J u1m A- 77ie Main Chance 9T. Meredith Nicholson Cornion 103 Tn IoiuMuiiu Com vast CHAPTER XXII. ' . 1 There u much to do, and John Set ton bad bean back and forth twice bV . twera ths ranch, bouM and th village befor the win had crept high Into the BMrtni, Tbe little village had been ilow to grasp tbi fact of the tragedy at id doors which had already carried it name far. Then waa much to do 'and Jet, was ao phi fully little after all t Warty Raridan was dead, and eager men , scouring- the country for bla murderer; but John Baxton aat In the room where Warry bad died. It eeemed to John that the nd bad come of all the world. He sharpened hia grief with aelf-reproacb Chat he bad been a party to an exploit ao foolhardy: tbey ahould never hara at tempted a midnight descent upon an on known foe ; and yet It waa Oaridan'a own plan. 'Haxton bad ministered to tha boy Oram with characterlatlc kindness. Urant knew bmw of Warry'a death, and this, with hia own aharp experience, had nnnorred him. lie clung to Haxton, and JoBn soothed him until he slept. In one of the upper chambers. Wheaton atood auddenly In the door, nnd beckoned to Sin ton, who went out to bim. They had exchanged, no wprds sine that moment when the old bishop's prayer bad at tiled the room where Warry Bari fcv died. Through the errata of the morning hours. Wheat on bad bean merely apeciator of what waa done Barton had hardly noticed blot, and glancing tit Wheaton now, he waa abocked at tha look f freat ace that had come upon his. "1 want to apeak to yon a mlnuto-, you and Biahop Del a 11 Id," aald Wheaton.-. The biahop waa paoing up aod down In -the outer ball, which had. ahietlj deane dand put In order by men from the rlllag e. Wbeatoa led the Way to the room nee used aa the ranch office. "Will you alt down, gentlemenl" lie apofce with ao much ealmneaa'that -the Otbera looked at him curioualy., The blah- L op and Sexton remained etanUng, and Wheaton repeated, sharply, "WW -yon ail Sow of The two men aat down stda by Ida oo tha leather-covered bench that no around tha room, and Whoa ton atood ap before then. ( I have something to nay to yon, be fora you before we id," be aald.' Their aileoce oaamad to confuse him for a ato nent, but he regained hia eampoeura. H looked from Baxtoa to the bishop, who ajoddod, and he wont on : "The man who killed Warry Raridan Waa my brother." bo aald. and waited. Barton started slightly; bla numbed nwnees quickened under Wheat on 'a words, and In a Bash bs taw the ssplanatlo ot many things, "He was my brother,' Wheaton want a quietly. "He had wanted money from roe, 1 had refused te help him. He -carried away Urant Porter thinking to In jure me In that way. It waa that, I think, as mui'h aa the bone sf getting a large sum for the boy'a return,' A great quiet lay upon lbs bouse; the two men remained titling, and Wheat so stood before-linn with his arms Jtmeid. the bishop and Halloa wa tea lag bim, and Wheaton looking Tram so to the otb-r of hie pom pan Ions. Contempt and anger were rising In John Saltan's heart; bst tbe old bishop wslted calmly; tbli wae not tbe first time that ft troubled goal bad opened Ita door to bim. -o on," bo said, kindly. "My brother and I ran sway fro-a .he little Ohio town where we wars bjorn. tiur father waa a harness Beaker. 