The ffcdemptioto By CHARLE8 FREDERIC 0088 CeerrttM, net, by Ths inuMwrH Cmmv. E announce a serial that is and uneventful that when a traveling mountebank and his ieautiful assistant, Papeete, visit the town, the glare and glamour of tinsel and excitement lead David to turn his back on the old life and plunge Into the wide world he had only read about previously. David is entranced by the beauty of the peerless girl. He is led Into a mad whirl of pleasure by the mountebank. Finally, he induces Pepeeta to desert her husband and nee with him. A tivivalist brings David back to a sense of his misspent life. It is a marvelous life study. Everybody should read it. - CHAPTER L Hidden away In thla worn and emoum bared world ere apota so Quiet auid. beautiful aa to make the fail of men aam Incredible, and awaken In tha breast or tha weary traveler who eotnoa suddenly upon lhm, a vagus nd dear delusion tbal ha has stum tld Into Paradise. Such an Eden existed In tha extreme western part of Ohio In tha aprlng of 1141. It was a valley surrounded -by wooded hllle and threaded by a nolay trook which hastily made tta way, aa If upon eome errand of Immenee Im portance, down to the big Miami not many mllec dlatant A road out through a vaat and solemn forest led Into the Valley, and entering a If by a oorrldor and throtiKh the open portal of a temple, the traveler saw a white farm-house nestling beneath a mighty heokberry tree whose wide-reachtns inns sheltered It from summer sun And winter wind. A deep, wide lawn -of bluegrass lay la front, and a garden -ot Aswore, fragrant and brilliant, on ta southern side. Stretching away In- o the background was the farm newly J wervsd out of the wilderness, but a), ready In a high state or cultivation. In this lovely valley, at the close of long, odorous, sun-drenched day la early Hay, the sacred sllenoe was bro il an by a rauoous blast from that most unmusical of Instruments, a tin dinner atom, it was blown by a bare-legged country boy who seemed to take de fiant In this profanation. By his side. In the vine-clad porch of the white farm-house stood a woman who ehad ed her eyes with her hand as she look ed toward a vague object la a distant meadow. She was no longer young. As Che light of the setting sun fell full rspon her faee It seemed almost trans - parent and even the unobssrvtng must have perceived that soms deep expert once of the sadness of lire had added to her character an Indescribable charm. "Thee will have to go and call him. etephon, for I think be has fallen Into another trance," the woman said. In a low voice In which there was aot a trace of Impatience. The child threw down his dinner Horn, whistled to his dog and started, printing up from where lie had been watching every expression of his oiss . tor's face, the shaggy collie bounded su-ound him as he moved across tha lawn, while the woman watched them with a proud and happy smile. Unutterable and Incomprehensible emotions were awakened In the soul f the boy by the stillness and beauty erf the evening world. His senses were not yet dulled nor his feelings Jaded. Through every avenue of his Intelll. arenas the mystery of the universe alula Into his eenaltlve spirit If a Three blew across the meadow he turned his eheeh to Ha hiss; If the dor of spearmint from the broohatde waa wafted around hint he breathed It Into his nostril Wllh delight. He saw the a ha dew of a orew ayta asvaaa the Ml and Mopped ta tee ea and I let en for the ewiah of bar wtaga and Iter mud. hoarse saw aa awe mads her way to the. seating groan as; then be ajased svyond her. Into the tathoaaleae depths of the blue say, and hie seal waa stirred with aa tedescrlbeWe aw. But It was net aa atuoa the ohjeeta dh sense! v as aa the spirit pervading them, watch stirred the depths of the whlkTo mind. The Httla pantheist saw Osd everywhere. We bee taw the girt f language upon a ehlld. hut the feel jMja which that mnguage terrea eaiy w Interpret and inn rase anhN and glow wtthto hint even If he he dumb. And atft of hi g hi si All RUrMa with a great deal of pleasure somewhat exceptional, even in these days of active fiction. It Is a story of unusual -power, of wonderful pathos and yet dealing with practical, every-day life in a way that stirs the soul and teaches a lasting lesson. The story begins with a description of the home and life of David Corson, a young Quaker, whose career has been so peaceful tlonabls value, and had been so with him. All that hs felt, filled him with love. To him the valley was heaven. and through It Invisibly but unmlstak ably Ood walked, morning, noon and evening. To the child sauntering dreamily and wistfully along, the object dimly seen from the farm-house door began grad ually to dissolve Itself Into a group of living beings. Two horses were at tached to a plow; one standing la the lush grass of the meadow, and the oth or In a deep furrow traced