The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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ftorow County Is the Richest Gnmty Capita lit Oregon. ,s j . , . lone Is the Best City In Morrow County
; Vol. X, ".NoMMo" - .' : IDJsfPi OREGON, FRIdIy. OCToJU;:it 15, jl9O0. T. . Wljole No. 663. f
I'.' 1 M J na tlJJILLlMJ-1 , Hi' " ' Xt-LLJIJU ' , . I PHI 1 II1 U.-MLB--11 A'J !!L ,' J iiii.JB Bggg
1 . 1 111 j i in i !i J ii i i
; Fir Cord Wood, '
Slab Wood,
Any quantities desifedr, '
Call and get prices.
25 cents
Barbar Shop.
I am certainly there with t lie fmtcv Hair cutting and smooth Shnvi;
. launurg mm and Bota-Toi) in connectice.
Sbarp razcrs, let skarp words, Is Mr mm.
We will have Potatoes V
for $i. per 100 lbs.
: Leave orders at once
; . for delivery Nov is t,; 1 .
Portland Oregon is beautifully
lllast rated montlily iiinpnriiTf, If
Vonareiiitereitrd indairviifp,(ruit
t raising, poultry ruiaing or want to
know about irrigated landf, timber
land or free government lande
open to homeatend entry,, Tho Pa
cific Monthly will give' ron full in
formation, Tlit prise ie 11.60 yr.
Offer No 1Mc Clare' Magazine,
Woman's Home .Companion and
The Pacific Monthly coating 14-50
ill be tent at a apecial rate.of 9.1.
Offer .No 2 Me dure' Msgaiint,
Kerfew of Heviewa ami tin Pacific
Monthly coaling 96- will be eant
for 93.60 .
Offer No 3 Human Life, Ideal
Homee and Thar Pacific Monthly
will be tent for 93.
Order by number and tend your
order accompanied by poata) mon
ey order for the amount to The P
Monthly Portland Oregon.
Kazors '
25 cents
"Well Irrigation for Small
Farma' it a publication juat icsued
by the General PitMenger Depart
ment, of the Oregon Itaiiroad and
Navigation Co., and Southern Pa
cific Lines in Oreran.
Tliii booklet net forth in a pract
ical cocieewny the
for profit of inexnenait'airr'atum
and ihould be in tlie handaof erery
farmer in Oregon.
Copiaa mar be obtained frea on
application to Wni He llorrav.
General Paeaengcr Agent, O.R.Arf.
and 8.P. Hum in Oregon, Portland
Oregon. utri
subscribe for the
Proclainer $1,50
a year, V v ? .
The pant 'two Weeka bus ccm,
many tbiitftM done at ttu- ( u
Power plant and MeeirsMiHri ;ind
Aker'i deserve much credil k.s (he
tine ,work don.. 'Mv 1"11 'li
a ciiiroali:iAe 8 by 24 U-;i ,, v
two feet let'- nitd hnvti moved tfie
boiler Qntini and tewalled if ii).
Every partioiiUr oi the machinery
ban Iwenuvi t (milled and ly ful
urduy ui?)( cbe cit ot Iinin will
ownonoof tV electric li'hti
plants in tlit- ,-tut'e'for iti iz.
City Bn-eiifaer Jliller is jumIv
:roud of thi wiirkr und all (ti.'.utu
visit arid Be-W Uiemielvea wba'
ia being done. '
The follow ii.f! -editorial lit i
recant cop v ti the Oregon Ji'i.n-
a filled with until and .eo ,i-
written Ui;tt vw rdprtnt it.. Thank
:irliiiie ttto farnierif in this count . ,
can rttil! Imvt; n specie of indcj i -
lence and it pity that the thoir
naud-i of acrf of id io laud in Mft--row
eoiuiti; tluit is fairly Wh (
or aonio oiic io come on it nod i
rich, ia not at the divpoaal of thee
iKiar huiidieaied men Iniddlni iii
tlmcitics. : Tlie urtit'lo ppciikiii);
f tlie injuslifi" tltat tbe nifHiit
tariff i to the Inboi juji tu'en In I bo
tradca, in ti foirown:
It eeerri nt ieiu'l imrnd'sible oc-
eaaiomiH? Privtfri tbi cononic
and political tritlu. . A larpe pro
portion of .Amcrieantji mut-t as I
their laltor in order procure the
necK8itries of life for tbemsetvi-f
und fftiuh "JKHi-furiiing people
ny- bo depenti(nt j. upon,- tliem,
nia cmitot aln-itrajinil work that
they are cttnipetcnt t do, and jex
rept in the c:io of bi-bly t killt-il
I tbnrera tbfr are p:iid tint noicl
alfbve tlie fairly iieceeniiry cotfjt of
living for a family. A voH,,B '"tin
without a tr-mlf) may prbpK nil!