1 haied the place. I think I bated my father nnd root her." He paused, so w do so met I met when we have suddenly spoken a thought which we bare bang serried tn our heart but hare nerer mtemL Tbe words had elements of snrptiss for James Wheaton, and he waited, weighing hie words and wishing to deal Justly with himself. "My b rot hot waa a bed boy; be had sever gnns to srbsal, as I bad;' be had several times besa guilty el petty stealing. I Joined him sore hi ft tMt : we were arreted, bat ho took tbe but me and waa punished, and 1 wast free, J am not re that I waa any better, or that I am sow any bettor than be Is. Hot that at lbs only tuns 1 vr stole." Beaton rsoMmhors that Warry bH snce said of Jaam Wheaton tkat be Would sot ores I. "I wasted to bs assist i I trttt wry beat to do right 1 never eanaetod W dr an well aa I bars I mean la nasi nasi and things ITko that Thea after all the rears Is which 1 had sot seoa aa?1bg at my brother bo rams Into the bank ne say ss ft trams, begging, and remtsnhMd Mk At tret I bolped him. I seat aim hers: ran will nasi s her the.toan Unidw joe foaad bars wbsn yoa cease," tusataa a fJhxtoa, "I know yoa would aat bran bim. There waa nothing saw thai 2 saM do tor Urn. I bad sow ambition," his asks fall sod broke, "that two - chars wet athar things that asooat a rsat anal to ma I asatd aat has him about. It was as whs sssasltsd sjs ana Bight at Mr. Portor'n boas tarn rosea ago, whan yea," bs turned an has Msbsa, that I gats him money to tear tha eatav try end be promised to stay away j bo ho began blackmailing ms again, and I thought than that I bad dons eaoagh (or him and refused to help bim any more. When Grant Porter disappeared I knew at ones what bad happened. He b4 rbreateoed -but there Is something ! so me to rug wrong wits at I Those last words broke from him. -like ft cry, and bs staggered suddenly and would bar fallen If Haxton bad not aprung up and ought him. Ho recovered quickly and sat down on the bones. "Lt us drop this now," said Haxton, standing over Urn; "if a no time : "There's something wrong with toe, said Wheaton, huaklly, without ho ling, and Sexton drew back from him. ' I was a rain, cowardly fool. But I did tbe beat I could," bo psaaed bis band over bla fact, and bis Angers crept nervously to his collar, "but H wasn't any nasi It wasn't any uee-l He turned again to the bishop. "I beard yoa preach a ser mon ones, It waa about onr opportuni ties. Ym aald wt must lire In. tbs-opan. I had never thought or that before,- and be looked at tha bishop with a foolish grin on hia fan. He atood up suddenly snd extended his arma. "Now I want yon to tell mo what to do, I want to be punished! This man's blood la on my bands. .1 wapt to bo punished ! And be sank to the floor In a heap, repeating, aa If to himself, "I want to bs punish ed! There are twa groat crises hi the Ufr of s man. One ia mat moment of JIs- clssare when for the Ant time bs rec ognises some vital weakness In hia own character. The other comes when, under stress, ho submits this defect to the eye of another. James Wheaton hardly know when., he bad realised the first, but be waa conscious now that be had passed tha second. . It bad carried bim Ilk) a high tide to a point of rest ; but It wrs point of helplessness, too. "It Isn't for ua to punish yon,4 tha biahop began, "snd I do not ass that yos hare transgressed any law." That la H! that to it I It wouM be easier 1" moaned Wbeatoa. John turned away. Jamas Whoa ton's face was not good to sea. Yea, If would be sealer," tb biahop continued. "I can sea that la going back to Clsrksos many things will bs hard for job "I can't! Ob. I can't!" Hs still crouched; on tbe floor, with his arms se conded along tb beach. "Jtnt that la the manly thing far yoa. If you bar acted a cowardly part, now is the time tog yoa to change, and yoa must hasg oa the Bold of battle. I can imagine th discomfort of facing your old friends : that yoa will safer bean ba rn ilia t ion : that yoo may hare to begin again ; but yoa mast do It, my friend. If you wiah to