across Its surface. The plowshare was burled deep In the rich, alluvial soil, and a ribbon of earth rolled from Its blade like a petrified sea billow, crested with a cluster of daisies white as the foam of a wave. Between the handles of the plow and leaning on the orossbar, his baok to the horses, stood a young Quaker. His broad -brimmed hat. set carelessly on the back of his head, disclosed a wide. high forehead; his flannel shirt, span at the throat, exposed a strong, colum nar neck, and a deep, broad oh eat; his sunburned and muscular arms were folded across his breast figure and posture revealed the nerfeot oonoord of body end 'soul with the beauty of the world: his great blue eyes were fixed upon the notch ta the hills where the sua bad Just disappeared; be gased without seeing and felt without think In The boy approached this Statuesque figure with n stealthy tread, and pluck ing a long spear of grass tickled the bronsed neck. The hand of the plow man moved automatically upward as If to brush away a ty, and at this un conscious action the ehlld, seised by a convulsion of laughter and rearing lest It explode, stuffed his fists Into his meuthr -In the op niton of this ir reverent young skeptic hla Unote Dave was In a "tantrum" Instead of a "trance." and ha thought such a dur esse demanded heroic treatment. For ssveral years this Quaker youth. David Corson, had bean the subject of remarkable emotional ex pe fiancee, ha explanation of which tha rude wits af the village declared that be had been moon-struck; the young girls who adored hla beauty thought be waa ta love, -and the venerable fathers and mothers of this religious community believed that la hlra toe scriptural prophecy, - Tour young men shall see visions." had been literally fulfilled. David Corson himself aeeeptod the last explanation with unQuestlonlog fait a. The Ufa of this young ataa had been purs and uneventful. Existence hi this frontier rearton, ones full af the tragedy sf Indian warfare, bad been gradually softened by pesos and relic ton. In such a sequestered rawtoiT books and papers were eoarce, and be had eesees only to a few volumes writ tea by ,uletlsts and mystics, and to that great mlns of snored literature, the Holy Btbto, The seeds of knowl edge sown by these books hi las rioh sou af this young heart wars fertil ised by the soototy sf sable ansa, rb tago sf exqulelte beauty. Nona af thess taweotles tha mmd sf the barefooted boy. Hav ing suppressed bis laugh tar. ha Uehlsd lbs sunburnt neck again. Ones mora the band rose automatically, and aaoa sasra the boy was almost atoaagtod with delight. The draamet waa bard to awaken, but has ta ream tor bad net yet exhausted hla ri sterna, No tea sins bog Is aver without that fwasa mental neeeeatty at stalMbasd, a pan. and " one santiwhtrs about ate M toto Urn tog af stothtng. be tdmat brought the soaring satnt from heaven to earth. In aa Instant tha mystls was a man. and a strong one. too. Hs oelsed the unaen Mined young repro- I bate with one band and hoisted him at arm's length above his head. "Ob, Uncle Dave, I'll never do tt aln I Never Never 1 Let roe down." 0tUl holding aim aloft aa a hunter would hold a falcon, the reincarnated ""spirit" laughed long, loud and mer rily, the echoes of his laughter ringing up the'valley Ilk a peal from a ohlme of bells. The child 'a fear was needl for the heart and hands that dealt with him wars as gentle as a woman's. The youth, resembling, some old Norse god as he stood there la the gathering gloom, lowered the child slowly, and priming a kiss on his cheek, said: "Thee little pest' thee has no revsr encet Thee should never disturb i child at hla play, a bird on his nest nor n man at his prayers.' "But than waa. not praying. Uncle Dave,- the boy' replied. "Thee only In another of thy tantrums. The supper has grown cold, the horses are tired and Shop and I have walked a mile to sail the. Grandmother said thee had a tranoa Tell me what thee has seen la thy vtilons. Uncle DavsT a "Ood and His angels,' said tha young mystic softly, railing again Into Ue mood from which be had bean so rude ly awakened. "Ana-els I - scoffed ths young mate rialist. if thee was thinking of any angel at all, I will bet thee it waa Dor othy Fraser." "Tush, child, do not be silly,"- iwpttetr the oonvloted culprit For tt was easier than he would cart to admit to mingle visions of beauty with those of holi ness. ' "I am not silly. Thee would not dare say thee was not thinking of her. She thinks of thee." "How does thee know?" "Because she gives me bread and Jam If I so much aa mention tlur name. Uncle Dave, waa It really up thla very valley that Had Anthony Wayne marched with hla brave, soldiers T This very valley." I wish I could have been with him." "It Is aa evil wish." Thee Is a child of peaoe. Thy father and thy father's fathers have denied the right of men to war. Thee ought to be like