The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 22, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered tram All
Parts ol foe World.
Less Important but Not Less Inter
acting Happenings from Points
Outsld the 8 (at.
Russia ap pean to be planning S war
or revenge on japan.
Anarchy ii rampant in London on ac
count of the execution of Ferrer.
Official figures show a total attend-
anee at tbe A.-Y.-P. exposition of 3,740,
KJ1. Tbe trolley lines of Vancouver, Waah.,
nave been extended seven mile toward
The interior department refuses to
recognise Washington ' claims to reser
vation lands.
. A three-cornered fight Is on in New
York for spoils of ssbway contracts eii.
the mayoralty. "
W. L Buchanan, an American- diplo
mat on a special mission, died suddenly
In London of apoplexy.
Th government has decided that
horses are better than dogs for trans
portatiou work in Alaska.
Had the mutiny in the Greek army
succeeded, the Duke d'Abrussi would
have been offered the crown.
President Taft tells Texas people that
he favors irrigation and a big standing
army. He will rest four days on his
brother 's ranch la Texas.
One convict Is dead, two wounded,
and two deputies wounded as a result
of a battle between five esesped con
victs and posse inear Buena Vista,
Or. Two convicts escaped uninjured.
The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition
closed with many ceremonies.
Tbe total fatalities la the recent
storm 1b Tennessee number 4ft.
A runaway horse leaped clear over an
automobile at Bcllinghem Wash.
Btuyvesaot Fish, of New York, Is
likely to bo the nut minister to China,
The Oregoa Trunk will bridge the Co
lumbia between Cslilo ad The Dalles.
Heaey won the recount of votes for
the Democratic aomiaaUoa for district
Willis Boy, the California ladlaa out
law, committed sulcldo with his last
A deputy sheriff was badly wounded
In a battle with escaped convicts sear
Salem, Or. . ;
who questioned his good faith- as to
President Taft exchanged visits with
President Diaz, of Mexico, and pledged
International rrkeadaaip.
It la declared that Ferrer was not a
revolutionist, but only promoter of
Ires education la Bpaia.
An American aeroplane was wrecked
during its first trial at Doaeaetsr, Bog
land, whils an English aviator mads the
longest flight over eeea la England.
Taft was showered with gifts by
rucblo Indiana.
A. D. Charltoa declares ths heavy
traffic from tat East will continue.
Thomas J. Liptoa la anxious for aa
other try for the Amcrtaaa yacht cap.
Cook's discovery of the North Polo
Is officially recognised Is Mm Yerk
It Is aow reported that Minister
Crane Is tht victim of political la
Terrible atom la Booth kills St
least AO, and causes Immoass property
President lfoffatt says the Orcgesj
Electric will ultimately boild a to
Superior Judge at Washington rales
that it sot asaisssry to declare one's
polities whoa registering Is that state.
- A women draws by mistake as s
Juror St Los Annies declares she will
serve, sad there seems, to bo aothiag
to pre veal U.
A family food soar Lacy, Waah..
resulted la the blowing sp of house
by dynamite and exposed a whole
household of degeaoratea. s
Five Maoists st work ss roads sosr
Salem, Or, overpowered their -.two
guards and escaped. Using two auto
matic revolvers, xt Is cash aad a
sons aad baggy.
Japaa Is aresslsg hot desaaad a
China. .
Killing stoats la tho Sooth save
raised tho price of ssttoa esaalderaUy.
An Ttallaa warship has arrived at Ban
Fraacise to participate an the Fosaoia
A robber who Sad aoM a Chicago
bask committed suicide whoa saraered
by ealies. v
Taft jiimlss Is heap otatshsis Is
A rise as, aad senna warming sgslsst
fads of Oh Is him s,
London Mob Condemns Alfonso and
Blames King Edward.