rlss sbov yovmelf, and you msv dpsn4 upon sty help." Tha old man .had apobea with empha sis, but with great gentleness. H tamed to Baxton, "wlgblng bha to apeak. "'lb biahop la right. Ton umet go bark with us, Wheaton.'' Bat be did not say that be would help bias. John 81 toa neither forgot nor fotaar easily. He did not go to this dark boor what be had to do with James Wbestoe's affair. But th Biahop of Clarkson went avar to Jams Wheaton snd lifted him sp: h waa as though be woo Id mas tb physt on set carry a spiritual aid with St. "Wa can tsJh of this to better purpose whoa we get bonw," h said. "To are broken now and set yoar future darkly : but I say t you that yoa raa be re stored ; there's light and bop ahead for yoa. If there m say Meaning hi my mlnlatry k that with tb help sf God msn may corns aat of darknsas lato th light again." There waa s moment's alien. Wbea toa sat brat forward oa tb beach, with his elbows on hi knees and bis faos t hia band. They ars waiting for as," said Baa ton. A special train was sent to Great Riv er, and th littl party -waited tor It oa tb station platform, samanded by awed .villagers, who stood almnt la th pressor of death and a mystery which they but dimly comprehended. O meets of tb law rrom Clarkson cams with tbe train and surroonded Bishop DeUfleld, Wheaton and Haxton aa tbey atood with Orant Porter by tha rude bier at Warry Rarldaa. Th mm answered many ques tions and th sberlf of th souoty took tb detective away with bim.- Margrave and seat his nrlvsts oar, and th mum lag party were huddled la an and of it. aar John Havtoa, who est aton w'ta tba body ot Warry Raridan Tb tram was to go back Immediately, bnt It wait ed tor th wat-buo4 express which foi low4 :t snd nasssd tba special br. Tbt was a moment's confusion aa the netislr-wlth Us dirk burden was switch: A 'alfj a -))'n to almw tb ragnWr .ttolntb pasaTThea th special returned to th mala track and bqran lta home ward Journey.' John as wftb bta arms fclaVa, sank Into hi ersat-coat, and watched tha gray landscape throws, tb anew that was tail ing fast. Th vnts of th night sailed lylb a hldooas dream. It was aa Incaar cslvaM thing that wllhla a fear bona a sir h eaiamit! rooM bar fallen. Tb very nalrneai at ah cKv to which -tbey wars bound added to th warsaltty of aM that bad bay. Bat thofa-lh data harden Jay; had the snow fell span fhs gray earth and whitened H, as If to eleanes and remab It -awl blot ant Hs eowr and dread. The others left Baxtoa' aton; he waa Bearer than they ; bnt Ian In th afternoon, aa they approaches tbi ft Oftstabi Whitman gams to and. touched him aa aw bbaadaarr Bmhon IMahoM wUbed to am) hist. Jeha rosa, giwuat Whiaiiah bto-nhsat, and went bach to wher tha sM ama sat atartng atataW anew. M to rhiail Magnaa sit sWa by him. . T Ji . ; "Wnate's Was mar tb slibip ashed. Jeha laatas at bim awl at tb athev msn waa eat hi Miens 'anas the ar. H want a at them sad rgad th Wbsatoa was net aa tb train. H had baaa at tb statins and had com aboard tb ear with tb rant; but be moat bare re turned to tb station and besa left. John rsmsnUnrad h nasalng of th wsaMwund um .ni want back and told the bishop that Wheaton bad not coma with thorn. Th. eld man shook bat head and tarn! again to tb window sad tb flying aanorana of th snow Undsespe, John sat by him, and nltb( poke until the train's speed diminished at a crossing on tb outskirts of Uiaak- ass. Than suddenly, hot. at heart sno wHh tsars of sorrow snd rage la bla ay, Baxton said, a thai only th bssbof could hear:- "H' a coward PT ! Tb Bishop of Clarkeon stored stsaall) oat upoa tb snow wKh troubled sys. . CHAPTER XXIII. Porter Insisted that Margrav shonki not