaaa Ilka bestr "0h, LaUe Rookb. far and away' aid aha." , COUGHED ALL NIGHT Tm Thm Keetpo Waa Triad. Our Tal lowed In rive Hours. A promtnant aaedleal an who BafTvrad with a Mm ooaah mud cold on the hwra, oftao Wu kept awake all night, and weakened by tat of aleep. Anally dUcorerad tlmple formula which will cor any oooah in A7 houn by the clock. It kt laxative tonic wash syrup which ean ba mad at botne br any and Che formula la tiara riven for tha banaAt of those who paas alaapl a nlchto In paJn'olperoxyama. Tbeae who have triad It aay h im markal and beets any bieb-prioed, slow at Hcooan medleine avar oold. Ik in a buttle. on-hJf ounce fhrid wild eharry ark. ana oonee coenpound eeaenee cardial and thi ii minrai imr whltaplna compound. Take twenty drops vary half hour for four home. Than taka ana-half to on taaueonful thraa ar foor timaa a day. Olra chlklran lea acMidin k aaa. Thta will tan vp and rid tha ajrataai of dial iiBlilawfrfcaaTarrtima. ' aayraaaa) Tawt. "rbera, ramarkad tho'dantlat. aa ha look off the rubber dam, "you'll never new on a pleoe of beefateak laugh enough to looeen. that nillna .". "But deetor.- euariad tha a weal roung thing with the tooth ' equally tweet "will H atay In when I eat aaxav eaata and molaseee candy?" - Aadd Tew rrWae. ' 1 hear you apant your vacation wtth friend. "We were friend during the fl ret week. "-Loulvllle Coutier-Joar Ailments of Mn Happily Overcome WOCCSgjFVXXT TStDB) BT majtt. wee, Oraaaw ihiikiallia ef thalr BhlktBaod'' haw bafara ta thraa AX and tan ahotfd to Ma a iliaieial 'hCSHiada ba aUaMMa, aad Mahry aOWant la oaiektr raatorhw i ona ihaaatki. wank TBaJUy. aaaV anchotta and tha fuefJoae rfrat cat fifty canta' werth ef aaa paaaa Aald faahnwort in a ana aaneanack aaa. aad ihraa ouncaa ayrao aaneperille amponnd; taka bona, mix and lat aland two boora: than cat ona aonce amponnd eaaanoa caidM and ona onnea Ueture aadoeoana eatnooand Wt eardmoni). Mix all fat a U or eicht ennca bottla. ahake wak, and taka ona taapaonful aftar each BHal and ona when leUrieev fal knrad by a drink af watar. By mlxfaic H at aoma neaaMBeaflaa tha wiaar aa as anouWa ahattaaanaa, and aapaaatra fa ara void ad. Lack of potaa and qniHbrinai in akan hi a aanataat aoaraa of amhaiTaaatnaat oraa whan tha nubttc laaat Mupacta H. For tha hanadt of thoaa who want a iiataintiint te fnft banwDna- haelth. and all 1 ha happt aaaa afraaMwytnc it, daa abawo hoaaa b if m h ivn h maHai naopl at ar kaH; -fonnhw drco whatarar. HUMMW wand aaaaewUheakat n?:.i,ssjj2jitistry Oat at towa.ffevM ara t&air Mia ifhai eao aay If WaMinMa aaaf 12k fit m wH'ila m T-T a- raira ro in "Aaai fa-jaal -M Jgakv aVawa f.M IttBrtawTaaal-SQ I SaMrsw LOO i Eaaaat Fahaai 101 lakwrakaa M kaarnaaai 2.61 iMiaw -1 aka Law whs iiibh nowi zx sTje WImo oomp'ny comes te eur place There wbw dad's mouth Mi thi Too ought to hw htm talk! He reela off stuff on freight oar load Oa wthr signs ml brick-paves' Aa billiard chalk. ,-- .V Hell Speak Of baseball OMMYSeS, Mil The price o' meat an' tawnmower oil; An' ada-eome more About the life on Han. an auto Urea An' how to put out coal mlno Ores, Wbon on o ho baa. too floor. . Things wo thought bo didnt know . On h wit tiia wm to flow Aa slick aa candle grease. da gWea-the-cnre for roup ta hank, The prlnclplea o fountain pena. Why Huaanyar wanted paaoc, - Wfaen RooaeraJt'e doe to com back home, -rb beat polnta In aa art gmaa dome Or real aetata affaire. Why women epend too much on draoa, The proper movea m gamaa o' irbtrt. An' breedln' Belgian barea. , Than, well warmed up, hall tura tu ' beana, An Ufa on board tha aubmartnea, - Or 'aplaln the income tajr. An how to Judge good flabta' Hnea W dllTrent klnda o