The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 08, 1909, Image 7

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    . - ; J . , - . ' '
;"" f ivfAHajjnti iv muisuif if . -,
jUTwtUotu .vvWvw)A &pA mYci
V- proper egors.oiui rv&t WW$ $uo.
iMs .imllroadi of tb world ar ml-
UucIm to tk iwnbw 4.Mt ham
Nb oontd 1b U kodr'of a
,v How MnPrjtf. Thomu tmthfolly to
mat tht tb ralu f a ctrl ka sllcht.
, when It la well known fact tb-A m
ia willlns to apnd money ' oh them,
with Uimu and for them. If ba cu only
. hav. tho prlvllao of elalmlns poauf
alopT Dotrott Nwa .
v . . T -
FMly Hat.
"So 70a ar railing ohiekonil
"Tm," anwrd Mr. CroMloU,
"What do you Sad U greataat .nua
aoa to tha walfar of poultry r
"SttBdar company.- WaablagtaB
' lUf., ; " ' ' .. 4
MIb4 Car. .
Prattr Coualit Alar, don't
tnm sot'eold la that onlfom?
s A1T (In Hlchland ooatunM) Baw
" Jova, they did at flrat, but I amid la
thorn: "Hoot! Dtnna foraat that my
ain irandfartfear waa a Bcotamanl"
. and. baw Jova, tbay warmad rlcht o
to tho Idaal
Mow Formula Onraa OonaHa, Ootda,
. Btoachitta an4 Hoaraaaoaa
In Itva Houia.
Hnefe k btlna dona tatka-adm to stop
to brwk p a 00 Id and tin eowhi. Bronchitis,
b- ivothiaa
taublDf th pubUc ho
nntN of onn-aptio. but
kM ban bo ffrti-a m taubli
tonsllitla, ate. wfdi ilrapk. asana-niiiad udlefau
fraa from ofthua, polaana, aut. A luatt coush
yrup. fraa from wbiahey aa potaona, Im tb
prima naad . A eouch indiemtaa Inflanfhiation mni
onfaitfan. and thaaa In turn tra dua kt aa obm
T wawa and poiann In tka ayataaV A (onto las
BilTa ooush iriu rida tba aTmtam at awniilnii
Whlla raHarlna taa palnfal eouKhlnc. Gat tlM
f olknrt ng and mil at bom a: Ona-halF onnca Onid
Wild eharry bark, eaa oonea aai pound aaaane
antkil and thraa ottacaa ayrnp whlta pina com
oand. Shaka tha bottla and taia twantr drdpt
rrary na ir luur lot lour houra? I sen ona-aaJf u
ana taaapoonfnl tkraaor fout ttanaa dally. Olva
chndran laaaacootdlna taaa. Cut bkla aataad
pa It m asiM friand.
"Soma wtmmen apand aboot half
thalr tlma try In' to maka Uvamaalvaa
look aonwwbara oaar aa good aa a
photo grmphar oan."sCos Anfataa as-
ONtadat P-oC
Qoo4 iraotoua, Jan. dqt hand
always la my pocket,"
"No. it laat, John, or yoa would foal
that lattar thara I rave ywa to ma-U
two weeka aaa. Balttmora Amartaaa.
DraaatU M4a.
' Vlca may be a woaater af 1
lea, but atave a plar or write a hook
afcoat It. amd U baata the deuea hew
any eereoaol will waleomo tho aioa
Kar Loo Ancalao xprooa. j '
Totala Hew Tbeaw..
Oroat AMhor WaJtab tela at oak kf
so touch aa leather.
Walter Tve alwaya beard yoa waa
aa original ahauractar. air. but ra
Ueaaad U you don't Jlat ear the ammo
aa all oa "em do. Tlt-nta
, ' Bertwd ptaoleaj-'.
Jaeea had found the a-olden doeee.
wlt hm't like dlacoverlns the north
rlmf ha oaM. "I've ge to take It
chTwIth Wia.-
BttlL eve when be returned with ft,
thre were doubter' who declared'
that It waa neither all wool aor a yard
wide.--Chicago Tribune. ,.t ;
' rawaatalaat Yeethv
"Taw don't know 'how -proud 1 mat Of
hny yooaarer brotber,JenT,' eald Mr
Lapallnc -Borer he bad been la oat.
lepe three ywara ho hia hairbiaa
f ?Ortaaara.paai4a
, Blrmllre'hoopa now take the plac
foaapjB hoop am bmrrolo and fcoam
'VhMpiatf eonrb kllri Bore children
(wear . year oi aa taaa, acarlal
feter. '
' Thara ft turn aa lnCamatlonal atand
ard valt of caadle power, wMlcb will
bo ooa 1 ovary , country excepi
Of tho 4,000.000,000 gmlloni of Wlnt
maaulmotarod to tho cjrlltaed world
ovary, year about 40.000,000 aro uadt
fb tho United States. , . .