them, and love the things that make for peace." "Well, If I can not wish for war, I will wish that a runaway slave would dash up this valley with a pack af bloodhounds at his heels. Oh, Uncle Dave, tell me that story about thy bid ing a negro la the hayitaok, and ohok lng the bloodhounds with thins own bands." "I have told thee a hundred times." "But 1 want to hear It again." Use thy memory and thy imagina tion." The child, bounding forward, ths tired procession entered the barnyard. The plowman fed his horses, and stop ped to listen for a moment to their deep-drawn signs of contentment, and to ths musical grinding of ths oats In their teeth. His Imaginative mind read hla own thoughts Into everything, and he believed that he oould distinguish In these tnartloulate sounds ths words. "Good-night. Good-night "Good-night," he said, and stroking their groat flanks with hut kind band. left them to their well-earned repose. On his way to the house he stopped to bathe bis faee ta the waters of spring brook thai ran aoroee the yard. and than entered tha kitchen where supper was spread. "Thee Is lata" said th woman who had watched and waited, her Una faos radiant with a smile of love and wel- Trorstve me. mother.1 be replied, "I have had another vision." I thought aa mwen. -ffhes must re member what thee has seen, my son," aha said, "for all that thee be holds with the outer eye shall pass away wfcUa what thee sees with the Inner eye abides fo raver. And had thee maaage, tooT" "It was delivered to me that on ths holy Sabbath day I should go to ths camp in Baxter's steering and preach to the lumbermen." - . -Then thee Bust to, my son. -I will." he answered, tahlnf bat band affectionately, but with Quaker restraint, and leading her to the tabto. Ths family, consulting of the mother. an adopted daughter DorsiSen, the daughter's husband Jacob and aon Stephen, sat down o a simple but bountiful supper, during which and late Into the evening ths young myo tic pondered the vision which bo be lieved himself ta bars seen, and ths massage which be believed bimslf to have heard, nt Ms musings there was I a tremor or doubt; he would have as sooa questioned the reality of tha aid fM-houss and ths faoea af tha family gathered about the table. He was a credulous and unsophisti cated youth, Swelling ka a realm af Imaalnatloa rather than to a world sf reality and bv. He bad much to learn. Hla education was about to begin, and to basts as does all true and effective education, tat a spiritual terns tatloa. Ths GbebefB aay bast whoa tbelrraat prophet Abrlmaa was thrown tats ths re by the order ef Nhxwod. tha ames bits which h rail turned kato a bad af na, upon whlsh be peacefully re clined. Tate lass taut Qua her ywsta had been reellnlng upon a bed at ruses which sow began to tun toto a sun af Mamas, (that saathMsa.) . 1 r if. rmnt aot tay own ristiletoi ntarsata," told ths haaasnlnsid ds clamor; - nM, steal the aUUtoss." Mllltaaa af whatr bssulred Sena tor iwrgaunv esttoaslyi -tollltoaa af esses or mtana t dadaran ?fcSfSr0i natural Kent Btarasre Bos too Vagretnblea. Instead of keeping tha vegetables la barrels or boxes scattered all over ths cellar, I have mads a set sf storage bint. I took six drygooda boxes and bolted them together aa shows la tha drawing;. I put lags aa then ta hold them off the door and a over on tha hox. Then I painted oa the boxes tha names of ths vegetables ws generally store. This makes a neat and handy ttorage bin, and la well worth the llt- He time It takes to maks It Before ws had this Mb ws stored ths different vegetables tn barrels, boxes, wash tuba, lard cans, or any receptacle that hap pened to be at band when we harnst- VBOSTABLEg STtMUOa BOX. ed tha' crop. Thsss were scattered about tha cellar promiscuously, Jtnd sometimes ws knew where to find what ws wanted and someUmas ws did not There'ls nothing mora satisfying ta a farmer's wlfs than to be able to tabs a friend Into a cellar where everything neat and la order. A. 0. Oritur In Fanm and Horn. VeaUlattaa g ftobto. Here's a good method of ventilating aa ordinary stable. lotahs flues are constructed ta ths aide walla. Ths ven tilation flnss will take ap considerable apaos but are mors efficient than a single Sua. Openings are at or sear ths floor level and ths tops ssveral (sat abovs ths ridge of ths roof. Caps or cowls may be placed over them to hasp oat rain and snow. Another ajTsjuteoMnt of floes which Is quite effective hi securing ventila tion. Ths opening la ths outer of B may bs provided with a shutter to prevent too rr-ptd movement af sir. Separata outlets buy be provided or 'be sing Is cupola as shown. ttafss ths Meets bar. If the bene don't lay. turn them oat and let them dsj and hunt la tha ground for food, hi tha ad vies of T. r. MeGrew. ta ths Country Oentlimas Bnry entail grata where they will find tt when aay dig. This win tsdnes thorn to aunt, and whlls than employ ed they will And bugs and worms that wlD qulekea the prod net lea af egga. It la wall to fellow tats ataa aa soea as tha ayads wUl tara the ground, far R adds vigor and strength to ths bene and insures strao. healthy eMeba. Tha laay. Ml aenbisfasussbattoBlt t and grew fat If ah will ah will at toy. If she will as lay, bar His should tr aejronaa gne tbs tabes To ana red that ths bill lent baa ta drawbask to the eatab le that thor ta aot a day's Mn "V" o-ion. sg,a SoTM r and rest saws fat to taytoTtss toaja to bs eassn. TU Brunei buVav ta tbs miry rewttee hans history. 