foreign wlneo Aa' atau a million facta. ary thing be aaya-haa polnta to tt. Oven hla Jokea and atreaka wit When oomp'njfa at our bouea: Thaugh when there ain't, he doat any much. Aa keepa hla face daeed round our ' butch Aa quM aa a mouea, Ita when tharaa vlaHore to nataa ' That- be euta looaa with that gab o'hln, Aa' never gate a call Bat Often I aee ma Juet grin Like ana waa holdla' aometba tew ' Whoa father knowa It all. . MBhT WHO HI? WHXhT TO QTJTt. rtmaairiaJ aHaate Wht DM e Phaw aa Ckaaae TUI It KUled Taaam. A comment not lnfreaoantly hoard la Wall street rone tana: "John O. Rockefeller waa tha wleeat ef them all. Ba knew when to quit- So did Andrew Caraegla So, more recently, did Jamoa BtUlmaa.' H. H. Rogera trying ta throw off hla harneaa wbaa atrack down. . Tha Now York Journal of Commerce eaya tha two grand old ma la tha flnanolal world wboaa health never ii inn to trouble them are J. P. Mor gan and Jamea J. Hill. Neither ta aver reported aa aoftertng from nerv ona breakdown or aa being compelled ta lalt tha spaa of Burope. TbeM two old frteoda and aaaoclatea Jag along qalaUy bat vary effectively year after year, doing big things wlthoejt lttlng these htg things ta ama Mr. Morgan does mat hellevo fta r tlrtr-j altogether from taadams. aa ta many oaaaa that have come under all observation retirement has aaan fe tawed by tha tortnraa af eanui aad speedy end. Mr. BUI a few years age turned over aaaury of am dutlea to bit eon, Loala, bet ha atfll ratal as enough offices to keep htg mind from heeoav Ing maty, yet not aooagh to preveat him from taking an enlightened pari la tha dlacnealoa and solutioa of bargf poblla pToblema, agriealtaraL aooav omlc, aolltlcal and flmanetal. Aaharlca'a nvwad aoaat that aha hai aa lataara. ciasa may - hereafter be slightly aatwttfled. aa oar greatest aa af aCalra are heglaalng U reailae thai tha making af naeoey asm tha tncea aat fight tor power, am not tha ho ail aad eajdoil of Hto. to Mene! Puma The girl thoaght aha weald try a Bttle strategy. v "Mr. Bkrw fallow asked aha, "doat yea tarah two esa Uve as cheaply as "Nothing to K.' waa tt reply. "My eham aad I tried tt Kept baehalor. hall ta a tat." rule Oearler Jearasl.- . ga Hesaraa. -Ossrl we hsatrwet thg m to Uve properly aad mrprors their aanawnl eoodttloar -War. eaanaialT we can. Let an aat e a aartaa ef hastares at aaa ef the tjableashto hm'-mwm1 Bars In aa sapremlia i: "He aaa sa aatr Ciliousnoss have need your vahiaUe Caacarrta and I and them perfect. Couldn't da without theaa. I have aaed them for aome tuna for tndigcatioa and Uhouaneaa and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried, yon will never be without them la the taniily. ''--Edward A. Man, Albany, N.Y. - Ptaasant, PaUtabh. rVant. Taata Good, po Good. Never Sicken. Weakon or Oripa, Wc.tSc, SOs. Nerer told la bulk. The ten atoa tablet atarapod CCC. Qaaraatatd to oora or yeai mooay back. an j . . , OataateaaMM, One of tha charms of musto la that tha masleally an educated pereoa does not have to 'onderataad' K. With "tmltatlva" mualc, however, tha omaa is galto different, and ovary paaaaga has either an obvious or a thinly coa ealed meaning. OeeastonaJly tt la hard to decipher certain anasual noiaea, as tha following story from Fliegeoda BlaetUr Indicates: Tha compoeet had Just played Us hut piece to bis friend, the critic "Vary Una, Indeed." said tha critic "But what la that -postage which makes tha oold chills run down -tha backr, "Oh," returned tha composer, "that ii where the wanderer has the hotel bill brought to htm " WHY suffer with aye troubles, quick relief from Being FETTiT'S EYE SALVB 25c All druggistB or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. X. ' ' A VaefWI Biaaaeey. Little Jamie, aged I, aaa playing with his little Mead. Jack. At the time Jamie chanced to have a rather heavy oold and waa aneexisg oaltd often. Jaok'a mother heard him sav' ral times and sympathetically asked: "Why, Jamie, what a oold you' bava! Doesn't your mother give yon any thing tor UT" "Tea. ma'am," Jamie vary respectfully answered.