London, Oct. 18. The red flag van
raised in London this afternoon and
a large mob moved' upon tho Spanish
ombaasay to make a demonstration of
its disapproval of the execution of Pro
fessor Freneisco Ferrer at Barcelona.
Police drove off tho crowds in their
ncual bloodless effeetnal way. But un
easiness pervaded the neighborhood.
The trouble began at a mass meeting
in Trafalgar square organised by sev
ral socialists and labor bodies. Sev
era) hundred members of theee organi
rations marched to the square carrying
red flags draped with crepe and bearing
inscriptions denouncing King Alfonso.
A black-bordered banner was left stand
ing against tbe Nelson column with big
letters, "To Hell With the Murderer
Several laborite members of parlia
ment spoke. Victor Grayson, of Man
chester, the socialist member capped
the climax by declaring that if tbe head
of every king of Europe were torn from
his body, it would not pay half the pries
of Ferrer's life.
He called the Russian emperor a
"dirty monster," and said King Ed
ward, who could have prevented the
execution, was responsible for what
might happen In England as a result
of it. He demanded the expulsion of
tbe Spanish minister.
The socialist societies, carrying ban
ners, then marehed to tbe Spanish em
bassy, singing revolutionary songs and
hooting King Alfonso. A rabbis ac
companied them, filling the streets. It
was dark when they reached tho open
square In front of the embassy, and
they found the square filled with police.
The embassy windows were data anil
tnere was no sign of life. The police
would not let the procession- enter the
square, nor even stop.
The crowds turned back and kept
moving up Victoria street, toward the
Parliament buildings, singing, shouting
and groaning. The reserves drove, the
mob into tho side streets, dispersing it
without trouble.
Berlin Has Small Blot Wnsa Sals of
Seats Begins.
Berlin, Oct. 19. Berlin had a riot at
the opening sals of seats for Caruso's
three-day engagement st tho Royal
Opera during the coming week. Fren
ried would-be purchasers pommeled
other" mercilessly In a struggle for
places of vantage la the lino leading to
the box-office, women and girls taking
leading part In the fray. It was
necessary for s squadron of mounted
end unmonntod police, to intervene be
fore the sale could progress.
Crowds began .assembling st 10
o'clock the night before and by day
break nearly lODO persona were on the
ground. Uoesl polios regulations did
not permit a-Jino to be formed before 8
o'clock. When the slgnnl to form the
lino was given tho multitude had In
creased to 2000. A serious scramble for
positions pearest tho box-office followed.
After half a docen women had been
taken to a near-by emergency hospital,
suffering from hysterical its, the police
contrived to get the Caruso enthusiasts
into lino, which stretched twice around
tho opera-house building.
Others aad a
Wooded a
SsqodA Dcpsty
Buena Vista, Or., Oct. It. Shot to
death on the banks of tho Lueklamute
river was tho fato ef George Carter,
ring-leader of tho quintet of convicts
who escaped from their guards at tho
penitentiary at Salem Friday sight.
Two of Carter's companions, Duncan
nad Albert Ferris, are seriously wound
ed, tho former probably faulty, as tho
result of a pitched battle between the
outlaws and John Grant, sheriff of
Polk eouaty, sad four members of tho
Elmer "Cherokee" James oso of tao
men who was with Sheriff Grant, waa
slightly wounded Is tho right leg, but
is still with tho posse on the hunt for
Mike Nlchatlch aad Albert Murray, tho
two outlaws still st Urge.
Wright Bassa With Trata.
College Park. Md.. Oct. 18. Wilbur
Wright today introduced as element of
tho spectacular la too eteerwiee mo
notonous training Sights at tho govern
ment aerodrome, when ho raced his
msehlao with a tfwifl Baltimore Ohio
express train. It was while making s
four-minute sight Is s six mile wind
lata is tho sftoraeos that tho aviater
came abreast of tho fast-moving train.
To tho spectators it appeared that the
train- waa.gaiaiag ss tho cvMsr.