bar th Traction Company at any price, though tb gnral manager af tb TnnHallnnKl twnlstent la hi offers. ' As hUrgrave did not ear to dal wkb Porter, who was net, he complain ed, "an easy trader," he negotiated with Fenton and Sexton! After several weak Of IneSectnal effort he concluded that Wanton and eUitan were almost SS dinV n nIM naTtan a "stubborn brats" te Baxtoa 'a face; but offend to continue him ia a responsible poaltloa with th company If hs would help him with th parch. He still wntd to control th company for political reasons, but tber was also tbe fact of-bJs having Invested th money of everal 01 his friend tn tba Transcontinental director ate, prior to tha iaat annual meeting. Thess ganttoman' bad begun to Inquire In a inrpectful way when Margrav wa going to ffct the coup which; ta had been assuring them, be had planned. They had, they were a war, not rlghM as against- tbs bondboldsn; and as Har grac understood this perfectly well, b was very anxlons to buy in the property at receiver's sal far aa amount that would satisfy Portos and bla allies, and giv him a obsac to "square himself, as be put It Thai required additional mon ey, bat bs was abls to command It from hi 'peopls," for tb receirer had dem onstrated bnt the property could be mad to pa. Wbil these negotiation wars pending, Baxtoa and fenton were abl to aatlafy their curiosity as to th relation which bad existed bctwsm Wbeatoa and Mergrare. Margrav bad a sham in confessing Juat what bad imased between nhm : hs viewed it all aa a Job, aad explained, without eompune tien. nactl tbs manner in which be bad com by tbe shares wch bad belonged to Bvelyn Portsr and James ueatoa, Wbea Baxtoa came back from Colo rado, Porter was 111 again, and ronton was seriously disponed to accept 8 pric which Margrave's gyodkat bad offered. Urgrav's position bad grown an com fortable; bs bad to get ki merit and "bis ni.H" oat af a ecrans at any cost. Hia plight pleased Fentonwbo tried to make Porter so th Irony of it ; and Au view of it, a much as tb high offer, finally pravniled npoo hrm. He saw at met th fatuity -af securing and managing she property for himself; 'lib health had' be coms a matter af osncarn, and Fenton Insisted abet a street sal I way company would prev n aaaler ta akuag. than a Porter waa, at John bad said, "m pe cs liar brick," aad after tb final orders of the mart bad been made, and Baxton' fees allow. Porter sent htm a check for Av thousand dollars, without conwnsnt. rentoa awd bim kera H; Porter bad don well la Traction and be awed mocb ta Job , bnt Jobs pretested mat he pre toned being thanked to being tipped ; but the lawyer persuaded him at last that the Idiosyncrasies of tba rich ought to b respected. ' Porter felt his burdens slipping from bim with unexpected Htlsfactlon. Hs grew yauty In hi M way as bs chid has eontemporerfea and friend for bald ing on; as for bimssif, b told them, hs Islanded "to die restod." and bs sdjuetod hi affairs as that they would giv bim Urtl trouble In the future. Th cot tag which be bad bought aa tb North Bhor was s phtc they bad all adrntras tbe previous so miser. Partsr bag lined tt os caues tber waa enoagb ground to afford lawn and flower beds which bs ealtlvuMd with a much mtisfaetien at bom. Tbe plac was called "Bed Gables, " aod Por tsr had bought it with Its furniture, so that there was tittle to do In taking pos sesslea bnt to mora m. ' The Whlppl were their first gnarto, gaJag to them la mid-July, whea tbey wars fully Installed. The eider BostosJan who Portor bad met tbs prsvioai samassr wrecsptly renew ed thalr acnualntana with bim. Ha bad artalaad, la their ayaa, a new algnltr la becoming a cottager. Th