The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 22, 1909, Image 5

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iorte Pfoclalmer
loaei Wos. Oct. S3, 1900.
. . , SWk Town Officers
smm . ...... l. hdbMf
Rccorau ,.. nai(uju
fnuunt t ....... J. A.ftten
junL. t.j. ci
M CTtftAu'wtoirptent 7""k K. llill.r
' uf - i r. u. Mtiwr
"V... . Jlt.T.rerklBi
CNMUtftS..... ,.. 41 a.lTor-.
rrl'dbu or 101001. ounicr
Cltrk . .,......,..,.,..,. T. Vtrklu
(C. J. Panninf ion
Pncwn..... , jw. u. wm
M U. I liniWR
orriciBJ It fa UUJI Ulmo orrica
ftuwr ......C.W. Uotrt
..Ms! NNtnK
Ilia Ant (Mil moon of mcm noulfc.
iMrt Fttuowt M.T117 mmirqar minit
KctMkaht-rintft&d ibitTfcnEMrfMlaf
u h month. .
cwiu touoa . 0. w ra.tu, MMti am
4md lliird SukunUr WHIM ( Mk OaU
.XORUAN MJUtil I. O. O.F.N; It),
mr lr"T BlgWt Morgan..
ommUnioationt, at fat as
foMrfe, should reach ds not later
Ihan TuesdaV nil ill. Please bear
this in mind and, bar cammunlja
lions in on tlme."-Kditori
Anyone in need of lime, cement
nnd si) ingles call and seeG F Par-
Icer before going elsewhere.
t, i. Furred and wife who have
lieen visiting lliejr parents in
Uooselwrry lor the past two weeks
left. this morning or their home
in Jsancouver.
Hank Filkiits came In Wednes
day fur a few days visit with hid
lirother, Fred and famify. .
Mr Jasper was here last week
uid had his household effects ship
ped to- Wasco where he will reside.
.The Blisses Miller cousins of Mrs
Willard Blake were here Tlsiting
uml left Thursday for their horn.
All kinds of Postal cards and
Novels at the Chick Pharmacy.
Mrs MJordaniit entertaining her
f-ouiin, Mrs White of the Valley.
J E Cronah left Friday for a
ew days busihssa in Tht Dalles
ind Portland. ,
Mr and Mrs Jdhitv Blake were
11 from the Davidson ranch this
ireek visiting at Mr and Mr W J
DON'T f6r4)t the Oemon
ration train next Tuesday. AM
lie towns people should be there
nd EVERY FARMER should
ome and bring bis family. Show
e railway company that we are
ong in numbers and great - jii
STHU8IASM. ..r .
V M Ray went to ugeno Tburs
ay to visit relatives'. '
buyg alT kin.i
try at Ions. -- "
J A WaUrsE T Perklns.Hsnry
lark and Ed Miller wiut to Hep-
ner Wednesday with a team as a
reliminary hearing had been dH
anded by Mr EirhaVt and they!
ere called upon to testify.
Ho,l Clam juice slid Chilli beans
Bia's Saturday.
Miss Or sea WattehbuVger, who
ks been teaching near Hardmaa
r the past si months-, returned
oritur tid wvrrt ttb Heppner
ednesday. She intendi toBtr
kollegeat Pendleton lor sBVsio
wing In a short titn.
d Mrs ViVcsrttt, wbo have
rtiting the family of Ik
Iward returned to IbAr bon at
lonath Wednesday.
P Wl forgeUtw JaMra4iori
in the forwnoow of the M. Cam
yo will learn saifen.
lev Brsdatrett la aUeTfejjrig tfra
Ingrefatjonal State Conltfvstc
r " n at EimjsMtf.r. But
rw ft ssvriesw aiUttcbwrch
'day so com out. -s
mmmtm nwwm.ii.-L r
; Duffy Kingtookth.m.ilf.E L ' -'
T eflnesaay for Sbavor ft Bryior f ' XTliUUiC 4 Ol 4e '
Tbera will bt it moving picti
thow Friday and Saturday evt
mg. The price of lOoents for t
over twelve yean old will be en
frced, so children go prepared to
pay the correct amount.