Victoria, Oct. lftX Advices
brought by tho Empress of India that
floo people were arewaed early is Ilea
tembor Is Knot Java, as a result of the
hurstiag of s crater, which bad bssesas
filled with water. Whoa tho asounkaia
too labs waa released by s broach Is
the crater's side, tho waeev swept
mono quantities. ef aaad aad mod Sowa,
overwhelming tho ksmsoagn st tho feat
Rivera overflowed sad tho railroad
near Lsmajaag was swept away.
ssmy Lend by Forty
Sea Fraseisceu Oct. IA Francis J.
Honor, candidate for district attorney,
imUv bad s lead of 40 votes In tho re-
eeant being eoadacted Is soars st the
iastigaties Of bio epnarnsat, C M.
Ftokert, whs alleged Heaey was sot
entitled to tho Democratic assnissttoa
st tho recent primary olestiss. Is tbe
original sent Heaoy was atvoa tho
oomiaatiaa ay votes.
Sweeps Orer Four States, Irecks
: ; Many Towns,
historic Battlefield tisited
Firs Oomplatsa Work ef Devastation
in Ona Town Millions Lass
. Hundreds Homeless ,--
Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 16. At least
37' persons were killed is the storm
thnt swept portions of Tennessee, Ala
bama, Arkansas and South Carolina
yestordny. From reports received to
night, tho death list likely will roach
50. The property loss is estimated at
Tho devastation was widespread,
whole towns being rased. '
Aa unconfirmed report has U dead st
Stauntonvillej Tenn.
The situation at Denmark, Tenn., was
greatly aggravated by fire, which con
sumed the few dwellings and store
houses left .etandiug after tho storm.
Two hundred homeless poopls have ap
plied for aid.
MeNairy county reports heavy dam
age. The famous battlefleld of Shiloh
is located Sore. It was directly la tho
path ol tho storm. Many statues is the
national park were torn from their
pedestals, sad tbe property daman is
estimated st $100,000.
At Bussellvlllc, Ala., It is reported
that four were seriously injured.
Property damage of at least $50,000
Is estimated at Cartersvillo, Ga., while
that at Atlanta will mo between a70.-
000 and 100,000.
At Buford station tho Louisville
Nashville depot and freight house were
destroyed, aad several other struct ursa
badly damaged.
Near Mulberry the' dwell Ins- ami
fnrmhooses on the plantation of Robert
Mattow were demolished!
At Wart race a nearo settlement was
leveled. Gibson, Stanton, Dyersburg
and Mercer 'are other towns la Ten
nessee reporting minor damage.
iso storm Blared, havoc with planta
tion property, the wind tearing the frail
frame buildings to pieces.
Atlanta Buffers Big Lean.
Atlanta. Ga.. Oct. IS. TTnnwtfjt
houses and leveled trees sad shrubbery
mark tho wake of the terrlhla wtiul
and hail storm which swept over At
lanta ana earroanaing country early
last Bisht. So far as kanara a !
wers lost Tho property uUuaage la vn-
nuuaij estimates at irom uhjjwd to
At the heioht of the stares mtwt aa
wms mutpmoa tnrougnout too ty,
and live wires broken by tho hail wers
stretched across many streets, render
ing travel dangerous. -r
At Riycrdale, 1 miles south of At
lanta, Mrs. Olgs Orey was probably
fatally injured, sad her two children,
and Mrs. Joseph Stubbs seriously hart,
by falling trees.
Tho most scries damage doss tho
National cemetery was tho wrecking of
tho lows ststc monument, which was
blows from its pedestal. Tho soperia
tendon t's quarters were destroyed.
Oa Vaoaat Lot, Benumbed by Drags
and. Bnagxy..