1a pullets are feathered out and weaned and tha roosters ssp armtsd front them to tat na a Httla la- the ear beatowed on them. This la a great mistake tt winter eggs ar expected. If there la on thine mora than another that the average poultry man hi liable to arr ta it hi lack of fresh air la ths coops at night. - Slim out soma hot night about 11 o'clock and you win perhaps boar the thump, thump of restless chickens crowding around against each other, fighting la ' vain for a oooi, airy spot to sleep ta comfort. Or in the morning tsji a. whiff of ths fetid, onwholssoms sir be fore letting ths ehicxens oat, and you will realise that sight spent nndsr such conditions . must prevent ths toady, healthy growth necessary for best results This condition of affair la liable to bs won with Incubator chickens, because they axe . raised ta larger Sock and ths tendency Is to crowd them more after taking then) from th brooders. . - Wbem Hens Ass Masltlaa. On -of th difficulties In ponltry raising It to get th hens to molt ear ly, so that they will be ready to lay la ths fall and winter, when ana era high. Left to thsmaelvea, bans win taks a Ions; molt, and will not finish until sold weather sets in. They will not than lay until early spring and all th profits for ths wlntar months ar lost At tha ponltry la- stltuts held la Denver by th Colors do Agricultural College. W. J. R. Wil son, a poultry man of lone experience. gave- his method of controlling tha molting of bans. As soon as th bens ar through laying as turns them oa fal fa. feeding them dry bran only, ta. addition. Undsr this treatment they get thla. Tha ho feeds them a mixed. ratios of grains and meat, giving a light feed la th morning and ail thsy will sat at noon and night Dndsr this treatment they finish molting quickly, got now feathers and begin - laying la September. By October 1 they ar tn full laying condition and maks a profit through tha fall and wlntar. Alfalfa taw tha Dlaury. -Successful dairy farming depends a groat dsn! on growing the oeceeeary fssd on ths farm. City milkmen can bur high -priced feeds and maks profit but farmers who ship longer distances require all th advantage thsy can tat Alfalfa la getting to be one of the most important dairy feeds. It can bs grown la almost any part Of ' tho country whoro there is nUSetaat mutstur wtthla roach of tho Ions; tap . root provided that there la no roch . to tnterfer with it growth. If yo never tried alfalfa, oommenos sow by fitting a assail atoot af ground Tory , carefully and make it very tick oa top. Tho aw plants ar delicate sad require careful feeding Until thsy get started. Most failures aro caused by Insufficient preparation of the seed bod, mta-bt Times to Meat Apples la tended for cold - storage should aot bs allowed to bscom too ripe oa the tree. Whoa aa apple to fully grown, highly ootorod. but still hard. It la la prime condition to be picked and stored. It haa then ob tained It highest tnarkot valus be cause tt to moot attractive la appear ance and bast la quality. If picked be fore entirely ripe apples detarrtorata mora rapidly, and tt to beat to allow In apple to bacoate a trie overripe than to paak tt la an Immature stats. Many people have the erroneous opto ton that apples should bs picked be-' fore fully rip la order to keep well la cold storage, bat this to a mistake. 0 , Ansa Use. - When ante are seen running ua and down fruit tree aa examination will usual ty dtaeloae the pretend of pleat ilea oa the breaches and Issves. As ta well known to expert orchard lata, moat plant lies aro attended and eared for by anta, aad the presence of ant sxay servo aa aa ladleattoa of tnfeeta. tloa of plant Uoa, Under each elreusa. stance the anta ds na ben to the plant except hi the way of In the distribution of plant Uoa, A horticultural curiosity hi ts aeon ta the Burthen c Glwoosstsr ardan af Glwooestar ta Road, near Laa . ' f rry bush, a eurrant Ledge, Portsawuth doe, A isassetrry bush, a bash aad an elesrbsiij tree are grow ing high tap aa a willow trie, wbtah patted. All aro Suwriehtat aad"fraxt hi tonernt oa lbs Ta Hteeearl there are about LOOd.t begs, worth at marhst artass assilj teeMMPa. Hog caotora essta tho growers of that Stale elans sin faaa a BKUllaa eeikers ovory year, aad th taBBtaottaMaaJML 9 G . '"' v.- - 1- i