prayious own er of "Red Gables" had lately tolled In bust a and they found In tb advent of th Porters a sign f th replenishing of tb Rsst from th West, which hvam eeted them xUweaaloH. Parte inch ed tbstr wa rewoea, bnt mr uad te bear him talk. Ha was amusing and ln terssatng, aad they bad alsnady found hia pmphsclea concern lag the market trust worthy. Th Ufies Sf thelf famlllea beard with horror bla view an tb In dian auesBoa. wbtoft wta net roamntis. ar touched with a nwlrh) af Baaaoa ehlnwtoteay ; bat ass snagblas was love ly, y mod. anf, bar aaail ama whlj InoBsnsiv. - m t Sa tb PeMera wat waB ratal v4 and Bvetya was glad to aad hot hthar a reptlag his new Wear a complacently. Bbeand Mrs. Whipple agreed that he and ta general war as bands and totar- astlag as any i wandar what prnaaoaa fbal OrnJ ngavaairat abani tb a tb st nervy iwi iwaiam daabtnikf warn ae ' -.. i . . (Te a tbmnd ) , t nannnn-wnssai ft, 8" r. "I Use. " Crawford Ba your win sunk mlnoe pins may morT . . Crab haw No. She uss "All tba adds and ends around tha house as trimmings for hsr hL Puck, "I waa tolmlekitig Pro fees or Bor resterdsy and bs caught aa,"- : . "What did hs sayr "Told no to atop making n tool myssif. The Wasp. Haw Oalw Cnaaee, "Ton must not Interrupt" me" nha J am speaaing; tnt "Why, that's 4b only time I can interrupt -xou - aaxnina." Tonkra BUtea man. 1 -'Has Mad'. ajBaalwTrf ' bfrs. Church Toil say ahswag s war oorrpondnt oncef lira. Ootbaxa Tes. shs was"' cr tary af. a wotoatfs elub-Tonhsm Statesman. . t,SI r Congress refused United .. State PCommlsslonsr of Bduoatlon Brown's request for tS.OOO to study a 'certain pbas of child Uf.. but granUd f il.DO for a sclsntlflo study af clam. , Wen Ha Ov Hia with aaed to tts atrongiy p poaed to bla playing poker aod now aba likes to bar him play. Tea, be play better, thaa'n bsad1 to.1 Houston Poht- t j T)r Wh fee Haerr. 1 r? Tho Africans who named' Mr. Rooesvslt Bwana fumba- resJJy ought to sea Mr. Tart, who Is a grant deal bwmnter and has 'a tumbo twlc .as large, Unci .Herdus Magaalna ffla xsMWteaa Vaeiwl; Th prodigal son. repentant, or, at any rat, weary, of th diet of husks forced upon hi kind by a vigilant po. He system, had experienced qhange of heart end joined lb church. ' The good sisters were discussing bis desir ability. "But." rapostolsted Mr. Btrntghtlao, with a-fin and virtuous display af righteousness, "h . waa a csmmos gambjsr what 4bp call a bunko steer- or." " '. . :'.' j- "Isn't It lovely!" wclslmed Mm Up- tcdsta "What a help h win be tn getting op our church fair." Pa lis -dolphin Record : Ttotertena atvew liala Oeatfc, . As most of ns know, P. T. Baroum died but a few mouth after his com pet I tor Id tha "show" business, Adam rorepaugh. When Barn urn arrived at tb pearly gate b waa welcomed by Porepaush. who exclaimed exulting!, "Well. Pete. I got ahead of yoo tbls time!" P. T. did not answer, but amllrd aa b pointed to k large bill posted Bear the mala entrance. H read: "Walt for Barnnm Coming Boon." Success Magaaln. Vase Certain Miesnitsssai ' "la tt true, doctor," asked tb aam- Mt girl, "that eating cucumbara will rvtnov freckle r" '"Of anraa," replied Dr. Klddr, "to oertaln etraumstances." Rsallr! What clrcumaUncr ' "Wsll. provided tb freckles ut an tba) encumbers." Answers, ' I Allsl Dareev atayaaav TJaysey Mayme Apple Urn waa read ing a newspaper tost night whea sud denly shs gave a scream and fell to the Boor In a dead faint. Now, ao oording to the look and tradition Dayasy Mayme fainted becauee shs read the announcement of an old swestheart'a marriage or death (and It would turn out afterward, accord ing te the baofcs snd tradition, that hs waa a