"WaUrways In Alaaka navtambla by
tammpro approximate 4,000 nil, ol
which, nearly, 1.00 oro la to water
bad of the Takoj rivr. , x .
. The deadly gaug at Nero'i dninken-
neoi waa a finely wrought 4ntagll
Has. Whoa bo oould mot aee the Og-
oroa om It bo knew be waa drank.
- At tho prevent rat 'of tncroaoo In
travel H la oatlmated that tho fall
van of Manhattan and the Bronx will
oarry t700.000.000 paaaongora la 1010.
According to a 010(0x0001 by tha
Oonnan colonial ooerotary, tho vain
of tbbdlaniOBdlforona dopoolta In Ger
an Boutlhweat Africa amounto U
rAntsMmt Bgyntlano to eav thotr oro
doooratod their eyallaa with boaatlfnl
alaah velvety antimony paint, which
protected from glare and Egyptian
ooro eye. Tho paint went back near
the oar to and la a ymboL
"Tho wax la which come tailor give
credit," maid Judge Ran tool, at tba city
of London oonrt, "la awful. Tho Ida
of giving a man credit for $190 worth
of clothe. Firm a who give snob eradtt
must charge onormoua price.'
Foe' many year tho observatory of
tho Vatican baa boon divided, A port
tlon being oa tho Vatican hlU, come
little distance from .the oqnare of St.
Petofekat by a recent roarrangemont
tho entire establishment will bo moved
to tho top of tho hill.
Tho mem- of '4t, tho California pio
neer, aro rapidly dwindling, . Then
aro now only seven members of the
fkwrmDMmto Society of California Pio
neers. Tbo eighth member recently
died, and tbo survivors acted aa pall
bearers and mourner.
Tho rooearchos of Pro feasor Fllndon
Potrie at Memphis hav resulted In the
unearthing of tho palace of King
Aprlea, tbo Pharaoh Hopora of the
Scripture and a contemporary of Jere
miah. Armor and bronio figure ol
gods were found tn the ruins. w) .
Tbo Austrian Alpine Club baa recent
ly come Into possession of a fine bofld
fng, the gift of the city of Munich.
Tho mow building h) excellently ajtoat
ed oa the banks af tbo river I ear.
Tbo dub baa a groat quantity of In
teresting: material pertaining to the
Alpine district and K is proposed' to
tart aa Alpine am seam kt Ita mow.
Save 1 the Babies.
IUTAJJT MORTALITY is something frightftiL -We can hardly realize that of
all the children born in civilized coontxies, twentytwa per cent, or nearly
. one-quarter, die before they reach one year; .thirtyseven per cent, or mora
than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen!
. ,We do not hesitate J say that a timely tiseofCastoria would save a ma
jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more .or less opium, or
, morphine.. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity'
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates exactly the reverse, but yoa mast see that it bears the signature of
Chas. H, Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
'pores f the skin and aUays ibvera ;. "
Letters from Prominent Physicians
- addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
4 Uh
A bow boo for ooovleta
foustd la Misecrori where a number
were Ukea out of the peal ten Uary at
Jefferaom City and pat to work on tho
OaUowar Bsttaaao helping tho farav
aro oav their wheat from tbo ad
vancing waien of tho Mlaseuri river.
Tho prleaaosB wwrked well, enjoyed
their outing and wwald welcoato an
other ehaaoe to got awtaldo tho walla.
And bow tbo oanthani eorn pon"
and Jhny eake" are th danger. A
story eon Bp from Darhaxe, rf.-O"..
that tbert aro some serious cases af
pellagra usder treatment la that dis
trict. Pellagra la a disease af th
hi aetnewhat resem bring leprosy. Its
appaaraaea baa oaasad many families
to giro op the boo of eeniasoal as food.
It beiag-haid that the disease tada It
ALCOHOL 3 ft. cikm-v
Bess and RntjContalits nrJar
Opmni.MGfphub norraaaaL
Not Narcotic.
frfa ra
Antrim rVrmrdv forOmirk-
non . bouT MDnaoi.uurnin
Wonaa fonvulscHU Jrwrab
landLOSS QF SLtaT.