J L Kincaid brought in kdii
iraUtoes this week tbnt weighed
three pounds each.
' Tommy Dean who has just un
dergone an operation for aniieodi
citis is over from Heppner and will
stay with Ed Kngelman form time
I will buy all old cast iron, ragf
iitpper, sink and rubber until I
get another car load.
' C W Swansou.
Manny Pstteys was in Tuesday
and says they are harvesting their
second crop of Bartlet peers and
BndNolnn i qvr. fiyui Ferdi
nand for a few days visit with
Jack Hughes has moved bis fam-
ly out to (h Frank Holmes place
that he has leased. . r
Mrs Currin came from Cor vt II if
last week and lias moved lier effect
here ajul will keep house hi hei
own house on Second street.
All kinds of New Stationery an
noine lndy lUrth-da'y PjstriTciird
at the Chick Pharmacy .
T J Mabonoy was over from
Heppner Tuesday. .
Lon Shaver and Mips Jetlia Ha-
vorsen accompanied Mr and Mrs
Walter Enhnuks ns far as the Junc
tion Monday.
A T Shaver, the well driller, flu
shed tho well ho has been drilling
for Seymour Wilson nt 32H fee
i'liey got GQ feet of wate and can
not lower U ' .
Bliss Mays, a teacher in tli Hep
pnor school, xrae over and spent
Isst Saturday with Mrs A Yount.
F M Griffin was In Monday boj
ping and da I led at the Proclaims
office. He says they are enjoj ins
a visit from hisdaugiiter, Mrs Vena
Kyser, a.nd her little daughter.
Miss Jones came up from Hosier
where she has been for thepnKlij
months, on Monday and will visit
friends for two Weeks then return
to the east,
Duffy King bad charge of thr
livery stable Saturday an Mr Bry-
tit went to Ous Liebl -to- iakr
some mules and Mr Shaver had
me land huyeraout.
The Hotel will be open and in
running order ou the 26tUteocome
o to tlie Demonstration train, that
will be her on that date from 9am
until 12, aftd have dinner with the
railroad people ; ' .
Walter Eubanks and hi bride
teft'Hondax for their Hew borne at
Grangevlllc. ' MrKubanka and
Bill Watson bought si 1 teen head
of mules from Davidson a
short time ago and they will enter
into an axtehstv freighting con
tract for tho winter together and
in the spring will g Into the farm
ing Ho. : ' -
The many life long friends ofi
both Walter and bis win wish thorn
ovary sUeces lb tbvir new life. A
large number waa at tL train to
sea ibma off and tlray war plenti
fully sprinkled with rice and good
wiBSMSw ,
Aolay Akers of Gooseberry lost
now! him 6nst snare last weak.
llrsHinilVVr,Vm being
eowined t. her bed nnd under the
doctor's care
H A Conner and little) son of
Goo kxrry were in Saturday and
remained over night wiU frmida.
MrFnlsrr!u) Vbts) rw flesrftih
. r and M i' .
1- r
Mtrom a 1 huritisv uf it . hi tn.
Misses Klvrr: a d li Tro(i
nn visited Will. ih: - Wtn'-girl
from WedncMlnl- Sunduy
laik week; -.
Mrs C W Aiult-r. 1 fr 1. Heattl
arrived at Jhnitu .mibers Jan
m-k to visit with ;r'" ili '
relatives for. a Hiiml :hn 1
turn to har homi '
Mr and Mrs 'Swat, (roedson of
Morgan remained all night witl
th Lundell buvs Sitntlay night
after chorea.
Mrs Vena Kyser who fa visit 1
her parents Mr and Mrs'F M Grif
Sn. visited, with Mrs Cljv Huitoi
of Eightmile SatUrdaf.