Cbleaam. Oct. HI . Tmaiaaa V11u
aged 5, asd his sister, Grace Vlvlaao,
area yean, abducted from their
homo la St. Louis August S by tho
uuu eoeiery, ana jot wneso ens
eovery a reward of $6000 was offered,
were Today found wandering tho
streets here, nearly starved sad e-H
neatly recovering fteaa anonO nowarfal
As sesrly as they can remember, they
hSVO had no tmti taw twn lin mmA
nights, aad found thomsslvos sleoplag
in a vacaat lot, wnoto they had evident
ly been nlnced aftar halu 4nMJ l
their nbdneton
For a week PIaim nJ A fjuU
mniTw nave been raining Italian
colonies here. All loopholes for osoatw
had boos closed, sad tho chaos bad
Does so hot that It is believed the sb
dootors drugged the .shildros aad
turned them loo fMrlu tm kill k
with tho officers close to their heels.
1 V7 , a0Mntr wo traoe of tho ab
sastsva BarUagtaa
flew Tork, Oct I
provsleat today ia railroad aad Sams
atal slrolcs to the effect that aegotta
tioss sis pending wkorebyho Barliag
toa mny sseors sa omthst ts tho Paciae
eosst Uroogh the parohnss of as tstor
m Is the Denver S Bio Orsado rail
road. This would carry with it s part
ownership f the Wearers Paeite,
waics ts the Gocid PnciaO coast ex
leaoioa read. Tbe Hill liae, w Is stated,
Is not looking to seoare control ef the
Doavar Rie Graado, bat Joiat owaor
hlp of that road, T
' tFatea Ssast for
Bssttlo Oct. ICTbo Orofoa
WaahlaaVaai kt.k
is the Daioa Paciae aarporatioa ts thm
wata, today 1st the seaAraeS for ssa-
.hie eity, which wiU aowso TJaiea Pa--las
aad HDwaakao sraiaa, Tbe baAhi
a which will east $460,0, ammt br
by aaaary 1, 1SU.
Alaaka-Tukoa-Paeiflo Bxposttloii Bods
, Wtta Many Oszasaoaias,
fUattla. Wash.. Cteit IS At nidnltrht
Saturday tho 150,000 electric lights of
wero extinguished, elostsg the prosper
obs lifs ef tho world's fair of 1909,
which, from every- standpoint, was store
saocssaful than its: most sosIods friosds
had dared to hope.
The final moments of ths fair wero as
dramatis ss its beginning oa Jons I,
when 40,000 poopls gathered at the
natural amphitheater sad waited for
President Taft 'a signal. The last day
had boss devoted to saying good-bys.
Tho sua ahono bright, tho flowsrs wars
never mors beautiful, and ths whole sx-
positloa looked ss sow and fresh as oa
tho day of tho opening.
Tho attendance was largo, sod, while
tho sarniTsl spirit possessed tho young,
there was sorrow fox tho passing of the
brilliant show.
Ths exercises of the eJosine hnnn ha.
gan at o'CJock in the afternoon
with s display of Japanese fireworks.
Ths exposition band naraded from
building to building, serenading each.
The United States Government hoildino
was reached at 6:30 o'clock. Its dailv
closing hour. A cornet sounded ' ' taps ' '
snd the band played "Auld Lang
Sync" Tho flag waa hauled down, the
life-saving crew on Lake Unios flred
21 guns, and the buildings' doors wore
At nisht s Brest throne? of neonm as
sembled at tho natural amphitheater,
Dcsiue ijaao Washington snd listened
to S classical concert bv a hand wkih
nlnved waltses for the frivolnns and
Chopin's funeral march and other som
ber pieces for the sorrowing. At 11:80
o'clock ths exposition officials and em
ployee marcaod rrom the Administra
tion building to tho amphitheater to
awaii in siroao or mianignt.
On the stage, Josiah Collins, chairman
of the eommittaa na eeramnnlaa. dm.
sided, and-spoke briefly. President 3.