fiir luck earn nn average of $2 a
-lay throughout Hw year; 9i V
week. lie tmift pay aUnit Vt a
week for room and board iindaome
thing for clothe And emtio little
Sunday and oilier rxpetiae. Even
then he can r-nve and uccu mil late
a little, and through yewri of bard
ateady lalor may got a home and
be able to support a lamiiy. J lie
government does nothing for thie
man, nor, it ia aid, nhouM it. If.
tmiat take care of liimntflf and bin
dependentK; the Bnvcriimeiit can
not concern itwlf alut him. Very
well;bHt if this hi the ribt princi
ple and policy an Iv I be common
or akilled laborer, why not sImi Io
the manufacturer, the capitalist,
the employer, the banker; the man
who can enTrtoTnnrkrTThapa25
or 9250 a day instead of 92.60? .
Tlie protective ytcm Govern
ment trend r-onttantly. Invariably
Inevitably toward gltlng (headran
Ufa to tle penphv f wmtth and
operior ability, Joat (be people
whp do not need it and ar lea en
titled to It than the nminon,decenl
elf reapecting workingman. TKeee
American eltiieiiB cannot b pro
tected a whit by l hie ayatrtnof Irg-
ielation, tor ike large employer
goea into the world's markele and
bnya labor ae chenpfy aa h can
get it--f all natmnalliiea; ami
tbert jxt laiuj of thourandc of lhe
"paujMi Jaiiorurs' of Kuruj im
ported, n- tbev come, to work in
competition with American work
ingman. Kotiit heiome American
jed ami good tMlUrmt ni'itl llie
AmerivAJu'nioiHi f, i me dnoi ;tu(J
at first, nt i'mv r-'ite, thoyttntchctif
labor coioptiliiora of Amerkane. -
The proieirtivo tariff doc8iiot
protect the"!ommoii nor inuny
akilled workfiilrmeu a pnrtKlc,bt
protecU moil and ooin'rnn thut in
aomecflHef tuko unfitlr udvuntnee
of them ttint oppicsK thorn, iib- in
the cane of iht? I'n-smt Ktn-1 eon-
cerniu western iNiiHifvlT.vuia. Thin
fact beiiiy HoRlciir.itijf i-etuarkablt-that
Anii'nNin working ttii'ir do ttui
unite ftpnitmt ibis iinfjiir, uujiij-t
and iniquitous aystent Portland
Daily Jotinml. . ' ,
The i i ii i I 'ciiiOnstrn t ion Trnin
run by the Orevnu Hailwnv )
-Navngaliott t'ompany'nmf (mvins
the best ot HpeaU-r will iw hi
IoneTiH'sdny, October liCt b from
9 AtM. unlit 12 M 'Jliia imin
ia run to Umvlt timjurmrrtho way
to dry I nv m nini Lite i cmtlt. nnivli
work ami Mudv in .vmira, 'Thif
woil is tlid lu;j't mi t'.-trih and if wv
i ..i . i i- . j
learn how to hand,, U ., a p-M.-rti
ilianiier all of tlie fnrmcrH will t'el
rich. Cmo in (M'.!ly nunihcr
bring your fiifliilica and have your
ueatton'a aady.- ' -,
svbschk m
- fOK m AND . ;
noatew cciPiii;; :
McrrtcMMFfr, wiwiw
' .9fWSSJl RMIiW .-. '
fclllUY JCtTWL .
urr m whp muam&.
wjjfmoarnaj; V
atotcsr oa eon
: L
M tip n,jr , , . j -T- 1L
-PJ ... w - j i
T M W "T
Hit mtri tt 'M. M
rwt uaiT p'lttAL
til TM HIWI B. "f"
aa M a U '
laolata Tract.) (Serial No" 023WJ
yunuc uana ddie.
U S Iod Office, The iMIIffi. Oregon.
Kept. 32nd 11K).
Nolln In hMt)w dIuuh ti.Bt iii.ut.
lH bv theComtniuianer W the He' era!
La n4 Office, ander provialona of Act at
Confreae appraved June 27, lMtt, Pubbe
So.aus,we will offer nt pnblie ealo. to
ke higheat bidder, at 10 30 o'clock am.