Kaacx Copy ot Wrappar. ,
Dr. A. P. Peeler, of BL Loula, Ifoh, says; "l have prescribed your Castoria
la muvnr omseo and hav always found It am efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. at Down, of Philadelphia, Pa says: I hav prescribed your Cma
toria in my practice for many year with Croat satisfaction to myself and
benefit to my patients."
Dr. Bdward Parrtsh, of Brooklyn. N. T, aayit I hav used your Cas
toria In my own household with good results, and have advised several
paUomta to boo It for Ita mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.1"
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New Tork City, says: "Having during the past ola:
years proscribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I moot
heartily commend Its use. The formula oontaln nothing deleterious
to tbo moat delicate of children."
Dr. C O. Bprmgua, of Omaha, NaK, says: "Tour Castoria la aa Ideal
medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe ft While I do not advo
eata the indiscriminate ose of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la aa
exception for conditions which arise In tho care of children."
Dr. J. A, Parker, of Kansas city, Uo, says: "Tour Castoria holds tho
esteem of tho medical profession la a manner hold by bo other propria
tary preparation. It is a sure and reliable medicine for infanta and chil
dren. In fact. It n th universal household remedy for Infantile ailment."
Dr. H. F. Merrill, of Augusta, If, oars: "Castoria la one of tho very
finest and moat remarkable remedies for Infanta and children. In m?
opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. 1 ess
furnish hundreds of tsotlmonlsli from this locality a, to tta efficiency,
and merits."
Dr. Norman It Oeer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During tho last twelve)
years I have frequently recommended your Castoria aa on of tho best
preparations of the kind, being ami ta tho hand of pareaU and very ef
fective la relieving children'! disorder!, while tho oaaa with which such.
B ploaaant preparation can 00 administered ta a great, advanuaga."
The End You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Me aamawiM
am, T wn amr, nwm waa am.
rvaMtlaal AOvtew,
Ketl (seriously) Between tho rich
aid man I don't lov. and, the px
young nasa I do love I am between twe
horns of a dUemms.
(tell . (filpoantly) Thaai - take the
hern of pianty. Baltimore Ataerleaav
SHaa Mia. ... i
"Bverybody amya that Jonas has the
ntaest mind. Insight, and sagacity be
ever ran aeroe. How did Jona get
such a reputation T
"Easy. Whenever you malt 0 etrtte-
anot be say, 'By Jove, that's sot why
didn't I ever think of that before f
Clevelaad taOar ... t
i I
Tt laf TbTb1 pAwfhp
,i kaT inalr elata
il fed ot Sa.
nllraja)! fi
ai aarwl.a
Briar tWa. f 00
aaMFaaaj. tOQ
tarFSaa .51
FBaaji JM
, aakaw
aa aa aal
bar rata 7.M
r 3 rjcTmmm row to wbj
Tbo otgn of tho- times Is that hetni
eMo la a4ng to atop abort and shay
stosp.d bare hotter than la any place
th world has ever knows, tbo Ooldoa
Ago of Imperial Koxao aad BsglaaA
not excepted Time may yet eetae
when a child at midnight with a bua
dl of long treea may go through Kew
Vark'BStseeei aad bo thief aaremolaat.
There aro plaree la tbo U sited flastoe
whero ovoa stealing a ehtohem la am
hnowB, and ao door aooda lock or bar.
'Mew Tork Prooa.
QmaUm Bonnier sflrnts that tho sat
ity of bee. to fry straight to tbolrhtv
from a dlseaane ao great as two mfloa
lo mot owe. ao oomo hav belWved. to
oithor etgbt or sbmbi, ant to a-apscial
Valuable Item
for Men .
WaaHfe aad Btmatb bltharts eaAawnra
wa W W aetata lNrWa vat baxai
BWavaAuwaMrhwaad autas saaVlMVs
araalnat ambltlona mm sa a saHn 1 1 , as'
aarar War. If tha following ipavUl
Uaauant at foaaarad by Uuaa bmbu and
woman, too, who arc ilrickaa wlUi thai;
a( draadad of all efflc'V'na. narvoua p&
aaaatbHB. aoeoaapanM' with seen bttSp.
tatna.aa aatranw iwtnumaa, InaHanka.
aM avtramitiaa. maianehna. baadathf,-,
ranailpatk a aad dap'paia kMiar troo.