- "aha gives ma g clesn handkerchief, whereupon ha prodifd tha prescribed "remedy." Tha Dell""". Charley aad mic Stand. Ton aay your haaoaad occasionally oonauRa a palmlatt" - -Tea," aaswaradj yoang Mrs. Tor kins. Ton aaa, Charley plays cards a avast deal- "Bat ho iaa't an aoparstklana ag la think ha ona foretell his lackr HNo. He tohos U for granted that Ms luck will ba bad. Bnt he aayi K'g worth the money rto have aomebody tell htm he ass a hand worth looklag aX "Washington Star. . genaetatag ' Vow. Tea; he ta asubllsbsd la Waa lag. a new at the head of -a aoaxtahing arrangement barean. . . "What sort of a bureau" "Why, U'a eomething entirely new. tt takes charge ef the eaaes of dis missed Wast Pointers and arranges for ihelr falastatonisat,a'--ClsTalaad Plain .-a ; gin gatlamatleaa. 1 afo ta hla mountain retreat, the trala robber opened the bag of coin he had secured at the cost ef so much trouble aad danger. It contained nothing but Lluooln pen- alee. "Wall he aald. aa he took ana of them between his thumb aad In gar aad gasad at the rugged profile oa the ooin. 1 sever voted fur lav, aa fat darned glad af tt now!" CevHaaleab "Benatar. may I ask what yoa Mat ty think ef the new tartar ; "As to that, young man, I moat re fer you to my record." "But yoa ha vent any record. Sena tor. Toa voted aa both stdce ef the gaeatloa." -Then I shea id probably talk oa both M Good morning." dJoagdeaee of ataartaa. , Tn say roar dirigible balleee. tt a unwur , TeO answsred the tnventar. f "But It same doom to tha earth with g terrible borne." True. Bat tt hit very sleet It the spat I was aiming at" ma Ptd. ' "We are told," said the . Sunday snhool teacher, "that we should kovwt ear astghoor. Mew, who la your astgjb her, ToaaAyr Bat Tommy Tucker merety Washed, bang hie head, had aald nothing. He diont want to tefl the Bttle glrTa Tribune. LSarMalaar Baga. Bote! -Clertt lust sign powr name pi ease. The ether guests would Uk to Ngteter. "Djmt- yen harry ma young faaa. I don't eum aMthia the I ain't read earefuily.'-Llfe. . ' la a aaloa ef Le hfaaa, seuaoe, la which she obTmos af praatoaau. vice president, ead treaaurer are beM by VT ?TW ryyT JSJCT & ZZSL'tSS vMahhnaa. S cm, Maaay hack U aat saafcafil. m. SB faa. renal a. U aaaav ed PUTNALI aV JahrV. aasaaaWsmTa. .BBwaw aw aw, aaawaam ansa anank nan aa AnateaBleal Leeataea, ItcMurf met Pleader, tha lawyer, not long ago. "Ah." aald he, "you're just the man I've been looking for for a week. I want over te your efAca, but found yoo'd moved." Tea, I'm a block around the corner aow," aald Pleader. "A dentist has my old place." -Sor vestured UeMork. Then after thta whoa we want our- teeth palled well have te go where we used to get our legs pulled." Nov York Times, v - . A gteeJ Ca alalia a. . Little Molly'a father can't eulte i where Molly got her Information, One day wbaa her unmarried aunt waa vis iting at the house Molly became !m pressed with her annfs solitary state. "Haven't yoa any husband. Aunt Mollyr she asked. Annt Molly's pre tended grief over the fact that she waa huabandlesa was so real to Molly that she undertook the task of consolation. Never mind, dear Aunt Molly, hue hands acold." The Delineator. ' Fitted tor the Je. The general consulted . the topo graphical chart. "Tou understand colonel," be