An the 10th day ot Nov. 1000 n' at, at tiit
office, thafollowiuir tract of land, to wit:
WNWt See. 58 T.lSi. R.23K.W M.
Any per-one .claiming advertely Hie
ahove-deacrtbed lands are adviaad to tile
their claims, or objection, on or before
Abe day above itejignateu for aala.
O W Moor, nWijfcer.
1) K I -A HTM ENToftht I S r Kit 10 U
tlKNCHAt. I.AM) OFKIflt, .
K 1 '(7IHH. A.M.
.. ' JiilviW.IlM '
.. IV1M.1U LANDS TO Pi'XN.E-. '
iti brlijr jrwen that the Aeting
Sei-M ,ry of ttio Interior hat vacated i!e
par'iM'iitalon'.er ! nillidrnwal ia fnr
m im Miiiie airpeti the wititdrawid Inr
irrfi;MitoinirKiKfa under rbenotot June'
17, Hi3X.'Wtnr., SKH) foriiR hi cniitit-O-tlofi
wftb tlto L'ntAlilla FrnWt. Orvinm.
of the folloainir dodcf ibwl landa In ile
Sla'e of OffKon, and by bin authority
aurh of vald tracla aa)mv i:ol bevii aert
tufore rliilly rrstered and are not other
wie .atthdrawn, reeetwtt or aimrcoi lut
ed, will I inhjact to icttlvnient under
ma yi tiiio ikihi iani or i no ni'eu HtniQi
.,, (Ur oter la, inw. bm .ball
not be Riihjecno entryfiling or wUclloti
until KovtsmlMT IS, 11XH, at the I'liitoJ
iitatri land ofllva at Th Dullea, Oreumi,
wurnii)RtltitexptMy jiiion that no
person Mill bu rwrmitlvd in jain orner
..... 4 I ..I.
merit urm-ciiiutiuii begnn after July I),
1U00, and iiiur to U-ioUr Iti, lh(K, all
ueb Mttlemeiit or uryjwtloa Whig tvt -
I bidden
T. 1 It., B. 20 K., fkc. 1 to iS, 21 t
28 and 9.1 to Stlftirl.
T. 2 X.. It. ID K , nil .Xvra. J to 18, 29 ia
27 and 'S to 3d inch .
T. 3 N H, l K., Jl ib t no tion ii;
T, S H.. R.50K.. all .
, T, 3 X., K. 30 K., a'l port on i
T. 2K It-21 K.. all.
T. 8 It. SI K., all that rtioi. It
Orentt, -T.
V N., K. Sit K., all m a. 4 to A, lit to M
nud 2lo.HBtiieb-
T. 3 N , K. 22 K., ah Pca. , 8, A and ' f
tooth 61 CohiinhiM Jilvrr u)mI all thtua. a,
,It. 21 and 28 lujhcl, .
!. V. Proiirif.l, Ambrk C'.niuilwioiwr rf
th UeneriiJ IjiihI Oillu. - 1
noik Vivfcts, Mr it AitiitMii.t t'm-rvtoiy
of tlit litierlor. ,
. 6 Acri'f alwiiit t mire from cent
it of l'ortlaml, mile froniutwcirie
ear line rtfrion, nil well A-ndt
and in iinu biMrinj; orrbnnl, hIm.
nil kimb''of Irtiiriri in. it vei-ettiblex.
It room liotirt wiiii (, bulb, hoi
and v-ti wntrr. Unii wM, fowf r
tuiiK ami wimi intii, jt.ti
Brain- i-iih'M-iie. bort itnd (ioo.
nitiuv oilier, impli-imiitf. prhij
-mm will a.. i tiu-i I
T F pvu ..... I'lHV JiV HVM'K .
jto.h1 Client Iiind, in (Xt lianjfc fi-r
linn-10 acrea of limlM-r bind; it
fliaT Lit a lit lutttt (,all Itllall ( Avi
if o'n. and n liiniteil ft,o'iy)i d cwt-Ii
;fr l!ii wo nanl m'iiulV wIh'i1
U riMtm wk'.il built lion in hkh
pnrt of h.rlla'nd, CUxltX) M. one
tilm-V frrwn ffitrlb't liMtnn- imi eu
! t-t-'lv rtiifWit. biil run lir made A
with amnll rxponai, pri c tAX)Q.tXi
will lke iteijMjr;. jf -)-)) nlit-at
biiHl up Im f;W,1 -T-llXfl.CO
j.ny mir? Vtifliiiipi'l.Toriur.tioii
irfprnnlitJ; f.ny f t):r' nlio-