Bb. draadfut draanu. of 'lirr'nl dlwlm,
ahiilOaj hi vaatorins and a aanaral inabil
Hr ia aot aaturalb at D tbaaa aa whit
paoplado. Lafk of polaaand aajji'lbrlam
to avam la aeanatam murf M abarraaat
rll avaa wtwa Iba pnalic laaat aWapatls
Fwtba Vnefltof thuaaboaoia
tora-laa to fuUi boafHltf WUranl all
tba happtnaaa me c aaaaayhw It. OM fol.
lowinr biwna tnalmniL vaa, Il caa
aaina no opiate w hMl f ormh dnvrs
Whalavor. Mia - m hoaaa aad aM
Will ba Oio wW a ta 'our affliction.
Tba traajmml (a almla iharBueBand
sarraet. Laadla Hnwalata iuptilt Iba
auin UWtiira. ntrart awt imn ta
ana tmw batl a. railj ta m i Ot thraa
eaiKaa ttvp wiaoarllta amapaHnd. mi
arlth ana aanea rompaunri fliiH tamwort.
aad ataad iwa hoara. Add onaaanraaom- .
aouad nn cardlA and una uunr tlne-
ara aaanmaaa eoma-ianri nmnrei).
Bhafe waH and taka a naapaaa
aa4 awal and ona at badtrna.
The bisriHaaai an aaad nv
- He Thr' waa nearly a bad fir at
, the thsAter,
, ghe. Maw waa that?
. Me Tbo villa la IH cigarette and
tossed tho BPAssa hato Ue snow. L
Louis. Time.
at (. ... . . i i i ai i i
throwrieatts to Tonsil itia. Quin
sy aad DiphmVsrm. B ami in Wiamrd
Oil uaao as gmrsH apua tba irst
sym bombs of a ooro throat will invari-
aMy prevont all toroo of
amdowl os 40 lo ,aotimated
there OMatoyMpiMojis Of radium ia. bo
aoa. f t ,1 lu- f
LtrWn But jtJtn UAt won't tempt
th girl with the; swell bathing salt
to go late too waterionaars atatea-
Quick a
H,voor ores aeho; wl
tinaea, aoo
of Howard Bros., fljjffaJCy N. V.
4BBaf Ob Bad Bfaamaa aa LaaA
" "Are you a friend of (he paonBrV",
afsrlstrate CCoanor askad- buaom
woman -wttnees tp the Central -street
polio, atailoa goiirt yaeaaroay.
-Ni(lsao( bar-la -law,'' replied
tba- , -without sary partloBlar
ahaellag. New tork Worjd.'".
lUkaa the doauih
an coaayiiee witti m&xmaS2
alt pure food lews. I W
Makers of atAJUNS
isauar than hsasaar
On Rainy Days .
A Fish Brand Slicker
rill keep yoa dry
vJUd give ye fall ? aloe ia
' aaa(m aad Uag wear
WAlAirrtO WiTiafwamf
. lslaAanajt AeiaiaUusri tea mm
aver, Ind far aw Fraa Oatalaras
A. l.'TOWt- CO. OrVraFW
TOWtVcaJaMAB QO lad.
reaoavo. oaaaoa thffjft&
Of MiahBHoB BW
BMrtor bBBtJ Ma sBtlof ag "-7
tk oaiotoaeo of this stnnca soaaa.
wbfom woatd ho oauem.
a a osriss f
5 I CO1" o OW mw-s m bw
.7 -.ii-ariao mvaCaatBemvimH
! 100, 7Sc
' of tbo svpoawofi, bo two mliko. 4 V . ,, .
'', Off olsl P.kHnc PoaUarrls with U eokswal TWwi II eonta, or twe !
for 26 cents, stamped for mailing. . i
eBVCont OAetal View Beoka raduosd toMoakovat-- it. i
, t ta-Cent Ofbdal View Books Twdoced to lb cents. , - ,
v Hsnsnsne Book of 00 Exposition Views, St eonts. .,
'Poatsapsaa to any atkhrsss on ail of tho aboro, Addroso ' .
XT tnm IwtoiliA-onoss; BuUdins, stooHla, Waak.
i good wrtgntor and faBtor
. and bp guarantoeo to give perlact reoiaata,
etoiosattaao aaryeO Or. OaelQ psnBpsOeOsaajsm;weotsad
rite for tree booms