cousin of hsr old awethart by th ssnts asms). But real llfs Is ao unlike th book and tradition. Upon being rv1vd Dyey Mayme related that she saw hosiery advertised for IT aanto thai she had paid M cent for the day before. Atchison Oloba, Me. Pardon are. Dr. Neatly, bat ft) to awntpiy pmposlrus for you to want ta snerry my dsughtsr. Ton are aaors than twlc as eld as ah la," ' "I know that. Mr. Sykce, bat whan he has been a preacher's wife ten or fifteen yearn eh will look fully as old aa t do Chicago Tribune r 1 A DOSE OF cure: Tit U9t iunK fM (au a !, i eflndrrn, Goaf J kit hjM J.iJrmxtk. I at safe aa t k m antetd to contam no rsjiatoa. I awfaanbapia - ,reaa,a,pento BAND INSTRUMENT LESSONS .... toasb Oraet, CXastost, nasiskis. PWaa. flesan, nna -Tvaaaaaaw, TsreoTi isiksss, It OiinaaaaMosslsaajiesavaalaassn, fananto tnZwsawd. m 1 fn fill nan IPsTtRNAllONAL CONSERVATORY Of MUSIC maoMCmmztfoKnum, Fin '2 Care Fine Hair It's fine cire that makes 'Joe hair I UKAyer'aHalr Vigor, new Improved formal, sys tematically, conscientiously, and you will set fesulta. We know H stops falling hair ewe dandruff, and is a most elegsm dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Yeast aJa witkesah seSUs aasw it t ya Aver Hair Vigor, aa now made from onr new Improved formula, ia tbe latest, most scientific, and In every way the very best hair preparation ever placed apoa the market. For railing hair and dandruff g) Is tba ma crest medicine. i.sUfawaftaOS.IanSlI.hw Het ( 'Taitasni -"How does your husband manage tn tb winter when tb aUtoPaobllsjsaaon to overl" . i ' : "Ftaa Hd takes up nowllhg na4 " jfcftas ta klU the pinboya" Puck. ,, .. All tea CaevewleMaV'.' Mr. Ctoplal had'ahovrod Miss Tr sleep his Imitation of famous net- -era end she had mad a blue at, ap-, ' plaudlng. Then h asked. "Do yoa think I ought to go on th stacsT" "Oh, you don't havs to o on a slaaa tf you'rs thinking of going," ah -answered. "Ws are Inside th' city Irm- -. lta. snd an owl oar go vsry ball hour." . t Shortly after that, ba went. Ctov. land Xeader, ,' v A wae rillwr. ' Tbs els vet or In the department eteea waa. about to start on Ita upward trip. whn fleshy customer came waddling toward It. : . "Room for' ttrr wtor." said tbs ele -. vntor starter. "Step Inside, madam. That will be all." ' "Clip I Clipt Cllpt" want his Casta net. '. : '- . King Edward, when Prince sf Walee, never votd on any political question; but be always voted for th"tosssd Wife' Blstsr BUI, which waa a aooiai, and not n political, matter. Bad BLOOD "Before I began naing; Caatnrata X bad bad complexion, pimple on my face, and my food waa not digested ss it should have been. Now I am entirely well, snd tba pimples bare nO daaassxanxrad frona my face. I can troth fully nay that Cnacsret ar Just a sdvertisad; I bav tafcan only two bona of tbem." Clarenc Vu Griffin, Sheridan; bd. tosssnt Palatafala, Xsot. Teats Good. DoOood. Never Slckso.Wesksa or Orlps. Uo.ISc.90e. Never sold tn balk. Theso tos aOttst stsmpsd C C C. Qnara Sssd IP ' 7 A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Msa an aannbox wstsr swpplr. It mssns that yoa aritl havs ta moat prsrtl cl Pisa sal If walsr auuplr arstaas now la as. No alsvatad tank, no frosen pipaa ks wlatsr, no Maamant walsr In aonaaar. watar optty tnnMas at mnj aort. Tank plscad tn hsaaniant. out of alskt and war. faada of pnaaad aessL wtB ae rast asal Will lasts lltatiia. You will bs pleased wnh Um UUDBat sf forniahlns Uomsau wstsr Supply. Ask tor our ntsJoa-ue aad frae bouikat, MSi ! aw WUW "aWPV LCVYtS & STAVCR CO. PortlfMid, Ore. Bow!rc'Wwb asd aaabs tt. saw. Wa o I - I -"I-.. 1 . ' t ' v r-'l ' a ami dree bim awn. aataa, U ita ha bat l t