E. Chllbcrg made as address of thanks
and farewell, and exactly at 18 o'clock
opened s switch that darkened the
whole fair. A single bnirler blow
tans." and thea in darknaam. hat tnr
the stars overhead, the vast audience
sang "Auld Lanar Brae." aeeomDanied
by the band. Tho street lamps wero
lighted sad the people went homo.
On tho Pav Streak the ealahratlan
was aoisy, but orderly, and closed with
fireworks, tbe last pieces being "Good
Night," "Good-Bys." s - -
SoagM BerotettoB Only ts Bdaoatlon,
Say His Filends.
London. Oct. IS, "Franeiaea IWm
was mv personal friend." said W
Teherkeeoff, Bussiaa liberal and news
paper writer, today. -"He was the
modern Pestalosai of Bonis. Ha waa
ardent with enthusiasm, vet roaular and
hard worker. This was tho secret of
his success ia creatine is Spain, espe
cially la Barcelona and Catalonia, a
Teat ooonlar movement for free na
tional lay schools.
I first met him snd his beautiful
yonng wife foer year ago at Brasoela,
ia the home of the groat geographer,
Elisea Bed us. Professor Ferrer thea
" 'It k evident that T shall ant ha
allowed ts conduct our national schools
is Spaia, but hero la B msec is or In
Paris I shall continue my pedagogic
work. Capable snd devoted friends
will take my place la Spaia.'
"Professor Ferrer hastened back to
Spain, swing to illness Usre ef a little
Adismtais ef Bn it's Perhar afsob
.Big Oast Killed.
Naireb, B. B. A, Oe. 17v The
Roosevelt party arrived her this after
noon from the north of Ooaae Nyiro.
AU are well. A"porter socompaayiag
the party was tossed aw a thlansaisa
bat ho Is recovering.
Colonel Boeosyeft has tUTed three
more elephants oomplating the greap
intended for tho Smithsonian Institu
tion at Washington He has also killed
a ball elephant for ths American Mu
ssam of Nataral History, ia New York.
Other sum baawed Inatadaa a rki.
sscsros with sxcelloat horns, a buffalo,
a giraffe, an slaad, a ssbrs, aa astrieh
ana aa eryaa,
Some skins nave been aranarvad fa
the Wasaiagnaa museum.
Kormlt aoeesvel ftineg two ele
phants aad sa oxseptioaally fevrgo rbl-
Leadea, Oct lhV-J. M. Barrio. nwvoJ
let ssd plnrwright, did sot eater suit
for divorce. It la now asserted by his
friosds, aatU Gilbert Canaan, whom he
nam id aa as toensndent. tank a
pledge ts marry Mrs. Barrio after tho
assise sae seea graaiaa. moreover,
no Canaan hi set well provided with
avey, Barrte mseO s asadassae sattle
int ea his wif before be died his
petition far asoexattes, ssaking bee
Snaadalry tadepoadeat. Thronghoat
tho whole saTair Barrte sated with the
area test geaeroafty ahhsegh be was
grisisssry afflicted.
lTaamhia. Taam (Mt IS Tka natal
death Batef tbe dsstiasliis wind storm
ef Thnraday waa I I today by
the belated report ts SB.
'Pomntral af UlnMoP Rna tri n
lldtatloDS of Japan.
Former American OfTtdsJ Was Very
.Acnvs Agalnat Japan Slnca
War Wl Russls.
Pekin, Oct Ia-Jspsa has tsksa of
ficial cognisance of the reported efforte
of British sod Amoriess interests to
arrange with China to build ths Kim
Chow-Tai-Tsihar railway, ss It is ooa- ,
sidered that tho propoeed eonttruetion,
of ths road has grows out of ths defeat
of the plas to boild the HsinmiBtla
Fskumaa railroad,
Japsa has formally notified China,
that, while It does sot intend to ob
struct that government yet it will mala
tala its right to be consulted with re
spect ts ManehmUn railways.