A.I1 kinds ofrPtnl cards
Novels at the Chick Pharmacy
Tho mooting and conformation
services held at the Lulhern churcl
Sunday was more Ui a'ii well attend
ed. The childien which numbered
' git w 1 niviileil .tun two- clnss
four in A uisrics 11 lungiingo-and
four in Swedish. All did very nice
v going through a Jong exauiiuit-
tion in the cateclum which
taken as a shorteiiintf hut of the
The questions were naked
and leiplained hr (lie nh'nister
while the children gave correct an
swersato nearly nil thut was sk-
ed them.
H. O. Ely and family rettirrrd
mine hint Snlurdnv from the ral-
ey where tltey hnvc Wen visiUns:
friends.' : . -i . ,
' -1
Swen TrocdHon, Nile Swsnson
Pnul Tmrdsnii accomjmiiii d h
their fsmilles, nllfndcd cenirma
tion wrrices at Uopse berry last
Mine Julia Forbeai tt oi-Im r Vf
the Four Mile achonl, vifitcd ht i
sister Mrs Walter Beckett of Eicht
mile oyer Sunday - "... i
All kinds .of I'oKtnl cards and
Novels at the Chick Pharmfccy. ,
Mrs Hereford, aunt of A. C. Mor
gan, is visiting with thtn at pre
ent and exKcls tn'rcitioin during
tJie winters ' 7
Arthur Phillijm has rciihd
of litt fnidiaw ranch and nMrtn
to harrow it thin werk, pel I in? ft
ready to seed. Ho Is boarding at
A, Troedsons.
N. P. Benson baa been busy hauf-
ng his wood frni Morgan this
week. - -
FOR SALE Oil barreled gal
lon) $1. each at the Power House.
EE Miller, City Engineer.
Mr Pierce had a carload of lum
bar shipped to Morgan last wssk
and expects to put up a new resi
dence soon.
Misses Elvira and Ullion Troed
on wbo are attending school at
Zone moved there this week and
Will bare light .houso keeping
roue at Mrs Irtti HahVs.
f will hoy W eaat Iron, copper,
aa. ks, rubber, line and raaa. Bill
Swenmt r
lUv Vyrtror. wbo -has bean
koMIng aarrsc at Gooseberry,
tlw nstot iraefc cm homo with
Paul Troedson Son day and left o
Mooday's train for his Iveso In
Arista. . x .
' V. ' -..'ft-- M '
Mr 8Tsnowr waa bun ftfoatday
fn loading Ms furnHovw which Juat
oamalneaVerrmr,, . .
Moving picture stiaw Baiufday
C T.
Vv auvu
I Estate:
lone; flftfcbm
A Complete Stock of
.... ... , - - -r -
r TfM I IT"! I sT- , i.
I U Kill I U D
Carpets and Window Shades .
st iaaa 11 r tt Tk ,t tt arst ii 4 m wa
newivwywau nper, Aiiainas Mrurnnure
Rcpoirea ana Rennisncf irea ttcasacamcie
Anything not carried in stock will be ordered at a Reduction
IONE, - i. i OREGON.
Has serve
in e facil
:'d the community of lone with 6an'
ilitics foi several years - In c!rA"f
this we have had tjhe co-operation oi
' - - our local pfebIe ; We are bet
V; k' vtcr prepared thilj T.Wer to '
. 5 .take care of the bank "
j inff business of .
. , . thjs, com- ' .
- Conservative tasiaess is faited.
Capital : Kr?Ws 515,M0.
Surplus and lladivided Profits). . . UM
J. E. Crontb,. ' Prosidont.
Ti J. Slahoney, Vice Pr'eidbht
J. Di Crdnan, Cashier.
Do you Want the gating machine that
V docs the moat perfect worfcf
rVacticai work of all kiiidi. all the time ?
Do yoft want the bhe thai Mvee the
. moot time? . :
Hm accslieatv aunplett iincAf
like one that far ovtwirs Vhy otiet tnake
of vVriting machine i Tkiaioi
Tai Smith v
Premie (
The Smith yirVjtW Tfjtwk C.
buying horses.
Bight at Walter's WL