said, "that this charge oc the enemy's fortification necessitate the most reckless disregard for human HfeT" "I understand, general," tht Colonel replied. "The forlorn hope thai leads the movement will be composed exclualcely of amateur chauffeurs," Cleveland Plain Dealer. The right hand, which ta mora sen altlve to the touch than the left. Is less senattlva than tha latter to the effect ef heat and oold. CASTOR I A Vor Tjifaittg atd Children.' Tbi Kind Yoa Han Always Boaght . Bears tha aVaWtareas eTatet aa Peaaevlaar. -"So yon were deeply touched by the poem young Mr, QuOsum wrote to "Teg," answered Maymta. "But It was not a good poem." "I don't care. It was just aa avaeh trouble for him to write It aa If be bid been flhatspeare " m WMl''gHn Star. . BowveaOs el H totes-. The Oreeks were entering Troy en the wooden horse. The flret Joy ride," they chortled. . Then the daughter comma noed Mew York Sun. Sa-Haaa. "What do you consider the beat ef sH the so-called' -beat eallarer " tn gulred the caller. - "Well, T have always Tfked old Cot Mulberry better than any of the oth ers," answered the InfonaaUoa editor, turning era in to bis worn. , IT Clillflren Like CUfiE Tit HS1 mMoit nt (&lae-i It ii to li ii if h be--sfea eanaBtoejmar. Abeoajatjy tha mto AflDre U. Im mom moncM. co. n 1 1 asm ryyi ipvouVt. 1 1 1 fin ii I Masgaeii : ItYflJM li Ifffl II 1 1 OUAJtAMTUn Cf Vi 1 V JuvmaG FADELESS DYES OurNeio Hair Vigor Ayeri Hair Vigor was good, the best thai was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Un proved formula, is better. It Is the one great specific for fall ing hair. A new preparation In every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show It to you, "the new kind." Do no cAanra (A eohr of Ms Aee. A ronaala wlla. ataa haUa s Shew ii to raar iers doat aak aim ahawl H, than do u ha aaye As we w make our new Hair Vigor it does not have ths illgbtcst effect upon tbe color of the hair. You may use It freely and for any length ef time with oat fear of changing, the color. Stops falling hair. Cures dandruff. Wili ay the J. 0. aya-Oe Lawall, Win n Dasa-erass Odea. Once when Uonel Brough gave hta humorous entertainment at a northern lunatic asylum, be spent the hour ha had to wait for his train la playtnsj one of the Inmates, a harmless old gea- tie man, a game of billiards. Mr. Brough offered the patient 44 ha IN. aad was beaten easily. "If yoa go about giving odda ttke that" said the patient, "they'll put you to here with me." London 0pU aeeeaHtp of Beaaty, Schiller In hta esthetics! and phlt soph leal essays wrote that "Beaut) alone confer happiness on all," that nndsr Its Influence men forget task limitations. Happiness ta our belngi and and aim. And without beauty eve happiness In Its. perfect flowering Impossible. CsUUajurf MFO. hlakmofMArlgrgB lasOarauaMaBle), A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mesas an esJaMna- water aana. pj Steana that yon will have the moat praeuV al DuaiaUc water ta-aly lyataai aow nt ana. No aleoatad lank, no free an ptpaa te Winter, bo atarnant watar In -rmir. aa water rapply troubles af any aort. Tank ektees la haaanant. oat af aarht and way, aiada of pfoaHd atasL will aat mat and Will kwt a llfeunta. Toa will ba pleaead wtth e LBADSB Etaia ef fnrniahine Domeatt Wataa ply. Atk lor oar eaaloeand free aorAW. oalgarrsdMy Water Sapew rVutlam." 1CWB A STAVER CO. Poriltvafi; Ore. -Spoltsme, Wash. ' Boise, klavio. tM V Ha InjMKK wrttlna tm -J-;-"ri-Tf'llll TT aaeaaiaa tCta paipee. COLTDLSTEMPER or la faad. Act oa taa klood aad aaU arw of D n il I gi u COiHgX TO, fj. t, A. JbdeMtheeWga fenaaWamnnBj aad eoaapliee with ssnmi rft oil pare food laws. aag 1 - on. tjAdn-iMim '