Recent events la connection with tho
recall of Charles B. Crane precipitated
Japaa's setlos. It Is understood that,
ths actios of ths American secretary of
i state followed Japan's solicitations, sot
only on account Of Mr. Crane's alleged)
utterances, but because of American as
tivitiea is Manchuria and of anothar-
formor American official, whom tho
Japanese regarded aa exceedingly active
is the anti-Japanese movement is Man
churia following the war. .
too Japanese appear to bo alarmed at
the Americas activities, which seem to
bear the stamp of governmental diree-
Bemorai of Crane BeUsyad Bus ft Hor
Washisgtoa, Oct 1. It Is tas'gea-
eral opinion la Washington today that
the real reasoa behind tbe rosignatlom
of Charles B. Crane, of Chieaoo, aa min
ister to Chins ass not yt boos divulged.
Ths question is being asked if Japan i
strong snough ts dictate what maa ia.
ths Uaitod States shall send ts th
OrisnL .
Minister Cross has always boom
friendly with Russia, sad contributed
MAM Ik- t -
f w on jvu mnpnai- ram Bar
ing the war with Japan. He also has. '
n" una wv Japanese eneroaea
meat ia Manchuria as affecting Amori
eaa rights. The official statement
l"" uj ruiiiuvvT u. iknox, eec ro
tary of state, which sited eertais sl
legod Indiscretions of Mr.' Crane as a
basis for accepting his resignation, haa
not entirely satisfied either official of
lay Washington that tas whols story ha
The Doaeible exslanatloa af this Aia.
aatiafaittina liaa iufIim ha l- v
fast that Mr. Knox's own statement
is interpreted hero as a confirmation of
"canards" which he official! akap
Mr. Crane with circulating with . .
speet to the action of the state depart
ment lowara too Japaaeoe-Chiaoso
treaty. It is tbe opinion here that If
this was the real basia far tka ,!
of Mr. Crane, Mr. Knox, aa sseretary
" , wouia nave ionowed the asusl
dlpJomatla method of hnrvia .i
Issus ss deeply aa possible, especially
whoa its confirmation officially toadod
dittoes, and would have offered cams
other exenes.
It was aooarent todav tha
effort wiU be made ia adminlstrattoa
eirolos to ignore further pursuit of tho
Crane incident, if possible. It waa .
naioa at tao Wsite House tkat, so far
aa inn inere, iae incident was closed.
Ia ths sbssaos of Mr. Knox, officials
la Cham at tha atata
hibrted a decided ineliaatios to keee
oat of the whole affair. Ia the opinion
ef Washington, the Crane Incident will
ws on ao easily, partially owing to
to tho diplomatic queetious directly in- -vorved
sad aartiall w w-
Crnno's own statement ia rcnlv ta u
"-" wm w iniorpretea aore as re
fMeUnff sa tho admiaistratiea of tho
tat department.
Olatm On. -
bmood, Ya, Oat. ldVisalne tea.
Lshai saa far tao teageot flight suds ss
Bsuooa en er the soaoises ed eh.
Aers slab ef Americo, aad braakl.a a
speed reset ds for fengnlietaaoe flights,
V,V ' New York, snd
Mss Fletaehmaaa, of Cincinnati, ludad
miles swath-of Blebssoad. The trip
Starting ftem St Loom at S:0 Taeoday
sftstaooa, the distance of T31U miles
was made la boars ssd U aaatas.
sa avarnge of tg miles sa boar. .
Ato-tdB Flgbt rtasa Parts.
Fsrts, Oct 14,The Oeesagaat Ooa
m is Navigatta. Artaari
eoatJols tao naaaata mM sk. wjJ!
brothers bj Iraaoo, today easnmd s them
mkmtL Ptaotleally erery bU,
pena aa exhibitioa at tas sorsaaatm)
aeiea aa ta -pwead that aortal. W-
ea near asaotrasuea wars iafriasm.
f has Wright intern .